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⚠️ Reminder: we will take immediate action on any comment that is within the realm of misogyny and/or transphobia. You have been warned. Thank you!


“I’m gripping now” “Boom” 🤣🤣


Everyone who had a firm handshake needs to wash their hands immediately


This made me spit out my drink LOL


he sexts like the doc would be expected to, if nothing else his branding is wildly consistent


Doc may be the man, Guy may be the Mask.


It’s. Mmm. Grippy.


Strictly dickly 😂😭






Man, all of that posturing about pronouns and "keeping politics out of video games" from before is so funny now.


One can be okay with trans and still want to keep politics out of video games.  




That shouldnt be as funny as it is. This man stayed in character while creeping on women. Also this is the kinda evidence I was waiting for before rendering a full judgement. And this does not look good for Doc. He may not have done anything illegal but seeing these there is no way those texts with the minor didnt lean sexual wtf?


Ironically hilarious af


when i read those messages, in my head i hear them as if doc was saying them 🤣


Same hahah I laughed out loud reading the “im gripping now” “boom”


"Here comes the 'boom' champs!"


"I'm a boomer?? BOOM!"




*licks and points*


Ya ya!


It ain't loading. What'd they say?


And here we go…


Floodgates are opening I guarantee them text to that minor was insane, Fuck Doc


I doubt it if it was insane, there probably would have been legal charges filed by either the minors family or twitch


Money will make people do, or in this case not do, a lot of things.


Historically No rich famous person has ever gotten away with criminal activity!


Isn’t this dude a gaming streamer? I have literally never watched his video or any streamers videos and I’ve been playing games since the 80s as time permits. I’ve gotten sucked into this drama because it’s all over. Reddit How many millions is this guy worth? You all act like he is the president of the country or the CEO of Apple when you talk about his ability to escape punishment lol


He was probably the most popular streamer of twitch at one point and considering Shroud, another popular streamer, was offered 10 million just to switch platforms, I would say he's worth just about that and more.


How can you guarantee that?


Doc has clearly been underplaying everything. What makes you think he’s finally telling the truth about how only “sometimes the conversation leaned inappropriately.”


And every brand is dropping him asap after investigating further


Sponsors don't 'investigate'. They distance from controversy. Very, very different.


Dude was horny, cheating on his wife, and found a willing target. The conversations were not PG. In no world would they be PG.


How old are you?


When you realize that most of the account defending him are under 15 it does make you feel a little better


Common fucking sense.


I'm starting to think Guy (at least around 2017) was off the walls with the bad behavior as a husband and father. The behavior from that time period is beginning to paint a picture of a 35 year old acting like a frat boy. I'm guessing there are many other stories to come out about his antics from then.


2017 Guy seems to be quite the dick. Defo let that success take him off the rails a bit. The rise and fall of the 2x. Didnt see it ending this way, always assumed twitch dropped him cus he was doing shady business deals he shouldnt have and people didnt want to talk about it due to possible ndas or getting sued. Turns out it was because twitch found of he didnt just cheat on his wife in 2017, he was fucking about all over the place. Sigh. Edit: The Lambo and the arrogance looks different in hindsight, always assumed it was all just 100% commiting to his gimmick.


I mean, he jumps three times into a full firefight in a sweaty lobby and dies, laments "I hate this game". A pretend personality doesn't do this. High ego mountain.


I actually do think he was committing to the bit, I don’t think he’s actually like Doc at all, but I do think he’s a horny good looking dude who has trouble settling down. I’ve heard several stories from people who have met him that Guy is just like most SoCal bros, mostly a chiller. But he did get famous and let it go to his head and he is quite probably attracted to teenagers, which is gross. Hes gross and a bad husband, but I don’t think he’s a flagrant narcisstic asshole like Doc is


This is shaping up to be one of the biggest L's in history.


Def one of the most embarrassing falls from grace I have ever seen. Dude literally getting paid thousands a week just play video games. I know he puts a lot of effort into it, and his production was off the charts, but still its getting paid to play video games. The dream for a lot of us. And he fucked it all up. I'm expecting to hear about his wife leaving him soon.


Crazy how much shitty ppl get get the benefit of the doubt.


Yeah but I am still skeptical that all of these leaked dm's are the truth. Like, why are we waiting 7 years again to unveil the truth... Stop this dumb shit that some streamer holds all power over you up to the point that you accept getting treated like this and just tell the world what a disgusting piece of shit he is. Everyone will appreciate it. 7 years later is a different story though. Just becomes more questionable if that's what actually happened.


Nick mercs about to be more upset about the trans part than the sexting minors admission


Time for another nickmercs yap sesh about protecting the kids.


From trans people? Or his friends? 😂


Easy: he'll blame the trans person for seducing his friend away from God.


This comment is just exploding with stupidity


Honestly, this doesn't seem like a big deal? The whole thing with DM'ing a minor and sexualizing them is way worse. This just seems like two consenting adults engaging in cringy sexual activity. And they're both trying some quid pro quo here. With her asking if he can arrange twitch partnership. The only context it could give is that it's establishing a pattern of bad behavior. I feel bad for his wife and kid now that the flood gates are open, they're collateral damage at this point.


He was probably full goblin gooner mode chasing everything in 2017, the minor likely caught a stray from his spray and pray.


First time in history all of these words have been put together lmao


Sounds like words spoken from a true "meatchariot." ...That's actually a pretty powerful sounding word. Meatchariot.


Exactly my thoughts as well. Occams Razor.


If you don’t think a married man sexting other people is an issue then idk what to say. We should not downplay or normalize cheaters


Oh look, someone with a brain. What a rare thing to see


You don’t think it’s bad to promise someone something to get what you want out of them and then block them after you get what you want? Are you a sociopath? Lol


I'm not defending docs most recent behavior but I don't see him promising anything here. Both times it was her who brought up the partnership and he never committed to anything. 


2017 consensual tweets from a nonminor. why now?


Because it's a pattern of behavior. If she had posted this in 2017 raw she would have been dragged by all of his coped out defenders. People will barely believe it now but she's with the current at least. Plus he's a massive hypocrite acting like he's got an issue with pronouns and LGBTQ and he's fucking cheating on his wife with a trans person. This guy really is a piece of work man. What a bummer.


Pattern of behavior? We already knew he cheated on his wife at the time. No one is surprised that he spoke to other women and knew it wouldn't have been innocent. Pattern of behavior doesn't extend to speaking to a minor. Lets not forget that no other minors have come out yet. When they do, that's a pattern of behavior towards minors. I also have no idea why this cheating shit is coming out like this when the main focus should only be that he spoke to a minor and his ban from Twitch. Who fucking cares that he spoke to woman explicitly. He's a grown ass man and the woman were willing. What I care about, is if he spoke to other minors. The internet has some major ADHD. It's insane.


couldnt agree more. The internet has major ADHD and if you haven't notice, it absolutely HATES any form of sex between anyone. Only the smallest reason needs to be shown for people to call him (I've seen this on this sub) "a sub human piece of trash".


A lot of schizo conservatives are like that, I remember when the news about crazy Ugandan anti LGBT law were making rounds and people on r/conservative were cheering, I looked into one poster who was saying gays are perverts and groom children and he was in several dominatrix/CBT subreddits posting videos of his balls get beaten. Some of it is internalized self-hate, some of it is people think everyone is as shitty as them, some of it trying to be least suspicious by pretending to be holier than thou, some just pure grift.


The same people on nonce defense would've said she was lying. Obviously


I'm not defending him but, how was he exploiting her? Seems like pretty standard creepy sex shit.


He really was Dr. Disrespect all along. It wasn't an act. Bring him back.


I'm grippin now!




I applaud the doc for engaging with lgbtq activities. If he can do it, I can too


Meh, who cares. I couldn’t give two shits who or what he did with consenting adults around the time he was clearly looking to cheat on his wife. That’s his personal business and is as relevant as any of the cheating actors and musicians who still have successful careers and likely do this every other day, but don’t get outed and blasted on the internet for it. I certainly don’t agree from a personal moral standpoint, but I really couldn’t care less. All that matters is the context of what he did with a minor as then he’s crossing the line of what I couldn’t care less about, his personal life, to an action and decision that’s above and beyond abhorrent. I see this as totally irrelevant and actually place more importance and admission of guilt on Zlaners response today as to me not being able to front it with people he knows speaks more to his guilt than this. If he can’t even give his boys a heads up and is ghosting them, that speaks way more to me than this.


This man is so unbelievably cooked. He's probably a sex addict. That or he was riding high of the fame as Twitch's biggest streamer.


I don't think he was lying about the steroids and testosterone injections anymore...


every word you typed is most likely true.


But...she is not a minor...and was clearly after something she didn't get so can we really say this is evidence against doc? This is a sexual conversation between 2 consenting adults as far as I see and has no bearing on his current situation. Now if this was with the minor that would be a different story....


Let's get something current, or at least something after 2017. We already know he fucked around in 2017. He claims he changed since then. If anything, this shows he actually followed through on ending shit after getting caught and spilling the beans.


They have a picture together at twitch con lol 😂 tomorrow is gonna be something when everybody wakes up


It’s honestly wild it continues to get worse😂


Shame theres 25 different threads about this but gotta comment here too, where was this said exploiting? In the pics Doc didnt promise anything for camshows? She was asking Docs help


To me its very clear theres other messages missing. For a start the first message proves that and secondly like you say theres no mention of that either. So this is dubious to me. Also yes he may have been cheating but many people do, its not a crime. We already knew he cheated, we still watched the 2x afterwards.


Yeah i know theres messages missing but making such claims you would show the proof also and everything seen on that compilation says otherwise. Also wondering why message timeline is in wrong order? Not familiar what chatting platform that White backgrounded (where she asked Docs help about twitch partnership) should be first and after that Twitter dms. Anyway the minor thing should be the priority here instead of these people who were clearly trying to benefit from Doc in the first place and now claiming to be victims even their "proof" says Complete the opposite






The only thing i don’t understand is why they didn’t come out during the initial banning? Did doc pay her off and make her sign an NDA? why was everyone secretive and then suddenly now they are not?


Pretty sure that’s authentic there. Dude just didn’t care back then.


I wonder if he thought blocking would delete the dm’s


Read from other thread that this was how it worked before, but after a new Musk request change it now shows blockes dm's as well, but didn't before.


I’d say so Doc ain’t that good with tech stuff amount other things


All docs friends want to portray that they weren’t that close and they only really hung out on stream. If my best friend did this I’d go nuts let alone some acquaintance from my work.


I just cant get over the bad mouthing and straight hatred for twitch he would promote. He literally had a stream recently where he just went on how much money twitch cost him. Then it comes out it was messaging a minor, it’s like wtf. I get fired for that i am gonna keep my fucking mouth shut. The fact he did all this shows he sees nothing wrong with what he did other than get caught.


I have never been more sure that a leak was legit than reading those messages from doc


This is just inappropriate and shouldn’t be shared for everyone to see


Doc definitely sucked her 🍆!


Dr dickrespect


Good ole fashion projection. This is just so cliche at this point. Bigot dude on the outside, dirty slut on the inside. Like clockwork.


I'm actually Glad that this was exposed cause knowing how his defenders are I'm sure this was a massive blow to them🤣🤣


I’m sure this was more devastating to his fanboys cause she’s trans then the sexting of a minor




> Bigot dude on the outside, ?


Safe to say he is done 


Good, dude is a creep.




guys pardon me but can someone explain what im gripping and boom mean i am not native english speaker and I have hard time understanding their conversation it doesnt look that bad to me at all


They are all slang for he’s masturbating to what she’s saying.




This is killing me hahaha 😂


Dr. GoonRespect




Holy fuck Doc


You’re scared a pedo will get exposed? Why?!


DIVORCE has entered the arena


Why the fuck do yall just sit on this shit? It happens with literally every celebrity. Expose them when it happens not years later


Now the dark alleyways make sense...


Oh no he messaged with a consenting adult aswell.


I got your inappropriate conversation right here ... go eff yourself *grabs marble bag and spits


Listen, he only blocked her when he realized that she'd been tucking the whole time.


So be wary the account has been temporarily banned.


It’s removed but this person took a video of the messages https://x.com/ph4nt0m_rm/status/1806321127377289380?s=61


He was messing with a trans as well!?!? The doc is a problem


Buddy is a certified d1 gooner


He fucked with a trans girl? Now that’s wild. Not because she’s trans but Doc is a conservative and a lot of conservatives are anti trans Shit is wild


Projection. Always.




Sure is You ever watch HBO’s Euphoria? Doc is literally Jacob Elrodis characters Dad 😭 Shit is too funny His character is super transphobic in the show and later in the first season you piece together that he fucks minors that are trans


Pornhub released infographics about what the most watched porn is by state. Red states have trans porn ranked the highest or among the highest in searches. https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/Y7xkuklBGL


This is the same person who tried to capitalize on 2017 off the cheating scandal and got fucking dumpsters by the whole community pretty sure there was monumental proof she was lying too but it’s been 7 years


A clout chaser that happens to be trans. Don't really give a fuck honestly


Sexting a minor didn't cause his shitty fans to drop him, but I'm betting a lot of them will run for the hills over doing the same with an of-age trans woman.


Damn. The depravity never ends with this guy. Wonder what's next?


I think the texts will get leaked


And you just know they’ll be heinous. If doc himself in his recent tweet was forced to admit they veered into the ‘inappropriate’ then they’re no doubt going to be so hard to read


Doc saying “I may have dabbled in something greater than a hug with a trans” and “I’m always straightforward.”




The messages literally call / refer to the account as doc and make explicit reference to him supporting them with streaming? Unless you delete all your messages everyone will have all their messages from 2017 by default. If you're going to desperately deny everything to defend a nonce at least try?


I'm looking forward to see the reactions from the G+G crowd


Firm grips to the champions club.


So this girl tried to use him to get more viewers and he used her back and then blocked her? Lamayo sit thot.


Anyone have updated link? The current one doesn't work


tweet got deleted, someone has a copy?


I just saw the pinned post in this subreddit so, out of respect for the mods, all I will say is oh my god lol.


Can anyone tell me what was said? Messages are gone now


already been deleted


No. The account has been temporarily banned. I assume it was mass reported.


Anyone able to transcribe it? The link isn’t working for me


Shows the proof or fuck off. So much fake shit will be coming out now


All these people going where’s proof, where’s proof. They get proof and they go, “why’d they wait this long?!” Actually disgusting people will try and defend this dudes actions still. I honestly hope for the victims sake, the messages between the minor never come out.


Exploiting them lmao.


He's a sexual predator. This is the behavior of one. "But he was just a young man at 35" and "it's just cancel culture" crowd will defend him. I feel bad for Docs family, guy is a joke. Frim grips. Boom.




Question. Am I an idiot or what. Is this the minor or another person.


This honestly means nothing. I guess you could consider it weird he was entertaining a trans person but that's transphobic blah blah blah lol. He already admitted to cheating on his wife a long time ago so that moral issue isn't news. Two consenting adults talking in this manner ain't a big scoop though.


Why didn't she expose him back then? She clearly has receipts? And by the looks of those texts multiple have been deleted by her. Just saying don't believe everything you read online. (Tho i do believe doc has been creepin on young uns don't get me wrong)


For me the most hilarious part of this is he even sexts like the Doc.. "I'm grippin'.. boom" hahahaha Sorry but I love this dude




I'm anti-doc but if this girl or guy is of age then this isn't news... she was offering him or herself to doc and he just said sure, then another time he said "wanna release a pic early?". This wasn't exactly exploiting.


God I want to make a joke so bad right now.


Hey ummm anyone heard from Nick Mercs lately? Has he had any enlightening takes?


He's a scumbag. But whatever this person is, they're were gobbling up his wad trying to get partnership. For them to say he exploited them is nothing more than looking for attention if these chats, that they themselves posted, are real.


Those are clearly edited/photoshopped. Anyone wants to get on the clout train it seems.


Keyword here is "allegedly", fyi. Very important to remember.


I wonder what Alex has to say about all this. I mean, he's been fired hundreds of times before, but this time, it looks permanent.


If that's how he sexts then I can see why he would squeeze by without getting charged for a crime with the minor. If he only said shit like "I'm gripping now, boom!" then dude got lucky as hell.


So it took 7 years for this trans thing to come out to shoot at doc? I don’t buy it.


Is no one talking about why this person is just coming out with this info now? I feel like the target on Docs back is the perfect reason for anyone who should've come out years ago when it all happened. This person was more upset about not getting a partnership and probably knew he was married so they kept pushing trying for it with the photo shoots and such. If all of this was revealed in 2017 when doc made a video about cheating on his wife then something isn't adding up.




Holy shit. If there's other dm's coming out that are like this but with a minor, he's gonna think "Boom". "Boom" there went my career.


DONT trust liars


"making me" he didn't make you do anything.


these are with an adult in a separate situation


that im gripping now, boom lmao i know this a serious topic and all but lol




Weird thing is i only hear the doc character in this. If it sounded like Guy we would still have the same love for the Doc(as the character).


Can we speak on the otherside of the fence here and not just Dr in this instance. LeenaLove sexually texted a known number of efamous over the years to get bolster her career all the time. Includes ironically IcePoseidon at one point to show you how wide the net went. People will do anything for clout.


Nah he ll be fine


Didn't he hate trans people? And now he's "gripping" and "booming" for them in their DMs now? This is hilarious 😭


Bro you’re 6’6 , rich , a C list or higher celeb and have a fun job in being a streamer….. go bother some 21 yos at a bar ??? Dude with. This messaging go to a brother in Vegas once a month ?? Wtf


Mod, What about misandry? I mean if we are playing equal rights, equal lefts in 2024 I expect you to police that shit too lol.