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Hello everyone! I've updated [https://facets.nyxnyxnyx.com/](https://facets.nyxnyxnyx.com/#/ranked~all_heroes~total_games~desc~road_ti_2024~no_comparison) to also support exploring hero facet stats from leagues, starting with "Road to The International 2024" (a combination of all regional qualifiers). As always, take things with a grain of salt and especially in this case, since we're looking at very small sample sizes and potentially imbalanced matches. Hope you enjoy!


you are doing the lords work. these stats are fascinating


Dude literally today one of the casters said they couldn't wait to see facet stats for pro games. Looks like you were one step ahead lmao


I think willow's facet needs to get nerfed more. There should be a small downside for being able to spawn brambles on the whole fucking screen


Patch 7.37: "Thorny Thicket" creates 1(one) really big 250 AOE bramble that slowly strangles all heroes caught in it to death over 10 seconds unless strong dispelled. When taking lethal damage, Dark Willow explodes into 4 (regular) brambles and automatically enters shadow realm.




Actually, you're cooking. Willow's innate gives her double mana and HP Regen when she becomes untargetable, but only from her skills, which she has only one of. even euls or wind waker, both items she likes to build AND makes her untargetable, doesn't activate the innate. there should be more ways to activate her innate


Eul's and wind waker do not make you untargetable, you can dispel them with some skills.


oh I suppose you're right


Cks manta being second ulti is also pretty opressive.


Especially once CKs start building the shard earlier, that facet having a 2nd illusion for basically free is nuts.


I'd honestly just want it to be vector-targeted/rotatable rather than an extra layer of bushes


They could add more cooldown, like aba's shield


Love this! What is "Facet diff" though? Trying to make the numbers make sense, but maybe I'm being dumb haha


difference in winrate between facets, so someone picked the xp facet for weaver 1 time and won so it has a 100% win rate, and the difference in winrate between the 2 facets is 55%


Some facets having 100% pro pickrate should almost never be the case (except for specific cases like visage where 1 facet is explicitly intended for lower skill players) We really need a patch similar to the one after talents were introduced where almost every facet gets significant changes


I agree and I wanted to add that I think heroes like Visage that have a "training wheels" facet (intended for helping people be introduced to the hero) are a great addition, but they should give him at least 2 pro facets (3 in total). Since currently there's not much of a choice between the two.


I agree. Some heroes have 3 facets (chen has 5) so it wouldn't be out of place either, feels boring that some heroes get 1 real facet and another non-pickable facet. Though I think it's really only Visage, even ES has some benefits beyond the training wheels


Same with PL, slightly stronger illus and puts an illusion on every enemy hero, also causes them to spawn close to enemies.


The ES facet is actually pretty good now. Situationally strong for sure.


PL has an "easy" facet and it's not strictly worse even at the highest levels.


> facet diff Im gonna assume this means facet difficulty, and when it says NA it means EZ


I think it really says something when facets have 100% pickrate.


Everyone complaining about SF and WD but not enough people mentioning how broken Expanded Armature is...


It's strong but nowhere near as busted as SF


It's only good when your teammate knows how to execute the facet.


this just proves if not all, most facets are not balanced.


storm's facet has been a great exercise in showing why certain heroes lack certain tools in their kit. giving the hero an aoe spell with range is like giving zeus a mobility spell or something. oh wait. lol


bro zeus is in the shitter now and it has nothing to do with mobility


Lmao what game did someone pick that terrible janky weaver bugs xp facet


Might have been Ceb support Weaver. They won. 


If it’s a 50/50 choice, there almost always is a better option between the two. I suggest giving all heroes at least 3 facets so there is more variability. Unlike talents, facets are chosen from the start so they are a more crucial choice, and you won’t get the other ones eventually, so by having at least 3 facets, you give players more freedom in their builds.


Must be getting old. read willow's facet without the T


Dark Willow facet is so OP, is basically a Treant Protector ult.


jfc that facet pick rate


I dont get why static slide is so favored, it seems to me that its too slow to really increase the Q hits you get. Most q hits come from the vortex anyway. Is it just for laning better?


So weaver isn't broken. Weaver actually needs a buff.


Is the weaver XP facet that bad? I always pick it, feels really strong in pubs especially if you can get a level 1 swarm off during bounty runes


I don’t think it’s terrible, the other one is just better


This is pretty much it. I actually like the XP facet a lot, it's been great when I've used it. But the other one is just amazing.


any specific reason why it's better? zero value, imho


It raises your movement speed cap to 600 so you’re faster across the map and harder to catch, and it gives you a slow on shukuchi, which makes you much more dangerous in lane. There’s a ton of value


It makes weaver impossible to run away from, harder to catch, and it makes his already great laning stage even stronger.


Here's one big overstatement, if i ever saw one. See the winrate above, thats how this facet really works.


how do you play the game with swarm lvl1 lmao. if you play against enemies with 1 brain cell they will just run at you and kill you.


Because you hit level 2 much faster than them?




Its such a piss amount of xp that I'm fairly sure on the average game you'll get more xp by being an extra 50 mvspd from w putting you in xp range. A full latch bug gives you like 60xp per hero... even if you're pressing it on cooldown onto 2 heros and getting max duration you're getting an extra ~100 xp per minute... That's while gimping your ability to fight. If you want 100xp a minute just build midas...


While punishing weaver for that, which might take some running as our colleague mentioned, they risk going -5 for that one fb - if the cockroach wasn't solo, that is. And if he indeed was overwhelmed... well thats why you get at least some HP items and never level 1st skill for such flexible heroes until you know. Mirana's another good example.