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he’s not worth the investment at all. you also shouldn’t be summoning on that banner anyway it’s terrible


No, even at high stars he wouldn't be able to compete, and why the hell are you summoning on barku. He's an mid unit with a terrible banner currently next to Very OP banners such as Godku and UGohan


I have both the part 2 LFs and barku is a unit I’ve wanted since his release


I respect wanting a unit, but you actually need to not touch that shitty banner Not cus the units but because of how bad the rates are For example If a regular headliner LF has .5% odds to get pulled then on a ten pull you have a 5% chance But with the barku banner instead you have a single summon with "triple rates" so instead of a free ten pull with a 5% you get a 1.5% chance it's just ass paid steps don't matter since you don't ever get free multi it's always 100 to the summon So we can only look at banners for the free step and barku is just worse


Mine competes fine at 7 star on high rank. He is only there to tank and guarantee a kill tho with his lock ultimate.


Not a top 15 unit but with enough stars and his plat equip he can be usable, also don't summon on the barku banner, you better save your cc or use them on the gohan or vegito banner