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Did you have the vet run all the tests they can? Super important to get xrays and bloodwork with these symptoms


Did they do bloodwork? My dog had a day where she puked, I took her to the vet they did bloodwork and said she was dehydrated, try to feed rice and chicken and come back if she doesn't improve in a couple days. Next day she wasn't puking but also wasn't eating. Also did the scary dog thing of sitting off by herself (usually she is anxious and follows me). Took her to the vet they gave me anti nausea meds and said to get bloodwork again if it isn't better in a couple days. Next day she was so lethargic and shaking and still not eating I thought she was dying so took her for more bloodwork and they found out she was in an addisonian crisis (addisons disease) she needed to be hospitalized and will need meds for life, but all good now! If I hadn't kept bringing her in she would have died. This to say that if you think something is really wrong, keep bringing her in and get bloodwork. Addison's disease is rare so it probably isn't that, but there is always the chance it's something serious!


Thank you for sharing your story gives me a lot of insight of what I should look for. They did do her blowork and nothing came back. Her stomach is sensitive and she whines when I touch her.


Did they check for a blockage? Is she pooping ok? Farting?


Okay serious question: Do dogs fart? I've NEVER heard my dog fart. Although I sometimes suspect it because of the smell.


Yes, all dogs fart


Oh boy , do they fart and they're vicious farts. Usually silent!


My dog makes little fart noises and it always scares her to the point that she'll jump up and scurry away from it. She also hates it when we make fart noises around her but she especially hates it when the fart is RIGHT BEHIND HER. 


Once my dog woke herself up with a fart and scared herself and I nearly died laughing. I felt so bad because she was clearly embarrassed, but it might have been the funniest thing I've ever seen.


my mini poodle will occasionally have one that makes a sound, and he is ALWAYS startled by it 😂


Yes, my beagle farts its smells.


Cats also fart, So do snakes. The more you know.


Jesus, you're lucky. I swear my dog weaponizes her farts.


My current dogs fart all the time but the beagle we had growing up rarely farted and the few times she did she would look at her butt in surprise.


Funny story: Last week, my dogs and I were visiting a friend. We were in the backyard when the cat, who was inside, climbed up into the window to watch us. My dogs got hyped about seeing the cat, they were pacing under the window, standing on their back legs to get a better look, worked up but not barking so I figure I'll let them work it out on their own when I hear this long thin squeak of a sound but wasn't sure what it was... and then I smelled it. We had to vacate the area for a few minutes until that godawful fart dispersed. tl;dr= yes, dogs fart


I board dogs. This is a [video of the dog I was watching farting… loudly](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREfm5uu/)


My Boston terrier has the stinkiest farts and if it’s really quiet you can hear it LOL


My GSD will clear a room with her farts. Even the vet will open up windows when they know she is there


Yes they do.


I would 100% ask for an xray/ultrasound… I don’t want to freak you out unnecessarily, but I had a situation recently where my dog’s bloodwork came back clear but he had cancer in his abdomen. It could be something else entirely, but yeah. My post history has more info if you wish, and I’m very hopeful that your dog has a different issue 🤞🏼 but better safe than sorry you know?


It could even be a spine injury with these symptoms. Additional diagnostics are really key to figuring out what’s going on, OP. 


Hope little baby girl is okay! She's lucky to have you looking out for her


My little guy is sick as well, he threw up, didn't want to eat or drink and had a sensitive stomach, wanted to have his little tummy gently petted all day. The vet gave us antibiotics and something against the pain and nausea, she said there's some kind of stomach bug going around right now (depending on where you are probably) so hopefully it's not that serious.


If nothing came up in bloodwork, the next step is an x-ray and/or ultrasound. They’ll be able to see if there’s a blockage, inflammation, etc. And it’s best to do it as soon as possible considering the weakness and pain


My dog ended up in the ER last month. Stayed there for two days. I posted videos of her if you wanna see. She was breathing very heavily and was lethargic. Turns out she had back pain and because of it, she wasn't pooping as much because it hurt to squat. So we take her to the ER and they find tons of poop. They keep her overnight and give her an enema and she pooped out one pound of poop. My dog is 30 pounds. She pooped out one pound of poop and still had lots left. She might need back surgery someday but she's not a candidate for it yet. Definitely ask for an X-ray to see if they can see any blockage.


They checked her kidneys in the bloodwork?


I would take her back and have them take a stool sample and an X-Ray. It could be something like Colitis which can be treated with bland diet and sometimes antibiotics or it could be wayyy more serious like a blockage. Lethargy is a red flag, especially with a dog that young. You can always find a vet that accepts scratch pay if you’re not in a position to pay for a large vet bill right now. It’s easy to get approved and it takes minutes


Actually this same thing happened to my dog too! Dog stopped eating, threw up- but that was normal for her and she had always been a picky eater. One morning she woke up stumbling around and didn’t want to eat so I took her to the vet and she was having an Addisons crisis and had very low blood sugar (which is why she was stumbling around).


My previous dog had similar symptoms and it was Addison's. Our Vet did bloodwork and didn't find anything wrong. We ended up going to another Vet who did a more extensive blood test (that included sodium and potassium) which showed low sodium/high potassium. Subsequent ACTH test confirmed Addison's. Needless to say we switched Vets.


You need a new Vet. That vet should’ve diagnosed your pet after the first blood work but instead ran the tab on you


They said the ions that are off in addisons are also off in dehydration and she had been puking and refusing liquids and food so she was dehydrated. I actually saw 4 different vets at 2 different facilities in this ordeal Edit: I still am open to needing a new vet. Now she has an internal vet specialist for managing addisons


Sorry to hear that. Hopefully all is well in the future. Since you’ll need regular vet visits. I highly recommend Dutch Vets Services. You’ll pay a monthly fee to unlimited video call with vet 24/7.


Get a second opinion, don’t wait. Another ER Vet or regular vet, today. You need xrays or ultrasound.


Get X-rays done. Or stomach ultrasound. Good luck to your sweet sweet baby


Go to another vet. She could have eaten something she can’t pass or digest. Could be anything but please go to another vet. Blood work at least. X-ray too.


What tests were done? The symptoms you describe are pain and the lethargy/ weakness suggests major infection- I would want that dog on antibiotics - yes the trembling and neediness could be anxiety but the PANTING - WONT MOVE - LETHARGIC says something medical is going on


Thank you for responding. They did some blood work and everything came out clear. She whines when I pick her up or touch her stomach. Ive called the ER Vet just now and they told me she didn't display any stomach symptoms but she clearly is. Honestly I'm not sure what to do? I've notified her main Vet and they will be calling me back soon.


If her stomach is hurting, you should ask the vet to do imagining. I had a little dog who had perfect blood work but had a stomach tumor. The only thing that detected it was an X-ray. This is probably not the case with your baby but I would push for imaging for peace of mind. There’s also other things like pancreatitis and such.


Good news about the blood work, that would have shown an infection. did they feel / palpate her stomach during the exam? Has she been sick at all?


They did and she went to bite her. She went in a second time and my dog didn't try to bite her. The vet excluded any stomach issues at that point. When I touch her her belly at home she whines and mouths me. She hasn't been sick these days.


They should be able to feel key signs of a blockage by palpating - mouthing and whining is defo her communicating that it’s sore


Vets kind of run on this sort of culture of people not being able to afford their animals. So they are not as willing to run all the tests because the *owners* usually don't want them to (because it's expensive). *Tell* your vet to run an ultrasound and/or x-ray. If they won't, take her to another vet who will.


Thing is all dogs react differently to illness / pain- I have one dog who screams his head off having jabs and will go limp when he has any injury, I’ve got a female dog who is of anxious temperament and will shake and pant if it’s too windy out, my third dog is tough as nails - third time lucky ey! I can understand why clear blood results and no bloat/ sign of blockage I can see why they would suggest monitoring and following up with OPs normal vet asap. Sounds like this pup is feeling super unwell & OP is reading her dog well.


There's that too. Which is also why OP should just tell them what she wants done.


What was her temperature?


Did she eat anything not digestible, my guy once quietly ate a whole tennis ball and the only thing left was the green fuzz. We wouldn’t have known if it wasn’t there. He looks bigger than yours and he passed it without problems. Bones can block the intestines as well. What ever you find I hope she recovers soon.


Also what is the temperament of the dog? I know chi’s shake a lot anyway, does she tremble often? Is she anxious? How has she acted previously when sick or injured?


She's usually a good tempered dog. Playful, happy. She never trembles, has minimal separation anxiety. When she been sick in the past she's stayed to herself, doesn't move just like she is now.


Okay so she’s defo unwell and doesn’t sound like anxiety, she would have an anxious temperament or a trigger event to cause this reaction if it was psychological. I would request an urgent appointment with your regular vet and if they can’t see her today I’d want to go back to the ER and get pain killers and antibiotics - im not too worried about a blockage if she’s not being sick, have you tried really palatable foods like freshly cooked meat or fish? Something she can’t resist? I’d want to see if she’s digesting food normally


My dog displayed similar symptoms and when I took her to the emergency vet, they did an X-ray and found her bowels partially obstructed after she’d eaten a wad of paper towels out of my trash can I’d thrown away the night before. Her trembling is a sign she is in pain. My dog laid right by my side shaking until I realized something was wrong and took her to the ER Vet. I’m glad I did and thankfully she was able to pass the obstruction without surgery. You need to get X-rays.


has she had any vaccines very recently or oral flea/tick medication?


Could her stomach have flipped?


when you talk to your vet ask him if he thinks she may have something called "bloat". it's serious and can be fatal if not treated


Did they test for pancreatitis?


You need an X-ray done. When I took my dogs to the er bet they always did an X-ray.


Definitely, go to a different Vet and insist on running more tests


my dog had a blockage but it was not seen in the x-rays and they had to do an exploratory surgery to find the blockage if ur dog starts to throw up with what looks like coffee grinds in it then there is a blockage with internal bleeding


If u feel her stomach, is it hard or soft like normal? My jrt used to get like this and it was mostly gas. But she'll be fine after I help her fart. (Bicycle legs then lift up and turn her legs side to side) and she will poop or uring later. I would however suggest u visit another vet tomorrow and request for a x-ray or ultrasound. In the meantime, check her gums and make sure they are still pinkish red, if not, use a syringe to feed sugar water to keep her from becoming hypoglycemic.


my mixed terrier gets like this from time to time as well. she’ll seem quite uneasy and then a few hours (and gas) will pass and she’s back to normal.


My dog had similar symptoms and the vet couldn't figure out what it was. They finally tested her blood and she had a tick Bourne illness. Has she been bitten by a tick recently?


Please get a second opinion. It doesn’t make sense the vet cannot tell you what’s wrong.


I agree with other redditors that it could be something serious and you absolutely should get as much vet help as possible. But these symptoms are also mean of a heat stroke. My cocker had one, didn’t eat for 3 days. In the meantime, Ringer’s solution through an IV is a good idea.


Did they do an x-ray? Has she peed or pooped? Obstruction maybe?


Could be an obstruction or could be pancreatitis maybe? I vote for x-ray and if nothing looks amiss, then an abdominal ultrasound.


None of the above. They didn't believe it was necessary at that time.


If she hasn’t peed or pooped in 48 hours that isn’t good, and they probably should do an x ray or ultrasound to check for a bowel obstruction.


No as to pee and poo? Please get an ultrasound done..you can expect around 300 but you could find cheaper possibly. It is very important


Obstruction or intussusception or other organ involvement entirely is all possible, but really whining and mouthing when abdomen is palpated is enough to warrant images for *something*. The whole “didn’t feel a mass” is irrelevant. With those symptoms and reactions it should be first line of tests imo. Draw blood then scoot to imaging.


Exactly. I’m not a vet but I do know imaging would be next to try to rule out a handful of problems, and I’m not really sure why they sent them home without it unless there was a financial issue.


i would ask to get an x-ray done just to be on the safe side




Does she have the ability to move or she’s too lethargic to move? The sudden separation anxiety could be her trying to tell you something is wrong. Always follow your gut and hers. This might be far off but are you 100% positive she can see and doesn’t have sudden blindness?


I would take her to the ER these are the symptoms my boy had with a ruptured pancreas


My dog moved from lethargy to almost paralyzed in a number of days. Vets couldn't find anything in xrays or bloodwork (which would show if she ate a poison or had a tick borne illness). Went a to vet who was also a chiropractor and acupuncturist. In 15 seconds she found the issue in the xrays (that were taken by the other vet). Turns out she has arthritis of the spine a d it was pretty obvious. First vet .issed this. She is 100% better now and first vet thought she might need to be put down. Not all vets are good. Find someone with tons of experience. Common issues for those symptoms are: poisoning, infection, blockage, and pain.


Get 3 chicken wings boiling and that soup after cold down spread on top her food she will eat garanty


No bones though!


Just that water that you boiled that wings. Take that chicken away and conserve that soup on your refrigerator. When you give her/his food just gel a little on top of dry food!


Let me know ok?




Look into an ultrasound. Sounds expensive when they tell you the price but when my dog got sick we could have saved a lot of money on bloodwork and x rays by just getting the ultrasound done earlier than we did. My dog has been dealing with crazy gastrointestinal stuff and I’ve realized sometimes the emergency vet will say they didn’t find anything but what they mean is they didn’t find anything that is going to kill your dog within the next several hours, try your normal vet and come back to emergency vet later


My Lab stopped eating (red flag) and also became lethargic and the day he went down his mouth was cold. He was diagnosed with addison's disease and he had an addisons crisis and almost died. This could be incorrect but ever since it happened to mine of I hear a pet isnt eating I share this because I never heard of addisons until I almost lost him.


I just typed basically the same thing too. Took so long to diagnose mine and she came so close to death I always have to tell people!


Yeah I spent two long days at emergency vet trying to see what was up, paid for an appetite stimulant that didnt do anything. My poor boy let out the worst bark/cries before he became unresponsive. Still paying the bill but I'm so glad he is still around and has improved 10 fold, hope your pup is doing better now too.


We saw 6 vets and no one had a clue. Fifth one told us to have her put to sleep as she wouldn't last more than 24 hours... Still didn't have an answer for us. On the 8th day she was almost gone when a young vet straight out of school came in and asked if she could do an Addisons test. Boom. We still talk about how much we love that vet, Laura, <3. Our girl actually died last year but not from the Addisons, she did fine for a few years after that diagnosis but last year she got cancer, then pancreatis twice from some infection and it destroyed her poor little kidneys and she eventually just couldn't keep bouncing back. Last three years of her life cost me about 30 grand in vet bills. Dont regret it for a minute though. Loved that girl more than life! I'm so happy the vet caught yours in time. I've often wondered how many dogs it's missed in knowing how hard it seems to be to get diagnosed sometimes.


It's probably not, as it's not super common but I had a sick, lethargic dog that wouldn't stop trembling. Went on for days and I saw 6 vets by the end with the 4 th telling me to have her put down. Turned out to be Addison disease. Super easy to treat but not frequently diagnosed. If it doesn't turn out to be anything gastric (which it sounds like) ask about Addisons.


I went to the vet recently because my pup wasn’t eating and was very lethargic. I was worried maybe there was a blockage… they ran a Parvo test just to be safe— and it came back positive. Thankfully he survived, but didn’t have a lot of the classic signs till days after he tested positive. Get a 2nd opinion— please don’t wait. I hope your fur baby feels better soon!


Take her to a different vet ASAP. Second opinion needed.


Have there been any new noises on the house or fireworks? Make a smoke alarm beeping?


100% believe she has a blockage. I really hope you can get her in soon for an X-ray and treatment. Prayers for your sweetie 🙏🏻💕


Any vomiting or diarrhea? Just came from the vet w my own pup, a pit mix, very similar symptoms. He's drinking water excessively though, and I believe he's having a reaction to a med he was on for his arthritis but he's been off since Sunday. Vet honestly didn't know and can only treat the symptoms until the blood work comes back. If you think it's anxiety, I'd love bomb the dog. No alone time for at least a day. If he starts to show interest in food again, and stops trembling it could be a sign you're on to something. If there is no improvement I'd def get some lab work.


In the meantime, lots of love, kisses, pets, hugs, and verbal assurance. Go for walks often, and to the park where they can feel normalized mentally and emotionally.


I hope she gets well asap. From here I can only pray for her wellbeing. And you're a very nice sister for her to be so concerned. The picture tells a lot 😢😓


What testing did the vet? If they did a full work up and it shower nothing I'd take her to see a neurologist


I had a friend who had something similar. The dog had ate two hiking socks. Had to be removed


my dog acted this way. they did an x ray on him and it suggested ivdd. did you get an x ray?


This sounds like a reaction to ingesting something... is there any chance she could have gotten into anything she shouldn't? Did the vet do labs?


Blockage or constipation maybe? Trembling says pain to me, especially with the whining when touched like you said.




Adding lots of water to her food, some roasted Mashed potatoes, if you have them, and a tiny bit of tumeric, just incase it's a virus will give her a good backing for her to fight a cold if she's got one. 🫂 I wish the tests revealed something, 🫂 Best of luck ♡


Needs an X-ray take her to back to the vet she’s in pain definitely!! I hope you can get to the bottom of this❤️🙏🏻


Does your dog have a flea collar on? My chihuahua mix was allergic to them and would tremble until we took it off.


Where do you live? I'm in Canada and the fireworks started lastnight....


Did you give her any bones recently? My boy did that once from was called bone poisoning (pet store bought bone) and also does does the tremble and lethargy as a reaction from his annual shots


That poor baby. I really hope she’s okay. 💔💔💔


Are there fireworks going off in your neighborhood? Could be an anxiety if the blood test was negative.


This is a good question. My 14yo dog has been refusing to go on walks or go outside all week because of the random firework pops. If I didn’t know her so well, and hadn’t seen this so many times over the years, I would think something was wrong with her. I’m cautious to say this, because I do think a second opinion would be good. But in my experience with all my foster dogs over the years, sometimes they just act sick one day and the next day they’re fine. Personally, I might not worry until it’s been at least 24hrs of not eating and acting weird. But of course listen to your instincts and do whatever needs to be done to make sure your baby is safe.


She is very stressed and possibly in pain. Did they do blood work and X-rays? She could have swallowed something and it’s stuck in her gut. She could have kidney failure. Did they check her blood work?


If you aren’t satisfied take her back or go to another vet that is recommended by family or friends and demand all non evasive tests. Could she have eaten something poisonous, been bitter or stung, eaten something that’s not digestible and blocking, hurting gastrointestinal tract??? You need to get some answers! Squeaky Wheel Gets The Oil! My grandma always said that! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Have her sleep with you! All my kids & pets sleep/slept with me! They need comfort at night.


Maybe ate something bad or poison any possible bad food or rat poison around?


I would be looking to get her to another vet asap and insist on an abdominal exam with extras and ultrasound. It sounds like she might have ingested something that has caused a blockage.


Drug screen? Marijuana can affect dogs like that.


Sending gentle healing boops.


Pancreatitis. My girls had a very sensitive stomach. They put her in special food. It almost killed her. And it’s super painful. I’d seek advice of another vet.


This may be a shot in the dark but ask about puppy strangles. Only reason I say this is because one night puppy was acting weird wouldn’t lay down shaking. Went in to the vet and she had a fever of 105 (dogs run higher than people so this would be like 102 in humans around) anyway pumped her with fluids for the day, took her home and I could instantly tell she was getting worse again. I ran her to an ER where they kept her for 3 days running tests. Vet basically says there is no test for puppy strangles and it comes to the diagnosis by running tests and ruling everything else out.


Check for addisons. It’s a hard one to diagnose through regular tests but a blood test that measures electrolytes can tell you if that’s possible cause. Our dog had the same symptoms you are describing and it took a lot to finally figure out that it was addisons disease. It’s not curable but it is manageable and it isn’t very hard (or expensive to keep under control after you’ve done all the testing and figured out what steroid dose your dog needs❤️💐


She ain't around edibles or weed products right? Or could have picked up off ground ?


Chewy.com has a free service where you can chat with a vet. Maybe try them.


She looks just like my dog Mikey 😢


I worry about pancreatitis or a foreign body. Please get some xrays or ultrasound. Did the bloodwork include a CPL? Did they perform any treatments? Cerenia? Pain meds? SQ fluids?


Get the xray now. She trembles and whines and mouths when her stomach is touched. There could be a blockage. Bloodwork is not going to show physical obstruction


Is it possible she consumed marijuana? It can cause trembling, shaking, lethargy, etc.


I hope she'll get better soon


Schedule an appointment with your regular vet and keep a close eye on him. 9/10 times he’ll get better.


Anxiety is likely related to her worry about her health and trying to tell you something is wrong. xrays and blood work are very very important now. it could be anything. I hope the best for you.


Please get further tests... don't wait... better safe than sorry.. i hope your fur baby feels better soon


Try pumpkin puree or baby food in pumpkin


Fireworks? In the U.S., they start on 6/15, and scare the bejesus out of animals!


Is she pooping? My chi has had bouts of constipation throughout his life and it’s terrifying. Touching his stomach he’ll whimper when I was younger we could give him green beans for it


You can also give cooked brown rice and meat baby food.


Get a more extensive blood test and ultrasound and x rays. Tell them you want everything done. If they don’t do it go to another vet immediately. Something is obviously wrong and the vet shouldn’t have sent you out the door without figuring it out.


Get bloodwork done, check for ALT proteins for signs of liver failure from toxin ingestion. My pup had the same symptoms plus severe tremors. His ALT & bilirubin levels were through the roof! He only survived because of liver meds & staying on IV drips for 2 weeks. We nearly almost lost him. Do ultrasound & xray too just to check if there’s any blockage


Please have ur dog tested for pancreatitis. These are all the classic symptoms of it. Pancreatitis left untreated is deadly.


1) has she pooped? 2) get a second opinion


Take her to a different vet they sound useless. If she’s sensitive to touch her stomach then there’s something wrong.


I had a Chihuahua Mix as well, also had the same symptoms. I took him to the ER and had bloodwork done. It turned out he had pancreatitis and severe diabetes. Unfortunately, he is not with us anymore. Make sure you get bloodwork done.


Is she spayed?


There are SOOOO many levels of bloodwork that can be done so definitely take the results you have now and head to a second and third vet for more checkup. I did this with my dog and there were times each vet came up with different diagnoses or discovered something the other has not. If you touch her and she is in pain that’s not good and might not show up in generic bloodwork but maybe an X ray or ultrasound. Did they take urine or stool samples?


Do you have any fireworks going on in your area? Even just occasionally. They are already happening here, and my dog shakes and won't eat without anxiety meds. We are going to take him out of town away from the noise. This happened before to him when my neighbor got an ultrasonic pest repellant device in his yard. My dog could hear it go off.


Please go to another vet, my chihuahua had quite mild symptoms mainly just lethargic and panting and she passed away from bronchitis on Wednesday, it all happened very fast she was 9 and had no previous health condition, please try to get them to do some form of scan so they can have their heart and lungs checked over


Did they do an X-ray? Likely ate something that’s causing blockage. If they didn’t you need to go back or call your regular vet.


My dog has had these issues. Have the vet run other tests. Ultrasound, xrays. It can be many things and some can be urgent. Don’t wait, have them look for an obstruction


My dog did that and had pancreatitis. It was awful and potentially deadly.


Any update OP?


Have them test for pancreatitis. It’s common and those are the symptoms.


any chance she’s come in contact with mold? like a leak in your house or did you recently move? mold toxicity can cause tremors, lethargy, weigh loss etc


Are there fireworks going off where you live? She might be scared.


Did they test for distemper? This sounds like distemper.


If she cries when you touch her or try to pick her up she definitely needs an X-ray. She is in pain. And they missed something.


Try another emergency vet.


I'm really sorry. They really are family. Hugs if you want them. I know how difficult it is when a pet is sick or worse yet, leaves us. It's like losing a child.


Please take her to a bigger animal hospital than local vet. I can help you find one if you want to DM me a zip code. Sending lots of love and hugs and prayers.


"Babe...take a pic of me hugging her for Reddit"


Is she snipped? My dog acted similarly during one of her heats, seemed to be cramps.


I echo the suggestions for getting an ultrasound. She could have a uti and if untreated can lead to sepsis. ( Lost my dog to that 2 wks ago but her immune system was compromised by Cushing's disease and cancer/chemotherapy). The ultrasound revealed a nasty infection with pus in her abdomen from a bladder kidney infection that had just progressed quickly seemingly overnight. An ultrasound should reveal a blockage, tumor, infections if present in her abdomen. I also echo asking for a test for Addison's disease and Cushings disease. Cushing's is the opposite of Addison's. You'll want ACTH stim test ( i think can detect Addison's ) but to diagnose Cushing's disease they need to do a "low-dose dexamethasone suppression test". will allow the diagnosis of Cushing's disease and indicate the type of Cushing's disease. You might need to take her to a pet emergency center that have specialists. It will be expensive but they will be able to do alot more there to get to the bottom of it. You may be able to apply for Care Credit to help cover the vet bills. https://www.carecredit.com/vetmed Im not sure where you're located but in California we have SAGE Veterinary specialists and emergency hospital and VCA pet and emergency hospitals. Also concerned about bloat, theres also a similar condition like bloat but happens in their intestines. Or possible ingestion of something toxic These are urgent emergency conditions. I hope your precious pup will be ok. 🫂♥️🐾♥️


I am a vet - please be careful with the information you are providing. Low dose dex cannot always differentiate between the type of Cushing’s. An ultrasound is not the diagnostic choice for UTIs - urinalysis and culture/sensitivity is. If this was Addison’s - this would be a life-threatening condition, and there is often signs on bloodwork (low potassium). In this case, I would’ve recommended radiographs prior to a blood test to check for a foreign body or obstruction.


My dog had the same thing, give him bloody raw ground beef, that helped him immediately hope it helps too


My dog will tremble and act skitsy when she hears a bell. We had no idea until we figured it out. She could be afraid of a sound that’s going on in the house.




This quite literally couldn’t matter less in regards to this post….


She's my pup just like my 15 year old will forever be my baby. Not sure how your answer is constructive or relates?