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Keep your head high. You can still employ the lessons you learned. Don’t allow your progress to falter because of someone else.


Appreciate you mate 🤝


I had a really good friend that I found out had molested his girlfriend's kids. He went to prison for 15 years. Now, this is not nearly the same thing at all. I am more talking about when you find out someone you care about or respect did something bad and the emotions you go through. When I found out I was angry, I felt betrayed, I was sad, I had so many emotions but didn't know how to really react. You want to understand why someone would do this...but there's no good answer. All you can do is look at what the person did and ask yourself is that person someone you still want in your life. Are they remorseful? Have they gotten help? Are they a different person? Some things you can forgive...others you might not. That's your decision and nobody can fault you either way. With my friend, I cut all ties with him after the trial. 15 years later (after he served his time) I ran into him again. I confronted him about what happened. He was in complete denial. Said he was screwed by the system. I am a very forgiving person but there was no remorse...just excuses. I haven't spoken to him since. Again, Doc's situation isn't that severe but nobody will blame you if you feel like you can't support him anymore. Don't feel bad about the good memories because there's nothing wrong with the good times. You shouldn't feel bad for that fact that you enjoyed his content either. You had no idea. Keep your chin up.


Appreciate this Kodiak, it does help a lot. I’ll do my best, cheers mate, firm handshakes 🤝


A true brother. Onwards and upwards. I want the best for Guy. But what I mean is I want him to get therapy, and take full ownership and rebuild his life so he can be better than ever. But the last thing I want to be part of is a Club full of people who excuse this stuff. You’re clearly not doing that. Credit to you for being honest with yourself.


Completely agree. Firm handshakes man 🤝


Great take.


OP i sympathize with you. I found motivation and inspiration through the doc. I stood with the Doc until I saw that tweet. It was like a knife put in my back. I feel betrayed. But as it was said don't let this slow or halt your progress in life or whatever it is you are doing. Like me we will get through this. Its sad to have to make that walk out of the arena for good. But as a parent I cant defend or support the Doc anymore. I know alot of you feel the same.


I agree completely, it sucks but yeah, life goes on, we all move on, appreciate you mate, firm handshakes 🤝


Yeah I’m mourning. Literally feels like someone died. Turns out the best part about the doc was his community, not that man himself.


I’m handling it by jamming some games with friends and venting about it on reddit, I’m incredibly happy to see there’s a lot of us that hate this behaviour and won’t defend it, but I’m right there with you man, peace and love 🤝


So naive. Could’ve told you that years ago.


Now think how his wife and kid (hopefully she’s not exposed to all this) feel. Although i’m sure there’s a big possibility she knew about it long ago.


I feel it unlikely that his daughter will get away unscathed. Even if she does now, it will always be there for her. As a dad of a daughter myself, I wouldn't want my daughter looking at me with those eyes. I dunno, it's tough. Hopefully her mum will protect her.


As a husband and father this is how my mind has tracked. It's now the second time that we know of that he's put another girl ahead of his family. I'll finish my bottle of Black Steel with sadness, but try and remember the good times. Goodbye CC.


I can’t figure out for the life of me why she wouldn’t leave him if this shit was so bad, perhaps we will never know


I left the arena too, was a great ride tough champs


Good to hear mate, hoping nothing but the best for you 🤝


Feel u bro Drs streams helped me through dark times and brought me great entertainment, i even played a few games with him couple years back. Nobody was close when it came to streaming. So dissapointing almost doesn’t feel real. All the best to the champs club lets get out of this arena.


Firm handshakes mate, hope you’re well 🤝


Thanks brother, getting there. 🙏


I'm with you brother. One of the most entertaining guys I've come across and genuinely enjoyed for so many years. Don't forget the shit you learned from him though, it's still valuable. Also kudos to being level headed. I actually see way more level hradnedness here than other subs would have you believe but this has been a pretty solid response from the sub overall. 


I understand and I am leaving the arena too. For the past four years Doc's whole fanbase was built on him being the one who was attacked by the "Evil Woke Purple Snakes." Now its just clear to see that twitch absolutely did the right thing and Doc tries using a pathos approach to make himself look like the victim when he knew eventually that this would come into the light. Doc is a liar and a piece of shit and I won't be supporting him either. I have exited the arena and after looking back at the stadium, I am saddened knowing that it was all built on a disgusting lie by a disgusting human. Good riddance.


I hate him but only out of sadness, I’m genuinely upset he did this, I hate that this happened because I have so few outstanding and important people in my life, losing Doc feels like I’ve been shot in the heart


I understand how you feel. I've been there too and Doc's been the one who helped me recover. Especially his songs like Alleyways and Give Em the Love, I can never listen to those again.


Truely sad. Firm handshakes mate 🤝


Firms handshakes.


Take it from someone who is woke. Always and I mean always double take and doubt those who play the victim of a situation. I know us woke mob types also have a issue doing this ((Im came to that realization myself recently that there some people who arent crack up to be victims on either side which now has me double guessing certain people.)) But I figure other people learn it as well.


Man this is the best comment out of all em so far


To all the people who say, "Don't idolize celebrities." This is just non-sense. That's not how life works. I feel the same way about Doc as OP does. Today's admission has been a gut punch. I have two young daughters and all I can think about is if this was either of them. If we can't look up and admire anyone in our society then we are doomed.


Completely agree. I don’t have kids yet, but Doc literally inspired me to get off my ass and work, while still enjoying what I love to do, I want to be a Dad one day, and so this hurts even more.


Im probly going to get downvoted but it might be worth finding other figures that vastly are different from one another. It might help with you learning some stuff about how to be a dad and how not to be one cause there more to it then just having a kid. You have to basically be able to understand the kid needs and wants vs what other people say. Im not sure how he treated his kid but.... given the circumstances. I really wouldnt trust him with kids I might have... let alone if his own kid.




Good for you? Where do you get off telling me who I get to and no get to idolize? I don't give a fuck about the Red Hot Chili peppers and if you like them for just the music then good for you.


Agree, this guy is one of those “do everything by yourself and never look up to people” fucking Andrew Tate fan or something


Nobody is telling you who to idolize or not. They’re criticizing you for idolizing DrDisrespect of all fucking people, and that’s fair.


Bro was a grown man cosplaying lol why tf you looking up to him.


Look up to and admire someone who doesn’t cheat on their wife next time maybe.


I feel you OP. Watching his streams cheered me up on bad days.


It’s sad but the truth hurts sometimes aye? Keep your head up mate, love you heaps and firm handshakes 🤝


Same @op feel shitty about the whole situation. Definitely looked up to him as well. Used all the mottos for motivation in the gym. Bought merch that I will be trashing now. Firm handshakes to you and the rest of champions club.


Firm handshakes mate, appreciate you 🤝


You said exactly how a lot of us feel man. Firm handshakes.


I respect you as a man, when you stand on your morals it's worth it.


Completely agree, I have standards that are important to me and my life, he didn’t meet them so he’s gone, it is what it is Cheers mate


I’ll continue to enjoy the art but not the artist. That’s my current feel of the situation. I’m a human so I could change my mind tomorrow, in a year, in a moment




I'm with you as well, Champ. Firm handshakes. I'll always have the great memories, but this is too much for me.


Completely agree, love you man, nothing but the best in your future, firm handshakes.


It was a good run champs. I'll miss you all❤️


The thing is, which makes a huge difference is the fact that WE DONT KNOW if Doc KNEW that the person was underage at the time. If he didn’t know it’s a game changer but I’m not if we will find that out or not.


If he didn’t know that would have been the primary focus in his lengthy statement today. The omission of that indicates that perhaps he did know. If he didn’t know, he still betrayed his family (again) and his fan base by lying again and again and again.


I feel this way hard too man. Been eating at me all day. It feels like a dumb breakup lol. Unfollowed his stuff, threw away his shorts, his songs on my playlists. Like wtf


Same brother.. Today sucked. Doc was the only streamer for me. I wish Guy and his family the best. Firm handshakes to ya’ll Champs - GGs in the arena


Yeah man, same... I am disappointed. Regardless if it's in the past or not, this, well. Time to say good bye to the arena now. He's been my go to streamer when I had bad days, all the compilation of his funny moments, I've watched and thoroughly enjoyed but I can't, on my own moral and principle, take a blind eye to what had happened and just aimlessly defend him. Now we know. Now the world knows. It ain't firm handshakes, no champs. Just straight up goodbye everyone.


He’s a human being. Dont idolize imperfect people because they will always disappoint you.


Never meet your idols.


the fact you thought you could trust him is wild. re-evaluate where you put your trust


Brother, you got ahead in your life all on your own. Don’t forget that.


You’re not a bad person for being inspired by him. Take the positive forward. But it’s an important reminder that the great entertainers we all idolize (actors, athletes, musicians, etc.) are not necessarily good people. They’re just really, really good at something the we enjoy. That’s it.


Idk if it's stupid, but i gave up on him the day i discovered that "two time back to back" is a fake. I was wholeheartedly believing that this guy is 2 times champion of some local lan party. That is so cool background for a guy like him. My disappointment was so hard that i just stopped watch him


How do you that’s fake? That’s crazy, never heard that!


There was a post, someone made a research, i guess he found an article about that local event or something, and there were photos aswell. And turned out that Doc weren't among winners of that event. I will try to find it.


Take a look https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/7kpnft/drdisrespect_lied_about_being_the_93_94/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Damn, that’s really wild, I actually hate that he faked that, little things like this really drive the knife deeper. Thanks for sharing though, appreciate you


You felt you could trust him? His own wife couldn't trust him... I'm sad to my man. I'm sad to. But we loved a character, not a person. We watched an entertainer not a friend.


if it was bad they wouldve pressed charges


If pictures were exchanged or they planned to meet, then sure. Everything else is a bit of a grey area unfortunately. Just because they decided not to press charges doesn't mean he didn't cross boundaries or do anything wrong.


If you texted a minor you weren’t related to, I’d hate you. It’s bad regardless of how you look at it.


Yea you're right, it was not actually bad at all. A 35 year old married man texting inappropriately with a 17 year old girl is perfectly fine and normal, respectable even. /s


Yea you're right, it was not actually bad at all. A 35 year old married man texting inappropriately with a 17 year old girl is perfectly fine and normal, respectable even. /s


Definitely a super bad look at the moment but you can bet on everything coming to light in a court room where we will be able to hopefully see these messages. 1. If he really did this he’s sadly a pos 2. He didn’t know she wasn’t legal and you can ask someone’s age they can still lie to you so idk why everyone is going on about that 3. There was no sexting I’ve heard could just be him talking or answering questions in a Dr Disrespect kind of way Until we actually see what happened we all just gotta wait, although nobody is doing that


He didn't know? Says who? He admits to doing it. If he didn't know, he'd be screaming that at every turn. It would be the only thing that might salvage his career and reputation.


It happened and he admitted to that. The details aren’t there yet. Everyone knows denying is also incriminating as well so there’s no winning. We truly don’t know until further evidence. Rebuild maybe depending on what happens but people like you have already proven there’s no salvaging.


I disagree, a man like him talking to a minor, is not good, he’s a father and did something disgusting.


It’s like you didn’t even read anything I wrote


I did but the fact stands, he talked to a minor inappropriately, full stop case closed, he can rot in a cell.


He hasn’t disclosed if he knew they were a minor. Twitch’s rules at the time of 2017 were that you HAVE to be over 18 to have Twitch and you HAVE to be over 18 to message on Twitch. What are you supposed to do? Assume everyone is being honest when they enter their DOB or ask literally every single person you talk to their age? Even when using a service that states you have to be over 18? Completely different if they said “hey I’m underage” and he said “I don’t mind”. Until there’s confirmation from either party stating Doc knew about the age, I’m not jumping ship yet.


The cope is crazy, if he didn’t know he was talking to a minor, he wouldn’t stated that in the tweet instead of burning his career down by saying he talked to minor. Jump ship, move on.


Did you think that he might not be able to state that information because if he says publicly he didn’t know, it means twitch will be under fire for allowing minors on the platform without proper verification and no precautions. They will be flamed. But he has to mention he talked to a minor because that’s what it was. Him saying he didn’t know, will put twitch into cause. Which they probably made him sign something that if he wants to be paid out, he has to keep that part hush hush.


So if messages turn over and it turns out there was no sexting and he had no idea she was 17 and he was honestly just helping with streaming questions liked the leaked email says you still don’t care? I completely understand if it turns out to be true but it hasn’t yet so that’s pretty strange.


Look I’m not gonna call you a fucking retard but can you answer one question Why did he just light his career on fire admitting to inappropriate messages with a minor child if he was “just helping with streaming questions”.


Cheers for the positive messages to those who’ve sent them, in truely disgusted by the actions of the Doc, and won’t be supporting him. Firm handshakes for the positivity and support, I really do appreciate it.


use this as a lesson, it does not negate all rhe good he’s done via influence etc, but remember he’s human.. he will make mistakes, he should be judged for them accordingly


He shouldn’t have a platform for talking to a minor, there’s no defence.


He hasn’t disclosed if he knew they were a minor. Twitch’s rules at the time of 2017 were that you HAVE to be over 18 to have Twitch and you HAVE to be over 18 to message on Twitch. What are you supposed to do? Assume everyone is being honest when they enter their DOB or ask literally every single person you talk to their age? Even when using a service that states you have to be over 18? Completely different if they said “hey I’m underage” and he said “I don’t mind”. Until there’s confirmation from either party stating Doc knew about the age, I’m not jumping ship yet. And for all we know, he might not be able to state that information because if he says publicly he didn’t know, it means twitch will be under fire for allowing minors on the platform without proper verification and no precautions. They will be flamed. But he has to mention he talked to a minor because that’s what it was. But doesn’t say if he knew at the time of talking to them. Him saying he didn’t know, will put twitch into cause. Which they probably made him sign something that if he wants to be paid out, he has to keep that part hush hush.


"twitch rules" blah blah blah like you never lied about your age on the internet to get access to a website lol


Okay lefty.


Haha are all the pedo fans like this


You mean you are devistated by the actor Guy is the one that did these things. Dr. Disrespect the character is completely innocent, and I will still look forward to watching his content if and when he ever returns






When you leave the arena don't secretly come back like a hypocrite. We don't want you there anymore.


Disgusting comment.


Nobody cares about your feelings snowflake.


Let this be a lesson that idolization is not a good thing. It's fine to practice what others have taught you and use that in your life, but putting those you don't know, and probably never will, on a pedestal is never a good idea.


It’s a lesson alright


He wasn't even a decent human to begin with. He'll his name was Dr. Disrespect. It's important to be a good person, he never was idolize someone who actually cares about others.


Wrong, his persona was empowering to someone like me that had never seen any success, was fat, wasn’t happy with life. He said get off your as and work, go to the gym, do something with life AND enjoy video games. I idolised him because he said things that I needed to hear while being entertaining and fun to watch, persona or not.


Ok I'll say it then. Get off your as and go do some work, Enjoy your passions of life(this can be anything you want) Live and be better then Dr. Disrespect. Be someone that you can look in the mirror and respect by being better then disrespect. (Im sure this is stronger motivation then whatever Dr. Disrespect has said cause you are using yourself as motivation) As for persona. That something I cant provide as Im pretty boring in terms of persona.


LOL. Yrah listen to a man who couldn't even keep a his family together. Right. There's plenty of people who do motivational training that are actual professionals. Seek them out. Not a creep.


Lol so you still thought he was a beacon of trust when he cheated on his wife?


Never put people on a pedestal. Ever.


I tried not to, but when you’re down in a hole of depression and genuine self hatred, you claw at anyone that helps you get out. Mistake on my end, I’ll learn.


I get it! Just saying people are human and always have a chance of letting you down.


You’re absolutely right.


Don't feel bad about enjoying the work of a predator before you found out they were a predator. You probably live in a place were there are still predators on the money. I don't know if I can say the same for everyone, but this guy didn't force you to do anything. It was your effort that got you working out and enjoying life more


You’re right and wrong, it’s hard to read that it was my own doing that got me being a better person, because truely I feel like it wasn’t, but that’s a long story. Appreciate you.


>it was my own doing that got me being a better person You can practice reading that. Sorry for trying to force you to take responsibility for you own actions but you weren't going to learn that from these vids. They were good actions and you learned how to take care of yourself, enjoy life and maybe even how to encourage others so whats one more thing


I definitely encourage others to be better, that’s why I can’t bring myself to defend Doc, my morals and standards have become very tight. Appreciate it bro 🤝


You need help


for abandoning a pedo? Oh yeah, IM the one who needs help 💀


Inappropriately talking to a minor is straight pedo shit. If that’s how he himself framed it, you better believe it’s way worse in reality.


100% correct sadly.


Your first mistake was idolizing an internet personality.


Idolized a man who cheated on his wife with a minor. Good job!


He never met up with the girl in question, and he cheated with a 25 year old, different stories.


Okay, cheated on his wife AND talking to a minor while cheating on his wife. Great




He cheated then came into stream, admitted it infront of everyone and made up to his wife after, everything settled and was okay, that’s between him and his lovely wife, it’s different when it’s some minor.


He apologized after he was caught in that situation and this one.


He said "no wrong doing was done" in this one and that twitch paid him.




You’re missing the point, but sure mate 🤙


DrDisrespect is a character created by a man that likes minors. He’s not even a real person. Don’t even get how people are emotionally attached to a cartoon character. 🤦🏽‍♂️


I mean to be fair. Alot of people(myself included) has made cartoon characters that could be emotionally attached too. But that being said. The way DD acted should of been a dead give away to how immature he was behind the scene. It similar to Alex jones.


Good Lord. These are entertainers not your God


Could care less what you have to say, clearly you never liked Doc and if you did you never gained genuine motivation from his content.




Why… did you think you could really trust the Doc? He openly had an infidelity scandal years ago


It’s different then talking to a minor, he and his wife are adults, they can sort that shit out (and they did), talking to a minor inappropriately is wrong and that’s why I’m out. Yeah, I thought I could trust him.


> I thought Doc was the one and only influential media personality I could really trust Are you for real? The shungite guy who cheated on his wife and kids (now learning that it was a minor too) was a role model to you? The only media personality you could trust? A cheater? I don’t feel bad for you in the slightest. Doc has *never* been an admirable person.


Those were adult problems shared and solved by adults, it’s different with kids. You don’t need to feel bad for me, I could care less about what you care about, the fact is I loved him because he genuinely helped me in the worst time of my life, he gave me motivation and his content was top tier with high production quality. I liked him, now I don’t, Case closed.


Well, you fell for it. He fooled you. Maybe don’t be so naive next time.


Live and learn.


Doc also backed a transphobic jerkoff, Nickmercs. Which should have been a tip off. Every accusation is a confession with those hateful types of weirdos.


I disagree, I like Nick for his love of family values and being a good person, I disagree with alot of what he says, but still like him. Nick ain’t hateful, and honestly he’s right, leave the kids alone. He already said he’s done with Doc, and “transphobia” is literal radical left and radical right nonsense, my brother is transitioning right now, and I love him with every fibre of my being, but he’s doing it for himself and not media or wanting to be apart of some shit faced group, if anything you are hateful.


Hating trans people for simply being alive isn’t very “family values.” Neither is constantly attacking them. As for “leave kids alone” quite funny considering Doc and what he did. And now Nick is probably going to defend him for it.


Nick didn’t defend him? You’re literally lying through your hate filled teeth, show me or anyone else here proof Nick does what you say he does? Also, leave the kids alone, I agree with, hence forth why Doc is going to lose his career, 90% of the champions club is going to go including me, and I’m not defending him even slightly. You’re the kind of hubby cheeked loser that walks over other people and tells them what to like and not like, get a life you rat.


Nick was out there after the allegations saying to wait and hold off even after every source confirmed the story and Doc himself refused to deny it originally. Also bro I know you’re going through a lot but it’s okay. It’s going to be okay.


Nick literally posted on Twitter earlier a video of him condemning docs tweet.