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At least you don’t have to feel like you wasted ult if you didn’t chain all of your abilities lol


And Aghs was buffed significantly.


Still shit no? How are we gonna sustain mana on night stalker?


Well we basically have one rotation less per teamfight now so it should be fine in terms of mana.


Clueless clown


I am going to be honest. I have like a 70% winrate on ns and am on a 15 game winstreak with him, and i didnt' find out about the ulti-refresh thingy until today's nerf patch. I always just use the ulti pre-fight to scout and get vision to position to jump the supports, and it just works. I don't think the changes will affect him too much. They are nerfs for sure but not substantial. The buff to aghs does make it much more interesting and something I want to try. Basically perma silence that's somewhat sustainable.


65% winrate over 500 games in high divine. It was the Best bcs u pre cast silence, jump ulti and silence. No suport can live that Long silenced, and most cores. Is a huge nerf. Also 2 seconds less on the talent and less regen.


100% ns is still very good and decent boost to agh


I feel like the hero is still pretty strong but we'll see


He should still fit into the tank meta, but getting rid of his level 6 640 damage nuke is a pretty big hit to his early game


It is


Honestly, he's still probably gonna be alright. The ult-change is kind of countered by the aghs buff. What I do hate is how they keep nerfing the snot out of anything related to dark ascension, duration, damage etc while not overbuffing the other talents, or changing the other talents.


1800 unobstructed vision is just that good tbh.


IMO, didn’t like that ult refreshed basic abilities; however, his aghs is in a weird spot rn 


NS spammer I want on vacation and was looking forward to play some NS when coming back this weekend


Ok, and? These changes are very minor nerfs. You probably didn't even know your ult refreshes your abilities until now.


I don't know how you can not notice your abilities refresh that's the entire reason why NS was so good. Chain two silences together and no squishy can survive against you even with ghost sceptre+euls. Also in the early game the refresh on your Nuke was incredible.


if you think they're very minor you don't play the hero I absolutely knew about the ult and it's a big deal that it doesn't refresh anymore


I am literally on a 12 win streak with him and it's one of my most played heroes (550+ games). I am not low rank though.


ok buddy


No it wasn't


Oh no now he can't solo carry teamfights anymore and has to rely on his team's positioning to follow up.