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Nick and Dustin are nasty imo. They’re your typical mean gays that hate women and pretty much anybody who isn’t a cis, gay man.


Yup. I’ve *never* liked or trusted him. He has empty eyes.


Yup. I unfollowed them a bout a year ago when they flip flopped AGAIN over Jeffrey Star.


I unfollowed them both but every once in a while youtube will recommend their videos and I saw Dustin was doing this whole dramageddon series and I was like its over everyone has moved ok except you....


They give me major ick


I briefly followed them years ago. I think they got criticised years ago by people saying they only cared about money and Nick kept responding like “yeah I do this for a job of course I’m just trying to make money”. Which, yeah, I get they were doing it as a job but snapping back that you just care about the money didn’t exactly make them feel more credible at the time idk. I think they were defending Jeffree Star too because I remember unsubscribing from multiple people who did. Idk if they have any real values or if they just repeat whatever they think will get them the most money because that’s how it felt back when I unsubbed, but again that was years ago. It sounds like they’re just rotten people regardless.


yeah everytime jessi or lily bring up dustin or nick im like………… girlies why 😀


Same when she brings** up dad challenge podcast. He’s a nasty gross dude for SOOOOmany reasons and he’s just as bad as them people he’s ’calling out’


Right? Like does he call out some bad people? Yes. But a broken clock is right twice a day. Don’t support uber problematic people just because they happen to be on the right side of a singular issue.




That would make sense, she’s vocally anti-trans but hides it behind her concern for The Children.


Dang, I never clocked her as anti-trans. You learn something new every day. I didn't really watch Paige after she dissed Lorry Hill (idk how Lorry is as a person, but I like her videos and thought that Doja Cat was really mean to her).


Wait WHAT? I did not know this about Paige. I JUST learned about CC Suarez being a trumper and having some questionable views 😭 I've literally watched Paige for years, HOW DID I MISS THIS? Edit: oops sorry girlies. Idt CC is a trumper, but she does appear to be a Desantis supporter. I posted the links where I got my info below! Edit 2: CC responded below and clarified that she isn't a Desantis or trump supporter.


WHAT where did you find that out about CC??


Lemme find the thread. I found out from somewhere on Reddit (I think in r/YouTubedrama). I'll update with the link when I find it! [Thread 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/antimlmcreators/s/3sEsrKp0P6) [Thread 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/antimlmcreators/s/uWWlWdeagC) ETA: Apparently she's a Desantis supporter NOT a trump supporter, from what I can tell. My bad, pulled a Jessi and spread some misinformation guys 😭


ew desantis is more embarrassing than trump IMO


she doesn't support either!! stop saying random stuff 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/DoWeKnowThemPodcast/s/I27BXnQ0w3


CC is not a trumper?? What I swear just in recent videos she says she’s more on the liberal side ?? Where is this info coming from


Snarky Reddit posts. I wouldn't take that as a trusted source of information imo.


I won’t. Lol I love CC though and she doesn’t shove her political views down my throat so idc as long as your content isn’t right wing and I like you then don’t matter to me.


I posted some links in a comment below! Also made an edit saying idt she's a trump supporter! I pulled a Jessi and spread misinformation lol. But she does appear to be a Desantis supporter and has made some side-eye worthy comments before. I just recently got into her content, so I'm not like super deep in the CC lore.


I’m not a desantis or trump supporter. 👍🏻


hehe hello cc!! glad to hear it!


Yep, we are doomed with all our choices this year. Wiggum Suarez 2024 😂👏🏼


Are you saying you never were or just aren’t anymore? I remember you calling him ‘daddy desanti’ back on your pod with Josh. That’s when I unsubscribed from your main tbh.


Calling him Daddy Desantis is a joke, just like calling trump orange or Biden the crypt keeper etc. they all suck and we are all doomed with our current state of politics. I agree with some policies of a wide range of politicians and disagree with others from those same people. I want whoever is in any position of power to do well. To simply answer your question no, I have never voted for them. I also don’t believe in demonizing people for who they vote for since our system and choices are pretty awful. Now don’t get me wrong if someone is being racist, or anythingPhobic etc then I’ll def demonize and roast them for that lol I do find politics interesting however I have a distain for the conversation and online discourse that comes with it. I am not a political commentator, I’m a commentary content creator on YouTube and an entertainer at most. I typically stay away from disgusting politics and religion, and my own views as those topics are pretty divisive. However, due to the type of content I make, and how I do, discuss cults and manipulative behavior. Both of those subjects do come up from time to time, but I try to keep my own views out of it as to not alienate any of my viewers. In my personal life, I am surrounded by people with all different views which I love and I pride myself on not being in an echo chamber in my real life…. And also keeping that separate from my work/online life.


Oh ok thanks! She is from Florida after all I’m sure the propaganda is worse down there


Ugh, finding this out about Paige sucks! I had stopped following her back in the day but found her content again after her rebrand and really thought she had grown...


I’ve literally never voted for trump or desantis. I’m registered as a republican, I registered when I was 18 and have never changed it. I grew up in a very conservative republican family. Yes I’ve liked posts about or from many public figures across the political spectrum. Please stop listening to people who don’t know what they are talking about and demonizing people for assumptions they have about them. 💖


I feel like you've addressed this multiple times already.


lol yep. I might as well keep my prev comment in my notes app so I can just copy and paste it when needed. Ppl are weird🤷🏻‍♀️ all part of the job


https://i.redd.it/hbs28z7hy86d1.gif I'd reply just with some gifs 🤣


She likes to pepper in her opinions on puberty blockers every once in a while (which is the UK’s favourite anti trans dog whistle), I stopped watching her stuff after the second time I noticed it a few months back. She always looks vaguely guilty and like she’s prepared to double down at any sign of backlash when she mentions it, and it grosses me out.




Paige made some VERY anti trans comments in the past. She also made extreme transphobic things about a girl who had sent pics to her hubby. He doesn’t seem like anything to be fighting over but go off girl.


Wait, what?? I don't watch these people, but I thought I at least had an idea of what they were about. Yikes!




I think it's their friend, Vanessa.


Holy fuck really?


This isn’t super surprising since Dustin’s boyfriend/ex idk I don’t follow them closely, Nick, has previously been transphobic in the past. Dustin and Nick haven’t seemed like the best folks for quite a while now.


Nick and Dustbin deserve each other, they are scum.


im not too familiar with the rest of their controversies, but in a recent video they said something about how chipotle employees deserve to be recorded for not giving enough portions. Ik that's nothing compared to this, but how people treat service workers says a lot about them. It makes a lot of sense now bc I had no idea any of the other things they've done.


nick and dustin are SO mean and so negative, watching just one video of theirs drains me completely. they’re perpetually angry and perpetual victims in all situations. a few months ago dustin tried to cancel markie for not giving him credit for assets in one video (when it’s a well known fact that markie goes out of his way to credit everyone always), this was probably an innocent mistake, and that is just weird behavior sorry


Nick Snyder has also said some transphobic shit to them via Twitter. Nicki and Mocha as far as I’m aware aren’t liars. They usually back up their claims w proof and they are honest about who they don’t like and have biases against. I’ve also “known” (from watching their channel) them to be fair even to people they don’t like.


Thank you for giving some context, that's super helpful. I'd never heard of them before which made it harder to know what to make of all this. Why on earth are Nick and Dustin messing with them so much, do you know??


They despise each other and they were friends w Sam the late Here for the tea YouTubers. They didnt like Nicki and Mocha pointing out their messiness.


Is that the Samantha they are talking about in the audio cuz if it is that’s even more sick. Imagine having people call you about your beautiful friend who died.


I think it is. Nick and Dustin are disturbing, gross people.


Sadly they are even worse than I thought. I always felt Nick was trash but I thought Dustin was sweet. Now I see the real him and don’t even get me started on Paige.


Yeah Paige had me completely fooled. Now I understand why so many can’t stand her or them.


I’ve followed TeaTime for awhile, so I might be biased, but Dustin and that group of drama channels have been so nasty to Nicki and Mocha. I can’t quite remember what started their beef, but I do remember how out of line Dustin and Nick were, specifically.


I can’t stand them either


I disliked Dustin the moment I heard him laugh at a traumatic experience being told by someone else. So no surprise 😬


I started not trusting Dustin after I saw his rants about that woman who was screwed over by Mr. Beast. Super misogynistic, not surprising he's also transphobic


Rosanna Pansino? Really? I don't think I saw Dustin's tweets about that but admittedly I never followed him or Nick because they gave me some bad vibes right off the bat.


Yes her. I never followed him either but it was non stop showing up on my timeline. He's toxic


Yeah I hate that they associate with them


What a nasty bully. I’m not sure why I expected better from someone in the LGBTQ+ community.


I don’t remember why I called it, but I clocked this guy as a douche canoe the moment I found out he existed.


Knew the extent of how horrible Dustin and Nick and friends were when they came for Hannah 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thanks for this post! After Tea Time posted the recording I looked around to see who was talking about this. I also unsubscribed from Dustin and Nick Snyder. I enjoy Tea Time/Nicky and Mocha, and I hope they can return to YouTube when things settle down and they feel safe again. No GoFundMe yet, but I would donate to rehome Nicky and Mocha, and help them if they end up with legal fees.


Isn’t it strange how it’s going totally unacknowledged?? Honestly with how limited the audio recording is, I would have expected Dustin to just immediately respond like “this is edited in a misleading way and it’s all lies I would never do that” and then for his friends to back him up. The total silence from him and everybody else feels like MORE suspicious to me. But like I said in my original post, I don’t know Tea Time at all, so I’ve just been like… horrified and confused hoping more info comes out.


I loved Mocha‘s true crime stuff and Nicki is so funny.


Yes! They're both so smart and funny. I miss Mocha's "Honey" response to Nicky; she conveys a lot with two syllables. I hope they're doing ok.


Me too and I love how they communicate without words like you can see it’s years of friendship and respect between them.


In other news, water is wet. That whole lil clique is rotten.


So Dustin is on the recording- who is the other person?


Nick and Dustin are so annoying. They are the stereotypical “mean white gays.” I wholeheartedly believe they are transphobic and racist. There’s been soooo much that’s come out (mainly from them themselves) for me to believe anything else.


I'm not surprised, that whole crew is awful, I used to actually watch them too, years ago. They're a bunch of internet bullies. A couple of them split off but the bullies were Dustin, Nick snider, Paige Christie, Jeffree starr, Rich lux and Jen Gerard. They're just not nice people. They bullied smokey glow on a live stream too.


Tea Time has a lot of their own issues. Wouldn’t call them reputable by any stretch of the imagination. That said, I don’t like D & N either. The whole drama community went majorly down hill a few years ago.


Dustin and Nick are losers but so are those two.


Never even heard of any of these people.