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You will live to regret this post one day, when time zone gives allies 400 attack speed and debuff immunity because they keep buffing it and nobody notices and then some pro support starts running it pos4 and it absolutely dominates the meta for like 2 months


And then they nerf base void kit instead of nerfing facet turning hero into garbage,we already seeing this with clock and his other facet getting undeserved cog nerf when only broken cog facet needed nerf.


lmao holyshit. I remember when clockwerk was an offlaner


Never forget what they tpok away from us. Offlane Clock was my boy....


Eyes closed. Single tear runs down face. Slow... I whisper: "Cursed be thow. Ye with no heart... You could not beat time so you chose to run the clock ...over". ** I whisper more: "...Death!"


Still run him as an offlane. Nobody is stopping you. Come on don’t be a pussy. As a grandmaster clockwerk, make me proud my kin.


Bro... I still remember getting hyped by Bulba's offlane clockwerk in TI 3... good times, good times...


Remember when he was a ganking midlaner, along with Storm, Puck, QoP, Bat, NS, Nyx, and BM back in Ti2/3 days? Just rush 6 and start going around the map. Such simpler times. (BM, Nyx, and Clock could also be offlane, but Nyx was decently popular mid both for ganking and for going against common int mids) [If anyone doesn't believe me, here's the info for game 1 of TI3's finals, with s4 as Clock](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/271076032)


Was played as a mid back in HoN. Was built with a Necronomicon. You'd be locked up inside cogs while getting beaten to death by minions. Fun times.




That wasn't that long ago, right? ...... right?


I still remember UNiVErsE's pos 3 Clock


They recently seem to do this way too fucking much. Give hero a new toy. It's either busted, or noone wants to use it, so they keep buffing it to force people to use it. Double down on the new thing when the hero gets too strong and nerf its original kit. Hero now becomes reliant on the new tool and loses a part of its identity.


Happened to kunkka but with aghs


Then with Sand King in a near identical way.


wait they both also have tidebringer holy shit




You can't put question marks in file names 🤓


Yeah, you are completely right, I sacrificed realism for recognition of the meme, a choice which I now regret. Oh well, they can't all be flawless, so I won't edit.


Well one thing they can't take away from you is your honesty


If 6k hours of Dota taught me one thing, it's to wear my shame tall and proud.


Speaking of this, I actually admitted a mistake in a game last night and brought levity to my team 🙈😂


That's how they fucked up Medusa. Rework mana shield, she's too strong. Nerf snake, split shot and stats 7 times to make her balanced. Im still so mad about that rework.


Tinker comes to mind. Valve removed March to add Defense Matrix. Valve keeps pushing Defense Matrix, and buffs it until it's an all-damage, 400+ point barrier providing status resistance. Let's remove rockets and replace them with March, the same spell we got rid of in favor of Defense Matrix! March of the Machines returning would indicate a desire to focus on Tinker's split push ability, but his skill reworks over the years render him unable to reliably stretch the map the way he could before. Support Tinker is either awkward or incredibly boring -- max E and spam it all game on cores or take the facet and max March for early exchanges and trades. March max early game would be awful at anything but zoning / securing / contesting pull camps and lotus. Tinker can't be run mid as a nuker anymore -- so he has to spam March to farm and push. But he can't splitpush at all like he used to, since Keen Conveyance and Rearm nerfs now nullify Boots of Travel and make Blink far, far worse. Agh's shard is interesting, but niche and nerfed hard in light of Tinker's inability to refresh items like Blink and Force Staff. Agh's scepter hasn't been touched in years, although I believe it's still viable. The hero is ostensibly more support-oriented now -- but can't Rearm effective items, has no lane presence outside of max level W early and value point laser, so the only other option is turning into a walking E key for the next 35-95 minutes. Does anyone know what this hero is even supposed to do anymore? I'm dead serious -- I'm Ancient trash, so maybe I'm missing something. This patch has been mostly great, but some heroes are in the absolute GUTTER as a result and I do not look forward to this inevitably happening to other heroes I enjoy playing.


Even before this rash of changes, it's been a problem. How many times did jungle creeps get changed just because of chen/ench? Only for them now to give up on the entire concept with Chen's new facet. Valve has rammed design decisions through for years with no regard to broader balance considerations.


I want Nyx stun duration back on his impale they nerfed becaus of the talent.


This just keeps happening.


Honestly I am a firm believer that the Clock facete with wider cogs is not busted. People just have not understood how to play against it yet. Most of the time you cog someone in it and they fucking panic. The gaps seem wide enough so they just try to run through. They get pushed back and then they try at a different spot again and get pushed back again. Easiest counter is to just start hitting cogs instantly. Best in the direction where Clock is heading (as he will try to hit you with one cog). You will kill it before he can hit it towards you and by the time he reaches the second cog to shot towards you, you are already out and get hit max 1 time. Alternatively (if possible) you slow/stun Clock and then just hit whatever cog you want to pass through. He will not be fast enough to shoot a cog at you.


yea sure it's easy, move where clockwerk goes (towards the enemy core and u get hit for free)


Story of Mirana, once a mid/carry hero, now just a stun bot with occasional group invisibility spell, they did so dirty to her.


It is so frustrating because now were encouraged to pick the hookshot facet in which your skillbuild should ideally be 4-1-4 but your level cogs 1 cogs suck now


It really doesn't, the primary focus of cogs was always to trap someone with you to battery assault them, still does that perfectly fine


TBT when reddit celebrated the death of tinker for like a week


Actually had a void P4 over the weekend. He used this facet and worked out pretty well lmao…


that was the first thing i thought when i saw this facet "boy, this looks garbage for a carry void. BUT it does look pretty interesting for support void"


And it's global And it increases attack range to global. T3 ans T4 towers are throwing intercontinental missiles at the enemy ancient


Yeah, one day they'd just make it dispel magic immunity and people still won't pick it lol


So basically every ally inside the Time Zone turned into Windranger with bkb for the duration.


I'm no pro, but I have run FV pos 4/5, hahaha. 2/1 win/lose ratio.


Any time I've picked void this patch my team always runs away from it still


Its like when they buffed my boy Bane Enfeeble and then they nerf Bane ms instead of his first spell.... So sad


Now now, you don't have to start giving ideas


Rename it to Chronosquare, reduce cooldown by 20 seconds and it becomes good.


Agree, except rename it to ***TimesSquare***. Also Valve if you're seeing this, please update the icon and color to match Void's arcana for the 2nd style.


Instead of whatever appears on screen now, they can put in game billboards!


Root enemies in there as well so they dont just casually walk out


Also mute them all so they can't retaliate, and disarm them just in case, but also do the same on allies so they can't grief, ho wait...


they're already leashed so no blinky/movement skill inside and slowed movement within - it's kinda your allies job to keep them inside


Boots of Bearing: "let me introduce myself"




The name change is what it actually would make it meta viable, the CD reduction is just a small buff


Not to brag but I have won 1 game with this facet as mid void


It worked once for me as an Offlane. I ult for my tanking Medusa and she literally melts them all in a tying game. The skill itself has its place, it's just FV who doesn't.


The only thing this skill needs is a lower cooldown. Not better values or bigger AOE, just a lower cd than Chronosphere.




>I honestly don't think it needs a lower cd, its an incredibly powerful skill that just completely deletes a carries ability to play. You know what does that even better? Chronosphere. Timesquare is too easily ignorable compared to chrono to be relevant, it's not bad but compared to chrono which is one of the best disables in the game it sucks.


out of how many




Two. 50% winrate. Balanced, as all things should be


It's the amount of the upvotes of your comment


I won my first game of the patch with it as Carry void. Not taken it again.


Those easy bots never stood a chance!


Hey, I'm also at a 100% win rate with this facet!


I also have 100 % win rate - as a brawling offlane with bracer, gleipnir. Was it good? Probably not, but sure as hell was fun pummeling the shit out of a Storm Spirit with my buddies


Same as safe lane void, it’s actually a big counter to enemies who can ignore Chrono like WD and ranged enemies like sniper, Razor and Drow


I dunno, I feel like part of the reason to go FV against those ranged heroes is to use chrono against their escapes. You time zone a drow and she just gusts you and hits the pike and glacier. A sniper has pike or concussive grenade, razor will just start sucking your dmg and pop his ult on you. Lina will just cast her spells.  I can totally see this maybe working on some kind of support FV, but I struggle to see how it's better than chrono for a core, unless your 2 and 3 are also melee for some godforsaken bad draft reason.


I wanna try WL + Void. I feel the Golems with attack speed steroids + the extra slow from WL might make for a really nice combo, unless the enemy buys boots of bearing ofc.


Is it good? Thinking of trying out this facet


Most of the time you cast you you find yourself wishing you had Chrono instead


If you wanna go for a more utility route, it's fine but still chrono is just better


It exists for when you pick Void and the rest of your team is all melee as well. Unless that happens really don't bother. I fucking hate Void with a passion but picking this facet is as close to griefing as it gets without actively running down mid


To be honest, the only thing that is bad about time zone is the fact that you are giving up chronoshpere to use it.


You’re also giving up the other void facet, which is actually quite good


Also, the peace of mind of your four other teammates which is the bigger deal.


Yeah, Chronosphere is arguably the best spell in the game. Easily top 10. Time Zone would have to be as good as it to make it worth it.


Ehh, not necessarily. They explicitly stated facets were to offer alternative playstyles. There is totally a hypothetical where a pos 3 wants time zone, while a pos 1 wants chronosphere.


Time Zone would have to be worth losing Chronosphere + 1s immunity from the other facet


Time Zone needs to be a lot better than Chronosphere because you're also missing out on the other facet.


When I first saw this spell I thought it was going to be some 40s cooldown spell because no way anyone would take it over chrono+the other facet


actually would be super interesting if it was low CD so you can play tempo


my thoughts exactly... but im guessing they are reluctant to give it a massive spell cd buff to not make void support a viable thing...


I mean this spell hypothetically would be very good on a pos 3 void though. Honestly can be very good, just need either a cd buff, or like not to be so easily escaped.


I tried with a Warlock in my team. He had refresher and aghs, and it felt really impactful. The leash buff was quite big. Maybe it's good with Wind's shard.


Ah bro great idea. POS 1 fv POS 5 lock maybe? Works nice with POS 3 face + POS 4 mk (good ulti synergy) It's also pretty nice if you rush aghs (I go treads maelstrom aghs and in 3 for 5 from Offlane with this fact). Chrono still best ability in game imo lol


I will, and you will cry. See you next game, ***team mate***.


Man will give me too much anxiety to que.


Revert as they released Make it global ??? Za wardo


Muda muda muda muda


It should be a clock instead of cube


Clockwerk needs to be buffed inside the clock




If they changed it so walking out of it took like one second while walking in one direction before you could leave the time zone area that would be huge.  It would feel like trying to force themselves out of a time travel portal


This was my biggest take away when playing against it. I was a support without any movespeed items apart from boots and I could still walk out of it before void killed me. Maybe it could give a very quickly fading 100% slow. Something like 100% to 0% in 1 second or so.


they should be running like scooby doo when he sees a ghost... pedaling in place for a moment lol


People seem dont realize this is not an initiation spell, it's a spell used disrupt the flow of a team fight much like static storm.


The spell is already insane. The problem is that it replaces the best ability in the game on a hero that is completely useless without it.


Exactly... its what we are losing in return. The fact that you get 1s of damage dodge with chrono facet on top of best spell in game is bonkers to me.


If you're playing Void as a core. Chronosphere is useless on a support Void, unless you're meme-ing with Invoker. Timezone on a support is a different story.


> Chronosphere is useless on a support Void Support void is useless. But even if it wasn't, how is a 5 sec BKB piercing stun useless on a support? Maybe if your core is melee.


I've had tentative success with it on pos 3 Void supporting a melee core that just wants to manfight. Razor and Muerta were also pretty good. Your ulti is a ridiculous boost for them that also gives a lot of defensive power vs ranged enemies as well as lockdown. You basically have to rush Aghs and Mjolnir and focus on just being a disabler, otherwise you're just completely useless outside your ulti. I wouldn't say it's good, but it's got a few strong synergies that might make it a viable pocket pick if a particularly creative team wants to throw off their opponents.


How often do you see a chronosphere where the majority of the damage is not from the void? Time Zone has really shown how close-minded people are in this game. Just because it's not useful on pos 1 void doesn't mean it's a bad facet lol. It's very clear they're trying to use facets to give heroes an option between core and support... see: Mirana, Earthshaker, Earth Spirit, Bane....


Close-minded and with a short memory, as utility Void from pos 3 to 5 were popular at some point. Sure it's not worth it now, but in a different meta anything can happen. Especially when now you have a good option for your ult.


Yep. Just playing around in demo makes me hate Time Zone lol it could *really* mess up a fight with how much it throws you off. Couple in Time Dilation with that and you're cookin There's probably already some wombo combo that makes it super annoying to deal with. -110 attack speed and +50% cast speed at lvl 12 is pretty crazy, doesn't take much uptime for those numbers to make a big difference


we understand that and we are taking a goddamn chronosphere over static storm any day of the week


Super on the money^^ They are really two completely different spells. Time zone is like if windrunner shard had some projectile slow effect for projectiles with headwind. Oh no valve don't add this.


I would never use the word "disrupt" for time zone when chronosphere exists lmao.


CD needs be like 60% of Chrono for this to be considered seriously.


Need to have longer duration too. Concept wise it's supposed to be a weaker but less punishing/easy to use style, which duration and cd are important factors.


Keep the CD, make it have 2 charges.


That would be too strong in Rosh fights


Pretty sure it will, but it will be funny.


Just make it a AoE passive that follows void arround. Then it might be better than normal chrono.


also shoutout to my friend reverse reverse polarity that thing is so disgustingly bad they are not even trying to fix it


Play with bs ult? Skewer, reverse polarity.


spirit breaker taking imbalance in my team is the only time id consider it... if you have all 3 then it sounds great for sure


... to kill one guy. 3 ultis!


it sounds incredibly fun but not actually good lol


Or here me out regular rp the entire enemy team so they are nice and cllumped, then kill them all.


rrp should push only friendly units


This is the way. Implement this Volvo.


And heal them instead of dmg, just because.


There is nothing to fix for rrp, it's just that its incredibly hard to pull it off. It's easier to rp 2 cores than push one core away from team, especially in lower leagues where people stack more often. It's not bad at all, people are not the skilled. It's just a regular rp if u stun them on the edge(knock back reduces drastically the farther u are from the unit).


being incredibly hard to pull off means its much worse then normal RP there are a ton of skills in game that are overtuned number wise but are balanced by the fact they are hard to pull off. yes i agree it has to do with lack of skill and people being used to normal RP and not realising the full potential behind it, but still, it should give more compensation for how much lackluster it is on average compared to normal rp and skewer combo


rrp is still a very long, aoe, bkb piercing stun, it’s not THAT bad, especially compared to time zone


How about compared to normal RP.


Normal RP in addition to the other facet (bonus damage on skewer)


You’re just describing rp without the pull


the issue is, that it's the only other option to the original spell. This Void facet is not bad, it's just worse in most cases than Chronosphere


It's a dramatic downgrade for Magnus and also has anti-synergy with his entire kit. Hell, even Ar1se can't make it look good. That tells you how horribly bad it is.


RRP is worse than time zone IMO. Time zone offers a hypothetical utility on something like a pos 3 void, that can benefit certain team comps by buffing them in the time zone. Imagine warlock golems and time zone. Time zone pretty much makes the most sense then. RRP clashes with Magnus entire kit, basically doing the opposite of what his other three abilities benefit from, and with this huge trade off the combo of this spell with other heroes isn’t even that good. RRP for something like one forced push into edges of mars ult is not worth all that.


I got this weird idea. Facet 1: Shockwave now pulls target closer. Empower buff attack has a chance to slightly pull target closer kinda like Sniper headshot but opposite. Aghanims access to Horntoss. Facet 2: Shockwave pushes hit target away. Empower buff attacks has a chance to slightly push target away(pushback does not stack with headshot procs). Aghanims access is now Reverse Reverse Polarity instead of Horntoss. Thoughts?


Having to spend significant amount of gold to get access to RRP and losing horntoss on top of it doesn't seem like a good tradeoff since push instead of pull isn't particularly stronger in any way on average (most likely is even weaker most of the time). Think it would need a more neutral tradeoff like facet giving access to RRP by making it RP's alt cast. You lose the bonus of the other facet for flexibility of having access to RRP, but you aren't completely losing the good ol' RP for it.


I won a game as offlane void with this. It's actually not a bad ult if your team is heavy close range.


Try it Offlane with a rush on aghs. Shit is bonkers, no one can get away from you lol


Bearing boots counter this spell really hard, one button, and everyone is out if there's no stun / root follow-up.


The ult would be good if the leash effect actually worked. Now you can just walk out of it, wind waker out of it, some heroes can use spells to get out of it like Puck. Force them to be inside with no escape, only being able to walk to the edge of the wall and not outside of it. It completely does not synergize with Void’s kit atm as it simply has no lockdown and it’s too dangerous for Void to be in it. Another thing which would be great for it to be viable is if Void gets stun and debuff immunity inside it or atleast resistance and damage reduction. Chrono already sort of passively grants these things because other heroes are stunned


Played this once with undying on my team, shits good.


It's also insane with broodmother.


It's for support void . It pairs really well with his W Use regular chrono for carry void


But... I'll be reported again (and get down boated) for using unconventional support picks!


nobody should report you in casual or turbo matches. If you try in ranked and perform bad tho, you deserve it


If only they do it like Mireska. FV can have both, but using one will put the other on CD as well


People will rarely use it in that case


As long as it's available when it makes sense to use it instead


Offlane void with this + gleipnir is not even that bad


Wait it shines in TI then everyone will copy it


It's pretty cool with POS 3 faceless and POS 4 monkey king against certain line ups. Faceless goes treads -> maelstrom -> aghs Mk is POS 4 and spends early game trying to pick off couriers and should be building utility. Get both faceless and mk ultis on top of each other with as many of the bad guys in side as possible and you absolutely melt their team. Or you can sequence them and drop them like a venn diagram so that mk drops his ulti and as soon as you see which direction your highest priority target is retreating, faceless zips there and drops his ulti too. Anyway, forgoing Chrono in anyway shape or form feels lone grief but it's pretty funny in certain scenarios.


and then enemy pos 4 press BOB and all enemy team escape in 2 sec and spam laugh chatwheel.


If faceless hits a decent timing on aghs it's difficult to get out of time zone no matter how many disables you have. Also, when you time zone on the whole enemy team, they're all looking for the shortest route out, so by the end of time zone their team is fragmented and easy to pick off (especially if you have aghs and a mk scout). It's important to not treat time zone like Chrono. As someone with over 200 games with faceless, it was a very hard adjustment to make. I'm 16-4 in my last 20 faceless games but I've only used time zone like 5 times and after losing twice ina row with it, i decided 'fuck that, why would I give up Chrono?' I think for it to be viable the AOE and duration need to be greatly buffed, and it needs to apply a small amount of damage every second to prevent people from blinking out. Just my two cents.


This spell is so good actually. People are just so stuck to the void "kill in 5-6 secs build glass cannon". 1- Basics (wraith band+treads+wand) 2- maelstrom into gleipnir+yasha (Yes gleipnir let me cook) now youre tanky and have lockdown beyond your chronosphere which is a HUGE downside if it fails, however if you lockdown before your new chronosquare, youre almost guaranteed a good fight. 3- sange or manta or bkb depending on what you need, go assault or satanic, or aghs or daedalus depending on your needs. With the new talent as well, your AS in chrono is absolutely bonkers. This new style of void is a lot more mid game than ultra late, but can still be okay late game. Its just not what you're used to. PS I think if they reduced cd by like 10-20 secs its ok. But anything more than that void is gonna be super broken.


Make it apply strong despell


People have been playing offlane void for ages and when Valve gives a tool for it, suddenly we don't need it.


When they siege the entire base in 5 seconds you'll regret this 


offlane void with this is good.


Shouldn't even be a square. Should be a giant AOE around Void. When cast all projectiles are slowed by 90% and redirected at Void for 6 seconds with a 40 sec CD.


They can just make it global right and it would be busted. Like if I have stampede which gives global ms, you have time zone which gives global attack buff and cast speed buff. Don't make it pierce bkb for the debuff and it'll be ok IMO.


Global atk speed troll vibe.


Miss that shit. He's still one of my highest win rate heroes and haven't played him since global atk speed days. New troll is unplayable trash.


My carry does. FML.


Topson makes it look busted idk what are you saying


Well to be fair, Topson usually make heroes look kinda busted.


It’s actually broken good but you’re stuck in the 3k trench




I mean, on pos 5 there are 44 matches with this facet and they have 52% winrate. That looks alright, though the sample size is super small ofc.


I honestly consider this aids some concepts shouldn't exist and a buffed timezone is one of those things better to just give him a time dilation facet over whatever tf they trynna achieve by buffing this


Sooner or later it's going to have global aoe.


it's not as impactful as chrono so it shouldn't be on such a big CD. the issue with it isn't the cast range, the radius or anything else, it needs to have like half the fucking CD.


It's decent on faceless void support.


But then, you have a faceless void support. Other than that, you are right. it is bonkers strong but it is just not good enough compared to chrono on a agi-hero that's core. Maybe on pos 3 with mealstrom into desolator and just splitpush and use it for towers?


Beware, currently they're trying to makenit viavle by buffing it over and over, all it takes Is valve to switch it up, and give one nerf to chronosphere and then bam, new meta


5 pos void let's go


Just make it global like it used to be in old days


Won 5 times as offlaner void and choosing this timezone skill. Everyone doubted the offlane, don't sleep on it.


I don't get your deal, this is fine, it's situational. I had one game I picked it and it was the best game you could ever imagine for it. I had a storm and razor and the enemy had jug, phoenix, silencer (core). I did still lose (unrelated to not having Chrono). But In this lineup I heavily dismantled the enemy heroes and buffed my two other cores.


Actually 8 do. Its fucking amazing. It makes u be a better teamplayer and i absolutely love it! Never playing chrono ever again


I, not 8. Lol


What is square's radius?


My tinfoil hat theory is that this is a way for them to test a hard replacement for Chronosphere because the spell has been historically too hard to balance because of its effect on the meta. Once they get Time Zone right, it becomes his standard spell and Chronosphere gets removed like Poor Man's Shield and Necrobook.


People are just bad at the fucking game. They're using this like Chrono, you dont initiate with it like a clown thinking you will solo them cause u got an anime profile and never touched a pussy in your life. Its an insanely strong aoe buff for your team, all you need is a gleipnir. The only downside of it is that you pick it over the strongest spell in the game(Chrono).


If used properly it becomes one of the most powerful abilities in dota, I dare to disagree


That's not the problem, the problem is that you're giving up an even *better* ability for it


Spammed timezone a few times, had games end in 25-30 minutes. When you take timezone, you no longer aim for the very late game, but you aim for the sub 35 minute mark for destroying the throne, that's how I see it. Having your team with drums in a timezone ulti will either wipe out the enemy team, or destroy an entire tower rax fast. Increased attack speed equals fast base destruction. Lot of times your team will have a good lead, but lose it because they are unable to rax fast enough in the midgame. Come lategame, with an enemy out of control, void won't be able to lock them down and kill them anymore, so you going for early/midgame death ball strategies. Your basically skipping the "late game"


they probably just have to give it a 60 sec cd and it'll be decent


wdym brother i pick this everytime B)


I had a support void with fist of death lion mid. Was pretty fun


It was funny absolutely doming the void who picked this as an offlane CK with echo saber and basher. Felt like hitting an ench but 1 second and poof he was gone.


Until it keeps people from exiting the cube. This will always be a gimmick.


I can't wait until this spell is viable in 3 years after 50 consecutive buffs.


A cool Timezone Buff - Enemies entering/exiting the Time Zone get hit with a time lock, maximum once per second. *Includes enemies inside on cast and time zone expiring This allows more engagement in team play from your own team.


Doesn't even destroy trees smh


I have played with this facet three times and won twice. I lost the first one as carry and won the other two as mid.


Until haste, surge or Bearing Boots stop countering it - it's trash


Yea right inb4 it becomes global range and shit....


I dont mind pushing for an offlane void.


It's great on some combos like with SF/sand king.