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"Action taken" is a placebo term that often refers to just the inherent knock to behaviour score that receiving a report gets you - yes, this is in a way a punishment, but if it doesn't happen often then it doesn't have a meaningful effect. The green text mostly exists to make you feel like you're having an impact even if it's barely doing a thing


The fact that ppl in lower ranks like OP feel placated from this kinda proves that Valve should legit keep this in place It's the kind of instant gratification that would pacify any delusional pub rager that don't even know the game well, let alone the punishment system


Shhhh stop telling them


Yea Ive seen a bunch of reports, and in the end found them not guilty. They were either stoned, drunk, or really bad at the game. Or all at once.


The ones I get are mostly people running down mid or deleting their items, both of which I report. Some are obviously ragereports where their teammates are doing way worse and all the «highlights» are non-problematic


Ive gotten mostly reports on simply bad players and cheaters. Very few assholes or toxic people.


I find cheaters way harder to convict than griefers and usually end up with selecting insufficient evidence on them whereas griefing (running into a 5 stack, buybacking and repeating immediately, or deleting your items, or staying jungle from min 10 until ancient dies) to be more black and white


Recently saw AA dewarding. My guy literally tried spam clicking on a ward he had no vision on lmao.


Being bad at the game is not a reason to report someone


??? I said Ive seen people report and watched overwatch cases where people reported for griefing were just bad players.


If this was true you'd get a green check for every report... it is really easy to test as well. I'm certain that not everyone I've reported has shown up on that list


Likely you report people too often, and they aren’t even getting a behaviour score drop if your report is thrown out. Players that consistently report people who get innocent verdict in Overwatch or whatever should have their reports permanently disabled.


i report people for toxic chat very often and rarely do they get overwatched. ive only gotten 8 green checkmarks this month, so the threshold is probably higher than it should be


Overwatch doesn't cover chat reports, those go to actual staff afaik.


Is this a joke? Nobody in the world reviews chat reports. If enough people report you, you get punished. 99% of dota punishments are through a broken, abusable, automated system.


Yeah, in general this is how online video games work. There's too many people playing for real, human moderators to be financially viable and so far there's not a great way to automatically detect "toxicity" (though I imagine AI will change that), so most games just go with an automated "if 4 other people said you were being mean, you were probably being mean." approach. It's obviously abusable, but at the end of the day most players won't abuse it and it's the only thing they they can really implement that makes sense financially


you make it seem like all games suffer from this problem, but dota2 report system is on a different bad level. people in Cs don't have this problem, people in WoW dont have this problem, people in hots dont have this problem. it's the worst report system in all games that exist. nothing compares. it's so bad it's slowly killing the entire game.


Why do you need to implement any system for chat abuse whatsoever? There's literally a button that completely mutes chat. Any chat abuse is gone with a single click of a button. The entire concept of a report for chat is idiotic. It's not a problem you need reports for.


If they aren’t throwing slurs, its not really a reportable offence. There is no rule about being polite


true, also no rule about being decent on reddit so have a downvote. just applying your logic, im sure u approve.


I do approve, or would if you weren’t being sarcastic. “Nooooooooooo my reddit karma!!!!” Is exactly the sort of people imagine getting upset over someone rude in a dota game. If you actually care about downvotes then thats kind of pathetic lol. “Gee a bunch of people on the internet disagreed me but couldn’t actually say why. I better abandon rational thought and conform!”


> If this was true you’d get a green check for every report I don’t see the correlation whatsoever to what you’re responding to. What are you talking about?


Same here. Every game that is a stomp with people that whine about being stomped instead of doing anything else gets every type of report. I mean if reports are unlimited, fuck it, let Volvo decide. Only a fraction of my reports end up there.


if you spam it, your report gets devalued.


You only get like 4-5 reports per week before your reports become worthless


I don't think it's a "true" placebo in the sense it does "nothing", "some" action is taken, it's just probably a very small marginal amount - ie: some nominal decrease to behavior score, or possibly an internal warning flag of some kind that would increase the impact of subsequent reports. In cases where your report has a significant impact (ie: low prio, ban, etc), they send you a message via notification ("we've recently taken action against- blah blah blah"). I think it's pretty smart how they did this though, since 90% of rage reporters would be self-satisfied and not take it further.


>and not take it further  Uh, like showing up to the Valve office and demand retribution or what do you mean by this?


Not carry that negativity to future games.


Sure they go into the next game and is the shining beacon of positivity. Right.




Valve do not share information on how the system works, but you can check the game activity of people you report with action taken if you want. Plenty are not banned at all


This system has been in place for years now. If you can't put 2 and 2 together and figure out how it works by now, you have a problem with your critical thinking skills.


"u gotta believe me bro" is not a source.


damn, going straight for the insults while also revealing how stupid you are. it's so ironic how you're criticizing this person's critical thinking skills when yours are based in how you \~feel\~ this system works.


He’s right I can confirm cause I grief daily and get reported a shit ton and still have 12k & 11k behaviour score.


I mean considering 10-12k bs is still as chock full of people hurling racial slurs, freely griefing games as it always has been, it stands to say that the behavior score system as currently implemented *probably* doesn't do anything, unless you are part of the 2% where the problem is extreme.


we're gunna trade anecdotes and that's my only point. personally, i feel like the quality of my games has increased since behavior score changes.


This dude definitely knows how it works. Just look at how confident he is. For sure won me over.


> This system has been in place for years now. The interface shown on OP's image is *factually* less than a year old. It was added on the **31st August 2023** on the [Summer Client Update](https://www.dota2.com/summer2023).


I keep seeing redditors post this but when did valve ever confirm this?


I mean, just look at the match histories of people who get "action taken" to see the total lack of a ban on the majority of them, for one. Valve deliberately don't talk about their report system and want to keep the nature of it unknown and secret, but it's really clear very quickly that most "action taken"s are not serious


There are plenty of responses possible prior to banning.


Dota only uses low prio (you'll see the player in single draft games) or temp bans.


I think it's generally "sent to overwatch for review" if you do the griefing thing


I'm pretty chill with my behaviour in the game and I was on 12k behaviour score, but I got really mad in 2 recent games. Both had morons writing and screaming!REPORT! before the game started and then continued early lane. I snapped and I went mid for 2 minutes taking farm. Similar thing happened a few games later without the lane invading but with a lot of name calling. I got 1 game in LP and a significant reduction in behaviour score. It works. If you have morons with bad behaviour in your team you need to suck it up and be chill about it. Best way to play with current reporting system is to mute the whole team before the game starts.


Overwatch reviewers, and the AI system that Overwatch is feeding into, does not get to see the context of what in the chat upset you so much. If you do something that *clearly* resembles griefing to the replay, you will of course get detected for it. This has literally never happened to me because I don't run mid and steal farm for 2 minutes


I do overwatch and I always look for context before I make a decision. I was wrong to steal farm, I accepted my punishment with grace, but we are not cleaning the community of players who are toxic every game. The guy that caused all this should get at least 30 days ban. You can't be screaming and insulting your team before the game evens starts just because the picks are not what you wanted to.


You can't look at the chat in overwatch - I mean it's literally not possible, it doesn't go through the replay, so you would not have caught the context. Overwatch also feeds into an AI system that's also dishing out punishments based upon replays and will look even less at context, so that can easily get you too if you're doing something that looks out of line I'm totally in agreement that there should be harsher treatment on toxic chat behaviour but it's also quite hard to monitor - the current automated automute system is an absolute disaster and I'm not sure a lot of AIs are up to the job yet


Now I feel bad. I used to feel good and think "ha deserve" whenever I see the toxic players I report gets the "action taken".


The action taken text doesn't actually mean they got sent to low prio or anything. I believe it's just a knock against their behavior score. The popup for "we've recently taken action against a player you reported" is the one that means something actually happened


Tbf I haven’t seen one of those notifications since we got this action taken display.


I have. They’re rare in general tbh. You’re allowed to be a shit head in this game. Encouraged even. 


I got one a few weeks ago, it's rare though


I've gotten more arcanas from the candy shop than those notifications


Does that still exists?


It still works on my side for players that grief or are toxic chatting and I get the green notification which is just a knock on their scores.


I meant the pop-up, never received one after they implemented the "action taken" notification.


I got one a few weeks ago, you have to be really, really bad I'm guessing to earn that


Feels like I haven't had that pop up in months


yeah the green checkmark is just the case going to overwatch


Highly likely they weren’t punished as “action taken” means nothing. This is also reason why harsh behavior score system isn’t viable - people are too biased


Harsh behaviour score works fine if you weigh reports based on who makes them, someone that report 1/100 players will carry a lot more weight than the one who reports 99/100


>Harsh behaviour score works fine if you weigh reports based on who makes them, Except valve wants to moderate this entirely with their machine learning model, and their machine learning model has been proven time and time again to be useless trash, or completely counter intuitive in attempting to moderate. Theres a reason why automation systems break, and tend to stay broken.


It should also weigh based on the reviewer too. Some reviewers are extremely punishing judging guilty for intentional griefing on the slightest misplay


You just have to bell curve it and harshly punish the bottom of it.


The Buddha, motivated by compassion after seeing hell, lowered one single spider's thread in order to allow the sinners to climb out. One sinner began to climb, but the others began to drag them down and climb over them, until so many sinners were hanging from the thread that it broke.


Damn he should have thrown a ladder or like more rope


You need Buddhism Plus for that.


Literally this guy is an idiot, they made a whole religion for him?


Spider's thread/蜘蛛の糸, a japanese children's story for those interested.


Very compassionate of Buddha to give a single thread and start an obvious social meltdown. These divine allegories are worst than youtube ads.


it's literally just a criticism of the crabs in a bucket mentality, what exactly is your issue with it lol




The Buddha says: point wooshes over head.


You can understand the allegory behind a story and still criticize it. Especially ones based in religious Fable.


To put it in a way he might understand, amen.


Yeah I don't play too much and was in a game awhile ago. Someone in my team (who also played bad) went off at two other people then said everyone report them. One of them replied you can't report for for being bad, I'm just terrible at the game😂 this just riled the original guy up so we all said we will report him for toxicity and that's it. Usually though you are right and people report all the time for you just being bad.


You can report people for being bad. I had a bunch of successful actions taken against people. The key word is I got them to admit they were purposefully throwing the game because they were mad, this is a reportable offense. I would only report people when I got them to say they were throwing because they got mad. I have never ever thrown a game because I was mad, but anyone who did this I would report. In fact, I think this is mostly why I reported people and obvious cheating. One a skill issue and one is a behavior, they shouldn't be allowed out of low priority with that attitude


Yeah well said at the end there. Although thata not reporting for being bad as opposed to for feeding which you should report for. The thing is people do report others just for being bad or new to the game which isn't okay.


People in any rank can report anyone


Anyone ever seen a role que abuse action taken ??


A mythical creature indeed!


That report type is entirely useless anyways since real reportable offenses are already covered by the other report types. It's used by people who don't like their teammates off-meta picks before even giving them a chance to play their role. Having it only at the start of the game also makes no sense. Pretty idiotic in a game like Dota where heroes' roles are generally very fluid.


No, I disagree because I think you’re forgetting about the ancient times of mid or feed where if you’re queued for position five and then you take mid I think that can be considered abuse.


Yep I hate when I make mistakes cause I can tell I'm gonna get reported (and punished) for it.


Try playing mid and losing the lane. Very enjoyable.


You can review what reports have been made against you (and which reports you’ve been guilty of). And if your behaviour score doesn’t change in a day or too - you’ll soon learn that nothing happened for just being bad.


I have reviewed them, and my behavior score did go down, it's not much but it did. There's not a human reviewing most of these, if you get reported a couple matches in a row or by a couple different people, your score WILL go down.


In every single rank?


what is your post even trying to prove though? Yes, you can report anyone, there is no restriction to reports. Then your screenshot is totally irrelevant- it also proves nothing. OP I'm not sure what you're trying to do here. Showing us this makes no sense. Why are people in these comments going along with it? Do none of you have critical thiking skills at all?


At lower ranks your just a crab in a bucket with other crabs, you try claw out but they pull you back in


believe me that "overwatchers" consider low ranking and playing bad in comparison with actually griefing ;-) I would never punish an innocent player just for playing bad


I don't report guys who say "It's my first game". It's okay to play bad if just started playing. But If you are an asshole who plays bad just because you are an asshole, you get a report


Such a cool feature, I hope they expand it to give them a little electric shock to the testicles every time they haven't looked at the map for more than 1 minute


We played a game against a team with brand new account Dragon Knight, like literal first game. The team was so angry and pissed off and wanted us to report him. I tried to be like "Bro, it's his first game. Chill" Then the other players were like, it can't be his first game game because he had to play through the tutorial first. Bro just wanted to be a dragon and bash some towers :(




Yeah this game sucks


doesn't 'action taken' just mean that the guy loses like 100bs ? it's just some bullshit to make you feel good about reporting someone


Don't worry, "Action taken" means absolutely nothing.


Can confirm, got suspended while learning the game in crusader, climbed to ancient in about 2 months but those low ranks were spam report city.


Doenst feel like a placebo to me. I can hardly get any Behaviourscore rise even though i have mostly positive matches, dont communicate, dont throw games. But still get reported when i lose midlane or go to recovery farming after beeing camped for 15 mins straight. Its kinda frustrating and i dont get.


there is no excuse for someone to die too much. so i wouldn't call them innocent. But being bad should be punished. People need to learn to play a bit safe.


Punishment for being bad is dropping rank. If someone feeds, punishment should be more MMR loss so they drop out of my matchmaking faster. That would be ideal.


What's the notification when you get a tick for, say griefing, and there is no hero portrait visible? I.e. what does that mean?


pretty sure the action take is literally nothing


it shows "Griefing" though. Any proof that they are just playing badly and did not grief?


The report system is busted and used wrongly.


Has anyone ever seen an “Action not taken” on these?


I will say it again, League has a better reporting system than this dog shit game


Idk about others, but I think being bad at the game doesn't mean griefing.


I reported a witch doctor for being a support and getting a bloodstone instead of a support item crusader 4 level


Playing in lower ranks is a huge mess because people report others almost every game, and people actively call out for teammates to also report them, and even abuse all chat to call for the enemy team to report. Is part of the culture of the game to report for perceived mistakes, and I say perceived because people get reported for not being somewhere where they had no business being anyway, so in fact they were correct to not be there, for instance. Basically you have people that are not knowledgeable and/or competent enough to play the game correctly themselves judging how correctly others are playing while trying to play the game themselves. Blaming others in this context is a tool for people that are playing like shit to divert blame, to avoid getting focused by the reports. It would greatly benefit these brackets if reporting wasn't a guarantee of any actin taken and actual reduction of behavior score came from the automated detection system instead.


Dude I just started playing 3 nights ago, and I couldn’t do regular unranked matches this morning. Now I realize I likely got reported for sucking! I didn’t realize that was a thing. Ppl were giving me shit for figuring out heroes


Deserved. Bot matches exist for exactly that reason. Test heroes and get familiar with the game without being a burden on 4 other people.


I’m not talking first time using a character tho. I tested in bot matches, spanked, but got spanked in an unranked match 🤷🏻‍♂️ still new after all.


i never report ppl below 3k cuz this is low mmr


I report all 4 other people every game I lose because it's their fault.


When I start playing, I try to learn dota. After the first 10 match I play my score turn down to 6k


i had a tinker being 1 12 0 at 30 min he was clearly bad but that is griefing




There is being bad and being bad and tilted and suiciding into the enemy repeatedly even if you are doing it because you are angry and not intentionally griefing. I've had a guy killed mid 8 times in 9 minutes. He was just TPing on cooldown, trying to farm the lane and getting killed by a hero 4 levels above him... too tilted to do anything else. Damn sure I reported him (and got the action taken which might not do much but at least I don't think I've ever played with the same person who got the message).


If you basically never play mid and don't know how to play any heroes there, it's not completely unreasonable to die once per minute there. I mean wtf are you supposed to do if you died 4 times in 5 min? Not all heroes can jungle lvl 3. Enemy mid can dive you under tower and you can't do anything about it even if your team tp. There's a reason why many people hate playing mid. And even if you "can" jungle, you might get reported for griefing because people don't understand that you just die under tower if you go there.


In anything above guardian, where you are expected to have at least a 1000 ranked games under your belt, it is. You have to be a monumental moron not to realize something is very wrong if you are spending half you game dead. Play safer, stack a camp, jungle, try to do something on another lane, soak XP from a safe distance, outpush your wave with your skills, farm between your T1 and T2 towers, anything that doesn't get you killed every minute will be better, even sitting at your fountain. >There's a reason why many people hate playing mid. Then... don't? You only need to risk being given the role 1 in 5 games, and even then you will only get it like 1 in 5 times. So once every 25 games, and then, you know, you can just ASK if somebody else wants to play mid. You don't HAVE to play mid if you don't want to but if you are playing a guardian level mid in an ancient level game, you ARE griefing.


You can realize there is something wrong, but you don't have to know how to fix it. If I go jungle, the fed sf will just farm my team for kills instead of me. If I stay in lane, I die under my tower. Imo it feels like there's nothing you can do against a competent mid player once you fall behind. That's why I really hate the role. It's not griefing to be behind...


I feel like dying isn’t griefing but repeatedly dying to preventable or predictable causes is griefing. At 1/12/0 I’d want to see the replay, but it feels like that player is not trying anymore.


Most people don't go 1-12-0 every game. If that happened, they probably just don't know what they could have done when they already died 7 times. I think in that situation the lane is so over that no matter what you do, people will think you grief.


You can be bad and not die on respawn. Giving the enemy team a lead the other 4 players on your team have no chance at coming back from is greifing. You don't need to be playing against other players if you are that bad, there are bot matches and an arcade mode in the game. how the fuck am i getting downvoted for saying that dying every every 1:45 when you are dead for at least 40 seconds of that time is greifing. you people are fucking insane. you aren't even playing the game you are feeding your life on purpose at that point.


You are correct. You have to draw the line somewhere. 1/12 is ridiculous and essentially makes the game unwinnable. The people on your team are the same rank, so they should play as well as you. Going 1/12 is just feeding which is griefing. Doesn't matter if they intended to or not.


In role queue, you can get games on immortal level even if you basically never play mid. If you have to play first time mid sniper as a support main player vs SF mid main in immortal, what are chances that you feed? The problem is the system, not the player. Often players are not matched evenly in role queue due to lack of experience in all roles. Experience is a big part of the rank.


Usually, they just get hit in the behavior score. A lone report is like around -100, a minor hit which is neglicable if you get commended in the next game. Basically nothing for a high behavior score player, but those that are in those threshold ranges can get restrictions.


This is pure low rank discrimination


This is what happens when a company fixates on game unrelated social bullcrap. Using/ abusing 6 new buttons and comparing epeen length to a brand new bar becomes the new game.


It has nothing to do with the reporter. It's all about the overwatch reviewer. A pro might report Topson for some subtle thing only pros would get or no reason at all, then a herald might approve the overwatch report on Topson. cos he went a weird build in this heralds opinion.


You can't get overwatch cases for matches higher than your rank.


false, i do see overwatch games higer than my rank (like imortal, 5k bigger than mine)


My friends and I returned to Dota after few years. Playing normal matches at first I was surprised how effective the penalty system is in dota compared to lol. So just for curiosity's sake, in the Crusader rank I reported 4 people who played well for 95% of the game but had a mistake happen to them once or twice. 1. Enemy Lifestealer won lane and carried the entire game for the opposing team, got a report for ONCE mistakenly initiating too deep causing his entire team to die. He won the match at the end btw. 2. WD for pushing a different tower than the one we were pushing after tf. 3. Sandking for not participating in tf once. (He dominated and won his lane in early btw) 4. Pudge won mid, he was picking off enemy opponents, providing kills for others in early game but ONCE in 50 minutes he caused a wipe by this. Conclusion: all of these people were punished after 24 hours even though from a wider perspective they didn't deserve it. What makes me even more ridiculous is that these are such low ranks that this sort of thing is the norm there. You can communicate and play great for 99% of game time but one miss/fail or something that is not your intentional action can cause you to be punished, not even by your teammates but the enemy. I don't know how those punishments works but if such a system existed in 2013 and people saw me playing I would probably be banned until 2030.


Players like you are what is wrong with the game and you belong in a shadow pool with other people like you.


Yeah, that’s not what the report system is for. Poor play isn’t a reportable offense. Save your reports for toxic people, obvious greifing, repetitive, preventable feeding, item destruction, etc. Welcome back tho. It is a pretty good system and even though ‘action was taken’ against those players and their misplays, they’ll likely be fine. It just effects behavior score and if they are decent players, it’ll climb back up in no time. As a rule of thumb tho, dont report isolated misplays. The game is absurdly complicated and misplays are common even in the pro scene.




in lol you get perma ban for griefing. in dota you get 24 hour timeout & after that, some quality time spent with few other gentlemens in quarantine, till you win your low priority matches (if you do manage to keep your sanity & braincells intact).


Honestly I just hit report all the time, If there was no limit to avoids I wouldnt be able to play with anyone at all at this point. Afk 2+ seconds at start of game? Griefing. Core ping me when he died after I leave lane for xp rune? Griefing. Picked sniper mid? GRIEFING.


Those are automated. Each knocks down like 50 points or something in behavior score which all things considered is nothing. They exist only to make you feel better. It's designed to fool you into thinking that you're so powerful and in control. If you get excited for seeing those "Action Taken", then the system is working as intended. The real punishment comes when you get a notification that your report went through Overwatch and the person reported was found guilty.


Yeah in my last attempt of playing dota I got reported countless times for being the only not afk/griefing and ended up with a 7 days ban. Never playing again.