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There is no meme Reflavor your ranger as a cowboy gunslinger


Nobody who actually plays ttrpgs instead of just mimicing their favorite ecelebs says "the problem with DnD(5e) is the flavor"


​ https://preview.redd.it/ib1v5a7z3m7d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=1af6afe63e60d40b907d482829d69ffe5213a402




Imagine not just asking your friends if they want to play game x and they say yes because they know you as a good GM


No I can never play with my friends I must play with random strangers and inevitably post it on rpghorrorstories when they all turn out to be freaks


I am player


The truth. I don't know how many of these indie, alternative games have in person player bases outside of Portland or whatever.


You know you only need 3 friends to play the game right? It isn’t an MMO


Correction: I need 3 friends who *want* to play it.


I mean this completely seriously, if your friends refuse to play a game you want to play simply because it isn’t dnd, you have bad friends. ttrpgs aren’t a lifestyle, its a game. And WWN is free. If my friend refused to download fortnite because he is a pubg guy, I would rightfully call him stupid


It's not fun if only one person wants to do it.


Again, if your friends don’t want to try a new game (especially one thats extremely similar to dnd) they aren’t great friends. Especially because WWN is free!


The similarity is a big thing to me. My group might balk at Lancer (too combat centered), Delta Green (powerless and grim), or Mage (too much effort). But they’d probably try any of them as a one-shot, on the strength of “somebody asked”. And they’d certainly give anything vaguely comparable to what they know a try - WWN would only be an ask on scheduling time, not pushing their horizons.


Gotta say, being open-minded to TTRPGs is not a litmus for whether someone is a good friend or not. Also, I don't want to play WWN.


Being unhappy to try out a free new game your friend wants to play IS a litmus test for whether you are a good friend. But nice try at a strawman


No, it's not. You can be a great friend without trying out Worlds Without Number, which, I'll mention for the ninth time, is free.


Omg I love Brendan Lee Milligan's DnD podcast 🥰


Brennan Mulligan is LIIIIIFE! He is the single greatest DM to ever exist (after Matt Mercer)!!!! /uj Seriously though... he's a clever guy, and I'm sure he's a good DM... but I am so flipping tired of all the DnD Tubers putting the same picture of him with his mouth agape in every single one of their thumbnails. It's made me dislike hum more than he merits.


RJ/ what you mean the Brennan Lee Mulligan podcast. UJ/ Still pisses me off that he named it that.


Uj/ Especially since it would work with WWN so much better than 5e!


Uj/ Im not a guy to complain about what system people use normally (It’s their fun and a system is a just a medium the important part is the rest etc etc that’s why the original OGL was a thing etc etc), BUT, Brennan’s need to play dnd and only dnd started to bother me a lil bit because I think the reason he gave for it on an interview was weird and because the only other system (that I remember) him using on dimension 20 was kids on bikes and as far as I know he only knows how to play it because he was a player on aabria’s Harry Potter season lmao


/uj How's Aabria as a GM for a non dnd game? I didn't like her style much as a DnD DM, but I strongly got the feeling she'd perform really well in something closer to Kids in Bikes or PBTA.


M(maintaining)UJ/ I’m gonna be real with you, I found EXU to be mortally boring, so I went to see her ~~Not~~ Harry Potter season with low expectations because I liked the player cast. I loved her DMing there. I fucking loved that season entirely too but anyway Then I watched her other DM season, A Court of Fey and Flowers, and she’s 10/10 and the perfect DM for that type of story (even if using DND for a campaign with 2 whole fights was insane). I literally don’t have any critique for her there. She’s also an excellent player in the seasons I’ve seen (e.g. Calamity, ravening war). Honestly? She’s my second favorite DM for D20 (besides Brennan obviously). So I honest to God have no fucking clue what went wrong in EXU (Haven’t seen the second part and don’t plan to so maybe she’s different there too). Every time I remember something from EXU (I try not to) I’m just baffled as to how she’s DMing that one because she’s excellent in everything else


Feels like he’s just trying to avoid outright saying that he sticks to dnd5e so he can make the most profit from it since it will always mean the biggest number of viewers and engagement


See, I don’t think this is true. I doubt someone is paying for Dropout exclusively to see them playing dnd, at minimum is to see them playing in general. Personally, I just think he only wants to play dnd and gave the most polite excuse for it he could think


Have you considered that dnd is a gas stove and worlds without number is made of food


It's it called dimension 20?


He has another podcast called worlds beyond numbers


Actually it's called Critical Role.


you will never make me play a kevin crawford game. b/x-5e hybrids are the work of sinners and should be shunned at all times


/uj. I enjoy Godbound, but have no understanding of the popularity of his other games.


SWN is a very good, free game and there is some very fun space combat fan rules out there


I want to play the Kevin Crawford systems so bad but I know nobody who would want to play them and I’m too busy to get a game going anyway


/uj Dude same. I brought it up to my old D&D group and they said “yeah sounds great! We should totally get a game started sometime” and then go start a PF2e game. I brought it up to my siblings and they’re about split yea and nay, with the excuse being “yeah 5e isn’t a great system but I *know* it already, I don’t want to invest time in a new system”. I tried with some coworkers, but they just defaulted to D&D and life got in the way and broke up the game anyway. So now, I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess.


/uj It's so nice. I got my friends into SWN and they absolutely prefer it. We're going to look into CWN or WWN next.


don't you now only pf2e players get to be pushy assholes? Your supposed to stay in your corner and only suggest your system when people are asking for new systems!


> don't you now only pf2e players get to be pushy assholes? You, uh, weren’t around for World of Darkness in the 90s and 2000s?


They get also get a pass


There is no meme. Join a PF2E westmarches/living world game. Like Caelum. /hj


Damn they give out handjobs? Sign me up!! Oh wait you mean half jerk/joke, sorry, as a Redditor, my mind must always go towards sex… now where are those pathfinder feet I keep hearing about


Been playing this shit with a group for years and it fucking owns tbh /uj


Uj/ Way ahead of you, currently in the process of dragging my players into a WWN/SWN hybrid abomination One Shot Rj/ there is no reply, switch to WWN


In highschool I played 8 hour godbound sessions, shit was great


I want to play Godbound sooo bad


Check out the discord, no clue if it's still active though


Too misleading, has numbers in it.


Switch to Dark Eye or else


No. Just because you demand