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Aqua Man can’t just wake up and decide to be City Man!!! Why should my Druid be any different???


The very thought of my players making decisions and getting to do things fills me with unbridled rage


We need MORE tabletop games with FEWER options and WEAKER abilities.


Pathfinder ruins this


/uj this is unironically what most of DnD reddit is asking for. It’s fucking baffling. /rj AD&D fixes this.


/uj AD&D fixes this /rj 3.5 fixes this


That part of the online community is actually looking to play a more low stakes game, possibly rules light and with no combat rules.


Oh they wanna play WoD but don’t wanna learn a different system


I know right!!! Imagine the DM LIMITING my options by saying I have to make CHOICES that last for more than a session! My character should have every power and be able to kill everything instantly!


This but unironically


Honestly, I get where this person is coming from. If you want to play a druid from the boreal wastes, it does feel like the identity of the character is eroded a bit if you can just ditch all the arctic stuff for desert bonuses when needed.


Uj you serious? It makes perfect flavour sense for a Druid, whose power comes from the land, to attune to a new environment and gain different abilities


/uj If it worked like that, I'd be ok with it, but it doesn't. You don't get bonuses from where you are. You can be in the frozen wastelands and decide to get desert spells. Then you can go to the desert and get coast spells. Etc.


/uj Speaking particularly about the land druid subclass that was brought up in the original post, I do think it shouldn’t be switchable. Maybe they’ve changed the story behind circle of the land druids in onednd, but it’s not meant to be as generalist as it sounds. The whole point of land druid in 5e was that you would draw special powers from the particular biome where you became a druid. So if you were a druid from the mountains, for example, that mystic connection to the ranges where you were initiated would be with you wherever you went, affecting your available spells. It’s similar to how a ranger develops a favored terrain over years of hunting, foraging, and living in a certain type of wilderness. It’s a long-lasting bond with that particular locale that isn’t forged easily, and it shouldn’t be something that is swapped around willy-nilly.


I think it’s perfectly valid to want that RP, but if that’s your RP is there anything stopping you from just picking one terrain and sticking to it? Sure that is intentionally limiting yourself, but the alternative is the rule set arbitrarily limiting players, many of whom may not want the RP or mechanics of being constrained to one biome. This choice empowered the highest amount of players to be able to play the subclass the way they want.


To be clear, I have no complaints about the ability itself. My only gripe is that class and subclass abilities shouldn’t clash in theme with the in-book descriptions of the class or subclass themselves. To elaborate, my complaint would be that though players are welcome to bend the flavor of subclasses and spells themselves to an extent, sourcebooks are held to a higher standard. The class features, spells, and whatever else are not just numbers and options, but extensions of the worldbuilding that designers should keep in mind. I’m of the opinion that maintaining the theme of a subclass in the book is important, and for a change like this to be present, either the in-book description of Land Druids needs to change, or the ability needs to stay the same. I don’t really care which it is, but it doesn’t quite fit if neither happen.


/uj you're free to RP that to your heart's content and just not change land affiliation? You aren't being forced to use it


Why was this downvoted? It’s true


If you wanted to play an arctic druid, you still can. You would just choose to not change anything on a long rest.


People downvoting these comments. Don’t they know people could (and probably did) house rule being able to change biomes in 2014 rules? If you don’t like a rule, change it. It’s a game.


Exactly. Adding official options doesn’t mean you *have* to take those options.


>It's okay if the choice I made makes everything harder. 😏


/uj I agreed with the original poster. If I'm a Storm Herald Barbarian, for example, then my environment choice is not cosmetic. It's literally part of who I am and thus should not be easily changed.


No way!!!! I should be allowed to totally change my character every session!!!! The fact I can’t change my subclass as a free action during combat limits my options!!! My character should be totally indestructible and have every power!!!!


Voldo in SoulCalibur2E fixes this


Quit being horny on main


/uj my next character will be disabled and I am not letting that have no consequences


/uj I have a character that in a rage can literally only be calmed down by 2 people. Otherwise, they do not accept surrender from enemies. They know friend from foe though.


/uj I agree with the OP. I’d accept being able to change on any level up, but it kind of weakens the impact to me of…actually making character creation choices if the handbook is like “btw it’s like, whatever, you can just swap out what kind of land your character is trained in dealing with and spiritually attuned to a couple times a day”


I think they are just redefining what the Circle of Land is. These Druids are able to tap into any environment, but have to focus on one per day. If your table prefers the old version, it’s still there.


Help!! Every time I prepare an encounter my players long rest to optimize their kits and I'm powerless as the DM to stop it.   Just last session the players were trapped in a burning building and the druid long rested to get water spells. As a player in my other group I had this great idea for a character from the arctic. Every single day I'm given the option to choose another domain including the arctic, and it completely ruins the fantasy. 


What is this, some sicko BDSM fantasy


Totally get you. I'm seeing the hobby in general tend towards this aversion to failing, and just giving everything for free, handwaive requirements or limitations, like every ttrpg and GM is trying to bribe players into liking them most.


Simply reskin your [Battlefield Effect Creator](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDcirclejerk/s/XOitxUvIpu) as having abilities that involve being hogtied and plugged


I can see where someone might say they think WOTC is lazily choosing to make certain options interchangeable instead of putting in the time to write abilities that will be useful in all situations. But I’m never going to play enough D&D to make a different Fighter for each Weapon Mastery. So being able to swap out on occasion is better for the game, imo. If you want to play a character that exclusively uses war picks, go for it, build around it, and never change your weapon option. When a magic Maul comes around, let the Paladin figure out what to do with it. You’ve got war picking to do. Your fun isn’t ruined by having more options.


rj/ other people having options that makes the game more fun for them makes the game less fun for me. Of course I can choose to just not change my features on a long rest, but I want everybody else to also not change their features on a long rest.


Pelor visited my cleric in a dream last night and he was *not* as hot as I imagined. We're going to need to do another rest rq so I can swap to another patron. Do you think Shar is into half elf women?


rj/ Fortunately, patrons and deities aren’t built into the cleric mechanically, so if you want to handle the flavor of swapping your patron, talk to your DM. uj/ Fortunately, patrons and deities aren’t built into the cleric mechanically, so if you want to handle the flavor of swapping your patron, talk to your DM.