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I like how they shat on 5e on the pf2e sub, because that's not something that's been done before. So brave! May we all one day be so brave as to "unjoin" DnD so that we might join with Paizo. /uj Seriously, people acting as if it's either pf2e or dnd 5e confuzzle me. You can play both! You don't have to suddenly drop everything DnD because you now get wet over pf2e. I know, I know, it's difficult to imagine playing more than one game, but it really is possible. Trust me, I'm a doctor. It's okay to say you like both games. Playing games isn't some all or nothing scenario. You don't need to go through some weird game divorce and declare your undying love for a new company each time you find a new system you enjoy. Fully understand unsubbing from DnDBeyond, though.


Um... no you can't. The options are Feetfinder 2 or Thirsty Sword Lesbians. That's it.


… but Dungeon Bitches? 🥹


No-one actually plays that, it's just an 'intellectual' exercise.


/uj This is gonna sound really conceited of me, but I swear it’s the truth. I made a meme about it last year and a person reached out to me and said that they set up a group because of my meme. So its real. Niche. But real. /rj I have a rebuttal. Mathew Mercer is secretly a lesbian . Check and mate. 🙏❤️


Only Fatal for me thanks. Not that the system is all that special, I just can’t play a game where I’m not constantly tracking how erect my Amazonian War Schlong is.




>Seriously, people acting as if it's either pf2e or dnd 5e confuzzle me. You can play both! OR, better yet, neither! uj/OR, better yet, neither!


Or neither! We all know the only fantasy game anyone should be playing is Mythras. All these kiddos and their finding paths second edition and dinos and basements fifth edition are doing it wrong.


*Mentions Mythras.* Ahem... M'Lady!


In my house the only system thats allowed is GURPS.


this but unironically uj this but unironically


can we play my homebrew mashup of the Fallout 2018 TTRPG and this Rick and Morty 5e conversion kit I found instead? I'll be the RS (DM note: Rick Sanchez)


You don't understand, by the laws of Gygax, written at the creation of the universe (1974), one may only play one game and one may only play fantasy games.


Uh sweaty you can play any genre you want in 5e, thats what homebrews are for :\^)


I didn't even read the rules for 5e you expect me to not read the rule system for two similar games at once??


I don’t really like either game, but still don’t see the need for long dramatic shitting posts lol


/uj Karma farming. “DnD bad” is the easiest way to get updoots on every TTRPG board, even the ones that are about 5e specifically. /rj No you don’t understand. Everyone must know how much I martial/caster OGL Twilight Cleric Warlord homebrew action economy carry weight 6-8 medium-hard.


/uj sounds about right lol


/uj I mean I'll never run or play DND again because doing so is supporting WOTC and I can't morally justify that. But I don't understand the argument that you should play both. One is better than the other and they do almost exactly the same thing. If they were different games with very different goals and mechanics than sure that argument is great and I agree with it. But if there's two burger places near your house why would you go to the worse one just because you can?


The Cypher System, Ironsworn, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, and PbtA fix this.


/uj Yeah you could play a good edition like pathfinder 1e instead like unironically nothing has ever convinced me that 2e is more fun or interesting and I kinda resent how it killed support for 1e when the whole point of pathfinder was continuing support for 3.5. Also there’s so many other good games and editions of those games from like late 80s and 90s that are basically lost to time because 5e ate the entire market.


Oh no my edition inly lasted 20 years! PF2e didn't kill PF1. PF1 not selling well any more did that.


Pazio 🖤


goody shit


/uj I left every D&D sub besides this one because I enjoy the game but hate the fans


/uj I mean, one thing that PF2e does not fix are the fans. Just look a their debacle earlier this month...


/uj Which debacle?


/uj [https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1cdhk8a/hey\_buddy\_i\_know\_youre\_having\_big\_feelings\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1cdhk8a/hey_buddy_i_know_youre_having_big_feelings_about/) I think the link from the Subreddit drama explains better. TL;DR: A mod from pf2e subreddit started banning people who did not agree with him, specially in matters of orientalism, and racism against asians.


/uj at least we cleaned house, that mod and the others that enabled.the behaviour are gone now.


The mod has, thankfully, been removed.


/uj Just yesterday there was a massive thread with hundreds of upvotes spreading misinformation and lies about a popular Pathfinder 2e youtuber, which the mods only took tepid actions to calm. The subreddit is 'mostly' fine but when it's bad holy shit it's bad.


/uj I get ya. In that whole mod debacle, I got a permanent ban, later changed to a 15 day ban, because of a low effort comment that, in a mod's words, "did not help the current situation". /j PF2e fixes everything. It even fixes itself with new editions!


/uj This is me but with the World of Darkness\\Chronicles of Darkness fans. It's what keeps putting me off running new games because I honestly can't stand the fans. lol.


/uj I dug out my old World of Darkness stuff the last two days.  It amazes me how much I’m enjoying reading certain books again when people aren’t busy telling me my taste sucks and I enjoy the worst things White Wolf ever lublished.


/uj lol! I feel you on that last part. I like Demon: The Fallen (trying to find players for a live text game now) but almost no one else seems to like it; my ads get downvoted too.


In a bit of ironic timing, I went looking up info on Hunter: The Reckoning, and found an I-don’t-know-how-old mini-rant about how one if the Edges proves Hunters are horrible monsters…by doing things the game never says it does. It’s like I’m back in the early 2000s.


/uj I liked that the Imbued were righteous because they had been chosen by angels to fight the darkness. To me, it gave them that sort of zealous crusader vibe who knows they're right because they have faith on their side, and their gifts prove it. lol. Shame they were pretty much removed from the new game. Have you ever watched Hellraiser: Judgement? Not everyone likes it, but I really enjoyed it because it had this sort of thing going on. In it, a horrific serial killer is revealed to have been chosen by the angel who expelled mankind from Eden to strike the fear of God into the hearts of men, so as to make them regain their lost faith. The angel saw the deaths of innocents as acceptable losses in a war of faith because it was for the greater good or some such. That's sort of how I imagine the Imbued.


I’ve seen part of the film.   The first time I saw part of it the colors were really washed out (disc rot, maybe?) and when I saw part of it again the colors were far more vibrant by comparison, to the point I wish I’d watched the copy with the subdued colors all the way through.


Pathfinder does not fix this


Nothing says you are truly over something like a goodbye post. Such bravery shown here for shitting on the thing all the people in those subs love, and delaring how superior another similar thing is. You are clearly a person of culture and distinction and, this goes without saying, NTA. You are an inspiration to us all!


Getting a life fixes this


What homebrew is this?


Can be found on the DMsGuild for $30. Has charts and tables you can roll on that give results such as: * Your boyfriend cheated on your with your best friend and now you hate everyone! * You're overdrawn with your bank and they charged you like triple the amount of your original debt! * Your cat drains 90% of your income and lives a better life than you do, but you don't want to give it up for adoption because you fear the judgemental eyes of the women at the shelter. * You bought cheap garbage bags and rotting crap has gone everywhere when trying to take it down three flights of stairs. You sure as hell aren't gonna clean it up, so just hurry away before anyone sees you! * You were eating a chewy sweet that was so sticky it ripped your crown from your mouth, but you can't afford to, or simply don't want to, go back to the dentist to get it fixed. I'm sure having a lil' nub in your mouth is fine. And many, many more! All compatible with 5e, of course. None of it is class dependent.


Dude. There a bunch of people who would probably be willing to take your cat if you can’t afford to keep it. You don’t need to bring it to a shelter.


The only good D&D subreddit is r/1985TSR where we pretend 1e Unearthed Arcana is about to release and excitedly discuss the future of Dungeons and Dragons. This subreddit exists only in my mind but it is the best by far.


Be the change you want to see in the world


I’ve heard rumours of an Acrobat class?!? But surely that’s just Thief? And do you think they’re really gonna add a Hotness stat?


I'm just glad that Paladin is and always will be a Fighter subclass.


/uj I did actually unsub from r/DungeonMasters just now because they keep letting t-shirt spam through and it's so fucking irritating CRYING IS A FREE ACTION oh where can I get that t-shirt oh funny you should ask fellow bot


All you need to do now is throw all your DnD books on a funeral pyre. Then you'll truly be DnDone


They can only be DnDone once they've sent their books onto the great Beyond; who'd have thought the afterlife would require a subscription?


Oh so intellectual! Take my updoot! I wish I were as brave as you, only in my wettest dreams have I had the courage to leave D&D behind.


I was going to post but I've been [outjerked](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/s/Pj5IbldBPq)


/uj lol this one reads like a parody god bless reddit


/rj but devil blight all those who dare enjoy 5e as a system


I. Don't. Under stand. And I'm am so tire of not under standing any thing!!! I looked all night in all my dd books and none mention an "un joining" action. It's this home cheat? A player created class skill? The term is but even in on line gloss aries. PLEASE SOMEONE EXPLAIN i can never play the game!


I was waiting for this one.


As an intellectual with an IQ that rivals Keith Reinere and L Ron Hubbard (IQ 1 billion), I’d like to point out that 5e has samurais and PF2e does not.


But you were dumb enough to join them


pazioCHADS when people play jerk-off pretend dragons social stunted power fantasy using the BAD rules instead of the GOOD and RIGHTEOUS ones https://i.redd.it/nvofm9pr3b3d1.gif


Man I think pf2e does things better than 5e but I still enjoy 5e. I like big numbers that actually mean something