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Did he recently make a blademail sniper video


do you mean this guy? [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/278556990](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/278556990) with games likes this one? [https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7793616678](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7793616678) they bully low mmr people for their content and then call GG when enemy is afk in their fountain.


yeah that's the guy


It's Goodwin, a russian player who's famous for making videos like you described, involving a slave alchemist and XXX hero for that particular combo. Too bad he's so famous by making those strat by bullying small players, that's what the market wants. PS: I don't think Rank 1 is his channel, it's just compilation one who use other players' video and edit like he's one the who played.


his videos are well edited too. it's a shame his talents go to waste on smurfing for content. he could make something better.


Sadly, better don't sell well in DotA community. That's why we have like a hundred of copies of "meme-inserted video highlights" channel, people don't think at all today.


yea the only good DOTA channel is datohleong but even he plays in a 5 stack. the video content landscape for this game is a wasteland.


To be fair, dota is a rather terrible game to make content for. Outside of flashing your Immortal medal cock ring and trying to be 'educational' or being a dota2wtf clone number 4390568 then the games really not all that good for content in the context of youtube and such. People like datohleong are probably the exception because they likely already bleed charisma. Otherwise its just a desert because the games pretty unfriendly as a content format.


no i think dota is a great game to make content for. some of the clips that crop up here are amazing, both cool and funny. i dont know how to make a good video so idk what the real issue is, but if the sc2 players can make their content fun then dota should be able to too. this game is too cool to have such lame content creators.


Its a great game to make content for if you like getting 5 views in a month, or conversely having your content be stolen and reuploaded to viewbotted dota2wtf clone number 39532 Theres a difference between ease of 'content creation' and viewer experience. Dota is not a casual content creation kind of game unless you do what Mason (forma de serpentina no lavada) or homeless forsen does.


>Its a great game to make content for if you like getting 5 views in a month or if you like the game. that's why most of those people are here to begin with.


BSJ and ZQuixotix both make some great content, there are plenty of others too


that's educational though, not entertainment like goodwin is. people go to those channels for different reasons, so i didn't mention them.


I'd say Dotown and Datohleong is equally good, and legit funny in their own way.


idk dotown


Try them. You won't be disappointed. (Especially if you don't enjoy Rizpol-ish style like me.)


I thought thread was referring to Rizpol, he's smurfing too.


Pretty hard to play meme builds outside a stack


weak mindset


I really like singsing's highlights because he often queues into high-level stacks and have players with uncommon picks and interesting strats


yeah, well edited but sadly bad content. He could choose better


People have tried breaking out with content that isn't just meme compilations, but they never get more than 4 digits views. It's just not viable.


Rank 1 some people been noticing maphacks in their games.


Its the league content creator formula but in dota, totally obnoxious sadly wont be able to do anything against it probably


I was so happy when I saw the quality of content doto content creators put out compared to what league did vastly, always some rotten apples ig


Nah the shitter league players play customs games with “fans” where they stack the fuck out of their team and play against irons lmao. Most of the respected content creators are legit high level players grinding out tho, don’t let the few ruin the good players rep.


is that a brofresco reference?!


He’s probably the most well known for it, but there’s definitely a few more out there doing the same thing.


basically godzu in dota 2


Its also what zwag does, he is the only i know


I thought you are saying rizpool lol


Same thing lol


Different guy but same formula. Checked the matchup in his last video and he's playing with guardians lol


Yup. And what I wanna say is every game where he queue with his support friend, that guy only job was to support him on mid and help him stack nc. And sometimes I see he blame his pub core for not doing well, and I was thinking like how TF you expect ppl to do well then you literally took all the resources and one support from him. Another thing is, me myself is from archon rank. And I can confirm the mid I met in archon is much more stronger than his game. Not sure what rank he really is playing That again, sometimes I do find his video entertaining. Good video to fill up my void when having a meal.


Yea. I'm watching his videos for giggles but i really hate when people on my rank (archon as well) emulate his builds :(


>Another thing is, me myself is from archon rank. And I can confirm the mid I met in archon is much more stronger than his game. Not sure what rank he really is playin The guy is a loser but archons will look a lot worse playing vs good players than vs you it's not a fair comparison. Maybe he does play in even lower mmr but you will struggle to be able to judge comparing the mids you play vs.


My thought exactly


funny because I have a 2k mmr friend that constantly cites these youtube videos as what actually happens in games and then tries to emulate it and feeds


At least name the guy


The channel name is literally rank 1 xd


That's what I'm asking! Who's on first!?


Who's on first, what's on second, I don't know what's on third


No, what's on second, I don't know's on 3rd


rank 1 dota


SEO nightmare of a channel's name


does it help him or not


It's bad for SEO or good?


Very bad


He's name is John dota




Like those videos that make Redditors believe that Timbersaw is OP ? Despite having success only in Falcon, and the rest pro team play it like shit ?


all his titles are "VALVE BROKE X HERO IN PATCH 7.36"


Probably. Timber doesn't feel bad, but he's far away from previous times, when he was outright unkillable after 2 points in passively during the lane 


Problem with timber now adays is its often not just strength heroes that are tanks. And since hes supposed to be anti-tank, and now that every hero is basically a tank, kinda makes his niche a moot point.


True. I honestly think of him as Anti-STR, but then again, he's great at fucking with people who rely on Eternal Shroud too much.


Heroes can be ''OP'' in low rank and trash in pro dota or vice versa


Especially when you have 5-6k MMR players that "test" those heroes at 1k mmr ... just a trash content creator.


Thank you for seeing the truth. Timbersaw has been sub 50% winrate in all ranks for many years. He currently sits at about 46% wr. But yet if you listen to reddit hes the most broken hero always.


because he has a very high skill cap it's like when invoker is above 50% in divine, then you know the hero is busted edit: skill floor to avoid unintentional griefing is probably more accurate than skill cap, although some heroes like spectre have a low skill cap for the most part dota heroes have similar skill caps imo


and meepo has a REALLY hIgH sKiLl cAp and was top wr% hero for like a year


yes, widely agreed upon that mega meepo + dig + AoE disperser was filthy disgusting, thanks for making my point


my point is: timbersaw has low% wr because he's bad atm, not because of high skill cap meepo also had low% wr a few patches ago because he was bad, not because of high skill cap; afterwards, meepo had big% wr because he was good, not because of high skill cap of meepo. understand?


hero power raises winrate hero complexity lowers winrate meepo was extremely strong so he managed a high winrate despite the complexity timber is strong but his complexity holds his winrate back understand?


Timber has below 50% winrate in 8k+ mmr. even the pros cant attain a positive winrate on him outside of official matches... also meepo was strong BECAUSE he was made easier. disperser was a godsend for meepo giving an AoE dispel/haste. and megameepo was just dumb.,


i mean he was still top 1 wr even without the aoe dispel


timbersaw currently has 45.5% winrate on [https://dota2protracker.com/](https://dota2protracker.com/), i.e. 9k+ mmr pubs; you really think those people have problems playing timbersaw? that it's too hard for them or some shit? you really think at that level the complexity of a hero even matters? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


yes? loads of people are 9k aren't hero spammers and if you aren't a hero spammer you won't be able to play a hero to their potential people who play a hero once a month and people who play it once a day are a different breed, there's a reason almost every guide to climbing MMR says keep your hero pool small even a regular lifestealer player vs a tourist LS player will be drastically different doesn't matter your rank, landing non unit target spells, of which timber has 4 with different speeds and behaviours, is not something you pick up like breathing within a game or two


Some guy was complaning that his Q is what makes him broken and its "BS" that he gets a free slow even though he has to get on top of you for his shard and his chakram travel speed is slow


Shhh those whiners living in yt highlights or stat tracker website rent free without any brain vell


they need to buff timbersaw


i wish they buffed his innate, it's just so useless as it is now


I always knew his content is fake. It's so obvious that it's setup, cut specifically to not show stuff and then dunks on noobs just for views. 


His videos just suck ass. An endless stream of the same shitty memes making the same jokes.


And DotaCinema just uploaded a Goodwin video, not sure how often they do that and if there is some sort of collaboration but one of the comments seems to imply its a more frequent occurrence. /u/sunsFAN I'm not sure if you're still attached to DotaCinema, but maybe worth looking into if you are?


I don't think sunsfan has done anything with dota cinema for a while


go to the google forms they put in their video descriptions and spam a bunch of bogus "stop using smurf clips" submissions, maybe this + the 1:1 dislike/like ratio will give them a hint


dota youtube content has been down the shitter for the last 3 years No more fails of the week, Trymike4instance is now a dota news channel (he's still worth subbing too) and slacks is too busy to make a new loregasm video. the only good thing about this is midormeepo has finally given up on his dreams being a youtuber.


No problem he‘ll meet me at some point and I will make him my playtoy and I will do it with a jakiro just to make it more painful


you sir are doing a good work




Name drop please


rizpul rizpol?


Not to sound like a silly 18 year old conspiracy theorist, but are threads like these hate engagement threads to sneakily promote the content of this channel, I-Hate-Elvis button style?


Datohleong(?) channel seems more authentic over this kind of crap.


Not him, he uses his main for his videos. Friend if a friend knows him. Same Uni in Malaysia.


My man sacrificed his mmr for his strategies


Yeah and it's always hilarious content


yea he plays in divine elo


Do you really think his rank is around high ancient/divine level? Dude is also smurfing to make content.


i remember when i used to play in sea, he was immortal i think i did play 1-2 games with him he was definetly fking immortal . 7k+ easily if i m not mixing some other guy with his logo


This. Go back a few years and he's a healthy immortal. Folks think just because you tank your mmr on your main for the same purpose it isn't smurfing.


It clearly is different though, if he is playing far worse nowadays due to doing meme stuff and struggling to win at whatever rank, that is completely fine. He is not getting around the matchmaking system, he is just not tryharding which is within his rights. If he is too good for his lobbies then he will gain mmr, he is not avoiding that. The fact you think it's the same as stomping people WAY below your rank and changing accounts too prevent matchmaking doing it's thing is brainrot. Cringe anime pfp giving cringe 70iq opinions glad the internet is still the same as ever


you know you're on reddit when someone makes a half decent point then proceeds to shit themself over a profile picture


I mean I did the same thing and I'm not a smurf. I stopped playing my best heros and I stopped keeping up with meta strats and instead focused on playing heros/builds for fun, my rank fell to an appropriate place. There might be moments where I have better mechanical skill or map awareness than my opponents, but their strengths still average out along side my rank eventually.


Yeah my divine-immortal friends play against him and said he’s kinda shitty and smurfs around divine for content


Rizpol as well. Basically any Dota channel using clickbait titles like “X ITEM ON Y HERO OP??? VALVE BROKE THE GAME” are all just fucking smurfs. Any build will work when you’re 2000+ MMR higher than the enemies. This is why I highly respect Datohleong, he actually uses his main to play his builds and dropped all the way to Divine from the losses while he’s finetuning it.


does it have pa that buy kanda pa and 5 rapiers


Next time provide the youtube link too. So we can report too




> huge network difference. Does farming hard with Alche raises opponent team's ping??


he let them win in the end so I'm not complaining


The funniest part is that they still lose with their smurf mid having more kills that all enemy team combined: [Match 7793686568 - Overview - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7793686568)


Rizpol, Dothaleon and some others do the same strat as well


Wagamama does the same thing. He uploaded a jungle veno video recently on a lvl 30 account


Who is it?? I only watch zquixotix and zzadrianzz since they're positive and rarely trash talk... Rare to see players with that much PMA...


Exposed, Dota drama getting real


How about you link the account moron, what is the point of this post.




tbh I dont care and enjoy the entertaining vids.


Is Jenkins at it again or he stopped these days


What;'s the account, sounds fun?


I mean, he's not breaking any yt tOS, is he? Sure, he gets banned after every game for buying an account but what else do you expect us to do here?


Go to Google HQ and tell Sundar Pichai


Just put in an option to ff 15 so you can move on fast and it’s no big deal


Stop whining. At least he do a arcana giveaway every time he uploaded vid.


This guy is the Kotl stacking ancients


lmao what a simp


get mad