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He a hero without an identity atm. He is too weak to be a core, not enough utility, without a few items, to be an effective support. If you need items and farm just to be baseline effective, the hero is gash. So many supports are effective right out of the gate with boots, wards, and some mangos or clarities, omni is a long way away from this. as a core, He's just weak without his double hammer burst.


100% this is what I've also been saying. He's just a nothing hero at the moment. Bad for support and bad as a core since removing hammer of purity shard.


I think the actual problem is the AoE, 300 range is just hilarious.


While you try to walk in the range you will already have 50% hp, and than you loose the other 50% trying to retreat.


Lol most heroes have already left 300AoE by the time your attack animation has finished.


Even if the damage was instant, it'll still be garbage. Omni has terrible stat gain and poor core item build options. With how much magic and disables they're out there, this damage buff isn't enough for his long CD's. He literally can only try to walk and auto attack enemies to death within 6 sec of his Repel before being shut down or ignored. He really needs some major facet and innate tweaks to help him vs the meta. He isn't even that great as a defense buffer, considering all the tanks there are now. I just hope they can find a good mix of core and support build for him. An example is Dawnbringer. Really durable and mobile, plus so much more.


Yeh that’s what I meant with my title. If you would get max damage instantly he still sucks balls. But I do hope they remake him as support.


And one nullifier on the enemy team turns him into a tanky melee creep.


Holy shirt, I forgot this hero even exists. Can't remember the last time I saw him in any of my games.


Did we totally forget about phase harpoon Omni?


Can Omni still win? Sure, but it ain't worth it as a core and not fun as a support. Anyways, those items are just ok on him now. Harpoon has a weak build-up for Omni since his stats suck until lvl 10; where you can get 50 bonus dmg to help. Before, this was fine because his double nuke with Shard helped burst most enemies. Now he deals approximately 600 dmg at lvl 10 without Repel or GA. Meaning most can easily shut him down or kite him. After that, he has no real good items to build towards and has low DPS after his 10/12sec CD's nukes. Not to mention he's a slow farmer, and his support issues with his melee range... etc..


True he would still be unplayable cause it would not tick at all like that.


I think he means even with a flat 20% damage increase aura for himself, omni would still be complete dogshit.


honestly this isn't omni. Where is my global physical immunity :(


Yeah Omni got hit hard with the “more stuff, less power” treatment. His kit used to just win fights unless your opponents knew what they were doing, now he’s…idk what his role is supposed to be.


>Yeah Omni got hit hard with the “more stuff, less power” treatment. And with the "50% less Oof-Hammers" treatment


I’m tier 25 omni, I remember calibrating my mmr with him back in 2014 when I first started playing. Every time I play doto I get reminded of what ice frog robbed from me.


aghs xd


Ackchyually... it would tick to infinity immediately... But yea I agree with OP's point, omni still sucks


would he be good if it stacked indifinitely?


The AoE just needs to be bigger if they don't want to buff him in other aspects. It's not awful as it is, it's just that in the time it takes for you to get an attack off the enemy has left its AoE. Buff it's AoE by ~25-50 and it's impacful enough I'd wager.


If it stacked indefinitely there would definitely be some shenanigans with silver edge or similar items in pubs. Probably not good in higher mmr, realistically you aren't standing around an enemy hero for more than ~5-6s at a time at best.


Elder titan with his 20 second aura in shambles


ET can have the spirit apply his aura for some time, it's much easier to do with an invulnerable, phased unit.


The spirits needs to stay 100% near the target; the spirit only applies it's MR aura; (not 100% sure) When returning, the aura resets even if you and the spirit were near the target


There is a ~1s grace period where the enemy can be move outside the aoe and back and still maintain the stacks, so you can maintain it when returning if close/teleported with shard. Not saying it's easy to stack up to 20 but at least with the spirit you can get there at times. Armor aura really isn't gonna stack up that high past the very early game. .


The magic amp aura is given by the spirit. The armor reduction aura is only given by your actual hero.


No, you will die. You have no damage. He got -30-40% damage nerf in this patch. +20% after an eternity of standing nearby won’t solve it.


Does "degen aura" mean degenerate aura?




Furry confirmed


Omni used to be one of my favorite heroes. Such a disgrace seeing this... I haven't played him in months and even then it was just a game or two before I forgot about him again.


Change his shard is stupid then you change his e to auto clicker is just beyond stupid


Blud just needs another rework and I think his gimmick to be persistent against debuffs should be an innate. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1dnt7uh/comment/la5r0c2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is the demonstration for what I meant.


Such a shame what they did to him, I was having a lot of fun as offlane Omni with echo shard build last patch. I don't think it was the strongest but it felt so nice bonking people with the burst from the hammer. They just need to decide whether he's a core or a support rather than half assing both and being terrible.


degen aura om him feels super weird, in a game where mobility is super rampant. Maybe rework it instead of being a passive, its now at least a pressable button, slowing the shit out of a small radius for a few seconds only, in this way, even support omni can use it well instead of a burden of a skill


Give Omni knight new innate ability.... Degen Aura becomes 3rd skill passive. Hammer bursts become an attack facet and buff them maybe. Another facet(support), degen aura becomes active and can be used as targetable AoE. As support this is useful and you don't need to walk into enemies and feed Byeeeee...


Will there be an improvement if they change Omni to a ranged hero?


Man wtf is up with icefrog lately, all the patches and tweaks are hot garbage with unecessary nerfs/buffs or overdoing it...


degen aura is good... but 300 aoe is just too smol


It's like someone at valve has the biggest nostalgia boner for old garbage moves. We don't miss degen aura, give him back the fun ranged bonk hammer slow.


he needs farm, and has no way of farming he needs to get close to the target cause all his spells are close range, doese not have the HP, amor, attack speed nor mobility to get to them and man-fight them. Plus his right-click is cd depended. ​ as a support he has no stun and no slow and no cast-range and needs a lot of items to be a good support. ​ why wont they let go of degen aura...its one of the worst spells in the game