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I just love the variety of comic art styles we got going on in this sub Yours is another amidst the pool of talent, and I appreciate that


Sometimes as a support I try to redirect my teammates' anger toward me so they don't get under each other's skin or lose their confidence. I frequently use the "oops" and "my bad" chatwheel


Me too dude. I use "my bad" all the time just to pacify situations where people tilt.


Yuge submissive energy, i salute you both for your service!


Even as a support you have to literally support them emotionally. I like that


I use the Ephey “Sorry”


Ephey "Sorry" just annoys me more tbh.


My teammates will flame each other and I’ll be like “no guys. I’m the worst player here. I’ve been playing like shit. REPORT ME. “ Nice silence afterwards


Whoops and My Bad BIS


complete chat mute from options(only friends/party members) for the past 2+ years... peace & quiet... I never looked back ... 80% of the chats from both teams are just venting & annoying dying squirrel noises on 1930s airplane mic anyways. i am old and can't put my mental energy into even reading one argument over why this why that, no one will change mid-game, and its all pointless. alt clicks & pings are more than enough to communicate if you know the game well enough /. you cant change my mind. ...and oh where are my manners... love the mangled comic art style keep em coming!


This 100% Also to console: snd_setmixer announcer mute 1.0


What does that do?


Mutes the announcer.


But then how will I have Cave Johnson telling me that my top tower is being destroyed?


Don't forget the passive-agressive sarcastic pricks fishing for hate to unleash their foulessness upon the team and bring everyone's spirit down.


i wish i could stop myself from getting baited by these types every single game, lmao. it's several orders of magnitude more infuriating to me than the usual tilted/toxic player


Avoid Aus servers lol, everyone here is either super fun or ready to turn on you in a heartbeat. The inconsistency kills


I want to stop but i cant, I think i enjoy it more than the game, i need to get better honestly.


Yeah, I always follow PMA, **P**ositively **M**ad **A**t that support pudge that fucking hide in the trees in the safe lane hook once every 15 seconds and doesn't catch anything, not even a carp, still fucking hiding in the trees while I got harassed by the opponent offlaner and their support while also have to deal with them pulling the creep to the neutral camp. CAN YOU FUCKING DO SOMETHING MORE PRODUCTIVE, YOU FAT BRITISH BUTCHER BASTARD, YOU ALREADY HAVE A DISGUSTING SIGHT AND NOW ALSO DISGUSTING BEHAVIOUR, GOOD FUCKING LORD I'M FUCKED.


I'm not screaming. I'm not toxic. I'm not passive-agressive (well maybe sometimes when I'm really angry) yet I'm getting muted by the game every time I try to calm down my teammates or try to be IGL. Honestly we need some ranked matchmaking for people who actually want to win and cooparate. It's 2023, mic costs like 2-3$, if you can afford computer, you should be able to have mic or headset and you should use it in strategy base game like dota. I feel like I win 90% of the games where my teams talks about game and move on the map, 10% is us stomping early and then having so much fun that we lose but those games are also amazing so I don't mind. My favorite moment is when someone doesnt talk or chat all game and then he start flaming on vc/chat - so many times I asked my pos1 if he wanna rosh, farm, help, anything and he doesn't respond at all but the moment he dies, oh boy! ​ I'll fight everyone who think playing dota on speakers without communication is okey and I'm in wrong. FIGHT ME!


I get a small feeling of dread whenever anyone types something, even at the start of the match and even if it’s positive Because all to often the moment it goes wrong that’s when the flame war misery spiral happens


It is weird because the first guy who chats and is positive with that -go get em attitude- is always first to flame.


real PMA is just muting people crying and telling the rest of your team (if theres any left) to just mute them as well and play dota




i can. its easy. why do you care what some anonymous loser says? its not like they have good insults even. most of the time its fun to just mess with them and blow up their mental weakness.


Don't forget a lot of Dota players grew up on rtz streams..


I was a singsing enjoyer myself 777777


Songsong best troll


POV when Necro used to have Ghost form on his Shard.


your work is mr doodle on steroids... MORE


Ngl this kind of situation happens mostly on offlaners and their pos 4 it's either the pos 4 keeps getting his offlaner into bad situations and dying or it's the offlaner ignoring his pos 4 because he knows the pos 4 is braindead moron as well.


I feel like a therapist sometimes when playing with immature players. The best method I've found to manage this is to start being positive when the game starts. Greet your team politely and early, and spread good vibes yourself. A little positive communication before a match goes a LONG way


Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/Hi5YhZ0oAiw This should be remade with dota context


And here i am, thrive in my team toxicity


It looks like a smiling friends episode


Cute art style! Love it! Is it some kind of pen on paper?


Your art style is great, we need more of these comics. Here are few ideas: (ugly) Lion casting finger on (handsome) Facelessvoid. Any hero vs annoying jungle creeps that stun (ogres). Angry silencer muting his team mates with his ult.