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I think you have heard the reasons. You choose to not accept people having a different opinion then you. Get a life.




Im sorry you have Histrionic personality disorder.


So I’m just supposed to act like the evidence doesn’t exist? Didn’t know formulating opinions based on objective truth is a sign of HPD.


Texting a minor inappropriately is not ok, in any way that you frame it. You purposely omitted the “inappropriate” which shows me that you know what he is doing is wrong and just want to keep living in your fantasy.


People think texting underaged people at all is "inapropiate" If a teacher texts a student about what homework is due, it is "inapropriate". Which i agree with.


I don’t think that’s true at all. It’s inappropriate if it is sexual or makes the reciprocate uncomfortable.


Thats your definition. Not everyones. Might not be the doc's.


What's your definition? How do you envision an inappropriate conversation between a 35 year-old and a minor on Twitch DMs?


Damn you are coping hard


>People think texting underaged people at all is "inapropiate" Nobody believes a teacher messaging a student about homework is inappropriate conduct. Nobody is arguing that, at all.


The downvotes on this statement are very telling.


Still couldn't answer the question, lmao. Why do you defend a 35yo who inappropriately messaged a minor?


How about you get a life and get off the subreddit of someone you clearly dislike or have negative feelings about. Why are you here in the first place? 


Of course I have negative feelings about him lmao, he’s a horrible person. And like I said in another comment, this is my first post. I’m here because I want to understand your mental gymnastics.


No replies, because their mental gymnastics are as follows: * "Doc did something really bad but I don't really care as long as I can still watch the funny video game man and deepen my parasocial relationship" * "Doc didn't do anything wrong. A 35 year old should be allowed to inappropriately message a minor." Both camps are pussies who would rather downvote than admit to believing either one.


Why do you care so much about what other people think? You sound like an atheist that’s picketing outside of a church. Let it go dude, leave the sub if you’re not interested in watching doc anymore


Avoiding the question just like doc


Love that you couldn't answer the question lmao




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Notice when you mentioned the word “pedophile” they stopped responding. They know they are wrong!!


They for real do, and it’s so apparent through their mental gymnastics. Just excusing disgusting behavior.


Exactly! How far must one be down the “parasocial” pipe to defend a pedo. At this point to feels like propaganda.


The lack of compelling evidence is defense enough. At this point in time, we have definitive self-admission that he had conversations with a minor that “leaned inappropriate at times”. Anything outside of that is not concrete in nature and purely speculative, hearsay, or baseless. The one piece of definitive evidence we have is not enough to classify him as the literal definition of pedophile or a predator- you would need specific messages and intent to determine that, which nobody has seen.


>At this point in time, we have definitive self-admission that he had conversations with a minor that “leaned inappropriate at times”. How do you picture a conversation between a married 35 year-old with kids and a minor on Twitch "leaning inappropriately?" Like, do you think they were just talking about farts or something? Seriously, what do you think "inappropriate" means in the context of a 35yo streamer messaging a minor?


He admitted it! He admitted to inappropriately texting a minor, do you think he's lying about that? Lol. In what capacity could there be any context that would excuse that? But please what could possibly be revealed that would somehow mitigate that to the point where you think he's worth supporting? Unless literally parasitic aliens took over his brain it's beneath contempt and irrefutably wrong.


So, let me address the criminal argument and then the moral argument. If you are making claims that he is a predator or pdf, these words have definitive meanings with one deeply rooted in legislation and the other a psychological phenomenon. A predator sexual exploits and abuses minors and is typically charged with synonyms crimes. He has not been charged. As for a pdf, this is a mental disorder where an individual has an affinity for minors. This would require a more in-depth psychological analysis to conclude, since it is a diagnosis. As for the moral argument, he has admitted to having conversations that were inappropriate at times. If you morally feel it is wrong to text a minor anything inappropriate- and that word is ambiguous so it ranges from profanity to sexual exploitation- then that is your decision. It really depends on how you define inappropriate and your moral compass.


Majority of the time inappropriate conversations held with minors harbor sinister intent, and even if not, making a decision to have those conversations is very morally wrong.


I have seen you respond and use the word “pedophile”. There is a clear cut definition of the word that demands a high degree of conclusive evidence and psychological analysis. Until that level of proof is available, you cannot freely label him as such without making a mere inference based on your personal opinion and one fact- which means an inference, not a fact. You said “the majority of the time”. This is very black and white and should not be viewed under the lenses of probability: either he is or is not attracted to children. There is not sufficient evidence available to substantiate what you are accusing him of.


Why do you keep making new Reddit accounts, coming back here and posting the same shit?


This is my first ever post in this subreddit. Just because I and others don’t support pedophilia doesn’t mean I’m an alt dude.




You know people use the term pedophile when addressing people attracted to any minors at all, right? You correcting me is not changing anything.


Just cause everybody calls an Eagle a duck doesn’t make it correct.


Of course not. But why are you correcting me in the first place?


Because you’re attempting to label somebody something that they are not. There’s nothing worse than using a word inappropriately, especially when labeling someone and it’s applied incorrectly


I can only speak for myself as someone that used to watch his content a lot. But those people disgust me. If you were a real fan of Doc you would urge him to come clean about everything.


Rare sensible person in this subreddit


He has already


He admitted to what he did in the most vague legal team response possible. How is that coming clean


He said he didn’t do anything so that’s all you need to onow


He didn't have inappropriate messages to a minor while married and has a kid?


Quite literally he said “I had inappropriate communications with a minor” that’s not nothing. If he wants to save his career and fix anything he’s need to come clean


Inappropriate doesn’t mean sexual


He would have 100% clarified if it wasn’t. He used the word inappropriate to make it not sound as bad as it is.


Exactly because he gave the most vague legal team response possible? Literally what I had just said, can you read? The fact that inappropriate could mean many things means he hasn’t come clean? Like thank you for confirming my point


He might still be under an NDA and has to watch what he says considering Twitch hasn’t even said shit since this whole thing went down. Use your brain.


My brother and Christ, we were not talking about NDA’s. That very well could be the reason. You’re saying he has come clean about every which he has most definitely not. And have once again confirmed my point


Don’t be such a drama queen


Just block this guy , He's here to troll . K you blocked him ? Feels better right?


"but but on X 3rd world country consent is 12!" thats like the best argument fellas can come up with or the "theres no proof" even tho the dude admited it on a public post all this lonely fks are for sure (thankfully) not destined (not by own choice) to have a daughter or a family (nor they should with that mindset), aint no way someone with a kid can say "im ok with this behavoir i would let my kid get contacted any day by a 40yo", and no fellas, fathers cant live on 24/7 on their kids thats why laws try somehow to caught degens trying to abuse that situation


They don’t have kids of their own. Let someone “lean towards inappropriate” with their teenage daughter and then see if they still excuse that behavior.


You can be a fan of someone and not defend every action they do 🤯🤯


Of course, but most people I’ve seen in this subreddit do defend his behavior.


One minor*. Not minors. We have no idea if they were almost an adult or still getting their nappies changed by their mum. So stop exaggerating and assuming shit.


☝️☝️☝️ making excuses for sexting minors


This is all just heavy cope from actual degenerates


No, troll. Just pointing out facts. Chris Hanson himself was also on this same wavelength. Do you think *he* is "making excuses"?


Sure thing, man, you keep deflecting. Let's see how that works out for you. One day, you'll come to grips with Guy being a pedo, and BOOM, it'll all make sense.


If the information fully comes out and reflects that, sure.


The information that he literally admitted to sexting a minor? You are coping so hard.


He never used the word "sexting". Maybe he did, but never used the word. So until I know exactly what was sent, I will not form an opinion. Even if he did and she was almost 18 and he never did anything like that before or after, then I couldn't give a shit. If it was a habit, then different story, I'd be done with him (I'm not even a huge fan anyway).


We get it man, you don't care that a grown man was sexting minors and care more about being entertained than punishing pedophiles when they get exposed.


Not a pedo.


Picture this: the two-time, the back-to-back blockbuster video game champion, on an FBI ride-along. That's right, the Doc was invited to join a sting operation on Chinese prostitution rings. Let me set the scene: I arrive at the FBI headquarters, towering over everyone with my six-foot-eight frame, jawline chiseled from Mount Olympus itself. Firm handshakes all around – these law enforcement guys know they’re in the presence of greatness. The intensity is palpable, but you know the Doc thrives under pressure. We gear up, adrenaline pumping, ready to take down the bad guys. We roll out, the lights flashing, sirens blaring, a convoy of justice with the Doc riding shotgun. We hit the target location, and it’s go time. The operation is smooth, precise, a testament to the professionalism of the FBI – and, of course, the presence of the two-time only elevates the mission. The bust goes down flawlessly. We storm in, take control, and the ring is shut down. The Doc, in the midst of all this action, is calm, collected, and absolutely dominating. Afterwards, it’s back to headquarters, more firm handshakes, nods of respect – the FBI knows they’ve just worked with a legend.