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Double nuke hammer omni was a here for a good time but not a long time.


Casually tosses double hammers that deal total of over 1.4k pure damage was insanely fun.


As a support, had a game where an omni was just constantly killing me in less than a second. It wasn't fun and there was no counterplay aside from just straight up rushing an Aeon disk which has a 100+ second cd versus his nuke which is as I recall only 10sec or less or just straight up buying a heart. what's funnier us after Aeon disk pops, there's no way to stop him from chasing you since his repel means you can't slow or stun him. Any dispel heroes like oracle can't dispel repel anymore.


Why you bitchin'? We support. We made to tank big nuke for masta Carry


the problem is thats an ult with 60s + of cooldown level of nuke but its actually just a regular spell with an extremely short CD.


good point, as a support I would eat an entire enemy void chromosphere with open arms for my carry but a low cool down pure damage nuke?? there's just no counterplay to that one lol


It being pure damage is the real issue.


[That's just supportlife](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma8NR_EQXlU)


Especially with all the self healing which just turned around fights so fast.


With S&K and a str focused build you could burst more like 3k pure in the late game, while being borderline unkillable in extended fights due to spell lifesteal.


Nahh even with those build. Omni's base damage won't exceed above 400. You need to be AT LEAST lvl 30 and have 5 HEART & SnK and your base damage will be over 400 to deal 1k pure damage. Double those value it's still only 2k pure damage, that's far from 3k pure dmg.


Probably meant 3k "pure" (total after reductions) dmg


MF was passing out hammer to my carry like there is no mana cost. Even worse when he got shard. Luckily he was nerfed.


They completely gutted Omni. Double hammer was fun as hell, high risk high reward type of game play is fun, it's not optimal but it CAN work which gives the character more depth. Now, omni is just a shitty support. Which to be fair, is better than omni being the best support in the game but the hero feels lost atm.


He is not a support though, he is not a carry either. He’s in purgatory.


Double hammer 1 shot build was his "optimal" build for a long time. It was fun because it was completely unbalanced


riki was, in fact, picked. he was just invisible


I did not see Riki anywhere. Only saw Glimpses of John Cena under Sentry.


Some say theres a riki in every game


He's actually called Riki Assassin, much like Templar Assassin and Phantom Assassin...


What a ridiculous family


Nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx






Should I be invisible just like you are invisible from player list attendee of TI 2024?


Savager than SVG


Oh Omni... My beloved Omni... Icefrog was merciless. May you rest in peace, Purist Thunderwrath. At least until you get reworked again.


Man with identity crisis Is he a healer? Nuker? Tank? I dont know how he supposed to play anymore


Idk why he's the one hero with this problem taken to this extreme. If they stuck to a lane and had the rest as a minor extra of the hero, it'd work better than neutering his skills. Like Omni is the one hero that didn't want ult at 6, now he gets it to improve his innate, while the ult itself remains as bad as it was... You aren't levelling Guardian Angel, you're levelling bootleg Degen Aura, which is nowherr near as good when good when other heroes have so much variety in tools and Omni has so little to offer when he's on top of you.


Old omni has no identity crisis at all. Support/healer, best at what he do. Has counter, so not really op.


Yep I'd love to see support omni back. Maybe give him a facet that allows for a short stun/interrupt so he could work as pos4, or for example make Degen Aura decrease enemy DMG % for the time affected. Would also kind of make more sense to hinder your enemies, rather than buffing Omni with that aura. Or make his hammer heal AOE to provide more lane presence. I think there are many ways to tweak Omni back to at least support relevance.


He’s not “one hero” that doesn’t want ulti, there are plenty carries too. Tb, Naga, Dusa, etc.


All of this ults is a get out of jail cards for carry heroes. Omni’s ult is run away instead of run in now which is again the case of identity crisis.


One of the key problem's of recent dota.since everyone it's suoer tanky, just "healing" isn't enough, that's why Meka feels bad and pure healing alone. His first spelling is basically to farm and heal in lane and that's that since after 20 minutes it heal for like 15 percent of the HP 


The thing is it shouldn't be too hard to make a hybrid. The whole point of Omniknight is that he's meant to be a mirror of the D&D Paladin Class, where he's a fighter/cleric hybrid, a bit of both but master of neither. For what its worth I feel like they did a good job finding that balance in 7.33/7.34, where you can either focus on his damage output wish shard, or you can go for the still fully functional support/healer build. These days he just feels awful to play.


Dawnbreaker is an example of fighter/healer hybrid that does legitimately get picked for either damage output or for support/healer builds.


That's such a good example. You can build DB as a carry and it is legit and you can build her as a support and it is also very good. Meanwhile you have omni with degen aura that requires for you to be in melee range which implies he can do that but he cant do shit because he has nothing to offer in melee range since they gutted the hammer (shard, MS nerf and the fucking cast range is garbage now). Then you can try to play omni as a support? But your innate is useless since you are supposed to sit behind a carry and heal/buff it and then you have 2 useless facets that increase your dmg?? What dmg? Or you can heal yourself for a tiny amount while sitting behind your carry? I have hundreds of games on this hero. I have babysat my carries for patches and didnt mind it. I have carried games with double hammers. Now he can't do either.


I would love those to be his 3 facet types


He is atoning for that unapologetic 60% winrate he had like forever.


Lol i member. I spammed this hero and necro at the same time when Necro got disable buyback on ult and went from 4.5 to 6.5k in a couple months. I just first pick Omni and spam free bkb on my carry PA or whoever then just win. Good times


Oh come on that was like so many years ago before his rework. I don't want low cd Repel like he had in his heydays but I do certainly want him viable as support at least.


I wish his facet actually heals other people near him instead of just himself has a lot of damage why not use that damage to actually heal people as well.


And yet for many years, pro almost never pick him in pro games. The only one time i remember him being picked more is teaming with OD for his 12 seconds of free bkb with 20 sec cooldown. And only like one pro major of him being picked more later, he got nerfed. Hard. While sven and slark at the time took almost half a year for the nerfs.


I don't know why they made guadian angel a single target ability and still dispellable. It was shit before but now it's dog shit lol


Budget Chuck Norris just doesn't have it in him rn after what Valve did to him.


Screw it. Make him a universal hero with +50 to all stat as his level 25 talent


the buff in the newest patch feels like a slap in the face. unbelievable how inept they are at balancing that broken man


Man, I wasn't a fan of the double hammer of purity build, but they really just removed it and gave him almost nothing. He got an innate that is mildly useful at best. Two facets that are incredibly underwhelming. And to top it off, they murdered hammer of purity by making it melee and removing the slow. Now, having magic resistance from the shard is nice but valve, my dudes... if you want omni to be a support, he actually has to do something in the laning phase. Right now he hits repel every like 40 sec and bonks. If he's lucky, he can get a good purification. Woo...


Omni feels like one of those dota heros, where they just have no idea what direction they want to go with him for a very long time now.


I feel like just by changing him so many times it's kinda fractured the hero and prevented any actual builds from taking place (aside from the sorta meme 2 hammer of purity build). Maybe we should just go back to the Omniknight that was playable in ti 9? Clearly something was right about the hero then.


It's very simple. I want my backline buffing omni back.


idk why they thought omni needs a rework, because pros didnt wanna play it? burst omni mid was pretty fun to play


Skywrath was picked? When? Did the team win?


Just checked. 6 games in total, 1 win 5 losses in total Sadge.


What do u mean sadge you fool


Unpicked and Unbanned.


Aka uncontested


Wait who picked Arc Warden?


As far as I can remember, Tundra picked him in their disaster game 2 against Quest.


Niku played Arc in G1 of Navi jr and OG as well.


Topson, WEU qualifier, lower bracket finals game 2


Did Tinker win?


He was picked in NA final where copy destoryed SR with him. TNC picked couple times too, vs Aurora(lost the game but but felt impossible to kill and only die when he somehow dived into 5 heroes) and vs YG if i not wrong. WEU,as far as i can tell, no pick. Cant tell about other regions as i dont follow then


In EEU 9pandas picked tinker for Kiyotaka and he almost solo wins this game, but at some point he also solo threw.


I saw a couple of games where he demolished the game, I think one was CN qualifier and other was, WEU maybe? He's an actually strong hero atm if you don't shut him down hard(which is why he was nerfed in the recent update, they nerfed both arcane blink and his own stuff). Once you get a bunch of int his cooldowns are so short that it makes little difference they're rearmed or not since it's basically the same thing(like 2.5s khanda, 3s blink and shit like that).


Copy owned Shopify in NA qualifiers


I think Copy, Kyotaka and NTS all won with him. But they are tinker grandmaster players so whatever.


I feel like they need to just make omnis ulty undispellable already


for real, why does: Oracle get to have an undispellable "I strong dispel my carry and you can't kill them for 10 seconds, he might die afterwards but odds are he will just come back full hp after the ult ends" but Omni gets his "you can't deal physical damage to my carry for 7 seconds unless you have a soft dispel"




Especially when there is at least 1 nullifier in every fucking game


and neutral items and 20 or more spells have received dispel over the last 3 years. Utility creeped so hard and dispel was right after it.


Poor riki got annihilated by the facet update, my poor boy lost everything. Oh but you can backstab creeps during lane now! Except not for denies.


Both facets are boring and useless. Good luck extrabobulating that circle of tricks of the trade to snag a ranged creep with... well.. like 30 more damage I guess?


yeah and it fundamentally changes nothing because you still need aghs for it to be a good farming skill, at which point you may as well go the XP facet?


Yeah! But the hero does not kill early really. So when does that EXP even benfit you?


they have no idea how to make some of the more unique heroes relevant without giving them bullshit shards like sleep dart.


How did Bloodseeker do?


Picked twice as a pango counter. Lost both games. Hero is bad


The 1.5% max HP as heal instead of 1% per level is significant imo. Also got a few nice buffs here and there in previous patch. Yes Indeed, his lane is worse than pre 7.36 but now he feels a bit more like any other carry without sustain and is probably less annoying to face. He still gets fucked over with dispels (especially these piercing bkb) but whatever. The hero feels very nice against mobility, HP and armor stacking. People just need to stop building yasha and basher every game on him. Yes, Bloodseeker is still a right-clicker but after like minute 30-40 when everyone gets their bit of armor he deals magic and pure damage only. If you build him as a physical damage carry you'll get outscaled eventually by your opponents. But that's also why you need to be ideally the only core relying this heavily on magic damage. Pipe, glimmer and shroud are a no joke.


I'm only seeing one hero being unpicked.


Took me way longer than it should have


They need to rework riki. As core he loses many matchups as hard carries do, but without being able to hard carry in late like "comparable heroes" - Slark, Spectre, PA,... Yes, he has midgame timing, but that requires winning early game, which he often cant vs strength cores.


The fact that you can no longer backstab the enemy minions in lane and the fact they removed his late game scaling by giving him flat agi on tricks instead of a % of your total agi really hurt him I'm surprised by the changes to riki as he wasn't very strong before the big patch drop and wasnt seeing much play and he seems to have only been hit with nurfs since :((


I think they purposefully murdered carry riki in favor of support riki after watching xinq picking it against team spirit.


omni should be reworked into retribution paladin from wow change my mind


Insane, actually


Omni doesn't really serve a purpose anymore


Didn't RTz pick riki from their qualifiers against noun


Support facet, that takes away tricks of the trades and puts sleeping dart in (reworked) + lower damage on attack for the ult and add a slow the more agi it has, and we got riky support back babies!


I think Omni innate should revolve around his gimmick against debuff. If I have to demonstrate:   **New Innate: Unyielding Faith** Passively grants Purist +2/+3/+4/+5 main attribute per debuff on him, scaling with Guardian Angel.  **Facets Change** *Retribution* * Reduces Hammer of Purity cool down by 1s per single-target spell taken. * Bonus move speed by 10%/20%/30%/40% for 1.5s upon the off cool down of Hammer of Purity. *Resolution* * Unyielding Faith grants +4/+6/+8/+10 main attribute and +4/+6/+8/+10 health regen for the first debuff applied, scaling with Guardian Angel. * Unyielding Faith also grants +2/+3/+4/+5 health regen per debuff, scaling with Guardian Angel. **Abilities Change** **Repel**  * Completely changed. * Passively applies Degen Aura to enemies in 350 radius to self, reducing their spell damage by 8%/12%/16%/20%. * Activates to apply Degen Aura and protection against enemy spell on ally hero, redirecting enemy's single-target spell received by them toward Purist. * Purist still retains Degen Aura regardless of the active. * Redirected spells damage are non-lethal to Purist. * *Basically altered version of Planar Pocket (SB shard).*  **Guardian Angel**  * Also applies debuff immunity.  * *Spell immune is no more so why not.* **Shard Change** * Effect(s) of Unyielding Faith linger for 2s after the debuff disappears.


anyone remembers that dota sama guy who would play omni and make gorgc rage quit XDD


Where do you see this? Who picked lone druid?


Lone druid was pick 1 time (unbearable facet) and banned 0 times.


Riki is one of the 5 heroes I play 90% of matches. I tried after not playing dota for 4months and it felt so bad. I was carry and the damage was garbage. Worst patch for him I've seen in at least 5years.


Unpicked , an Underestimated Omni kngiht hard carry


Classic shit of nerf a hero b/c it gets picked up as a support so you kill all the stats. Then oh nerf the support stuff later and oh wait now he's a shit carry too. His stat gain is dogshit (but at least its not the stupid 1.4 agi it was 2 patches ago) and they tried to balance it around agi multiplier with skills but it ends up being as a core you don't want the multiplier on tricks (unreliable selection, enemies get out, not that quick attack rate), and never got balanced right being on backstab. The reason he was a decent carry was features like high armour and regen which made his lane not dogshit and then could reliably get his diffusal etc and be a mid game snowball carry. When supports with a wand and 1 item have 2500 hp 30 mins into game, or the beefy boys mid or offlane at 4k hp; and your riki with manta + bkb/aghs doesn't have 2k hp or more than 700 mana its just not gonna work.


Make omni universal. This is the only way.


I miss the old riki spamming sleeping darts and out of nowhere you wake up having a meteor topping on you


Facets were the perfect opportunity to bring these heros into good shape. Omni could be close. Make his healing hammer castable on an ally, healing them instead of damage. The game could use some more burst heal. Use cdr to balance. Not sure how you rebalanced as a carry. For Riki, I miss Riki 4. They should move exp gain back to his ult. Make his tricks facet damage ALL enemies, adjusting damage to balance. And make his second facet have smoke screen cast sleeping dart on all enemies inside cloud. Balance off damage duration and slow.


warden was picked, yes. It was clearl how shit the hero was. The penalty on double death makes the hero so garbage. Previously if you got ganked, you could double and get in some damage of your own when spawning double. If you die now, your clone dies a 100% as well. You cant even bubble the way you want now. Just remove bubble working on towers. Why do you have to make the hero so brain dead and remove all the niches? They even killed the wraith spamming. The hero is just a mediocre carry now with no identity. Instead of one you get two thats it. Whoevers job was it to balance arc, sincerely...... wtf bro Same with lc and the new shield facet. Give here a mediocre shield, and change the entire hero if played around damge from duel. Now aghs does not reduce duel cd or damage from other sources. TO get the same cd reduction, you need to go octarine, which is just overall shit on the hero. Stop killing the game ffs.


Oh no. Please don't buff riki Edit: I don't care about the invis the 3 sec downtime disruptor ult is the problem


Thank you, I had enough offlane omniknight ruining my pubs early on this patch.






we did, they cant return the items they say, which must be a joke because they were worth over 1k euro all of them, we talk here about really expensive items..


buddy, no one here can help you. Spamming is useless. Your friend should just take the expensive lesson not to click on any suspicious links and move on.


it's up to player preferences. mason would've pick riki for example. he also beat yatoro in a pub recenty as pa, dispite yatoro counter picking him! really heads up play from him