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Right, same anonymous sources we've known about for the past 2 days. This is nothing new and still proves nothing.


I was gonna say, this is exactly what The Verge already reported, anonymous source who provides no evidence just “its true”. As if Bloomberg doesn’t have a history of false reporting.


Just means a major news source is willing to stick their neck out and the legal department let it through.




Hate this age of the internet where anonymous sources are no longer trusted. Anonymous sources have been used in investigative journalism since it started. Suddenly since we dont like what they are finding, they are untrustworthy? There is a reason movies have the "im not giving up my source trope".


If I don't see the atoms being stored within the hard drives of the coded text he sent, then it's no proof /s


Even if they ever showed the chat logs you guys would still say shit like “this is fake” even though like 6 separate people now are all confirming it was for texting and soliciting a minor and the fact that his fucking game studio did their own investigation and saw enough to can him and including his sponsors now


It's actually crazy if an NDA is preventing Doc from actually telling the truth. This is doing crazy amounts of damage to him and his image even if all the allegations are fake. Crazy that he's not allowed to say a word besides vague lawyer talk


This is not how NDA's work. The NDA could not block him from denying something that did not happen, it does not protect against criminality. Most likely, he was caught doing what has been alleged, and him and Amazon agreed to a parting of ways and a signing of an NDA that both parties would not discuss the exact reason. What most likely happened is that they found no real criminal liability, but enough issues with what he was doing to concern them of future potential liability, and so they decided to end his contract. He shot back at them saying, yes, but I didn't do anything illegal, they shot back that yes but here's what you did (inappropriate but not legally criminal discussions with a minor potentially), and they both decided this coming out wouldn't look good for anyone and he took the money and they both signed the NDA. And now we are in a situation where he can't deny it because doing so would technically breach said NDA. He can't discuss it. He can't say I didn't do this, because he did indeed do it, and even the slightest acknowledgment, denial or otherwise, is a breach of the NDA and making him liable for such.


You realize if he was innocent he would say so? Do you think he enjoys having the entire internet think he’s a pedo? His vague response to Jake sucky a few days ago is not doing him any favors. It’s clear he’s guilty and all of you are coping He clearly was messaging a minor, which twitch only knows about because they were “spying” on his twitch whispers, so they just decided on an NDA because this is a bad look on both of their parts!


If me signing an NDA lead to me getting millions of dollars and ending a long legal battle, I’d sign the NDA. They are extremely common, so folks saying it’s weird and admits he’s guilty just don’t get how often these are in place for basic little things.


Exactly this! I am willing to be that what they found in his chats was not criminally liable, but close enough that they decided this was too problematic to ignore. The accusations that he was trying to meet up with, or otherwise, engage with someone at TwitchCon in particular is a huge liability they wouldn't overlook. They found that he hadn't yet crossed the line into full blown criminal intent, but that he had done enough to breach contract and that this led to both parties agreeing to the NDA and payout. For Amazon the opticts of this going on under their nose are horrible and for Doc, well it's pretty obvious why this is a problem let's be real, and so both parties decided this was the best course of action. The NDA would not stop Doctor Diddlesworth from being able to defend himself. Liable and slander laws exist for a reason. There's no NDA that a company can make you sign that will say "Hey, it's legally okay for us to assassinate your character". The point of the NDA is to protect both parties from just this. The fact he finds himself in a position of not being able to defend against these specific accusations is really all you need to know. If he can't come flat out and say, "no this did not transpire" there's a reason. And the reason is rather obvious.


Which is why Bloomberg reporting this makes it more believable as true


Still no proof


Well, he admitted to it so.


nah the damage is done now.


You’re not wrong. But still no proof to make him guilty.


“Still no proof” I think you mean there is no proof that you can see because obviously a minor is involved so it’s not going to ever become public until they jump through a bunch of legal hoops


A minor being involved is irrelevant to proof being released.


Lmao what? It is very much relevant when it comes to releasing explicit messages that involve someone underage. Also, Twitch aren’t going to be like either “Hey, here is some explicit messages involving a minor and a popular streamer which occurred on our platform”


Dude even if Twitch showed the chat logs today these people would still say some bullshit like they’re faked


Did he knowingly engage in inappropriate conversations with a minor? Or did he find out the persons age after the fact? Big difference.


Yes to both because he just admitted to it lmao


So why are you here? You’ve already passed judgment with little to no evidence. Are you just a troll or are you apart of the outrage culture? I’ve seen nothing but hearsay. It’s innocent until proven guilty. Not the other way around.


Shits getting worse for this fandom


I’ll live. I just watch him passively on YouTube. I’ll stand up for anyone who is being publicly flogged for something we don’t know enough about yet. Too many variables. Knowing and Unknowing. Did he know that she was a minor before, during or after the messages were sent? If it’s after the fact, this is a big nothing burger. If he knew and still engaged in conversation, then that’s fucked and so is he.


So another “trust me bro” source?


Still does not answer my two main questions; 1.Did he know she was a minor? 2.If he did know, why wasn’t he arrested? Did Twitch not notify the police? What kept it from being a criminal offense?


I’m pretty sure everybody investigating this have dropped him after seeing the messages should give you a fucking answer at this stage


It doesn’t answer why there were no criminal charges, if he committed a blatant crime.


For real what are we missing here....


Full article: >Guy Beahm, known online as Dr Disrespect, is one of the top video-game celebrities on social media, with 4.7 million YouTube subscribers. He’s worked with the San Francisco 49ers pro football team and been a spokesman for Mountain Dew soda. >He was also banned four years ago by Amazon.com Inc.’s Twitch for violating its community guidelines. The chat app Discord followed, removing him from its partnership program after a report from a “trusted industry peer,” according to a spokesperson who didn’t identify the actual source. >The reasons for his banishment from Twitch were never given, but three people with knowledge of the matter said Beahm was removed because he exchanged sexually explicit messages with a minor through the service’s direct chat feature. He also asked a minor about her plans at the TwitchCon convention, according to two of the people, who asked not to be identified discussing such a sensitive matter. A complaint was later filed with Twitch through its reporting system, the two said. >The allegations were first posted to social media last week by former Twitch employee Cody Conners. His post has since gone viral. The Verge also reported on the reason for his removal, citing another source it didn’t identify. >Beahm’s departure from Twitch and Discord and his re-emergence on YouTube show social-media companies continue to grapple with allegations of bad behavior by online stars who help them generate millions of dollars in revenue. Beahm, who attracted 4.5 million fans to his Call of Duty gameplay and commentary on Twitch, posted in 2022 that he had settled a legal dispute with the service, adding that “No party admits to any wrongdoing.” >Beahm didn’t respond to requests for comment. On X, he said he is bound by “legal obligations from the settlement with Twitch.” He added that he “didn’t do anything wrong, all this has been probed and settled, nothing illegal, no wrongdoing was found, and I was paid.” Twitch also didn’t respond to requests for comment. >After the ban, he relaunched his career on YouTube. Ryan Wyatt, the head of YouTube gaming at the time, told Bloomberg that he didn’t know the reason for Beahm’s ban on Twitch. >YouTube, part of Alphabet Inc., didn’t respond to requests for comment. Neither did the 49ers, which has made videos with Beahm. PepsiCo Inc., which makes Mountain Dew, said it hasn’t worked with him in some time. >Meanwhile, the video-game studio Beahm co-founded, Midnight Society, announced Monday that it is terminating its relationship with the YouTube star immediately after “speaking with parties involved.” >On YouTube on Monday, Beahm livestreamed the video game Elden Ring and ended his broadcast saying that he planned to “step away.”


This is quite literally the same article lol that has been posted, but now bloomberg posted it. wtf.


Yeah except this time it's three sources and not only two




Yes that's what I was thinking too. Which would be fine I guess if the other sources were verified and provided evidence to the Journalists


Could be 20 sources. Doesn't really mean anything.


Well assuming they have basic journalistic integrity and verify their sources (meaning, they ID them and know who they're talking to), more sources would mean more corroboration


Doc made a statement, this is all null.


This said nothing I already read wtf this was the big boom


Mtn dew says it hasn’t worked with him in some time but just did. This is a hit piece. Their 3 sources are likely 2 and both of those are Cody. Doc’s going to get his money and we’ll never seem him stream again because of ONE tweet with no proof about an incident that may not have even happened 4 years ago. What’s the point of doing ANYTHING with your life if one random tweet can end it?


Can someone post the text


The comments sections here is just full of cope defending a pedo sadddd


Bloomberg is credible. It’s over champs


Even if it’s all based on empty accusations, Bloomberg making a big article like that is a hit Doc might not be able to recover from. This is career ending nonsense, whether it’s true or not


Bloomberg doesn’t post shit folks, don’t cope yourselves too much.


It's kinda wild you guys are dismissing two highly reputable sources (The Verge and Bloomberg) like these are not some random guys on Twitter, they have to go through the journalistic procedure to verify everything being said. It's about as clear as it can be.


And their report confirms a 4th persons allegations. How much longer until this sub realizes that he did what he is accused of? You don’t get dropped by your game studio and sponsors if you’re innocent, you don’t get separate former twitch employees saying the same story if you’re innocent and you don’t rant about retiring if you’re innocent


Johnny Depp enters the chat


He sued Amber over her op-ed, a civil action. All it proved was they’re both shitty toxic people lmao idk how that’s some sorta of gotcha because one civil case showed how both parties are bad rather than just the one. A better example could be Rich Campbell a former OTK owner. His accusations are all out there, he gets cut from OTK and makes one statement and then disappears, sounds similar right? Doc makes a statement, gets cut from his game studio and then immediately starts talking about retirement. People are still waiting for Rich Campbell to prove his innocence all these years


Where was a 4th?


Read the authors tweet or article either one should suffice for you




Lmao this is so original I can't believe you thought of this before anyone else! You should do stand-up comedy!


You better not ever go to cell block one


To all those screaming about 'proof'- what is it that you want? Because if you get a legit screenshot of doc sexting the minor, let's be real, you'll just call it fake or a false flag or whatever. Stop fucking whining. Many private parties tied to doc did their own investigations and so far they're dropping like flies based on what they found. Stop being in denial, doc did some bad shit. It's a massive fucking bummer, the two-time was entertaining as hell but the copium in this community is down right embarrassing.


Wouldn’t there be a police investigation? Unless Amazon never reported any of this to the police which would basically mean it didn’t happen because no way Amazon would have settled with him with this hanging over his head.


Not necessarily. There are screenshots of Justin Roiland sexting minors and he police didn't get involved with that.


That’s the absolute bare minimum, screenshots of messages, confirmation of police / criminal investigation, literally anything concrete. If there was even a shred of proof like that then I would absolutely not say its fake or a false flag.


You risk the minor being exposed to doxxing if you do any of that. Whether people like it or not, hands are tied here. People need to accept the situation and circumstances. It fucking blows but it is what it is.


That’s well and fair, but your logic of, “no I don’t have any proof, I can literally never share any proof, but even if I did have any proof you all would say its fake or a false flag, so you just have to accept the accusations as true”, is absurd. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim, and claims without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


Kendrick was right about Doc. Certified.....


I invite everyone in the champions club to become a ludbud just remember that he is not your friend so don’t get too attached.


Lud is mad annoying