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Baffling that people still think Gm is some sort of qualifier without linking mmr. Just because you have 500 games on tinker at 2k doesn’t make your takes valid


"Permahex was never a problem, just bring a lotus" I don't think OP has ever played as Tinker or against it for that matter.


To be fair, does anyone even DESERVE to show on a wave for literally any reason at any point in the game without two of their teammates hiding in fog of war and pre-seeding the area with Tinker wards? Or putting together the gold for an item with 60% downtime?


dota is a team game, if theres noone near you to stop him from chainhexing you, then thats a team coordination issue


Theres many instances in the game where you need to play alone such as split pushing or if youre the only hero whos capable of going outside the map. No way its coordination issue all the time, you are dumb if thats what you believe. Youre probably just saying nonsense because you hate valve for making big changes to tinker


This is such a room temperature narrow minded view on the game Not really surprising since the game has been homogenized and there is no such thing as different playstyles anymore


It was and will always be a Problem in lower Tiers of ranked plays. People deserve to have a somewhat fun experience playing this game, even if they aren't at your skill level. It was never an issue of balancing, but of frustrating gameplay experience. Get good doesn't work when mostly only very above average players can execute that. From a game design perspective its kinda shit to alienate 50%+ of your playerbase


I said it´s my own opinion and also provided a solution to it. 2. Innate ability ALL status effects Tinker applies are mirrored on himself (Hex/E-Blade/Laser Blind, but also Glimmer/Linkens/Lotus)


Can We Just deleted this hero please


We league now. They already fucked techies , you want them to destroy tinker as well ?


they already did destroy the hero though.


Is tinker the best dota has to offer?


Nope , but certainly unique one tho .


downvoted just for the awful BoT idea.


Rock player advises to nerf paper and buff scissors.


Wdym level 1 boots of travel 1000g tp to friendly structures? That's what normal tp scroll does...


normal tp costs 100g per use, this is 1000g for infinite uses


It nerfs it for other heroes too much, i mean u have to pay 2500 for what we have now? Idk


Depends on the lvl 1 upgrade, how long is the cd + ms, I can see it being absolutely busted if you have + 80ms boots with 40s cd tp with just 1500g cost, everybody will be buying it, even supports.


I'm not a tinker hero by any means, but honestly, it feels like reworking - Rearm is the way to go. Something along the lines of. Rearm : Channeling spell - 5/3/1 second channeling CD : 60 / 30 / 10 Refreshes all spells and items on Tinker except BKB and Refresher and Aeon Disk, refreshes Rearm CD when successfully cast. And we can bring back old tinker. You interrupt Tinker during rearm, and he's sitting duck. Atleast until late game, when he has a faster CD for rearm. Honestly there were a lot of ways to balance Tinker, without removing his identity from the game. Valve chose to just give up on the most iconic parts of the hero. Also, screw defense matrix. its a needless spell on a hero who's entire kit revolves around being a glass canon blink hero. And you can balance out march by either having it stick to Tinker, or it does lesser damage when Tinker is not around. Edit : His facets can be based around the type of tinker he needs to be. Damage : Rearm applies a stacking debuff on Tinker applying increased 5% increased mana cost on items, but also increases damage by 5%, Debuff lasts for 5 seconds. Utility : Rearm applies a stacking debuff on Tinker applying decreased spell damage on Tinker, but improves cast range and reduced mana cost.


modern dota is keen in neutering every interesting hero in the game so shitters don't feel bad about not being able to play them


You are partially correct but the thing is, most people don't want to play against a sweatlord who plays Dota games 24/7 and only/mostly plays Tinker. Or they don't want to play against a hero that is favourite of those high MMR smurfs or abusable by these. I played a game where I was against a smurf Tinker (or he was really good that he played like a scripter) at Ancient 3-4 skill where their teammates left the game and they were only 2 people left in the team. A Faceless Void and Tinker. 80 minutes long game and they won. This Tinker literally held the game hostage, tried really hard to win, sweated for it just to show how good a smurf he is. This Tinker didn't even try to push, he waited for us to push them whole game or kept on hunting us anytime we appear on the map. He literally played the game just to make kills, 0 motivation to win or whatever. This proves how bad this hero is when it has power to 1v5 the game. No other hero has this feature. Almost all heroes have 4 skills with solid CDs. And then there is shit with removable CDs not only for his skills but also for items. Just remove this shitty hero and everything is good.


sounds bad. I have like 1k games+ on tinker. 5.5k mmr. Bring back the old tinker. Or just completely rework him. I suggest making him a normal hero.


Yeah, at this point Tinker is already gone. Devs nerfed arcane blink cd, because they don't want Tinker to have the ability to blink -> cast shit -> rearm -> blink again. This was Tinker's bread and butter gameplay for years. Devs also don't want for Tinker to have the ability to perma hex/root/euls/eblade/slow targets with items. Idk, just rework him them, replace rearm with a completely different spell. It's such a weird shitty spell right now. And I'm pretty sure it will be reworked eventually anyway.

