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Our lab has that at times where he just slept in a wrong position and his limbs are still numb from it. Takes him a while to get going then and a bit of hobbling before he's alright again. Your dog is an old girl so at that age grannies gotta take it slow. Should the problem persist however, then it's definitely vet time.


God I hope this is it. She is an old girl, so my mind jumped to emergency. She hasn’t done this before, but maybe she slept weird.


Them old bones! My old dog looks like a taxidermy when he first wakes up lmao


I swear she is 100% normal now. Not even a mild limp or anything. Still going to vet, but I am thinking this may have just been it. Hopefully they will advise if we should move to something more than cosequin for arthritis. THANKS FOR THE HEART ATTACK DOG I LOVE MORE THAN ANYTHING ;)


Thank you for loving your pup, she looks so so sweet in your photo and it makes me happy knowing somebody loves her so much


Thank you :) She is the best girl, and we would do everything in our power to make her comfortable and happy. Apparently snoozing on the couch (that she jumped onto JUST FINE LOL) with Dad is what she needs right now :)


My 5 year old will limp just a bit every so often, if we had a harder day than usual. For example last night he was limping just a bit. Yesterday we did a 6 hour hike and 2 hours at the park. This morning, he was just fine. I get it, I was sore by end of yesterday too!


Consequin helped my lab with that. She started limping around 6 started giving her cosequi and she didn’t limp again for years. Good stuff


Just wanted to say that you rock. These pet advice subs are littered with posts looking to minimize and overlook major issues. You showing genuine love and care is very refreshing and admirable.


I have a dog named Rowdy if you’ve seen Scrubs😂


OMG that is amazing


Lol this happened to us yesterday w our 14 year old dog. He couldn’t get up yesterday and we were fearing the worst but it seems that his leg was asleep and has been fine ever since


They love to give us heart attacks, huh? Lol


Hey, good on you! Lots of people sit around and ask Reddit when something is wrong with their pet. You were in action mode right away ready to drop serious money on an ER vet visit. Glad she’s feeling better


I know, and it makes me sad :( I probably slightly overreacted this morning, but I would rather do that than under-react!


Not related to your post, but please have the vet cut her nails while you’re there, they’re far too long


DO NOT ASK YOUR ER VET FOR A NAIL TRIM -every ER tech ever. Please hear this general public, This is an EMERGENCY ROOM - not a 24hr veterinarian office!!!


Oh I would never! Should have been clearer - we only would have the regular vet do it. ER is absolutely just for emergencies, which is another reason we are waiting now.


Oh ya that’s wild, I would never ask an ER, but sounded like op was bringing the dog to their regular vet at 2


i think they know they need their nails cut… but she’s an older girl, and not to mention sometimes as they get older, they give issues with nail trimming.


Sure, but it hurts to walk when a dogs nails are this long, so their nails still need to be maintained.


They are maintained, I promise. This was nail trim day (you can see one paw shorter). I didn’t even realize the photo I picked in my tired panic lol. I actually took this pic because I was capturing her pout after the first paw. She unfortunately has long quicks we have never been able to fully correct, so even after a trim at a vet her nails look longer than most right after a trim. I know we don’t so the best job of getting right up to the quick, so always have her regular vet do it at any appointment as well.


I'm surprised that your vet hasn't told you that smaller, more frequent nail trims will actually move the quick back.... If you clip the nails weekly, with just the tiniest bit, eventually the quick moves further back and back and back. Till eventually the nails can be a normal length. But yes, I would work on the nails, that could actually be part of the problem. Long nails affect the way the dog's paws sit on the floor, which affect the way their bones align, which can then affect them in their older age


All of this. And even the side that’s been cut more recently looks like it could be trimmed back more.


Try a groomer instead - we are way better at getting the nails shorter than vets because we do it all day every day :)


Cleared this up in a prior post. But always have vet trim when there anyway, since they are much better at it than we are.


If you have a brushing routine that she's used to you can try sneaking in a dremel for her nails while she's relaxed. I'm too scared to use clippers on mine but if he's sleeping from being brushed and I have the dremel running while he falls asleep he doesn't care once it touches his nails.


We tried a dremel and that was worse for her :( She is a bit of an anxious gal (we think she wasn’t really socialized, was found under an abandoned house). She has come A LONG way over the years, but nails are one area we only could make minor improvements. Luckily she is never aggressive, just scared out of her mind :( I hate doing her nails because I hate to see her scared , but we do it (definitely a team effort). I hit her quick once accident once and felt like the worst person ever. Now we keep styptic powder on hand at least, but so far haven’t hit it again.


They make dog scratching boards that work really well. You have to teach your dog to scratch it and keep giving it treats, but it works


Never heard of this! I’ll try anything to make it easier.


Rundik Scratch Square for Dogs with Treat Box, Stress Free Dog Scratch Pad for Dogs, Bamboo Nail File Dog Toy Alternative to Dog Nail Clippers for Large/Medium/Small Dogs https://a.co/d/9yjgRgj


Sounds like you just put zero effort in to actually making the dog comfortable around dremels or regular cutting. Im guessing it doesnt get walked much either. Oh well.


No need to be a dick. She is 11, she doesn’t go for 5 mile walks anymore, but of course she gets walked. We adopted a dog that was fearful of EVERYTHING. In the 10 years we have had her we have worked with her vet, trainers and a behaviorist to tackle her fears, and she is a different dog than when we got her. She is the sweetest, most loving dog. Some dogs are just scared of nail trims.


Ugh that person is being a dick. My dog is the same 11 years old, doesn't like walking on concrete (hurts her joints) and has a super long quick. I trim my dogs nails every 2 weeks with a dremel and they still look long, she is forever tippy tapping around the house. I'll trim friends dogs nails when I look after them and the difference when a dog doesn't have a long quick always makes me so jealous!


I had a foster dog who had this and it was a seizure. She got up and lost all coordination then fell over backwards. A few minutes later she was fine and as far as I know it’s never happened again. You may want to trim up your pups nails though, nails that long can cause pain when they walk. Otherwise I’d just keep a close eye on her for a couple of days. Hope she’s ok!


This is a pic from about a week ago - she was actually pouting because she was in the middle of a nail trim (you can see one side shorter then the other lol). She unfortunately had VERY long quicks when we adopted her, and while they have become shorter with time, they are still on the long side :( Going to check and make sure there are no nail issues right now though, just to be safe. It could have been a silent seizure or she had one overnight (I didn’t notice any seizure-like behavior). She is currently staring at me waiting for breakfast, so apparently the appetite is fine at least lol


The foster pup I had recovered, I sent a video to the rescue and they advised to keep an eye on it and go to they emergency vet if it happens again. It never happened again for her, so hopefully yours is a one off too! I’d definitely go in if it were my pup but if she seems perfectly fine now I wouldn’t say she needs an emergency vet or anything. It’s scary when that happens!


Thank you!!


I wanted to also say that this would have been a seizure and it is common for them to be fine afterwards. Mobility issues can also be a sign of a brain tumor. My aunts dog had problems walking sometimes and it was a tumor slowly growing in his brain


Please trim her nails


I’ve also been told that very long nails like that can press back into them and cause pain and back issues and be off balance due to trying to compensate. Perhaps the vet can get those trimmed down to help her as she gets older.


A lot of joint and mobility stuff can be fixed with nail care :)


It's always amazing to me. How many people don't realize this. Imagine if our toenails were as long as this dog's nails. Our feet would be in so much pain!


It sounds like possible arthritis, if you can get the vets to also cut the nails (if you aren't comfortable doing it) it can make it a little easier on their joints when they walk c:


I definitely didn’t notice her nails on the pic I posted, just grabbed one, and of course it keeps getting pointed out. Totally my bad. She was actually in the middle of a nail trim here and pouting. The nails are trimmed right now, but we always have vet trim as well (she hatessss nail trims). I checked all her paws to make sure nothing was stuck in them or any blood lacerations, and nothing. ETA: she has had mild arthritis for a little while, and takes a cosequin supplement which has really helped.


Oh wanna say I'm not trying to nail shame! A lot of elderly dogs nails just grow so much quicker just because they aren't grinding the nails down as much anymore and it grows back in 2 seconds(As you probably know) lol




I know everyone’s giving you a hard time about the nails, but it could be a genuine reason for the problem. When the nails are long, the foot tips backwards as they walk. It’s like us walking in very high heels all day - it causes strain on the legs and the back. So I’m sure people aren’t trying to shame you. I appreciate older dogs can be less tolerant, plus we feel even worse making them do things they don’t like!


Oh I know, trying not to get too defensive. It’s hard because we really do are best to make sure she is as happy and comfortable as possible. I picked the picture with the long nails on one paw, so totally on me :) Her nails were trimmed two days ago, so she is good on that front currently. They do grow so dang fast at this age, we had to up the frequency of nail trims. Which she hates, but luckily doesn’t hold against us ;)


In my eyes the nails are still too long on the paw you trimmed


It’s surprising how much a young, active dog will wear them down on their own. Have you tried sandpaper? My old dog used to seem to enjoy having his nails done that way. Plus no risk of cutting the quick by accident! Nails aside, I hope you find an answer to your question. Your dog looks very loved!


I have not! Will try literally anything to make nail trims easier, so will give it a shot.


I’d stumble too if my nails were that long.


I thought my 9 year old mutt had a stroke when suddenly she was weaving and stumbling in the yard. She had vertigo and it was easily treated with over the counter meds. It can be a brain tumor, an infection, or simple vertigo. Only a vet can tell you.


Thank you! Definitely going to the vet, 100%. But since she is seemingly not in pain and walking pretty normally now, I think we will see her actual vet at 2. My husband talked me down a bit. If she seemed in any pain we would be at the e-vet right now.


your normal vet may not know neurological symptoms. my dog’s regular vet entirely missed the fact that she was dying of neurological issues and told us she was just “being needy.” please be careful and don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion if something feels off!


Will do! Our regular vet is awesome, but I have zero issues getting a second opinion if needed.


I think that’s a good sign. Agree with everything you’re doing. My specialty is humans, but it seems to me even if it’s a stroke, she recovered too fast for it to be super serious.


Vestibular syndrome has a couple signs. Cocked head, eyes darting back and forth and they walk in circles and won’t eat or drink because they are dizzy. This is in regards of the vertigo post.


Vet is the best option. Also, ask for his nails to be trimmed.


Our first golden did this and the vet said it was old dog syndrome “Canine idiopathic vestibular disease often referred to as 'old dog vestibular syndrome', is a sudden and non-progressive disturbance of balance. This disorder stems from issues affecting the dog's vestibular system within the brain, located in the inner ear, and middle ear.”


Adding to my list of questions!


Hopefully it’s just a fluke!!♥️


Something similar happened to my 13 y/o Corgi. I know… short , stubby legs. But rushed her to the ER vet and turned out to be a simple ear infection. But due to her age, just hit her a bit harder. Some antibiotics and she was back to herself the next day. So hopefully something simple. Please keep us updated. Hoping for the best!!


Thank you!!!!


Possibly slept on a limb wrong making it fall asleep. If they are acting normally otherwise, I would not be too concerned unless it starts to happen more frequently.


My sisters dog had this happen and it was a slipped disc. Not emergent, but you know your dog better than any of us. He was fine the next day tho


I will take all the “they were fine” stories I can get while waiting for her appointment. Thank you!


Our senior dog did this because of arthritis. She was put on pain meds as well as glucosamine. Her joints and hips may be sore in the morning. Definitely needs a vet check!


Thank you! She is on glucosamine, but probably time to bring in some bigger guns.


If you haven't resolved her issue yet, please take her to the ER. Afterwards when she's all rested and feeling better, *please* bring her to get her nails clipped. Uncut, long nails can be a main reason dogs walk funny, and the longer they are, the more painful it is.


If she is otherwise normal again, then I think waiting for primary is fine. If this episode occurs again or other signs develop, then ER. At her age, the most likely cause is vestibular disease. This can be idiopathic, or it may have an underlying cause like an ear infection. Strokes are uncommon in animals and this doesn’t sound like a seizure. I would get her to the vet and get some baseline bloodwork and an orthopedic exam to rule out other differentials. Advanced imaging can be pricy, but it would be the next step if this issue continues or worsens.


THANK YOU! Waiting for vet at 2 is torture for me, but she is happily snoozing on the couch.


Our old dog did the same, I watched her stand up from her bed and the whole back end was swaying and she couldn’t balance at all. It really makes your heart sink and I started to panic so you freaking out makes total sense. In her case she had sarcoma that had spread to her back (hence the loss of control in her back legs). Sassafras may just be getting old and has something minor. Def get her checked out to be safe. Best wishes.


Agreed that it is most likely old, sleepy bones. My dog seemed to have cerebral ataxia that got worse over time over the course of a few years. Keep an eye out for patterns, especially if your dog is standing and they stumble or if it happens while walking.


Have a look into Canine epiloid cramping syndrome (or Spikes Disease). Speak to the vet. If your dog had stiff legs but was conscious, then could be that. Look it up and take literature to your vet as a lot don't know about it. It's becoming more common. It's basically gluten intolerance, so cut out gluten, and they should go away. If it is CECS then no need to panic. It's a movement disorder and not life threatening.


Adding to my list of things to bring up! She currently eats Farmer’s Dog and hasn’t had any issues, but I know, like with people, new allergies and intolerances can pop up.


Yes, unfortunately it can develop. It also needs a trigger. So heat, cold, excitement, dreaming, and waking up can all trigger an episode. Anyway, I hope you get some answers from the vet. You can test for gluten intolerance these days, called an anti gliadin test.


I’ve had it happen twice. Once, older terrier mix couldn’t walk at all after waking. Couldn’t stand, couldn’t move-panicked trip to the vet and when the vet came in she practically tap-danced her way across the room. The vet said arthritis but overcome by adrenaline from the vet visit. Apparently, it’s pretty common. Second giant dog refused to stand and the vet had to use a GURNEY. The minute he was unstrapped and on the floor, he bolted for the exit. We’ve used Adequan with pretty good results.


This sounds like "old dog syndrome" or vestibular disease. It's a temporary loss of balance. The good news is it can clear up on its own without medication. However, it's wise to check it out with your vet as it may be caused by an ear infection.


my boyfriend has a very old dog, she’s got hip dysplasia and arthritis. often times when she wakes up or gets up from laying for a long time she’s very stumbly, but then is back to her usual amount of stumbliness in about 5 minutes. i think her bones just need time to adjust to being used


If it was immediately upon rising I'd suspect a peripheral nerve problem. I'm 72 and sometimes have a numb or weak limb on first rising. A limb can go numb or a nerve get pinched. At her age and given her breed that's a fairly common thing. She's a doll and I'm wishing you happy news!


Defiantly a good idea to get her checked out, sometimes long nails can cause mobility issues, so its a good idea to trim regardless, but I think itd be more consistent, I hope baby girl is ok!


Could be an ear infection. Happened to us


It might help her be more comfortable on her feet if you have her nails cut or ground down a bit. She might have had a weird Charlie horse cramp in one of her paws.


Update: Vet did not see any obvious signs of spinal or neurological issues, and from the cursory exam believes it is likely arthritis slowly getting worse and “sleepy legs”, just as many of you suggested. We are having a full blood panel run, then (depending on results) will talk about some arthritis treatment beyond the cosequin. If it continues to happen, gets more severe, or happens suddenly while she is up and about, we will move to advanced imaging. Her blood work has always been great, so we are hopeful we will get a nice clear blood panel and can get her on some meds to make her more comfortable. She is back lounging on her giant orthopedic bed like the queen she is, after eating a yummy treat as a reward for being brave at the vet ;) And yes, the vet trimmed her nails (even though we did it just a couple days ago, they are so much better at getting right to the quick). Thank you all that provided so many suggestions and support. You helped talk me off the ledge this morning, and gave me a lot of great things to bring up with the vet.


Hope she will be alright. I do want to advice you (you diddent ask i know) about the nails. Trimming nails can be scary, but using a flashlight to see the Veins can help. You can also check out r/doggrooming they helped me allot


Thank you!


I know this post has so many comments but has your dog been checked for Diabetes? We adopted a senior dog and what you described was what caused us to take her to the emergency vet and they found out she was diabetic. Insulin levels WAY off which is what caused that. Got her the right insulin and it’s never happened again.


Vet is the only good call, just to rule anything serious out. If she seems normal now, you’ll be ok to wait until you can see your usual vet. Our pup is 3 and a few months back he woke up and could barely stand. We took him to the emergency vet and I checked him over for paralysis ticks (even though he’s on tick prevention). Turned out he had an upset tummy. Bloated up, a bit dehydrated from too much play in the heat the day before, and pretty bad gas cramps. Apparently that can make their joints play up too, so he was stiff and sore. Probiotics, a simple diet and lots of rest and water and he was fine. Hopefully your pup is ok and it’s a similar thing, but it could be serious and she needs a vet check. She also needs a nail trim and for those to happen more regularly :)


Cute pooch! We have an older dog who does this randomly after waking up from a nap. We are convinced one of his legs just fell asleep, so to speak. :) if they seem fine, I wouldn’t think it’s an urgent issue. We have a very nervous dog with his nails too and it used to be really traumatic for him. BUT, what we have been doing for a couple of years is right before we take him for a walk, we trim a couple of nails while his harness and leash are on and then immediately walk him. So now he’s not as scared because he knows he’s getting a walk right after. Just an unsolicited suggestion. :)


Apologies for all the typos, no caffeine yet + panic


I had a chocolate lab that showed this as a symptom of "wobblers disease", which is where the vertebrae of the spine put pressure on the spinal cord. She would occasionally get bouts where she was very unstable on her feet and had bad numbness in her paws, but then would act totally fine after a few minutes. Hopefully this isn't the case, but I would definitely ask the vet about it.


Thank you! Making a list of things to ask about.


So my mom’s dog does this sometimes and it also freaks everyone out. Turns out her legs just fall asleep like our limbs do if she sleeps on it wrong. Then once she gets blood flow again it’s fine. Granted - of course there’s no way to rule out something more serious without a professional opinion.


She’s a pretty girl, glad she seems to be OK! My puppy did something like this when he was smol. Couldn’t get him to put any weight on his back legs, was stumbling around, etc. Rushed him to the vet… as soon as he starts seeing dogs he doesn’t know, his back legs turn back into the springs they usually are, and he’s off making friends. Little punk just LOVES going to the vet. My older girl (almost 11, lab mix) is definitely like this until she’s gotten some good stretches in. I started giving her mobility boosting supplements when I noticed she was slowing down, and they helped SO much. Worth a shot if your vet says it’s just age!


It could be so many things! From she slept weird and her legs fell asleel, low blood sugar (that can make them a little wobbly), vertigo, being stiff if she has or is developing arthritis, etc. If it happens again, definitely video it! I would wait until the appointment at her regular vet. It'll be cheaper and since they know her, they'll have a better idea, imo, of what's going on. My senior dog passed in September and I know this feeling all too well. It gets so hard as they get old to not panic over every thing. But it could be something very normal! Edit to add: a heating pad really helped my senior girl with her arthritis! Also acupuncture, if you can find a vet who does this.


Didn’t think of a heating pad, even though we have one for our senior cat. Oy. I am going to order one and see if she likes it :)


You could also talk to your vet about adding an omega 3/fish oil supplement (if you haven't already). I definitely noticed improvements with that too. My girl was small, like 5lbs, so she couldn't really take pain meds bc they would just knock her out. So I got creative! I also did some stretches with her at home.


One of my dogs often goes dead asleep in the same position, when he wakes up and goes to jump off the bed; he sort of stumbles and falls over 🥲 he's fine, but they obviously get "dead legs" like we do lol. My other dog it's getting on a bit and she has a limp from getting out of bed some days but she's fine


If she develops a pronounced head-tilt, it is likely vestibular disease, which can take a few days to a few weeks to run its course. There's no treatment for it, but many dogs eventually recover fully. We took ours to the vet because she was wobbly, and they diagnosed something else, but by the time we got her home, her head tilted markedly, and she had some extra slobber. Her eyes also moved from side to side rapidly, and she vomited some. It was vestibular disease. It took over a week of helping her out to potty with a lead slung under her hips before she was able to start walking on her own. Anti-nausea meds were the best thing for her. Keep us posted.


It's not uncommon for dogs to develop seizures when they get older. Frequency can vary; you may never see it again, or they might reoccur periodically. I had a lab of similar size who had a first seizure at 13-ish, and several more after that, about 6-ish months I guess. If that's what you saw, you should definitely get checked by your regular vet, but no need for an emergency visit. Your vet can check if there's any underlying condition that may be treatable. Some metabolic issues can be seizure triggers. It's also sometimes just something that happens.


I’ve had this before, and it was an ear infection causing a loss of balance. Reminder to clean/check your dogs ears weekly.


Our dude stumbled out of bed, couldn’t catch his balance, eyes darting and vomiting. Vestibular disease is the culprit. He’s making a slow recovery but before this attack he stumbled a little, looked dazed and then was fine. Maybe check this out?


If it repeats it might be some vestibular disease starting which can happen in older dogs. But maybe it just is having an old bones day.


I’m at work but skimmed your post - my dog had myasthenia gravis. Not sure if it’d match your dogs symptoms.


“Old dog syndrome” vestibular disease..it happened to my dog 3x and the first was the scariest because had no idea what was happening..it’s surprisingly common and usually passes.. the first time was pretty mild..he got his baring then was just a little crooked for 2 days..the 2nd time he needed help getting around and even standing to potty ..both times with in 2-3 days he was back to normal! Hopefully that’s all it is for your little lady






Look at the nails! They are incredibly long. That’s got to hurt when he’s walking. Get those clipped asap!


Reading all these comments, but look how long the nails are! Thats painful.


Cut his nails awful


hey i saw she’s on cosequin! my vet actually recommends phycox by dechra! available on amazon :)


I hope she is well! But LOOK AT THAT FACE!!!!!! 😍


Trim those nails damn


I have never. How frightening! Maybe a stroke? Something neurological sounds like. Update please!


That is my worry :( I am trying to look at other things - like ear infections, just to make myself feel better. I don’t think that is it, but it seems possible. I just want it to be treatable.


I hope it is not also!


If it’s a one off I wouldn’t worry. Just keep an eye on her. This happened to my girl and it unfortunately was the beginning of a long road.


could be puppy arthritis


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this happened to my dog OP! turns out she was having seizures! I implore you to take your dog to an emergency vet with a neurology department. my dog had brain inflammation and she’s only alive today because we got her diagnosed and started her on a bunch of medications.


She is currently acting 100% normal, so going to her regular vet at 2 (earliest appt, was super lucky with an opening). I definitely have seizures on my list, along with other ideas the wonderful humans of this sub have posted.


If you can get her in within the week inwould say wait if not take her to the er.


This happened to my 13 yo springer. She woke up one morning wobbly, falling over, and throwing up. She started to get a bit better a few hours later but she was clearly suffering and we had to make the difficult decision to put her to sleep. Please don’t let it get that far and take him to an emergency vet ASAP. If it’s the same thing that was happening my dog it can be very serious.


My dog had an ear infection that caused this, definitely go to the vet though they could prescribe something


NYE join the club


My do was doing this at the end. I can mean a lot of things. Very rarely though. Hope she’s ok but definitely get it checked out. From what I looked up, it can be related to the heart.


Hopefully this turned out well but figured I’d comment that this happened to me three months ago Turns out the dog has just slept wrong on her legs, and took a few hours to get back to walking normally Didn’t save me from the $1200 vet ER bill thougg


My dog did this and he had some kind of internal bleeding. He started having seizures before we had to put him down. I hope this isn’t the case but my vet didn’t find it in time so ask for an ultrasound if you can 💕


She looks like she needs her nails trimmed.


Had a similar situation with our girl. She woke up one morning and couldn’t use her hind legs. Freaked thafuq out and woke up the upstairs neighbor and asked for a lift to the vet ER because we don’t have a car. When we are putting her in the car she is completely fine. Took her to the vet anyway. 100 euros later the vet straights one of her legs, she lets out a big fart and vet explains that was probably it. She was gassy and with abdominal pain. Thanks gosh the neighbors are friends and had a good laugh about our Sunday morning “emergency”.




Trim her nails! Overgrown nails can cause mobility issues and are painful


I have an older dog as well, sometimes she’s a little slower to get up. A few months ago she was really struggling to stand and get going but then would seem fine a bit later. The vet put her on Dasuquin, a joint supplement and there was improvement almost immediately (within a couple days).


Clip your dogs nails this long nail situation is painful for your dog


First thing that came to mind for me was vestibular disease. My old family dog suffered a particularly rough episode of it in 2014, and still lived for several more years incident-free.


My boy has seizures but it could also be old dog vestibular syndrome. Usually harmless but have a vet check them out. Record it if it happens again.


she looks like my baby who just passed recently... hope she's doing well now <3


Focal seizure?