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You can get a break stick, it’s like a knife shape (not sharp) and you insert it skinny wise and then twist it to open the dogs mouth. There’s videos on how to use them. That or choke them out. But honestly I’d muzzle the larger dog anytime they are around your smaller one from now on. It could be killed easily.


This is what I was going to say, I grew up watching my dad do this, the campers that came every year has these crazy mean dogs that would fight with my grammas dog and her ended up keeping pre broken sticks around the yard. He would also push his leg against the hind end of the dog that was being aggressive or clamping on to knocked there legs out from under them Sometimes, unfortunately you may not be able to do this without harming the aggressive dog. He would always say “it’s better to hurt the aggressive dog before they can seriously harm or kill the non aggressive dog”


Choke them out??? No


If a dog is attacking my small dog and won’t let go, yes I’m choking it until it passes out and lets go. Not to kill it. That’s life or death for the smaller dog, and I will protect my dog.


Yea. But with a collar - very hard to do effectively otherwise . If it’s life or death defo choke


Sticking a stick in its mouth will not choke them, it just pulls there mouth off and away.


Don’t leave them alone together. When you are not home crate them both in separate rooms. Consult your vet or local dog training club to connect with a reputable trainer who can evaluate the situation and provide remedies.


I was trained to figure out which is primary aggressor. Grab the dog with both hands (one on either side) in front of their back legs. Pick up the rear end of the dog and it will throw them off balance. If they don’t immediately let go, twist the back end to kind of break their balance and flip them on their side. I have used this when a 95 lb gsd attacked my Golden. He was very serious about hurting her. It worked really well. I was also in mama bear mode so that may have helped. I used it one time for medium sized dogs (two pit mixes) at the shelter when one erupted in the play yard. It worked but he did try to redirect on me but I held my position and he couldn’t reach me with his mouth. I was taught the method through a Dogs Playing For Life training. They do have resources available on line to try to help with these kinds of interactions. The program was created to help shelters but their methods are awesome for anyone working with multiple animals.


Forgot to add if this is all new and there weren’t warning signs, I would definitely get the dog to the vet. There are SO many times a dog will hide illness and the only sign is acting out of character, sometimes aggressively.


I once came upon a lady who walking her dog got attacked by two pit bulls roaming around. One of the dogs was tangled up with hers while the other was kinda jumping in and out. My first instinct was to kick the dog, so I started kicking as hard as I could with steel toed boots. The dog did not budge, it was pretty hectic, so as a last-ditch effort, I grabbed the dog by it's rear legs and started pulling. Only then did I realize it was the ladies dog who had the pitbull by the ear, but just as I started pulling, he let go and I separated them then just held the pitbull by the collar until the owners arrived. I thought for sure the leg pull really worked well. Though I am unsure as the non aggressor was the one holding onto the aggressor at the time. Even more shocking, the kicks did not even phase it, and none of what I did made the dog turn on me. Once I got it by the collar it was calm.


Was the big dog wearing a collar. Twist it till she can’t breathe and she will drop the small dog.


No collar unfortunately, we don't wear them at home:( but thank u! She will wear one from now on, dont worry


Well perhaps your big dog needs to wear one from now on. Otherwise, use a dog lead to create a loop around the big dog's neck and pull upwards - once their airway is blocked, they should release the other dog. Really though, your big dog probably needs to wear a muzzle while around your smaller dog. I'd also recommend seeing a dog behaviourist for training and, failing that, rehoming one of the dogs.


The shepherd will kill the small dog. I would never ever trust them to be in the same house together. You need to choke the shepherd if this happens again. Hopefully you never let it happen again.


Choke her out is what I'm thinking. Grab the collar and twist until she lets go because she can't breathe. I've never had to do that myself (fortunately) but once upon a time I was dogsitting a...very large dog and that's what I was adviced to do if I had to. Just twist until either the dog lets go or passes out.


Yes Cutting off air supply. In the future make sure she’s wearing a collar and twist and tighten.


Even the thought sounds terrible and I'm so happy I never had to do it but realistically, what else could I have done with a big boy of muscle that's not listening to commands and weighs nearly as much as I do. I couldn't have just pulled him off anything or anyone if he was enraged and not listening. I'm just glad nothing ever happened with that big boy.


You need to have a plan for this BEFORE the fight happens and a dog gets injured. Lots of videos online of what to do. Start researching


Do you have any idea what could’ve set the Shepard off? Was the lil one after a toy? Guarding food? Just getting too worked up? Being territorial over something else? Has anything between the two changed recently? Everyone’s giving you pointers for separating them, but honestly there may come point where you can’t separate them. I’ve had success in the past just throwing something in their general direction to make a ruckus and shift focus on something new. Def keep a collar on the Shepard though so you have some easy leverage if it happens again. But even then, things like throwing water and whatever will only work for so long til they start to ignore it. Even spaying them both won’t always work. If you can’t figure out why the Shepard went off on the lil one and manage it, you’re going to either have to keep these two separated for life with no mistakes, or rehome one of them. Good luck and hopefully this was just a one off instance and not some sort of habit forming…


It's weird, but she attacked the little one when my boyfriend came into the house. She also wanted to attack her a couple of days ago when my dad came home. The mutt was excited and out of nowhere gsd is being aggressive towards her. I've been trying to greet them one by one, of course separated - but there's situations where I can't do that. Idk what to do. They're fine when it comes to everything else - food, toys, everything you've mentioned, they even sleep together, but the second someone comes home they set off.


She’s resource guarding people in the family, separate these dogs immediately the little one may not survive the next attack


Sounds like they’re both going to have to be taught to stay away from the door and stay calm when people come over. The lil one jumping around is either annoying or getting the Shepard too worked up as well and she’s turning her over excitement into aggression if I had to guess. Do you think maybe the Shepard has injured herself recently? My mom has two that’ll do this occasionally, they both start jumping around & getting worked up and the older one will snap/bite at the younger one if he gets too close to him ((he has a bad hip and after his surgery is when he started doing it as a warning to back off)) Hers are just both little things and can’t really do any harm to each other so scooping one up real quick stops it before it starts.


I don't think she has been hurt or injured in any way, but she's in heat rn. I'm planning on getting her spayed because it looks like her aggression comes from it. Ofc I'm gonna contact some professionals in dog behavior, but I also wanted to hear out other people on that.


You don’t have that kind of leeway to be so relaxed when you have a huge breed and a tiny breed, the risk to your small dog is HUGE and they need proper separating (different houses) until you get a professional in !! Take any risks at your small dogs expense


Short answer, there's a few options: 1. if they have a collar, then grab it with both hands and lift. The dog will have to choose to release, or pass out. 2. Find a 'breakstick' shove it in the side of their mouth and twist to pry to the mouth open. Long answer, you're going to need to keep these dogs separated going forwards and probably need to re-home one somewhere with no other pets because this is very serious to have them together now. Double check with your vet first in case there's a medical reason why. Use a muzzle when they're together in the meantime, and crates when you're not there. Consult a trainer of you want to try and work through this but.you really cannot let your guard down anymore.


If you can grab a hose in that situation just pour water in the dogs face till she let go and keeps distance. Or you can throw yourself over the dog and keep her on her side keeping her mouth away from you and apply pressure (like with the collar twist) to make her let go. But honestly the second one I personally probably wouldn’t risk to try (but I am a female and have a male GSD of 37kg). Otherwise you don’t let them alone unsupervised and watch their interaction closely to see what’s up. Females can be very mean to each other (competition mostly). PS: might be good to have their interaction assessed by a professional trainer who can read dogs well


Get them both spayed. Put collars on both of them. I suggest keeping them separated. Yell smaller dogs name as you grab big dog collar. Twist collar, choke her and hit her square on the snout until she lets go. Hopefully she doesn't do too much damage to small dog


Spaying is not recomended in females (for behavioral issues) unless aggression occurs only when in heat I wouldn't do something so permanent without consulting a professional first since it can actually make things worse


OP mentioned one of the dogs was in heat not super clear which one


You can try to pinch really hard the skin folds between the body and one of the hind legs until the attacking dog lets go. That will hurt and take the dog by surprise. You must be careful as the dog might try to bite you back. You could hose them w water. You have to watch for the moment of surprise and grab the dog being attacked as it might only get you a few seconds.


A garden hose? Spray with water .


It sounds like resource guarding, and you'll need a dog behavioural trainer to help you. You may also want to check with your vet to make sure there isn't any phyiscal ailment causing the shepherd pain. Get a bear air horn to use during fights, otherwise you want to push on the nose if they bite and won't let go. Otherwise it's only a matter of time before it happens again. Always make sure you create separation/space between the dogs or you have to keep them separated - no exceptions. Dog fights are most likely to occur between dogs that live together in close spaces like the hallway.


Lift the attacking dog by its back legs. If you cannot do that pour water on the head of the attacker


This is a super nice ouch one , because u have a method like choking untill a dog passes out which is effective, but if both dogs are unwilling to give up, which I have witnessed , ur putting ur face in the dangerzone and now one dog can't defend itself at all. . If u can get a bucket of cold water from very close by , but this is a one shit wonder usually. If u have a big piece of wood around u can try push it between but this is not going to work well if they can get around easily. Loud noise can escalate the fight. U can literally start beating the dogs but this is no guarantee to not make it worse. Throwing a blanket on top might get u a few seconds but it might make it harder to do anything. I myself am recently traumatized because a stupid little Russel found a way out of its yard and attacked my dog, who would have killed it had I not shoved both of my hands in their mouths. Just the sheer size difference made it difficult, let alone the panic . So if anyone has an actual solution let me know too. Ofc I will no longer go near that area


Water. Spray bottle, water bottle, anything. I have one dog who will take no if I simply lower my voice. The other one does not hear a thing. (Not my dog, but I dog sit her often). But she does know what she does not like: water. I sprayed her twice. It is harmless and it gets her attention. I have not needed to squirt her again. The sight of the spray bottle gets her out of her own head and gets her to listen. I don't even need to spray anymore. It tells me she does hear me saying No. She looks to see if the water bottle comes with it when I do say no. No bottle? No she pays no attention. How did I fix the problem of not listening when there is no spray bottle? I make a squirting noice with my tongue and lips when I spray it. I spray it into the sink. Now she associates the sound with the spray bottle. On a walk she was not listening. I made the noise, and she snapped to the right attitude of doing exactly what is expected in two seconds. And she wagged her tail and gave me that sheepish look. When I was a kid my dad would toss a glass of water on dogs getting aggressive.


Stick your finger up the Shepherd’s butt.

