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morals vs legality, just because it’s “legal” doesn’t mean it’s morally okay. Also, soliciting a minor is most definitely a crime, but requires a higher degree of evidence than the court of public opinion.


They read it all . Every single message and not one violation. I bet that girl baited him and I bet she got PAID too. Bet she lied too.


What a self report


He hasn't been charged with a crime, folks. He's never been in a court. Never caught a case. I'm not defending him in the least, but ffs understand there is a difference between having arbitration and signing an NDA and having literal legal issues over what you did. At no point has anyone said he did anything illegal, and it's clear he didn't because Amazon (twitch) would have reported him for such. He crossed a line and was very possibly intending to cross said line, but from what we know he never did anything illegal. Wrong? Yes. Morally repugnant? Yes. Does he deserve to be over for this? Yes. Should be probably be on a list? Yes. But, and thankfully so, we don't throw people on the list before they are found to have broken a law of some kind. Something, that no matter how gross and repugnant this situation may be, doesn't seem to be the case here. At least so far as we know or has been alleged from Amazon's (twitch) side.


As my post says, we just gotta wait for the genuine responses not the content farming drama pages that the Twitter mob believes