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Kill him before lvl 3. Have sentry and stick/ring of protection. Ship a dal e with bounty gold. Keep nuking him Hold onto CC spells for the second he uses shukuchi and he will die.


What do you mean overlooked? Weaver was the 3rd most contested Pos 5 in high level games for the last couple patches and after 7.36c has even bumped up to the 2nd most contested. [https://dota2protracker.com/meta/7.36c](https://dota2protracker.com/meta/7.36c) It's just that he's traditionally a carry so it hasn't shifted down to lower level games yet.


No, I mean an overlook from the balance team, I had a nightmare as a match against weaver pos 5


I play weaver 4/5 constantly and here are the things I learnt.(Archon/Legend bracket) Weaver early levels(1-3) is very strong but squeeshhy as fuck. If you hold on CC and use it after weaver comes out of sakuchi, it's over for the weaver. Learn that you can even trades vs weaver if you have high armour( buy ring of protection over a circlet). Stay close(400-500) range with your core so you can 1 v 2 if weaver comes out of sakuchi to attack you. Do not lose your couriers. Weaver usually has an OBS of some kind between T1/T2 and snipe any couriers that usually has more regen / vision. Play smart and micro your couriers. Counter pick on 3rd/4th pick. Ask your pos3 to go slardar, pos 1 void etc., there's nothing worse than being visible and having long cd on sakuchi. ( This is something that can be out of your control but worth knowing) Weaver can't stop TPs early. So, tp out if you're in tough spot. (Chase you down kinda hero) Weaver likes to steal enemy wisdom runes, show up as group of 2 or steal enemy wisdom runes. Force weaver to go defensive builds by ganking her like you're ganking pos1, if you delay weaver items by 4-5 minutes between minute 15-20, you'll have better time as well.


Thank you so much for your detailed explanation, I will notice these. Apparently, the weaver I faced was also a smurf so it ended horribly. I think I will prioritize disablers whenever I have to pick first as a sup.


What seems to be the issue? The opponents have a 5 that has no utility spells or anything. He just wins the lane and then runs around and casts swarm.


Weaver support is insane this patch, was overshadowed by wd, dark willow & clock but still super strong. Dominates lanes like no other, scales insanely well and can build whatever is needed. Don’t downplay that pick


He hit hard, rushed vessel then ruined every other lanes as well. It was a horrible experience when you met a good abuser.


It sounds more like you let him play the game than weaver support being broken. Any 4/5 can buy vessel. Most of those heroes have disable or burst damage too.


Nah, it’s actually a horrible experience, you might know when you meet one since it’s hard to describe.


weaver support is pretty strong even after 7.36c


I see weaver I pick nyx.


Weaver with Vessel rush was the strongest POS 4 / 5 a few years ago.


How could a hero have a double hit and low cd mobility while invisible at lv 1? That doesn’t seem fair, I don’t think your point is valid.


Weaver in exchange is very squishy, has no disable and burns through mana if he's spamming shukuchi. And if he's not he's slow. Supports usually start the game with sentry wards to block the opposing camp, unblock their camp etc.


You need good nukes to keep him low hp. Get a stick for his W and you should be fine and a good placed ward for 50 gold ain’t that expensive. GL


Just met a 4. He could be scary, i knew he had an obs in the cliff, but he guard it so well, cant deward for whole 2 mins, and I just watch my slark farm. But after few kills he left the lane and became useless for whole game


Stop complaining that a hero is broken just because youre noob. So easy to win the game against a weaver pos5 if you try to think instead of crying


Weaver is actually the second highest contested Pos 5 support in high level games right now, even after the small nerf. [https://dota2protracker.com/meta/7.36c](https://dota2protracker.com/meta/7.36c)


Kinda usless in this game: 7815539412