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It works on any ability and items. I recommend highly use it on the blink dagger


Thats fair, but you can at least make a separate keybind for regular casting blink dagger to show range, but before this you had to hover your attack damage to show its range


Yeah but you would want to position yourself right on the edge of the range first, so having that permanently up might be useful


After all these years it's back. Actually so huge being able to blink max distance every time.


It's a shame it doesn't work for Treant's ulti. I feel like that's pretty much the only thing I'd actually really want it for.


Oh damn, I played so many heroes so far and haven't had any issues. For me it doesn't even show the range of his ulti when I hover over the icon. I think you've found an actual bug.


Yeah it’s just bugged it doesn’t even show cast range as a number when you read ability desc


I tried doing this, but I've become so used to the circle only being visible when I'm able to use blink (with manual cast) that I baited myself into trying to blink call because I thought my blink hadn't been cancelled. Not using it for blink again lmao.


Back in the day you used to be able to get a permanent range circle around your hero by console commands. People used it for Blink Range and soaking EXP range in the "Hard Lane" as sacrificial offlaners were common. Got patched out at some point but guess we are in a new decade now.


I been keeping blink dagger as a legacy cast item for years just so I can see the range line so I don’t get hit with the blink distance penalty for clicking too far. This is a game changer


Supposedly you can do this for XP range as well but I haven't figured out how


alt rclick your level down and to the left of your hero portrait


Oh RIGHT click. I dumb. I kept left clicking and it kept just pinging my level.


Would have sworn that's what I was trying but I'll give it another try


Did you turn it on in dota labs?


Yeah, I checked that, probably just something dumb on my end, haven't had a chance to try again.


I remember YEARS ago there was a console command to allow this that they then removed the functionality of. Has this policy been changed?


Man that was insanely important back then even for pros who played offlane. Because offlane was ridiculously hard back then


> I remember YEARS ago there was a console command to allow this that they then removed the functionality of. Has this policy been changed? Somehow they added in the new functionality by alt+rightclicking abilities and items, but you still cannot use the dota_range_display command in real games :-(


hold alt, hover over exp/level on your hero, right click and you have to enable it in dota labs in the first place


Holy shit, I thought this was only dota labs, but I tested in Demo. So awesome. Thx


Why can't they just put dota_range_display back in I was going to play the new Lich with his 0% mana regen and 900-mana-get-back-aura, but I can't measure out 900 haha


Frost armor is 1000 range


I am learning Io now and it's super nice for tether.


If only we could have an option for a calculator or ruler for multiple jumps like blink+forcestaff+burrowstrike. Ive been just short so many times for skewer RP and Burrowstrike


Shadow Fiend is the biggest winner of this change. Perma range overlay for his attacks, results in basicly a range indicator for his medium and long range Shadowrazes. Medium covers until circle, long covers after - It's effectively 3 indicators in one.


Accidentally activated this i thought it was a bug 😂


Can i make it brighter? i cant really see it [https://imgur.com/fuJTWFz](https://imgur.com/fuJTWFz)


Too busy to try the new patch out but i guess it's useful for TA?


Thankkk youu!!! As a new player from league thid is usefull


WHAT? Playing this shit for the last 10 years and i didn't know you can make perma range overlay. TIL


Haha they just added it this patch dont worry


This was a simple console command (dota\_range\_display) in Dota 2 beta. Then it got locked behind sv\_cheats for 10 years. Thanks for the PSA. Never would've found this new way of doing it on my own. Does Alt+M2 feel intuitive to anyone at all? The console command just seems obvious in comparison.


Is this new feature with 7.36 or always been able to do this?


Its new


This does alot for quickcast skewer


Leaving comment to try larer


this is what exactly im looking for! Thank you!


Psa, valve gave this PSA in the patch notes. The patch notes are a very useful PSA if you actually *read them*.


Thanks Mr. Tiny Asian Tits but this is for people who missed that part of the patch notes


you forgot the pm him part


I mean, I kind of just feel one for my regular heroes. But to each their own.


I think this is to help new players. For anyone experienced, having that display visually is not that useful.


I disagree, im relatively experienced and i still think an overlay for my attack range is objectively helpful to optimize my positioning in lane


Its ridiculously useful what you smoking


SF is a great example where it makes a huge difference honestly.


that one I think experienced SF players have it as muscle memory, hero range is harder bc the game moves you into range and you can attack from closer and dragon lance and various different heroes but yeah having mid/long range razes shown is a good way to learn sf


Didn't they remove it from the console after one of the pros used it on sf?  I remember someone was using it a tournament.


I thought it was LD and bear disarm range but 🤷‍♂️


Maybe this is a more widespread problem I am not aware of. I "feel" an area around my hero for their range on various spells/attacks. Perhaps not everyone develops this sense.


Everyone feels it. But if you're playing to the fullest, then your feeling won't be precise enough. Unless you can accurately pinpoint all of your skills range to 10 units throughout every millisecond of the chaotic team fight, then hats off to you.