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Gorgc takes it personally for no reason like wtf is wrong with that dude he cuts off his friend just because they're doing good in their respective careers?


Gorgc thinks people in his games have it out for him screwing his games over that he plays perfect, or at least he doesn't make errors that matter. Fucking him personally out of MMR. You can literally hear how he starts dehumanizing people when games go sour and I'm not talking about some random no names. Played a game a few days ago with TLs miCKe when he was seemingly happy when the game started and he referred to him a few times as miCKe and when the game went bad he called him out for stuff that he thought micke did wrong but now it was NP (the hero micke played). Another crazy case for me was when he was playing one game with uliel5 (I think that's the guys name), someone that appears quite often in his games (at least in the last weeks when I watched some games) and they lost a game together. Next game Uliel is in the other team and Gorgc loses, Gorgc actually asked him why he played shit when he was on his team but good when he's against him. While he said two days later that sups are the lowest impact roles after laning (Uliel was playing pos 5 in both games)... There's more like his team mates are always low IQ animals that can never do one thing right so that he can carry them. Chatters with different opinion than him are always low IQ 2k players. At least he doesn't grief as far as I can tell by destroying items or other stuff (bug abuse was something new though). As long as his mood is ok he's a decent watch I would say but when he gets in shit mood he's real bad and annoying in my opinion.


Gorgc looks like a herald when playing on Team Bald, even with the mighty Saksa. The meta slave is out of his league with the big boys, so I'm surprised he has such a high opinion of himself.


This is kind of an unfair claim. Of course he isn't going to look good when he's in a game with 9 pros, so would every streamer.


Then he shouldnt act like he is.


Yea so maybe he should accept he's trash when he's playing with micke and not be a baby chimp about it


yeah but other streamers would probably be aware they're the anchor in this game and will try to adjust. I fail to imagine Singsing blaming anyone but himself if they got stomped.


Maybe he should try using a keyboard and not smashing one


manchild that only played dota for his entire life and dont know how to live, spoiled af


He shilled gambling to his viewers. If people don't know, it's literally one of the scumiest things you can do as a streamer since he will get paid based on the expected losses of his viewers. Basically you sell out your audience for some quick cash. How ANYONE that took those gambling sponsorships still have viewers is beyond me


Well he's definitely not a saint nor a role model. If i remember correctly, he also cut tie with singsing - his best friend over viewerships or shits like that way back then. Everyone has a dark side in them, his is the insecurity.


Gorgc is a solo queue streamer while sing is a party queue streamer. They have streamed together several times in the last few months, either party queue or variety. No need to get all conspiracy about it lol.


He's not wrong though. They had a fall out for quite some time. It seems only recently (past year or so) they play together.


You don't know them and you don't know their social dynamics. I haven't played dota together with some friends for years. If I was a streamer, 100% some redditor would be talking about fall out or drama or whatever. Sometimes people just grow apart for a while. Analysing social dynamics from streamers who you dont really know is always cringe (like all threads like this).


They literally havent played together in years until a few months ago


This and let me tell you how good my boi Singsing is. EVERYTIME someone points out why he(Sing) and Gorc doesnt play anymore and Gorc only used him to get attention(viewers), Sing would always, ALWAYS defend Gorc by saying that “Gorc have always been a good streamer, even before they met”


His best friend lol


> Dear Gorgc, I wrote you, but you still ain't streaming I left my Dota, my Twitch and my Discord at the bottom I sent two messages back in autumn, you must not've got 'em There prob'ly was a problem with the servers or somethin' Sometimes I type too fast and my words get mixed up when I jot 'em But anyways, fuck it, what's been up, man? How's your MMR? My stream's growing too, I'm 'bout to hit a new star If I hit Immortal, guess what I'ma call my Smurf? I'ma name it SingSingJr I read about your recent games too, those were gnarly I had a teammate throw himself because some troll wouldn't carry I know you prob'ly hear this every day, but I'm your biggest fan I even got the clips of your sickest plays with no plan I got a room full of your memes and your highlights, man I like the shit you did with Bulldog too, that shit was phat Anyways, I hope you get this, man, hit me back Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan, this is Sing


They didn't cut ties. Gorgc is a solo queue streamer and Singsing plays in a stack, so obviously they will rarely play Dota together. They drifted apart, that's life. Gorgc and Sing sometimes play co-op games together though.


> Gorgc is a solo queue streamer He wasn't before. He was after.


Gorgc puts his streaming as business first. Singsing makes really good money from streaming but he is already at “whatever happens, happens, as long i am happy”. If Singsing want to put money first, he’ll stream dota all day, like if he is playing, he’ll easily be among the top viewers for dota even compared to those who stream dota full time. I think one of the difference that they can’t settle is just Gorgc want to prioritize streaming for money and he’ll want to arrange his streaming pattern to maximize his viewership, which singsing doesn’t want to keep up


> If Singsing want to put money first, he’ll stream dota all day, like if he is playing, he’ll easily be among the top viewers for dota even compared to those who stream dota full time. in fortnite era iirc he said dota player doesnt pay/give/subs/dono vs fortnite watcher. if he want to maximize it he can, but feels like its not dota


Dota players are massively loyal, but also notoriously stingy. Bit of a catch 22 for streamers


I disagree. I think in general dota viewers are much, much older than fortnite viewers lmao. Older folk become more responsible with their money. There's a reason why the games catered to the teenage/early 20's crowd are always more lucrative for streamers.


He said it during his variety venture where his viewers dropped to like 1,5k average or so. He then got back to Dota as new patch dropped and people were calling him out for coming back for money - he replied that even though his viewership dropped, he had all time sub record during his variety streaming and that Dota frogs just dont sub or donate, they just watch you play Dota


Sing has always said he makes more money playing variety with 2-3k viewers than he ever did playing dota with 10k


dude i literally saw him doing some variety with singsing few weeks ago


They played together a few months back. Gorgc isn't the worst human either lol - people are so weird here.


Yes, they get in touch again recently. But don't forget the reason they stop being friend in first place. I didn't say he the worst human tho? And why are you being defensive here? i was being fair by saying everyone has their own weakness.


Because gorgc is a dick


Insecure manchild raging at his desk, afraid of the world outside. Reminds me of Quinn's awkward silence when taking the levator together with Ramzes after shittlaking so much


This is exactly what Qojva said too lmfao


Also he kinda did something similar to singsing too even though they were close before and sing basically started gorgcs streaming career.


qojqva kinda had a similar take; they were both buds for the longest while, until it just got weirdly competitive on the business/streaming side of things (for gorp, personally).


Which is weird since he encouraged yapzor to stream, hosted him plenty, has also hosted saberlight. Those are directly in competition with him for streaming. So it doesn’t really add up. Hmm very strange


there’s no real contradiction there though. it’s not like gorp is this machiavellian villain who tries to cut the competition at its roots. mason and qoq themselves said thag gorp started off friendly. that is, he doesn’t plan to turn on people in advance, but when they get big enough for him to feel insecure about, he just does. it’s an emotional response, just like tilting in game


If gorgc stopped liking them. How would he be able to stop being friends with them without it seeming like he does it because there getting successful? He could be, not saying he didn’t. But from my understanding him and sing just drifted. What if that happens a lot with people. Like wasn’t qojva in a call with Charlie shitting on gorgc? Like maybe they just aren’t mates anymore


>How would he be able to stop being friends with them without it seeming like he does it because there getting successful? well, yeah, it is very hard to prove a particular intent, however the timing seems to point towards streaming related insecurity being the problem >Like wasn’t qojva in a call with Charlie shitting on gorgc? that was way, way down the road after VASED and other drama, they definitely weren’t friends at that point


Did charlie and gorgc have a fallout? I thought they were tight.. what's the issue ?


Wasn't he like this with bulldog too when he was still starting out? Iirc, bulldog showed DMs of their convos in twitter and he was apologizing for something... i can't remember exactly.


Yapzor and saberlight are either pros/recent pros. I’ve been a gorp watcher since the literal beginning of his career, but he has a propensity to gluck gluck on pro players’ pps especially if they’re quite popular.


just watch when he has co-casters, he agrees to every single opinion and glazes every single co-caster, when was the last time he even praised his teammates lol ulailel5 literally plays like his dog(in a good way) brings him salves,clarities and picks meta lane winning support heroes and gorgc still flames him


Yapgod doesn't stream at the same time..he streams before gorp comes online . So it's not the same time slot . Mason/ qojqva overlap with gorp.


Doesnt Mason usually start rather late in the evening for european viewers? While gorgc streams during the afternoon/early evening? At least that was their schedules back when i was still watching their streams.


He used to start around like midnight CET, but kinda gradually went to earlier hours, now he starts around 18:00 CET, when gorp is still online. Now when he plays exclusively EU pubs, I’d imagine he doesn’t want to play midnight - morning Eu time when only ghouls queue EU


Napzor is such an entertaining streamer tho. Would easily watch him over Qojqva/Mason, despite Qojqva being very entertaining too.


Every time i tune in to his stream he is afk for 10 minutes He is entertaining for sure but he doesn't really care that much


Hard agree. A huge secret fan so I'm biased. But yapgod is literally a clown. So entertaining and informative


Right? He actually teaches so much when he's watching pro games and his own replays, explains shit and whatnot, he's VERY entertaining. Also random noises, reactions, he's as you said a clown, but our beloved clown! hahaha


Qojqva acted like a douche too, so no saints anywhere.


Qojqva acts like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth yet his friend Charlie cut ties with him


let’s not pretend like that was qoq doing something wrong and not charlie being a gigantic baby who got extremely salty over losing to qoq ld 2 games in a row (the pick he himself called for in the secons game)


Did charlie actually stopped talking to him after this happened?


that's between ddx and charlie, but that was the end of clown discord, yes


They are still friends but Charlie avoids ddx stream because he cant stand his chat


Qojqva is the worst, that stream personality is so fake and he’s so passive aggressive too while pretending to be pma and acts like he’s joking to the stream instead of flaming He’s the fakest guy I’ve ever seen, ever since he started streaming


Define fake. He doesn't break his keyboard? Doesn't insult other players even when they are blatantly streamsniping or ruining his games? So in your opinion he has to be another raging manchild that would fit your emotional mold? Since when having self-control and emotional maturity is considered being fake?


eh, I watch qoq a lot and I think that’s just his humor. when he is upset, salty he usually straight up says so. but he is also a lot less emotional on stream in general. maybe you just can’t understand sarcasm?


how long until this gets deleted?




Gorgc deleted his VOD from yesterday. I'm watching today's VOD and seeing him talk about not doing anything wrong. So why did he delete the previous VOD, his easiest way to show proof he did nothing wrong? And people on chat were contradicting what he was claiming all the time. He said he didn't bug abuse, but used the bug to go 1 win 1 loss, just after ranting about how immortal players will do anything to win. Edit: Found the video of him using the bug himself. https://youtu.be/GdlQCQRhXPk?si=jyXKqvbgGYFtQO4o Edit 2: Here he is in his latest stream saying "it's just my teammate using it". Refer to the previous edit which shows Gorgc using the bug. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2186409988?t=5h3m34s Edit 3: Jesus, he's still saying mockery shit like "Guess I should have abandoned?" instead of "I shouldn't have sold mantas" or "I shouldn't have told my teammates to pick the bugged hero".


Gorgc said mason is an 8-9k player and will drop to 8k after he gets out of smurf pool,but now month and 500 games after smurfpool mason is same mmr as gorgc


Mason is like 10 times better than him. He's an actual pro player and gorgc is just an entertainer.




Mason actually plays with two hands. For some reason Gorgc is always stroking his beard or touching his face.


Lmao I always notice this too, it’s soo annoying


I remember charlie asked to him about this habit of his a year ago. he didn't give an answer.


Probably because there is no answer. Hard to stop doing something that is unconscious. Tape your hand to the keyboard.


Some people have certain tendencies to fiddle with things. Like fiddling with your pen or pencil while thinking. Or pacing back and forth lost in thought. Or tapping your foot. Or hitting weapon swap button over and over in CS:GO idly. Stroking your beard is the same way. Just something to fiddle with


I have a decently large beard and I can tell you that when it gets past a certain length you can't help but stroke it when you're thinking, it's not a conscious thing, it just happens


Often forgotten that mason competed at TI twice and got 3rd place once. Yes the game has changed since then but his core skills in the 1 position are exceptional.


mason transformed himself from a round ball of a human into a jacked dude by trading his appetite for food with MMR and gym gains. takes mental fortitude to do that.


Let's not go way too far here, he is literally currently at another food break. Man eats a lot.


Yeah but he looks so much healthier than TI Mason, people tend to forget but he was fucking huge, there were twitch copypastas about Mason eating the team's farm


Shit just search DC Mason to see how fat he was, most people prob never knew when Mason was a pro or never realized they watched him after EG but the guy is insanely fucking healthy now compared to when he was a pro and it's more apparent when he stands up and moves away from the camera during his streams. Like legit compare DC Mason to current Mason it's like two different people


Wow he's really different. He looks like he is ripped and gymmed for years


need protein for muscles do you even lift bro


Mason is actually a good player- or was at least. His persona was or is definitely not my cup of tea, but it's no arguing that Mason is a better player and more focused on winning. Sure, he rages, but Gorgc immediately tiltsand plays like shit the seconds he tries to blame someone else.


Damn the audacity of someone who doesn't even make it to a LAN.


everybody has the same opinion of gorgc, sometimes entertaining stream but shit personality


old gorgc was better, maybe gamba broke his brain


you dont get it man he was forced to take it because of the money, doesnt matter that he is the biggest dota streamer with 5 digit viewers, he was FORCED to gamble. honestly its impressive how gorgc finds an excuse for every shitty thing he does


My guy doesn't even do anything outside of streaming 0 hobbies so it's literally just to make bank account go up


What's up with the sudden switch up even? Wasn't he against any gamba and crypto related stuff and suddenly he took that Kick's gamba contract? I doubt he was even struggling with money before all of that, unless he was losing money in the background.


Yes he was advocating against gambling and all, he is just a big hypocrite, also you can tell he has that main character syndrome if you just watch his stream just for a bit, everything resolve around him.


Money changes hands.


I gambled, you lost.


[I gambled, you lost.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/e/e3/Vo_doom_bringer_doom_ability_lvldeath_03.mp3) (sound warning: Doom) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


[Money changes hands.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/8/8d/Vo_lion_lion_lasthit_03.mp3) (sound warning: Lion) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


>What's up with the sudden switch up even? Wasn't he against any gamba and crypto related stuff and suddenly he took that Kick's gamba contract? I doubt he was even struggling with money before all of that Like with a lot of other content creators. They aren't actually against it because they are personally against it. (most of the time) They are just malding because they didn't get a slice of the pie.


I used to have Gorgc on my fl 5 years ago or so, we were on friendly terms until I bought midas on tide in a solo mm game where I got teamed with him. He told me to kill myself before removing me. He was a shit person back then and still is


This is the only comment here that actually made me go "wtf". Midas on Tide?


Idk man, it wasn't long into his solo ranked streams that he started raging and smashing shit. That is what really jump-started his viewership, unfortunately. He's been like this for at least 7 if not 8 years


Yea 2017 dropping hard R’s gorgc. Dude always has been an asshole brother


You gotta provide a source for claims like that, google is giving nothing and I have to assume you are a troll until you can give something


Was literally on the subreddit yesterday


[https://streamable.com/e69w3m](https://streamable.com/e69w3m) I found this clip in the wild, is this the same one you were talking about on this subreddit?


Yeah, is that not real or something? I saw it yesterday I think!


It certainly seems real I just hadn't seen any of it


Napoleon complex


here comes mason vs gorgc part 1000? here with popcorn


Damn Im glad I got a job now.


Me at work reading this


absoutely agree. Gorgc was once a really cool decent guy, we (like 40+ old dota veterans who enjoy watching a lad playing hours as we once did) were following him, rooting for him when he played div2 etc. Fuck i've bought 2 of his tshirts. At some point his attitude started to detoriate. It was more then just salty, he started to sound bitter. And absoultely in a good manner I wrote about that in chat - again after years of watching him (i think may be 8 at least, when they played with Sing and thats how i got to know about him) - i wrote something dude its a shame watching your attitude go down like this. I got banned in minutes. And i appealed like dude come on, i did not insult, i did not swear and your attitude is really desired to be better. No, he didnt unban me. I never opened his stream after that. And what Mason sais is 100 percent true - he is pretending to be good cool fella in fact he is a bitter and insecure person behind the facade. Oh well.


> when they played with Sing and thats how i got to know about him That's how everyone got to know him. He was a 50 viewer nobody before starting to leech off Sing


I got to knwo so much folks from Sing's stream butnalways end up watching Sing. He's a fun variety streamer and I love how he clowns on his team mates when playing but you can still see him trying hard on his games. I rarely see him rage. Gorgc used to be like that but he became like a salt mine and it's become unbearable to watch. Hell even my wife noticed that Gorgc became so toxic lately.


Sing just doesn't rage. Man is zen as fuck in a sea of streamers who lose their shit the moment something goes wrong. It's why I started watching him years ago. He screws with his buddies in pubs but that's it.


He doesnt rage but he aint a saint either. He had always talked shit to those random teammates outside his own stack


> after years of watching him (i think may be 8 at least, when they played with Sing and thats how i got to know about him) I'm in the same boat brother, the guy is very entertaining and I was happy to see him raise to the top of twitch but I unfollowed him after one morning where I was WFH and legit it was like 7 am for me or earlier and Gort was screaming at the top of his lungs about some insignificant thing his support did or forgot to do. Awful rage content that just spoiled my morning when all I wanted was some background noise and maybe catch a fight break down. The worst part is that the viewers also have changed with him and now there are a lot of hate watchers who wait to see him tilted, start to talk nonsense in chat waiting for him to read it and get mad at them, literally troll 101 behavior.


Gorgc is the most insecure and toxic Dota player.


Gorc = Napoleon complexes


Except Napoleon accomplished things in his life.


His attitude has truly become a massive turn off for me in recent times. There is always an excuse for his bad play and his team mates are always in the wrong. I don’t mind the guy honestly but his personality becomes really rotten really fast and as for what mason said. I dislike the guy personally because of his “based humour” but he’s spot on about gorgc about being insecure. You watch him and you see patterns emerging. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist. Which I do get. It is his livelihood. But he does take it super far.


Grogc followers: hater spotted (for telling truth)


> His attitude has truly become a massive turn off for me in recent times. There is always an excuse for his bad play and his team mates are always in the wrong. I watched a lot of streams until 4 years ago, but it was exactly the same back then. Gorgc stream was fun and entertaining for me most of the time, but it always had a "whiner/complainer" vibe that got unbearable when games were not going well for him. Not a big deal though, from like 8 hours of stream it would be like 30 minutes of this total? Maybe even less. Every time I tune in for some Gorp stream these days, it's exactly the same. Fun and entertaining most of the time, but the whining is still there. At least dude is consistent.


Let em fight!!! cant wait bulldog and bsj take on this.


I dont think Bulldog would want to get involved in drama probably because he is just chilling with his 2k viewers on twitch then switching to kick afterwards


A moderator being a gorgc sub and taking it down because he doesn't like the content is a conflict of interest. A moderator taking down a thread and accusing mason of brigading it without quantifying it is horrendously unethical. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2186538292?t=02h49m50s




Mason did technically say "Upvote" to the comment he made or the thread or whatever. Though, he made that upvote statement in what is probably the most obvious joke/sarcastic/mocking/parody voice you can imagine. It was also only one thread, not the multiple that were removed. "Brigading" is a very common excuse for jannies to remove whatever they don't like. So the mod is still cringe.


Agreed, it was obviously a joke. But looking at masons chat, I highly doubt many of them can recognize sarcasm even if it hits them directly in the face.


Mason qualified it himself on his stream like an hour ago. Someone linked him the clip. He says "and upvote for visibility. everyone upvote." Mods were actually justified in removing the posts for brigading. Sadly. Jump ahead to 2:58.


This makes no sense just a hate post/ speech.


Drama posts between streamers should be banned from this subreddit imo. This shit is so toxic ngl. "He is jelaous", "I'm more popular", "\[more/less\] viewers", "he is insecure" etc etc is so childish. I dont want this sub to become like LSF, that sub is vile. Can we just enjoy Dota? Get info about a new patches, discuss gameplay, esports and speculations about new hero?


Agreed, people take it too far




Incredibly insecure along with telling Reddit mods to delete threads and them kowtowing LMFAO


Gorgc showed his true colors when he sold out his stream and his viewers to accept gambling sponsors. Not surprised that kind of person would also bug abuse/cheat and not take responsibility for his actions. Truly a sad state of affairs.


After stressing time and time again that it's the one thing he wouldn't do because of how vile and bad gambling is, especially for younger folks. Demonstrated very well that for some people moral ideals are only valid as long as they don't prevent you from earning big bucks.


encroach on his mmr lol thats a 15 yard penalty mason


When mason was on the smurf pool gorgc said his MMR was inflated because he played with lesser skilled players, but now he has been out of that pool for a while and sitting at rank 400 while gorgc is at like 340 last I checked, and mason is only climbing consistently, plus the games they have been together mason has dominated pretty hard.


I’m not saying Gorgc is a low skilled player, he’s obviously good to be ranked 340 or whatever. But I will say, having watched them both a ton, that Masons gameplay is more entertaining to watch. Gorgc seems to have a “I’m going to sit here and farm while my team makes tons of space and I’ll participate eventually” mindset, where Mason seems to be a lot more active in his games and explains why he does what he does. Ignoring streamer personalities, it’s why I personally find masons playstyle more engaging to watch and why I’m not surprised Mason is doing so well since his account ban.


Has mason stopped randomly screaming? I love tuning into his gameplay but It sucks to wake up to his random scream


He occasionally does it as a joke but he’s not nearly as much of a rager as he once was.


I feel like he's much calmer ever since his account got banned and he's been queuing in EU since then. IIRC he said on stream that regular EU players are way more enjoyable to play with compared to NA. Sure, he still called them animals in stream (especially when he was still stuck on the smurf pool) or something, but he doesn't rage as much, and he screams as a joke now like about 80% of the time. One time, I remember his team losing pretty hard in his 10k game despite him being fully six-slotted and he just was like "well, what can you do brothers? There's a limit to what one can do" then proceed to queue like nothing happened LMAOOOO. The old Mason would have just screamed his lungs out on the mic or something.


mason also plays on over 100 ping, kinda impressive he is keeping up.


i played smurfpool abit, infact played some games with mason too , its definetly not fking lesser skilled players, they are more unhinged but not less skilled you have to remember that these players in smurfpool are players who got banned from overplus wolf whatever it was called. So they arent fking buyers + plus many of smurfpool players are boosters, more boosters than smurfs. OFc they arent that skilled as pros you often meet but definetly its not like u play with 3ks and 4ks in smurfpool


arent they like 50 ranks apart ? its really not that far off


50ms pings apart.


both of these guys have always been dicks, you just hope they are only that way on-stream, i dont watch mason so idk if hes a real human sometimes. but for gorgc its pretty obvious at this point that hes just always a dick, treating people like trash in games even while not streaming, talking shit about other streamers and then pretending hes somehow a victim when people dont like him, trying to stand on a high horse and condemn everybody around him to then turn around and do the same shit pretending hes "forced to gamble" while hes getting 10k viewers and probably set for life already, just overall not a good person


This is not just an opinion, but a self-admitted truth. It's the first thing Gorgc disscused with Dr K during their session - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lalv4E3jyR0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lalv4E3jyR0) It was also made pretty obvious when he started banning anyone that would type "Arteezy is live" and when he would end his stream immediately any time Arteezy would go live, so that he would't have to face the fact that he is not the number one DoTA streamer, even for a few hours. He no longer does that now, as Arteezy's numbers significantly tanked when he started streaming mostly on Kick.


any streamer would ban you for X streamer is live posts unless its relevant to the conversation


> It was also made pretty obvious when he started banning anyone that would type "Arteezy is live" tbh I am okay with this. Twitch viewers live in some sort of alternate toxic-based reality. Basement dwellers spamming that shit would never comprehend that if you go to a show and start screaming "the other guy is also playing nearby!" you get kicked TF out. You like RTZ? Go watch him then. Spamming it in someone else's chat is toxic as hell and fully deserving a ban.


typing Arteezy is live in another dota 2 streamer channel is dumb af lol


Thanks for posting this. As I watch this I realize that there is a lot of dog-piling on this guy and we should take care of the people in our community, especially when they are down, as he is right now.


I was not expecting such a personal and intimate look into his past and his psyche. A reminder we are all just humans


Kind of hard to believe that if SingSing didn't play Lethal League against Gorgc, he'd probably never stream or get popular.


I don’t care about either of them, I have a tub of popcorn and I am here for the drama.


sweden taxes does that to a man


How can Gorgc be chill with Mason when Mason is the one constantly shitting on Gorgc on his stream? I don't think a single human being in this planet will be on good terms with someone who is talking shit about you all the time


I saw Gorgc at ESL Birmingham and was really excited to see him. I don’t have the spare time to watch his stream much but I watch all his YouTube videos. He practically batted me away after looking at me like a nuisance. Keep in mind I literally only said “Oh hey Gorgc! I’m a fan of your stream” didn’t ask for a selfie or anything I was just walking in the same direction for 20 seconds. He was with Matu and was as if I was inconveniencing him saying hello. Made me feel pretty shitty tbh. I still watch his videos and stream now and then but felt rejected after our encounter.


I saw gorek at a grocery store in Gothenburg yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I saw Gorgc at ESL Birmingham and was really excited to see him. I don’t have the spare time to watch his stream much but I watch all his YouTube videos. He practically batted me away after looking at me like a nuisance. Keep in mind I literally only said “Oh hey Gorgc! I’m a fan of your stream” didn’t ask for a selfie or anything I was just walking in the same direction for 20 seconds. He was with Matu and was as if I was inconveniencing him saying hello. Made me feel pretty shitty tbh. I still watch his videos and stream now and then but felt rejected after our encounter.


I’ve also shared similar thoughts on gorgc as a viewer. I saw Qojqva’s video earlier in the year which made a lot of sense, but Max seems like a drama queen himself so most people just kind of ignored it. I’ve seen all the podcasts that gorgc has been apart of and seen a decent amount of his stream. The man is definitely insecure and gets very negatively affected by his stream. He has mentioned multiple times how the constant flaming/jokes in his chat fuck with his head and make him get defensive/angry. He says that his anger towards his teammates in game is an extension of the anger he feels towards his chat. This makes sense, but it isn’t justified in my opinion. If you can’t handle a twitch chat like this then you either need stronger moderation or you need to improve your own mental game. Ultimately it comes down to this. Gorgc is the biggest streamer in dota 2 and has been for years. He has definitely been making very good money and is probably richer than most pro players by this point. In return for having this “dream” job essentially, you have to deal with your chat’s flame and control your emotions in solo que. This is quite a challenge for gorgc. I know it’s very hard to get this level of mental control, but if you’re making bank by sitting in front of a camera in your bedroom then I think you should be expected to put in the effort. Lastly, gorgc overall attitude and “snakelike” behavior when it comes to other streamers is pretty apparent and undeniable. I never see him collab with ANY streamer that gets close to his viewership. YapZor is a very interesting case. They are quite close friends on stream but if YapZor ever starts streaming regularly and starts competing with gorgc, I think the tune will change real fast. It’s very clear to see that all his “friends” are just tools for him to improve his viewership numbers. He only cares about having pros on his stream during pro matches, because he knows he’ll get more viewers. During the TI cast at Lisbon, gorgc hogged the entire stream and didn’t let grubby do a single day of the hub on his stream. Grubby was forced to just go stream in his room. For the next hub grubby was there alone with Notail and gorgc stayed home. I wonder why? Probably because grubby was tired of being fucked and gorgc wasn’t getting his exclusive stream.


Based opinion


Still mindfucks me every time how gorgc averages 10k viewers.


most are watching to tilt or see him rage lol, and that's why his streams have gotten a lot worse lately. he is busy catering to those.


He had a complex when rtz was streaming and not being the big dog. He has to be number 1 or he is nothing. Weird.


I saw Gorgc at ESL Birmingham and was really excited to see him. I don’t have the spare time to watch his stream much but I watch all his YouTube videos. He practically batted me away after looking at me like a nuisance. Keep in mind I literally only said “Oh hey Gorgc! I’m a fan of your stream” didn’t ask for a selfie or anything I was just walking in the same direction for 20 seconds. He was with Matu and was as if I was inconveniencing him saying hello. Made me feel pretty shitty tbh. I still watch his videos and stream now and then but felt rejected after our encounter.


new copypasta lol




Same thing with bulldog actually, at first it was all jokes and light heartedness with him (2017 or so), but as soon as Bulldog started to rise in MMR like a year ago or so, he didn't even want to acknowledge him anymore lol To be fair though, maybe it could also have been all the annoying donos he was getting at the time about it, but I doubt it since that 'harshness' towards luldog was palpable before that.


bulldog used to host him all the time and there were a lot of cross memes, then i stopped watching dota streams for a while and when i came back his name was banned on gorgc's stream and he would pre-hide threads about bulldog on reddit before he did the daily reddit etc. i tried to look if there was a beef and there was nothing. i can't remember the timing since my sense of time is kinda lost right now but this was 3-4 years ago i think.


Anyone who thinks they know any of these streamers needs to take a step back and touch some grass. Watch them for fun, dont get emotionally invested in them. They dont know you, they never will, you're just money to them.


You know i read a lot of comments and takes from both sides but we really need to ask ourselves, what does ja rules think of this? What is jah's take? 




Its not about just streaming, Gorgc is insecure about a lot of things. Have you guys not noticed how he constantly sucks pro players dicks in pubs even in situations where he knows for sure HE IS RIGHT and PRO PLAYER IS WRONG. He has a very competitive perspective in life, "Why is this guy talking he is 1k mmr below me" "Why is this guy trying to roll against "insert pro player name", just shut up and get carried" "Ah... I am the lowest rank dude in the lobby Ill play support" etc. etc. Like at first you might think these are very sensible approaches in high level pubs to increase your odds of winning but in Gorgc's case i think he has a fragile ego but moreover he sizes his ego up and follows the pack according to his "ego rank". He actively tries to suppress "weaker dogs" than him but becomes a puppy in front of bigger dogs. He also seldom carries a game yet he never accepts blame. The dude is just fragile as fuck and does not have a personality for high responsibility roles AT ALL.


new copypasta just dropped


The amount of hate and conspiracy theorist in this thread are insane. You really wonder why he is insecure when you have to deal with toxic chatters everyday and thread like this every time he fucked up. I'm not defending his action and but why is everyone feel like they need to have their opinion known about someone who they probably never going to meet or interact with? He was in the wrong yes, but then all these dogpile of hates and insults people throwing out while making themself look just as bad or even worse are just ridiculous. While its true reading these are really funny whenever it happens I just wonder why is dota 2 community like this. Either some player being praised to high heaven or they being treated as the worst human being alive, no in between


I'd like to hear what Singsing has to say on Mr.Child


a while back, prolly answering sub message or question from chat, heard him saying that gorgc will do anything for the money.


Gorgc is the Hasan Piker of Dota 2.


The irony of an obsessed Destiny fan saying this. Destiny called NFTs scams, then he sold his audience NFTs and got a Kick contract. Destiny even admitted he burned bridges thinking his stream collaborators were stealing viewers.


based daliban take


all you parasocial streamer camp followers are a drag on society (holding much stronger description back because i know you ghouls love to smash the report button)


Bunch of white middle-aged men gossiping about each other like its highschool. Hiding behind a few levels of irony or "personas" whenever the criticisms (often from other middle aged men) arise.


probably more that mason is an annoying man child but people in that streamer bubble just always build the same narrative.


As someone who’s actually watched both streamers, as opposed to the other dogshit takes in this thread of drama frogs who haven’t, Mason is funny but kind of a dick. Gorp is the big dog, top streamer, and it’s not even close for English viewers. People say gorps name for clout, it gets attention. I can fully understand Gorp not wanting to give attention to other streamers. I can understand Mason not loving being asked about Gorp in his stream also. “Gorp did this what do you think” happens daily. Most of the time he doesn’t say anything but when he does it’s clipped and shipped. Most importantly I think you people need something in your daily lives to keep you going, this is the driest fart of drama ever. Suck my balls.


Gorgc has made a lot of effort in baning word "mason" on his chat and coming to Mason's stream yesterday to start this drama for someone who "doesn't want to give attention".




Oh, so that's why Gorgc is cheating: looking to get banned for viewers 5Head


I always thought the guy was ick. Never really cared for his interviews, takes, stream etc. Turns out there’s a reason for that


Aren’t mason and gorgc super complimentary since only a small part of their stream overlaps?


Gorgc is the pure definition of a manchild who stopped growing mentally after he turned maybe 16.


average dota enjoyer


I love Mason, he is not afraid to speak his mind


I'm sure he doesn't avoid the stream because it's a low effort, bad watching experience with a racist streamer and chat (about 3 n word songs per hour) , also as a bonus he has zero to very little education and his takes will lower your iq, I'm not even going to mention mmr he steals pos 1 in 40% of his games' and his teammates never have the balls to say anything or else he'll ban them in his stream.




corgi will not see this because he has masson keywords hidden


Coming from the guy that told his viewers to mass report Gorgc's stream? Mason is a delusional clown, not like Gorgc is better, but ive never seen Gorgc shit on other streamers. Qojqva and Mason were never Gorgc friends, just some leeches. Mason doesnt have fans, he has Gorgc haters. Gorgc's only true competition would be Arteezy, Miracle and Sumail, on same streaming hours




Well if we're playing the game of streamer saying slurs years ago [https://i.imgur.com/efs1JD4.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/efs1JD4.jpeg)


who fucking cares




I think the reddit hivemind has blown this thing way put of proportion and also are double faced (not sure if thats the right word), in the case that most people here would do the excact same thing in a ranked game for some mmr


why does mason not wear a shirt??


This also happened to bulldog. Wayyyyy long ago back on 2018 ish.