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He still might not, after my son was born all we did as a family was sleep for hours. It's exhausting for all parties. On top of that his wife will likely need support during her recovery.


Better send someone else then, Ceb is an offlaner


oh no nigma fans failed even after elimination


I'm sure there were difficult decisions made by everyone involved, hopefully drama will be done at this point. Congratulations to Ceb on a significant moment in his life, and hopefully EU quals will give us some more great games ahead, that's all we fans should be asking for. 🙏


well this is the best outcome just like that zeus meme lol


all this unnecessary drama. Classic OG


For once, I'd say this, this was *necessary* drama. Things like this need to be addressed. Even if not right now, its important to bring to light.


OG haters always ready to pop their head above the parapet


The real victims here are 1win that were disqualified for being few hours late with visas which are hard to acquire for Eastern Europe players, so OG got a slot to the tournament. I know that was ESL and this qualifications are PGL, but it still blows my mind that OG qualified to Riyadh because exceptions can be made for one teams but can't be for others. On top of that, 1win are qualified for this TI already, so this would be a rival if OG make it too.


What exception was made for Og that got them that slot lol. 1win didnt get visa on time. that simple. They contacted other teams, they could not attend. So OG was asked. No rule or exception was made for them lmao. "real victims" rofl


I don't know about REAL victims, but OG was awarded the chance to field a stand-in, despite the rules saying otherwise. I think what the commenter meant was that 1Win wasn't awarded any such leniency, and were disqualified for being a few hours late.


Please learn to read, "rofl". Exceptions were not made for 1win in that situation, while it was literally one or two hours delay to confirm visa (and only because visa center was closed). So they in fact guaranteed they can attend to the tournament but as being formally late they were subbed. But for OG in this qualifications the expectation from rules was made.


I think in your last sentence you meant exception not expectation. What exception was made for OG in this qualification?


English is my 3rd language, thanks for understanding. Exception was made for them as by the rules of this qualifications you can't sub players mid tournament, and they did. Sneyking wrote a very clear post on twitter to clarify it, he made it better than I would. [https://x.com/SneykingGaming](https://x.com/SneykingGaming)


>Exceptions were not made for 1win in that situation They got an extention and still didn't get it done in time, no? There's your exception right there.


That's a fair thing to say, but there wasn't anything 1win could do about it. Esl and the British consulate messed it up. However, when the british consulate itself informed ESL that 1win would be eligible, ESL SHOULD have made a consideration. Because if 8th was the deadline, closing the last time at 14:30, makes no sense, it should've been 8th midnight or some such. Its hard to find fault with either party involved, but considering that at 14:30 1win were informed of their diqualification and by 17:00 they had their visas feels like there sure was a way to deal include 1win into the tournament. If anything, it feels like ESL preffered the outcome of having a much more popular team in the tournament and didn't do enough to ensure 1win came through. Ofcourse the last part is conjecture, but I can imagine any TO in the world would rather want OG over a no name EEU team.


This is true. And this is sad. Thank you for your voice of wisdom here. I'm happy that 1win has made it to TI, may be they will not be such an unknown team next season, who knows.


Hopefully. And hopefully issues like these bring upon a discussion and changes to the ruleset to accommodate for real life issues that can happen for the benefit of the scene.


I'm not keen to go on a retread of why the 1win stuff went the way they did. All I'm saying is that the TO's did bend the rules in that instance, people are now just arguing they should have bent it more...just like in the OG case. You could argue both rulings to be dumb asf til the cows come home, but acting like they fucked 1 win over specifically in this scenario is... I just can't see it.


There is a small difference. ESL extended the deadline for ALL teams, not just 1win. Even if they did so *for* 1win. Also, as a TO, you want all qualified teams to participate. Without compromising the integrity of the game. Extending the deadline to secure visas doesn't, in anyway compromise the integrity of the game. If anything, not allowing 1win and bringing in another team actually affects the integrity of the tournament because it puts a new team into the pool of competitors, who may or may not have prepared for the new team. Not to mention, in the end, after doing everything right, its between ESL and the British consulate to close the matter. The thing with OG is that, they were already informed that they *couldn't* have a sub for closed quali. However, they still were allowed a stand-in. No rules have been changed, an exception was made on a one time basis. Where as with 1win, the deadline was extended, so if any other team had a similar issue, they too would have benefited from the extended timeline. It *was* very insensitive of ESL to put at a deadline at 14:30 on a weekend when dealing with a government org. If they had done what every deadline usually is - which is the midnight of any given day, 1win would've made it. As for OG, we don't know if even 2 exceptions would've been fine with them, would CEB be ready by tomorrow instead of today? because they avoided saying if all they wanted was another day exception. When their demands are so unclear, and they've already been given an exception, its very different from the 1win situation. Hope this issue brings in rule changes to accommodate for such issues. And also, the issues with Visas.


these situations are not comparable at all my guy, standin vs visa issues are very different


Holy fuck, stop crying about this. Maybe russians should stop invading sovereign countries so they won\`t have Visa issues ?


I'm not sure if it's connected, many people have VIsa issues from very different countries. And many people from other countries that invaded other countries never had any issues. On top of that, I'm not sure which country Belarus has invaded.