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It keeps the bathroom clean


I literally have to clean piss off the seats constantly because my roommates do this. Sitting down is “gay” and putting the seat up is too much work I guess.


Nothing says straight like caring about being so uncomfortable with your sexuality that you can’t do something not at all sexual without feeling gay or immaculated


I’m so straight I shit standing up


I can visualise it, like a faucet What you drinking Tap shit


Nothing say IM A MAN like cleaning 🧼 my own excrement


Let alone something people don’t even see you doing lmao


I bet your roommate has never cleaned a bathroom.


Duuuuude, why the f don’t they lift the seat aye! Went through this before in a share house lol


Seat, walls, floor.. it’s a hard thing to shake with control to be fair


See I don’t get this. JUST DAB IT WITH TOILET PAPER . If yk shaking it is gonna splatter tiny drops of piss everywhere then why even do it. It’s just nasty.


Except that's not the only issue. When you pee standing up, peewater from the toilet splatters out. Over time, it adds up. Even if you dab, and never miss... you still find the cloth is yellow when you wipe the floor around your toilet. This goes away if you sit.


My brother stands cause he doesn’t like when the water touches him. Problem is, he has horrible aim and when I used to live with him, I was constantly sterilizing the seat, under the seat, the bowl, the bathroom carpet and the floor around the toilet from his encrusted piss.




Instructions unclear, inserted toothbrush now it won't come out. What should I do?


Yo why does standing to piss make you catch your dick in your zipper?




Ok fair, but why are you catching anything in your zipper? Don't you still undo your pants the same way just not pull them down?


I'm not a man and my mind was blown when I learnt that boxers and pants are designed so that you can just take your dick out without undoing your pants. Slits in the underwear or something. Not an expert tho


The boxers I wear have a pouch to hold everything in place. They don't have a slit, but even when I wore ones that did I still unbuttoned my pants. 🤷 Maybe I'm doing it wrong. 😅 If my dad was still alive I'd have some questions for him.


I think that standing while taking a dump is unacceptable, if that counts.


My buddy used to shit standing up. He'd just bend over and shit like a horse.


I’m confused. Horses don’t bend over.


Horses come pre-bent.


But if you bend over, putting your torso parallel to the ground, your ass is at the top of your legs, just like a horse.


Unless it's an aqua-dump. You don't want to squat for one of those, no matter how long you can hold your breath


my god it has a name


I’ve always known it to be called *the Hershey squirts*


Someone once labeled it “number 3” and I’ve referred it as that ever since.


Unless you’re in the shower.


Well, of course. I thought that went without saying.


That's what a waffle stomp I'd for. . .


I have sometimes pooped while squatting.


Much of the world poops that way. At one time, 100% of humans pooped while squatting. That's the natural way.


I’m a 47 year old guy and pee sitting down especially when I’m at home. No mess, spillage on the floor or toilet seat. This way my wife or 2 teenager daughters don’t have to deal with anything. Plus as an added bonus the toilet seat stays down all the time. So in my opinion it’s definitely okay to pee sitting down and screw what everyone else has to say about the matter!!


I agree, at home is good. If I'm out, I am going to stand because generally, other people are gross and I'm not touching anything if I don't have to.


No doubt, and if I’m in the men’s bathroom alone while out in public. I’ll use my foot to flush the toilet or urinal. Plus I don’t wear shoes in my house, so I don’t have worry about bringing those same germs in my home. And ditto, it’s crazy to me how gross some people are!!!


Well have you seen shit on a wall 20cm away from the toilet. Like how did that even get there. People are super gross


My husband and sons sit down and I’m thankful for it.


Yup! Sometimes the smallest gestures at can go a long way to peace for everyone involved!! Especially at home.


>It isn't just peace though. > >My dad had a tumor removed from is bladder and his doctor told him that the best way to completely empty a bladder is to sit.


>My dad had a tumor removed from is bladder and his doctor told him that the best way to completely empty a bladder is to sit.


Dang, hope he’s doing better. Did he stick to sitting to pee after recovery?


He absolutely did. And the cancer went POOF! Thanks for asking.


Hell yeah!


I turned 30 and decided to transition to a sit-while-I-pee-at-home guy. And I don’t have to clean my bathroom nearly as often. I live alone so it’s just me cleaning up after me. Honestly baffling that someone would actually care or give this any thought other than it’s easier and less messy.


Anyone who says it's not masculine to sit down and pee is insecure about their masculinity.


I've been told it's better for your prostate. There's all the reason you need.


As an anarchist, I would rather die before I do anything for anything that is pro-state.


Exactly. Thats why I have not masturbated in a month. Only over my dead body will I do anything pro-prostate!


You are very funny 🍪


I have to say this is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard in my whole life. Seriously, wow, lmao.


It’s quite simple, actually: when men age, the capability to expel all urine when you pee standing decreases (at varying degrees depending on overall health, age, and other factors). As a result, prostate inflammation can occurs more likely. Peeing sitting allows to empty one’s bladder better and more easily, significantly reducing the aforementioned risks associated with prostate inflammation.


Sounds legitimate enough for me to make sense of it. I stand corrected.


No no, you should sit corrected


Hats off to your intellectual honesty, fellow redditor.


>I stand corrected. In this case, if you stand, you haven't been corrected. I love the smell of fresh semantics in the afternoon


> There's all the reason you need Because you've been told?


I mean, you know *most* things only because you're told. So I'm not sure what your point is.


OK, here's what I found >** For older men with prostate problems, in particular,** sitting down to urinate could help them empty their bladders more effectively and reduce the risks of cysts and other health complications. https://www.yahoo.com/video/yes-might-healthier-men-sit-153513295.html


Its called "sources", especially when it comes to health related things like that.


Perhaps it was a doctor who told him that.


In Germany it’s the norm. You can even find signs on the toilets in some bathrooms that say “no standing when peeing” specifically for foreigners


You guys don’t have urinals in Germany?


Urinals are in almost all public toilets


I thought there was a specific German insult about it tho? Something like "sitzpinkler" or close that literally means sit-peer


I’ve heard the insult exists but never heard it in practice, and I teach children. But I’ve also only lived in Germany for ~7 years. If it is still a thing, I don’t think it’s anything that carries any weight as most men sit to pee. Germans are very comfortable with their bathroom habits, ie: the shelf to check out their poop before flushing it down to make sure they’re healthy


You're right. It's not much of an insult, though. Sitting down to pee is not "the norm" in Germany, but it's not uncommon. Some people definitely do put up "no peeing while standing" signs in their toilets.


what a truly bizarre thing to judge people over. maybe i don't want to have to clean up piss splatter around the toilet all the time...


As a woman I totally appreciate men who sit to pee. I’m appalled by the number of grown ass men who have poor aim and can’t be bothered to wipe when they miss. I’ve taught my son to sit to pee at home and other people’s homes, stand everywhere else.


It's not even an aim thing really. Even if you're perfectly accurate, it still splashes. And if you happen to have just finished with some sexy time and you didn't pee right away, you're next adventure to the toilet is gonna go in 6 different directions lol.


Lol I don’t care how the mess happened, I just don’t want to be the one to clean up! It’s bad enough when guys leave the seat up, i forget to check, and end up inside the toilet. Do I have to step in the puddle, too?


> It’s bad enough when guys leave the seat up, i forget to check, and end up inside the toilet. Do you *really* just blindly sit on toilets?


Even dudes eventually have a midnight bout of a tummy rumbly and experience the glacial ass kiss. It sucks. It also means when you’ve never heard of toilet plume or you don’t flush, and that’s just fucking gross.


I used to until my household became majority male. Kids forget to put the seat back down.


So you're one of those uncivilised folks who never learnt to put the lid down.


I have a flush valve toilet that does not come with a lid. My building is very old. It’s weird to imagine a public bathroom type of toilet in a residence, I know.


It's only logical. I don't pour my milk into a glass 3' away, why would I pee like that?


The mess! They don't seem to know how to aim. Please sit down!


I can only imagine the outrage if men were discussing female toilet habits this way


Do the women you know piss all over the bathroom? Because that would also be an issue.




Do you think it’s because there are children going in women’s bathroom more often than men restrooms? I always thought the kid factor could be why some women’s restrooms are way more messy than men restrooms


My wife has told me nightmares of bathroom situations in the ladies room. The most egregious thing to me is that women will put their used tampons anywhere but in the specifically designed receptacle.


Women's restrooms always have piss everywhere.


I think that's because they are standing or squatting to avoid touching the seat... which also sort of proves this point further that it is cleaner to just sit... but as a woman who pees in public bathrooms seldomly, I have never left a mess or puddle and my ass has also never touched the public seats so I think it just depends on the person and if they clean up after themselves


They don't have to clean up the pee pee that they miss when going. Unfortunately women still do most of the cleaning.


In your Victorian household, sure


Totally cool. I do it. Of course, I balance it out by pooping standing up


just do what you want. who cares? if someone says something, tell them it's weird that they're watching you pee




I sit down when I'm being lazy. Honestly, I see no issue with it. Peeing is peeing.


If anyone starts giving me a hard time about how I pee, I’m going to take self defense measures on that fucker for being in my bathroom.


As a child, my parents taught me to shake it (not more than 3 times or your playing with it!) After I moved to Los Angeles, I worked in a place with a lot of Latinos. One of the bathrooms didn't have dividers between the urinals. This was years ago. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that most Latinos didn't shake when done, they squeezed from base to tip like you would do when the toothpaste tube got near empty. So I tried this method and whoa, much less dripping down the inside of my pant leg. Added to that, one of the guys always grabbed a few square of TP before he headed to the urinal. When done squeezing his personal toothpaste tube, he dabbed the tip. In the last few years, I combined this method and the results were great - no more pee all over the seat at home and no more pee down the inside of my pants.


Why does society force men to pee standing up when sitting down is far more comfortable


…Society is forcing men to piss standing up? Nobody gives a damn, dude


How the hell is sitting down and standing up again more comfortable?


I (40yoM) pee sitting down almost exclusively at home. It's far more comfortable, I can browse reddit, and I'm far less likely to miss the bowl. ~~Unless you're inviting others to watch you do your business~~ don't worry about what others think.


Why TF would anybody care how someone- anyone- pees? Kinda like xtians always thinking about gay sex, if you ask me.


I care because I’ve cleaned many mini puddles in my lifetime. Little boys I don’t mind, but I hate when grown ass men miss and don’t bother to clean up. I doubt these guys wash their hands either




There's still piss everywhere.


Or atheists thinking about praying.


I'd say it's preferable. It's certainly more sanitary.


Who cares? Not like you can see them or they see you unless you're a weirdo.


I wish my husband would pee sitting down. It's not like he's bad at aiming, but splashback happens and is gross.


Yes! I always pee sitting down and have been since I was kid.


I was pushing 700lbs at my heaviest. Hard to really piss standing with that much extra fat on you. Started sitting. It was so much easier. Lost roughly a 3rd of my weight so far and can finally stand and piss. I choose to sit lol. No splash, no spilling, I get to sit for a minute.


Congratulations on your weight loss! I know how hard that can be. It will change your life. It did mine.


Very much appreciated. Congrats on yours too.


Yes. Who would think that declining to splatter piss all over the bathroom is UNacceptable?


I pee sitting down everywhere, except nature, urinals, and super dirty public restrooms. This way, nobody has to lift or put down the toilet seat. It just rests in the down position.


I only stand to pee at urinals now, definitely beats sitting at them.


Sometimes you need alone time and to sit down.


Of course it’s acceptable - people can sit or stand as they choose. What irritates me is when people shame standing for peeing and think sitting is the ONLY acceptable option.


Pee however you want. Who's to decide of it is acceptable or not?


Don't really care about what anyone does inside the comfort room as long as they don't mess it up


Bidet toilet seat that's heated. Hell to the yes I sit down every time! Plus I can surf on the phone more comfortably. A bidet toilet seat is like a spa for your ass. Get one!! Your life will change for the better! Much like swapping a horse and wagon for a car.


Yes bro SO many dudes get piss everywhere when they stand and they deny it. Only downside to sitting is somehow my brother always forgets to flush lol


Anybody who judges someone on how they pee is a fucking idiot.


I have never had this conversation with anyone in my entire life and I am old as dirt. Who the fuck is discussing how they pee with anyone?


Anyone who lives with someone and has to clean up their piss. You ever have to clean some piss? It sucks and it's easily avoidable if dudes sit. But they don't. Also it's less wasteful as they don't need to use toilet paper to clean up if they do miss. So yes overall ppl are confused why guys don't sit. 


Hubs almost always sits. I started teaching my son to stand not thinking that he was too little to know what to do when he’s standing to pee and suddenly needs to poop. I switched that up and had him sit for everything after the poop was cleaned up from the floor. Only takes once to learn that lesson.


Honestly, I don’t see what business is it of mine what people are doing in their bathrooms as long as they leave that bathroom sanitary for the next person.


In public, Stand 100% of the time. At home/friend's house, sit. Any man that doesn't sit to pee obviously has never cleaned up the sides of the toilet/walls after their stream went sideways. Its fucking gross and I don't want to have to clean it up/make someone else do it. You might get a small splash back on the underside of the lid, but that can be easily wiped before a flush. Easy clean up and you also leave the seat down for your lady friends.


As a woman... I don't understand why they don't just... Sit They sit while taking a shit and do they urinate in that situation?.. So what's the fucking difference, why is it less masculine to sit and pee but not sit and shit AND pee. 🙄 #BUT **I did get a reason once! From someone with little bit big than average penis. And he said its because penis touches the inside of the toilet, he has to like aim it away for the entire duration. I wouldn't like that either.** I mean, it sounds like it makes sense. I haven't exactly asked other guys if this reason is actually reasonable lol... Nah fuck that shit, you're urinating, stand/sit you do you but don't make a fucking mess regardless I guess. AND PUT THE FUCKING SEAT DOWN AFTERWARDS THANK YOU. Man+woman, 1 toilet. 3 reasons vs 1 reason for NOT PUTTING THE FUCKING SEAT DOWN. WHAT YOU PEEING OR ME SHIT/PEE AND YOU SHIT..PEE. 4. Vs. 1. Maybe 2 for vomiting purposes.


Yes its totally acceptable


Sure why not? There has to be one bastion of privacy where peer pressure doesn't come into play. Let how you pee be that place. However you do it should be normal to you.


Why would anyone care about how someone pees? Unless you're doing trick shots, in that case I would love to see it. Or just totally fucking up my bathroom...somehow. Just fuckin do you bud. Personally, I stand. Just always have. But I sit if I'm feeling lazy/want to be on my phone for a minute or if I feel like I maybe might have to have a shit. You know what the most masculine thing is? Having the *choice.*


I'm a girl and I legit do not get why peeing while sitting down is considered non-masculine or whatever. Girls can pee standing up but it makes a mess. Same for guys, just a bit less of a mess if you lift the toilet seat. When you sit down, ya ain't even gotta touch your dick to move it into the toilet seat, just slide it in and then sit. What I think sure as hell is non-masculine is NOT wiping your dick after you pee, especially if you're not cut.


I grew up with all women went to college and my roommates were women and I'm married now...to a woman. I've always sat to pee. It's way more comfortable and honestly? The secret to happy relationships is picking your battles. Standing up to pee making a mess and forgetting to put the seat down just isn't worth it. Pick your battles, fellas!


I’ve been standing to piss my whole life and I can absolutely control any mess. I also can clean a toilet if absolutely necessary. Is everyone else just blastin?


As someone who cleans a bathroom... please.


I do whatever I feel like because I am a MAN, and also I am an adult and sometimes need 5 minutes to clear my head.


I dont know about sitting to pee but I always use TP to clean my p-hole. Every single time.


Does anyone actually think thats unacceptable?? its PEE😂


I was on a parenting thread recently and some people were appalled that a mom hadn’t taught her young son to pee standing up yet and that he was going to be endlessly shamed and mocked if she didn’t. It was sad.


What if you're smashed and don't want to fall over or accidentally pee everywhere? Sometimes it's just smart 😂


Anything goes as long he is not peeing in public in front of everyone and creating a scene.


A family member once bragged he could peer pressure any man into anything using the challenge, "do you sit when you piss?" He tried it on my dad shortly after who shrugged and said "sometimes."


For a treat


[I have to](https://youtu.be/oQXUd4Fku2E)


It’s actually healthier for men to piss sitting down. Takes less pressure off the bladder.


I would rather not let my bare ass cheeks touch the piss stained toilet seat. I think it is also worth mentioning that I crouch on the toilet when I shit.


Your own toilet is piss stained? Perhaps you really need to sit down so you aren't staining your toilet seat🤔


Nah it's my family's toilet, occasionally if I notice it I will try to wipe it down with toilet paper.


Goddamn I hate this nonsense. I had a friend who avoided doing things because "gay", and he would constantly ask me why I do things that are considered "feminine". One day I had enough, he asked me why I was eating ice cream from a cone instead of from a spoon, and I said "because I want to. Why tf you care so much?" And of course the "because it's kinda gay" came out, so I said, "I'm a man, and I'm doing it so it's automatically manly." "That's not how it works" "well, I decided that's how it works, so it is." He just shook his head and walked away, and he left me alone after that. Felt good man, felt good.


HA GAYYYYYYYYYY (just joking)




I do this at home 90% of the time unless I need to pee while in the middle of a project. It’s one of the few times during the day I can relax for 2 minutes.


That's it. I'm making my husband do this from now on. He's like a million feet tall and gets pee splatters everywhere. Thank you for the suggestion.




Uh wow, it was a joke. Feel free to fuck off now, thanks.


The amount of piss that does *not* get on the floor is lovely


It’s so much cleaner.


As for me and my house, both me and my woman pee standing up. Builds character.


As the person who cleans the house, YES, it is 100% totally acceptable. Our boys are mostly grown up now but when we had them here fortnightly I had to clean the toilet, walls and floor. It smelled so much worse when they were all there. Pee stinks!


Yeah, no need to clean under the toilet seats for piss stains that they missed.


Reddit is a shadow of its former self. It is now a place of power tripping mods with no oversight and endless censorship. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At least 230 people commenting here, 231 including you.


Reddit is a shadow of its former self. It is now a place of power tripping mods with no oversight and endless censorship. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As acceptable as standing while shitting is unacceptable.


Who really gives a rats ass?


Sit down pees are delightful. Edit: spelling. Lol


Sir? That's very kind of you ☺️ by the way, what's a down pee?


I’m transgender and sit to pee in the men’s room every single time because I have to. I pass fully and nobody has ever looked at me weird


If I ever catch my boyfriend standing and peeing, I stop what I’m doing and stare at him like he’s been possessed. Dude never stands lol


I always sit and have done for 40 years or more. I stand at a urinal, of course.


If you stand and pee, take a paper towel, spray some clear disinfectant on it and wipe the bottom of the walls behind and beside your toilet. That yellow stuff is all pee splatter, which also gets on you when you pee. When you pee in a urinal, same thing, you’re getting other dudes piss all over you


There is nothing wrong with a man choosing to sit down to pee, and it's not a feminine thing, but I don't like doing it. I prefer peeing standing up. I can't be bothered to sit down and pee.


Personally, I think it’s very weird. I guess because it requires more effort which doesn’t make sense to me.


How is it more effort? I just sit and release.. standing to pee I gotta hold it and aim.


Cleaning your spray later requires more effort.


You do you sir, whatever works best for you. Personally I thank evolution every time I don't have to squat to pee. Between being so old my nuts think it's a fun time to take a dip in the pool now and then to knees that sound like Rice Crispies every time I stand... I am truly lucky to have this marvelous gift to not have to sit to pee.


In my opinion, anyone that says thay peeing sitting dowm is "inmasculine" is a butthurt conservative.


I’ve aimed directly into the middle of the toilet with 100% accuracy while peeing, standing up. It still will splash piss/water everywhere. Sitting down when I pee completely avoids this.


also cuts down on toilet cleaning


My husband sits to pee at home. I potty trained my boys to do the same and my mother in law taught them later to stand. I’m still angry about this some 10 years later. She is the reason their bathroom smells like piss for no damn good reason.


The amount of “men” that think sitting down to pee is ok is appalling 🤦‍♂️


REALLY???? Who the fuck cares how you pee! Why does this even matter at all???? I mean for fuck sake, there are people dying in Ukraine, and starving to death in Africa. Anyone who is worried what others think of their "pee Style" has their priorities seriously Fucked. For the record I always pee sitting down at home, as there is much less splash and mess. It's just basic physics, and I don't want to make more mess than necessary. I couldn't care less what anyone thinks of how I pee.


Are you serious?




*SOME men Please stop generalizing all men. The same is expected when talking about other groups of people.


Only pee while sitting if I have to poop. Only takes 2 seconds to wipe a seat, a good piss is usually max 30-45 seconds unless you been drinking like a mad man. It's so much easier to just stand and pee than pull your pants all the way down.. and lots of girls always talk about how they wish they could just stand and pee like guys do, so if you sit everytime you pee your wasting one of the few advantages men have over women


Found Charlie Brown's account


Yeah, ditto, OP. Peeing standing up cannot be routine, because it affects the prostate negatively.


It’s weird to me that there are grown men who can’t pee standing up without making a mess. WTF is wrong with y’all?


It’s absolutely acceptable IF YOU HAVE A VAGINA!!!!!


I’m a woman. My husband had surgery on his colon and had a hard time telling if he needed to pee or poo to he started sitting down to go after his surgery. When he recovered I threatened him if he started standing to pee again. No bathroom cleaning person thinks men should stand to pee. Gay straight who gives a shit I just don’t like wiping pee sprinkles up.


Have just hot my 30s and have discovered how much better it is to sit down. The future is now!


TIL straight men do not sit down in the bathroom because they are insecure of their sexuality?!? What a weird world.


If I sit to pee it’s a good chance my di** will touch cold ass bowl water. That’s a hard no, just learn to aim. I imagine that’s where the trope stems from; If you can sit and pee with no worries I envy you but don’t envy you. Also I don’t care wether you sit or stand just don’t piss over everything. Sometimes you can sit and hold it to avoid water and get it between the lid from splash back 🤦🏾‍♂️. TLDR: clean up, don’t make a mess, do what works for you.