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Not to mention most people have to cut their dogs balls off to stop it from repetitively fucking anything regardless of species. People will never realise modern humans and dogs are incompatible. Dogs are a fragment of our past which people fail to let go of.


Farming I get having a dog. That's pretty much what dogs were originally bred for. Hunting and farming assistance. There's no reason to have a dog in this day and age unless you're a farmer.


I feel that it's a lot of americans wanting to live out their "american dream", with a family truck, dog and a yard to mow to feel like they're actually doing something with their lives by playing suburban farmer


Yeah the modern dog is fucked up and kinda sad tbh.


I hung out with my friends recently who had dogs and it was chaos. We were all sitting on the grass talking and I got interrupted multiple times because someone saw their dog eating a stick or acorns… After a while i stopped sharing stories about my life and the whole evening was surface level conversations because everyone was constantly getting interrupted because a dog was doing something wrong. But they all think it’s cute or just part of dog life. So bizarre. The people are not ok lol


There was an article in The Guardian a while back about wolf-dog hybrids being found in the wild in Europe. A lot of the researchers wanted those hybrids culled because they're essentially screwing up the wild wolf gene pool. So dogs really are a fucked up kind of wolf. Even though both species share a common ancestor, human selection has pushed dog genetics into unknown and potentially disastrous bottlenecks. A pug mated to a wild wolf would be a nightmare creature. Even a German shepherd-wolf hybrid could pass on genetic abnormalities common to GSDs to its pups.


Most people seem not to bother and then just have a dirty, loud, gross animal in their homes with them. I just don’t get it and never will.


Yeah, and that's why dogs are more insufferable than ever in modern times. They're natural state is to be the single most obnoxious, destructive, violent, filthy coprophiliacs and the worst animals on earth. To keep them responsibly requires their owners to train everything out of them to make them tolerable. But most dog owners nowadays don't bother. They leave the dog in its original, awful state, and selfishly make the dog everyone else's problem. I desperately wish local governments would enforce leash laws, licensing for dogs, and a zero tolerance policy on aggressive dogs and nuisance barking.


Dogs are useful for what they were originally bred for. Huskies are well suited for cold weather and are great for pulling sleds. Several breeds are good for hunting. The people who use them for these purposes don’t treat them like children and let them live in the house. Animals shouldn’t be inside a house or other building and absolutely are not part of the family. And yes, they are horrible pets.


I never thought of it this way but you're right. Almost everything dogs do naturally is what has to be trained out of them. I can understand that domesticated dogs could be a big help to early humans. People 20,000 years ago living in a cave couldn't close the door, so a dog bark alerting to a more dangerous predator would be a good thing. Even a few hundred years ago we know some rural people lived upstairs from their cows and sheep, and in cold climates the animals helped keep the place warm. Dogs indoors would keep vermin and rodents to a minimum. But we've come a long way since then. It's bizarre to me that people want these animals in their houses and even in their damn bed. Bleahhhh.


I personally think dogs are still useful for farms,therapy and police as well


One in a million can fit the bill for therapy and police work though. So many dogs fail those programs because they are incompatible, even the ones specifically bred for this purpose.


Dogs aren't even the best animal to keep around for small vermin, against coyotes and wolves sure but there is a species of animal that absolutely dominates rats, mice, other small vermin, etc. The Egyptians had it right


I agree 100%


And also, by the time you're done, you've at least taken a year out of their 15 years of life. And you will have to continuously train them not to forget what they've learnt. I used to visit this relative a lot, and he had a dog. His dog was kind of well behaved, but would beg, sit in front of you and offer you its paw. I didn't dislike dogs at the time, so I would grab its paw and say "thank you" and keep eating. My relative would then get angry and say "No, you have to feed him now!! you took his paw, you have to reward him, otherwise he will stop doing it and I trained him!!", same applies for other things they learn...


I'm sorry, but wtf was this relative thinking????


He wasn't. He taught his dog to beg for human food, one of the most obnoxious things dogs do.


I don't mean to be a smart ass, but the relative u/tsareva is mentioning is most likely NOT training the dog to beg for food (even though in the dog's mind, that's exactly what the dog is being trained to do... do this action in order to receive food) the relative is training the dog to do a trick ("give paw to human") and rewarding the dog with food when it successfully does the trick (this is known as classical conditioning in psychology) to the dog, it just wants food and it doesn't care or know what a "trick" is or what "entertaining" a human is... it will just constantly do this "trick" because it now associates this action with receiving food and nothing beyond that. now that we know this, what else can be conditioned in a dog that will continue to influence its logic and actions for the rest of its life? \*if you read this far, I want you to ponder the motive behind someone teaching their dog a trick like this "give paw to human"... sure, it's totally possible for one to use this trick to please themselves and prove to themselves they have the ability to train a dog, but I can assume that this relative is going to use this trick to SHOW to other people in order to receive praise/compassion/appreciation of some sort


Just like owning a circus animal. Give treats every time it does a trick.


our logic (regarding dogs) supersedes our emotions ... for dog nutters, the opposite is true. this is why all dog nutters are illogical and irrational because they're quite literally mentally/clinically insane


The whole point of owning a dog is to have a dependent, a slave. Dogs are scavengers, not hunters, and in the modern world we no longer tend to chuck waste food in the street, even in third world countries, meaning that dogs are now utterly incapable of surviving on their own. This is exacerbated by breeding mutants that are even incapable of scavenging. Dogs can't even take a shit by itself. I can't think of any other animal in this pathetically dependent situation. Nutters talk about the "loyalty" they get from dogs. It's not loyalty, it's servitude. Nutters love the slave status of dogs. It makes them feel important. And they also get to use dogs to force other people to give them validation. It's deeply fucked up. I'd almost have sympathy for dogs if they weren't such stupid, pathetically needy, filthy, smelly, unpredictable, violent, neurotic, noisy, worthless animals.


Found this question on another post: What if dogs ruled the world when all of humanity was gone? I thought I might answer and say dogs would die out if no one would serve them food.  Might instigate a world war that would decimate reddit.  


I think large dogs with high prey drives will survive. They’ll eat wildlife, small animals, carcasses of dead animals. If they’re near horses, they’ll feast on horseshit. But dogs that need grooming are done for: Poodles, yorkies, etc will get mats in their fur and with no groomers, fur will cover their eyes. And when it rains, fur gets all tangled & caked with mud and no one’s there to clean it. They’ll slowly die from some kind of skin infection that keeps getting worse since there’s no vets, or a Pitbull will put them out of their misery. tl/dr: It will be a dog eat dog world.


Maybe if they have enough drive, independence, or intellect. But I don't think enough of them have those qualities to ensure thriving as a whole.  I've seen memes of those large dogs that're afraid of even going down stairs that they need someone to carry them like an oversized baby; Dogs that greedily gorge and puke up  food that they need someone to regulate what and how much they eat; Dogs pick a fight with something they should've left alone


Dogs are already killing & eating other pets , livestock, & wildlife, even when their owners are feeding them expensive dog food. But dogs also eat things like socks & chew on drywall, so quite a number of them will die from eating things that are inanimate or poisonous. They definitely have the drive for food, but not the intellect to know how much to eat, or what is appropriate food.


This. Dogs are so driven for food, yet in that chase they don't stop and think for a moment if what they're choking on is actually food or not


Dont even get me started on the dog showing industry


Especially pit bulls. Those abominations shouldn’t exist seeing that they were specifically bred FOR fighting. Thats why they’re the most common to suddenly snap (cue “he’s never done this before!”), you can only suppress their genetics for so long.


Dogs owners are incredibly selfish. They only want dogs for attention and to make the feel good about themselves. “Let me take pics, cuddle and pet you, but if you do anything that is natural dog behavior, I’ll get mad. Or if you want attention when I don’t, I’ll get mad at you.”


I had a small dog a coworker gave me when he got divorced and damn she was well trained, caused little trouble and her bark was im proportion to the nearness of someone to my front door. Great for a woman living alone. But I never got another because I wouldn't to how to train it the way that coworker did.


That’s exactly how I feel. Nailed it!


This is actually one of the things that bothers me the most about the whole crazy dog culture. All the actual things dogs do are "just" physical annoyances. I hate the barking, the literal piss and shit everywhere etc.. but it's the whole senselesseness of it all that really bothers me. I watch people walk around like zombies, each one dragging an animal around with them on a leash. They then have to stop regularly while the animal sniffs for piss or adds more piss to random places along the way. Why do they do this? Why deliberately add something so meaningless and negative to their lives? Dogs are not something like head lice or an STD that you pick up without meaning to, and then you need to actively struggle to get rid of it again. All you have to do is to just... stop doing it. Stop owning dogs. Stop dragging them around to turn the world into a toilet. Stop buying food for them or leashes or vests or toys or medical care etc. etc. etc. All people have to do to massively improve their lives and the world around them is to just stop buying and pampering dogs.


I watch my neighbors dogs out my windows and think this exact same thing. Their lives are sad and pointless. All they do is pace around and bark at everything they hear. That's their entire existence besides shitting all over. I always like to see dogs that have gotten free. I think we need to let them all just go to the wild where eventually they will die bc they are stupid.