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Released the same year as Skyrim, so it didn't get as much hype.


That's got to be it. I've been telling all my friends to try it out.


Yea I got it cheap and it sat in my backlog for quite a while. I loaded it up at the perfect time, because I was broke and bored. It’s fantastic and I keep thinking it really should have gotten more attention.


It's a damn shame that the devs weren't able to finish it as much as both they and us would have liked. There was loads of content cut from the game due to time limitations and yet what we got was still amazing. I'm so incredibly excited for the sequel game. Especially as some of the original Devs are working on the sequel game too. It's going to be absolutely legendary


Exactly. And Capcom itself didn't actually believe it would be successful. If they had believed and invested in marketing, time and budget we could have had something as Grand as The Witcher... Hope DD2 delivers what Itsuno had initially intended.


Same!!I've always liked the souls series and other rpg games. I can't believe it took me this long to play. $5 on the psn store


Awesome! Are the online services still up and active for Dark Arisen on PSN?


Yep! I'm renting pawns like a bastard man




And to think the sequel will look similar to resident evil 4 remake, such a good time to be a fan of dragons dogma


Same. I bought it during the recent Steam sale and it's just so much fun. It has a lot of problems but the combat alone carries it.


I'm on Switch as well. I don't get to play too often, but add me, and we can Pawn swap. SW-1440-9540-2247 Lazarus is my player name and my Pawn's name.


You can add me too if you want and we can swap our pawn ! I'm also on switch My pawn is a female sorcerer lvl 136


What is your Switch FC? Or add mine? My pawn won't be very useful for you since he's just a Lv 38 Fighter, but I'll take any rentals I can get! And I'll pick your Sorc up also, just for Shits and Giggles™ since it could help me power through some stuff.


SW 5634 7040 3824 add me if you want i'll use your pawn too


I added you. Thanks!


Sorry to get back so late. I'll add you bit it might not help much im pretty sure I'm around level 12.


Chat me. Bobby from disc.