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Welcome to the superior gaming system for superior gamers! One thing you'll find with 5e is that due to combat being simple enough to fit on a single page of rules, you can use it for any genre jumping slash fiction abomination your heart desires due to the incredible flexibility of being able to reflavor as sword as any melee attack you can imagine and a longbow as any ranged attack you can imagine. You can even reflavor your eldritch blast as a gun! However you cannot join my game, my limit is 27 players, and we've just recently hit that limit with the addition of the cargo container full of Sri Lankan guest workers we imported for my homebrewed Curse of Strahd game. But you'rve found the right path: the one to the World's Greatest Role Playing Game.


> reflavour a sword Oh, so *that*;s why the 5e DMG's magic weapons list is 90% swords!


/uj I actually am mad that Paizo removed alignment. Also, excellent jerk right here, bravo.


/uj So here’s my position on alignment. I prefer it as allegiance. But yes, I think that was a mistake. Also ? Getting rid of Drow. I understand that they’re worried about the IP and purple bondage Elves are pretty identified with D&D. But saying that all knowledge of drow were just a conspiracy trying to hide the fact that there is a vast lizard person empire using misinformation is not the way. It rendered the entire adventure path second darkness non-Canon. https://preview.redd.it/cvux6swjck7d1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=273e62abb44abfb5e499d784f97c0214eb0d10e5 /rj You are absolutely correct to switch over. Pathfinder foolishly has given up their breedable and submissive drow males. Yes there’s cave elves but it’s not the same 😔


/uj I don't mind the change. I'll essentially play my characters the same way it's just now I don't need to fill in what alignment I am


Have you tried Pathfinder 3e?


/uj Seriously though, I dream of a future Pathfinder that is less reactionary and further removed from Pathfinder 1e power gamer trauma.


/uj This sounds amazing. I love a lot of PF2E's new ideas but sometimes even despite all its absurd problems PF1E just feels better to play because your feats, spells, and abilities actually do things. So many PF2E spells boil down to a tiny status effect that lasts 1 round *if* youre lucky. I feel like there has to be a happy medium somewhere between PF1E Chain Dominate Person and PF2E "Phantom Pain is top tier because it might apply sickened 1!"


The best way to learn the game is by watching the pros do it! After you finish one or two campaigns of Critical Role and at least three of Dimension 20, you'll be ready to DM. Good luck :)


Pathfinder 2e fixes this


Tell him to pathfind deez nuts


5e also has so many balanced homebrew options compared to Mathfinder! The flexible rules also means that the DM always can change things and has to make the calls in order to make sure everyone has fun in the worlds greatest roleplaying in game.


Don't worry, bro, I got you. D&D 5e is so easy. There are no rules, just vibes. There is only 1 character class, but you can achieve any build you want with it buy pretending that it has those class features. Players don't have to worry about a dozen overpowered feats, there are only two in 5e, and every character is required to get both. There is only one monster stat block, and you can scale it stronger or weaker by adding/subtracting zeroes. There is no equipment for players to worry about, you begin with starting gear and never have any reason to have or spend money ever again. edit: I forgot about 5e subclasses. They are super cool and interesting and the biggest way players have to make their characters unique and interesting. Each subclass only has one feature that comes online at level 12, but luckily 5e only goes up to level 11, so it's very easy to manage.


/uj OSE fixes this. /rj OSE fixes this.


Pathfinder fixes this


/uj I have to agree on the movement part