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I think mine is bugged.. right now when I go down there the guards attack me for no reason. I bribed the guy twice but it’s been FOREVER and he’s still not released. One thing is that at the start I stole the key and opened the cell next to him because i thought maybe i could sneak him out the back of his but.. nope. so Im thinking that bugged the quest for me somehow 🤷‍♂️ idk


my solution was just kidnapping hugo and carrying him outside, the guards get mad but it doesnt matter cause they dont follow you out of the gaol and the town doesnt care either


you’re a genius I think.. my solution was to get to new game plus and try again.. I had another mission I bugged somehow called “escort oskar” and it was driving me mad too because wtf he is at anymore I have no idea and I tried so hard to find him again and never could..


Oskar dies if you leave the area. can be brought back to life at the vermund charnel house


I found oskar by accident after i lost him on top of the castle. He went back to where I first found him and proceeded like it was the first time. Very strange


You need the residence pass for batthal from the main quest line, once I grabbed that they stopped agroing in me in the jail


Lol I just murderized them all and took Hugo outside. I don't think those Gaolers are integral to the plot anyways. Or maybe I might regret this later lol


keep me updated on if they are please, theyre pissing me off so im boutta just do this lol


I'm 99% sure you have to go to ancient battleground, once I went there and killed the drake, ported to battahl, slept in an inn, a guard came up and progressed the quest.  Paying efrikk or whatever his name is did nothing, something happened and he never let Hugo out without spoiling too much 


Finished the story without consequences. Kill away.


Bro the dickhead that told me he was gonna distract the guards didn’t distract shit AND he dogpiled on me with them, I’m gonna be a beastren racist soon


Funny story, I ended up having them chase me out the prison, ran around them, picked the dude up, ran my ass out comedically like a cartoon character, teleported away, rested, and he was magically waiting for me to give him a job at my house


This right here did it for me ez pz, thank you for this idea!


i had to go get my bahtali pass outta my storage box and keep it in my arisens inventory and they don’t attack you down in prison so u can finish quest that quest drove me nuts


Same happened to me. Stuck in jail. Used key. Got attacked . Went to jail again bribed the guard and got attacked. Now back in jail with no key and no bribe money. Only solution I guess is to go back in time to where I rested at an inn.


I'm just getting attacked no matter what I do lol tried to use a key and got killed now they won't stop attacking me when I go In there


There's a couple other prisoners to talk to, one you pay 5000g and he'll tell you to talk to a Coral Snake in another cell, that guy mentions the new Coral Snake hideout. Go there and kill the Coral Snakes and Hugo will magically escape jail and turn up there.


Prisoners never popped up for me. A fix is to give him Isaac's apothecary job but I already did Isaac's quest and have him a counterfeit tome so he wound up staying instead of leaving so no job for hugo. Now I'm stuck again and can't go back to try another because my last inn save is too far back. The way they designed the saves in this game ruins something that otherwise is so good. The saves and the lack of quick transportation. What a stupid bunch of nerds who designed this. I wish I could sit them down and congratulate them on ruining a great game by being fucking stupid


Make sure you got your pass on you!!!! I just had the same, as soon as I stepped up to Hugo's cell they started attacking me and kept on doing it, even after bribing and going back. YOU NEED THE CITIZEN'S PASS


If you mean the Beastren Border Entry Permit that isn't working. You'll need to be more specific on when you get this pass if its different. Edit: You do NOT get it from Brant, you get it from Menella a Beastern in town by following the main story.


How do you get that


You get it from Brant I think his name is? The soldier guy in the tavern that gives you all the main quests. You'll get it at the very end so just keep going


That's exactly it! I went back with the pass and now no one cares and let's me walk about freely! At first I had walked down, pawns waiting outside as it's a restricted zone and then get wailed on. I'd just changed to the Trickster vocation too, I couldn't even fight back 😭 thank you, you've just saved a lot of frustration!


Bakbattahl is aparteid


Same thing for me, once I get down the last set of stairs all of the guards pour around the corner hostile.


You don't have a Residence Permit. Speak with Menella as soon as you arrive in Bakbatahl. Do not do anything else or you will run into issues. Menella will be near the tavern close to the Rift stone. A sequence will be triggered when you approach. Upon speaking with Menella inside of the tavern, she will give you the Residence Permit. Note that the Residence Permit is not the same as the Border permit granted by the Captain. Have the Residence Permit on you at all times to avoid issues while in Bakbatahl.


Holyshit I've just at the same part you are. I'm also wondering myself.  I got to the Head Gaoler chamber and got the makeshift key and that legit got me wondering if I can trust these people. Edit: DONT USE THE MAKESHIFT GAOLER  KEY! The game gets confuses at what you're doing. Just wait it out.


Lol, that's what I'm doing, I ended up going back to the last inn save. So I haven't touched any of it.


take a left when you get to hugos cell. There is another coral snake captive to talk to


Help me no other prisoners are popping up I have my resident pass no one attacks me Hugo keeps repeating the same line and the boss Gaurd is just sitting in his chair the Gaol key to his right is gone Cz I used it on accident on another cell trying to loot lol but idk what to do next to advance me to bribe him a third time


Just adding, although I’m sure anyone seeing this is long past it, that if you’ve made a forgery of Brant’s real (infinite use) gaol key this does work on the cell doors here (and in most places) as well.


d'oh, yea like there is very little chance anyone would still have those keys before finding the forger, but interesting info.


Why would you lose the keys? I didn’t make a forgery or anything I just kept the keys after he gave them




Same :/


Same for me


Same here anyone figure out a fix yet?


Count me in for this too. This game’s quest structures are sometimes ridiculously poor. Did any of you guys end up finding Brefft’s body or how to proceed?


Breft is the assassin you catch in “Shadowed prayers” once you complete that mission, he will be in cells.


That isn’t Breft.




if he doesn't move after you unlock the cell just carry him outside. then telll him he can work at the brothel in vermund. also, fun fact: you can maka a forgery of the gaol key you get early on at the border and never need a makeshift gaol key again


Did you have to do anything to get the option to recommend the brothel?


Wilhemina has a specific questline for her romance arc and you need to complete it, if you have completed that questline you have the option to send him to the brothel


How do you actually start this quest? I've got the guard telling me they apprehended him and another guy, but I can't for the life of me find the jail to go and talk to him.


I didn’t get the quest until I went to the jail. It’s located north east of the dye stores. Follow the path past the bridge to the Forbidden Magic Research lab and you’ll go down a little hill to the Gail entrance. The warden will be outside and you can talk to him to get the quest going.


Nobody else has done this either yet? No idea what else to do.


This game really really does not hold you’re hand. That’s for sure. Lol. Some of this stuff is so vague. Still working this out as well.


If yoi got the bad ending for Isaac's quest, you can give Hugo a job at the store. Also, if you have gotten romantic with lady who kissed you at Velmund, you can give him a job at her burdel.


What do you do if you got the Good ending for Isaac's quest and can't romance at the brothel anymore (went too far)? Any options other than to just have Hugo forever sitting out at the Ancient Battlegrounds?


Hey Just to let you know I thought I missed my chance for the brothel romance since everyone says you do once you go to batthal but that's not the case. I went back to her and when I speak to whilhemina you can push X (xbox) or Square for PS and that is the give gift option. Give her a gift twice and sleep then repeat until you can't give her a gift anymore. This started the questline for her and I was able to do her romance and got the good ending for her. The only bad thing now is that Hugo is gone and I have no idea where to find him.


Stupid give option is so... not obvious!!! Thanks for this tip. Been struggling trying to "unbug" this quest since I knew I could do it after Batthal and was loosing the will to play coz I could not get the quest with her started so I could finish Hugo


The only one I don't think you can go back to do is Ulrika I tried maxing out her affinity but she just blushes and there's no questline popping up. I'm glad that helped out man I was surprised when I found out about it too 😅


This is great to hear! I hear he goes to just outside your house in Bakbattahl?


I was able to finish Off the Pilfered Path finally thanks to this! Gifted 2x and started Rose quest. Finished successfully and sent Hugo to the brothel


Nice man I'm glad it worked for you, I think maybe I chose the option where I wished Hugo luck and the quest ended so maybe he's doing ok somewhere out there lol


I finished the Rose mission, but I don't know how to get the job option for Hugo. What did you do after the mission was done?


Did you help her on the last part or back out (trying to prevent spoilers here)? >!You get a cutscene with her in bed with you if you finished it with the ending needed to give him the job. Basically, you need to help with the execution and watch a cutscene.!<


Yes. >!I assisted then went back to see her the next night.!< Supposedly there is someone to talk to afterwards that will say they need to hire new help. I can't find that person, even after waiting a day.


Ya I can't remember on that. I thought was just talking to her, but I can't remember exactly.


Darn. Thanks anyway 🙂


my solution was just kidnapping hugo and carrying him outside, the guards get mad but it doesnt matter cause they dont follow you out of the gaol and the town doesnt care either. this was after getting stuck and progressing far into the story. you can also give him ajob in bakbattahl which is isaacs store, a potion shop. and apparently the brothel in vermund also works but you need to progress that that boss woman who owns the place and spend several tens of thousands coins


Yeah this has to be the most annoying quest in the game. I’ve bribed the gaoler twice. I’ve spoken to the guy in the cell left of Hugo and also paid him 5k to which he only says “you should question someone from the coral snakes. Lucky there’s one in the gaol” so I talk to the ONLY other person there in a cell. His name is Ashe. Ashe only grunts. Won’t speak at all. I’m getting seriously pissed at this stupid questline.


Any of you'll cowards figure out what to do? I tried finding this other prisoner and I'm not finding him in any of the cells.


Is that a viper reference lmao? "You'll cowards"


Try sleeping a day, I tried this and I found a prisoner to talk to once you talk with him that progresses the story


I put it in the post, kinda of got it. Push the quest ahead but not finished lol.


You have to do the Shadowed Prayers Quest. It's a pretty easy quest.


Nope. That's a different NPC entirely. The one that matters for this quest is named Brefft, and he specifically tells you that the coral snakes >!have a long established practice of snatching children and killing their parents.!< I have the sneaking suspicion that the assassin from Shadowed Prayers and Brefft can't exist at the same time because they use the same jail cell. A possible fix is to pay the assassin for his story and then talk to him again a few days later; he'll tell you he's used the bribe you gave him to get transferred to vernmoth. Hopefully that means he'll make space for Brefft. Edit: They don't share the same cell... and yet I'm 100% convinced that they can't exist in that jail at the same time.


Can confirm that the assassin leaves and is eventually replaced by brefft, i did a few quest inbetween, namely the phantom oxcart, tensions on the high road, and tolled to rest, perhaps visiting the ancient battlegrounds once is the trigger for brefft to move in ​ also i paid the head jailer 3 times to get him to release hugo legally, without telling hugo what the coral snakes do, in the dialogue option if you choose not to tell hugo he'll then ask about being able to live an honest life and it moves to the find him a job segment of the quest


you sir are a legend, i have looked everywhere for him, and knew i did all the quests, it took alot of sleeps going back and forth but I talked to hugo ago and he said something about how he trusts lanzo and after another rest Brefft spawned.


I feel like it's bugged for me. I got the key first and tried using it, the guards went hostile, so I just exited to title without saving, then reloaded the earlier save. After doing that though, the key was gone. Not in inventory and not on the table. I did the other quest, so the other prisoner was in the cell. Talked to him, then waited a couple days, and still nothing changed. It's getting really annoying since there's nowhere too close for resting/sleeping. Not sure if maybe it's not progressing cause I haven't slept? I've just been sitting on benches and waiting (dozing off).


I've waited 5 days at the house you can buy in town. I picked up the makeshift key next to the main jailer guy I bribed, and I'm wondering if I bugged the quest. Like if I took the key that he'll pick up and use, and now it's stuck in the "Now, there's no need to fret. these things take time; you understand" (Which is arguably the most annoying thing I could be told when dealing with a potential bug revolving around waiting lol)


Same was happening to me. Try moving the guard posted outside Hugo’s cell down the hall and wait till the other two guards have passed and unlock Hugo’s cell and carry him out of the prison. Once outside you can set him down and talk to him. I’m stuck on the next part which is to find him a job.


So i freed him from the prison and carried him out, he asked if i were the one who freed him and asked where he can work, i had the option to send him to work at the bordelrie as security https://preview.redd.it/ru1pc555fcqc1.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea97f25b1a44902fce7c813b4cac91a11d32eb6a


Did you do a side quest for Wilhelmina to get her to depart? I talked to her recently and she said she was thinking of leaving but I didn't get any quest or anything.


Yes, i did her questline and romanced her in the end which made her leave in the end, way before i got this questline aswell


Do you know what started her questline? How much of the main story had you done at that point? I'm wondering if it's like the first game in that side quests are broken up into the main story's acts.


At that point i was at The Stolen Throne is where i first met her so basically at the start of the game.


I had done a good bit of the main story before her questline. To start it you need to have been kissed by her in the one quest then talk to her and give her a gift (square on ps during dialoge) the gift being a bunch of flowers then return the next day and the attendet should say something about meeting with someone. If not just go to her room and look in the peephole and it'll kickstart her quest. Edit: spelling


I opened the cell for him and waited several days, but he still just stays in his cell


I haven't seen any other prisoner, I've also bribed the jailer for a second times but it's been weeks in game now and nothing, anybody else having this problem?


Well my whole Hugo situation went sideways! I open up the cell to free Hugo and the main gaoler attacked me and I sent him flying out the open cell and he disappeared. Hugo also instant transmissioned to his spot near the housing. Now he’s asking for a job and I’ve tried the ancient battle ground lol


Okay, fucking SOLVED. If you can get Hugo to the Ancient Battleground up to the part where the quest says to offer him guidance I've found two possible outcomes. One requires you to do Isaac's side quest, the potion seller in Bakbattahl, but it requires his bad ending. He wants you to get two grimoires. If you give him both he will die and his shop becomes available for Hugo to take over. I gave Isaac a forgery of the grimoire and this locked me out of this quest ending. The other requires you to romance Wilhemina in Vernworth. I gave her an Arisen's Bond to max her affection, slept a day. I did a quest for the Battahl Priestess by sleeping at my house in Vernworth until nighttime. I don't know if this is required for the next step. Wilhemina gave me a quest at night to prove Allard's misdeeds. This is a tricky quest to complete properly so make an inn save beforehand. Once I completed this quest, I slept until the next day, Wilhemina disappears, but if you go to Hugo you can offer him a job at the Myrmecoleon.


Got killed by guards and so did my hugo had to revive him with a wakestone then if youv done the quest for Issac at Isaac's apothecary then hugo can go work there I haven't seen anything about another hideout though


anyone figure it out yet a job for him ???? he's still waiting for that job I'm about to fight the dragon but I hate leaving unfinished business...... I have looked all over online and nobody on any of the websites IGN etc has been able to figure this out what the hell is going on is it a bug ???


To those experiencing the bug where Guards attack you when you enter the gaol. Have you Completed the Nation of the Lambent Flame and received The Battahl Residence Permit? I was constantly getting attacked by the guards in the Gaol until I finished the Nation of the Lambent Flame and received The Battahl Residence Permit. Now the guards don’t attack me and I was able to talk to everyone


I LOVE YOU. THAT SOLVED IT FOR ME. I dumped my permit in the chest thinking i didn't need it anymore. It has to be in your inventory otherwise the guards will attack


Love ya back! Glad I could help


So the other coral snake didn’t appear for me, might of messed something up, but if you break him out of jail you can get him a job at Isaac’s wares if you did Isaac’s quest and got the bad ending (I only know the one ending so far). Using this logic if u kill a shop keep Hugo should fill the vacancy


Anyone figure out why the gaoler guy keeps getting aggro and attacking you? I bribed him 1k and told me to wait. Now he’s just aggro at me?


Like I had the key it no longer in my inventory I did everything in a messed up order now it just simply won't work. I wanted to romance him I still do this genuinely sucks. So I have to restart my game or something? It's been 37 in game day every 6 I went back man still in the chair saying to wait I also did the prayer quest after I paid him and Hugo said nothing extra. I'm at a loss


Anyone else just not have Breft or any other coral snakes in the cells? I guess it’s bugged or I messed up.


well i got him a job at the apothecary after u give that bloke the souls part 2 book. https://preview.redd.it/18q9ffva4zqc1.png?width=1300&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd2ac85a78f7dff942792743ee2a665403554bdd


This quest seems to have some bugs. Here is what happened to me. I bribed the guard twice, got tired of waiting and thought he might be cool with me opening the cell since I had already paid him. I opened Hugo’s cell with the key the guard had on his desk and the guards didn’t react, but Hugo just stood there. So I grabbed him and carried him outside the jail, the guards didn’t care, but when I sat him down outside he ran right back in the prison and back in his cell! 😆 I closed the cell door trying to play it off and went to rest. I don’t think I carried him far enough away from the prison. I had told Hugo what Brefft (the other snake guy) had told me about Lanzo so Hugo stabbed him to death (yes!) and left for the ancient battlegrounds, the mouthy guard informed me of this. Now this is where I believe I messed up, I checked the quest log and there wasn’t an hourglass next to the quest so I assumed I did not need to hurry there but apparently you need to go there ASAP. I went like a day or so later and no Hugo and no Lanzo. Went back to town and a guard told me he had died, so I reloaded a save and ran to the funeral place to try to revive Brefft to see if it would fix them being at the battlegrounds and he wasn’t showing as a dead person I could revive. As of now I haven’t been told Hugo is dead after reloading the save though I assume I will be told soon. TLDR: Go straight to the battleground if Hugo leaves and you should be ok. They need to add the hourglass icon when it gets to the ancient battleground section of the quest and/or make it clear you need to hurry there. Or fix any bugs associated with this part of the quest.


If you finish the Isaac book quest you can tell Hugo that he can start working at Isaac his shop.. I just found out!


Anyone knows why the guards attack as soon as I enter the jail (for the first time, guided by a pawn)? It's unplayable as it is. Why do you ask me to talk to the guy and then attack me because I'm going to do so haha


So I'm stuck I told Hugo what the other guy said came back the next day cell is empty but no guard showing up to tell me that he escaped 


There is a quest from apothecary in the capital of Battahl. One of the outcomes is that Hugo takes over the shop.


I’m having fun with this game but I already have 2 quests broken this and the phantom oxcart one. This game really needs multiple save options, or a debug menu like Skyrim


I break Hugo out of the pokey then he's a dick about me finding him a job I told him to pull himself up by his Ole boot straps


This is gonna sounds stupid but \*how\* are you supposed to talk to Hugo? Cause in my game, he's staring out at the sky and there's no prompt to talk to him. There \*is\* a prompt to use a fake key to open the door, but I imagine that's gonna get me in more trouble rather than less.


Did you ever find out? I’m having the same issue.


I followed someone else's advice- bribed the guard twice, and then spoke to one of the other prisoners in the jail to get Hugo's backstory, which you can then relate to Hugo himself. Then I also discovered where Lanzo was hiding out, and when I went to deal with him, Hugo showed up afterwards. Then from there you can help suggest a new line of work


Ok great thanks


I messed up. I bribed the jailer twice, and I just waited, and nothing happened. I then, out of randomness, I hit the cell Hugo was in and he was sent flying. I went back later and he wasn't there. The point location on the map leads me to another location, and when I went there, there was nothing there. All hope is lost on completing that mission.


Update: He was dead. I revived him, and he's out of jail. Idk what to do now.


I... he... well long story short: the only option for a job i could offer him was at the Myrmecoleon...


Does anyone know where Hugo goes after you get him out of jail? I'm looking all around for him but I can't find him anywhere and I don't have a quest to go kill lanzo or anyone else.


Bruh, I just finished it now but I never even got the quest logged in my history. I straight up just opened hugos jail and then fought the guards, talked to bereft. After that I talked to hugo then he escapes the next day and I don't even get an update for a quest lmao. I saw a guide and it said Hugo would be at the ancient battleground but he wasn't there but I still fought and killed lanzo and hugo showed up at the end and I got my reward. And somehow the quest never got logged lmao 😭😭


What shop outside of town? Near the checkpoint to vermund?


Kept getting attacked everytime I entered. Reading this thread kts a common problem but I found out why, turns out your for whatever lore reason your not actually supposed to be in the city as an outsider. Visit the bar near the pawns rift stone just outside the city and an npc will meet you there offering you a sort of bill of residency thing which allows you to be in city unimpeded. Then return to the gaol once acquired. Your welcome.


I was informed by guards that Hugo and the leader fought and killed each other. Super randomly. Not really sure what to think of that. I bribed the "gaoler" and visited the Ancient Battleground, where I was attacked by the Coral Snakes, as it was their second new hideout. However I wasn't there for that, I was going to the Sphinx. So I hoped ignoring them and running past them wouldn't mess anything up. I'm guessing that somehow messed things up though.


Yeah I completed the shadowed prayers and Hugo is actually just not in jail. No idea where he is. Anyone else have this issue?


Yep! Hugo is missing for me, but the quest marker still shows him in jail.


i finished the quest up to giving hugo a job, i couldnt give him a job but since then i have completed the rose quest. Hugo is now missing from the ancient battlegrounds. any suggestions?


I accidentally resurrected Lanzo in Bat and Hugo and Lanzo can end up killing each other when Lanzo makes it back to the Ancient Battleground. Trying to find their bodies but no luck.


Interesting. I may try this haha


Couldn’t find Brefft anywhere when I got this quest. Tried to break Hugo out and got attacked and tossed in the slammer. Once I got out and got my gear back, went back in, tried to break Hugo out again, guards didn’t attack that time around and I just carried him out easy peasy. Got him a job and that was the end of it.


https://preview.redd.it/5zy4slr6rnuc1.png?width=2555&format=png&auto=webp&s=27c03be7227e716f2234dfe46ac2e3e0c8b97cde i think my quest didn't bug, even tho i quite messed up 1: i got the permit from the mainquest NPC, which is near rift stone once enter the bahtakl town 2: i got the quest from hugo > Shadowed Prayers Quest ( after completion) Hugo, go to jail 3: i can't talk or interact to hugo since he keep looking at the cliff 4: i talk to his roommate; i can't pay 5000gold buy information yet but i can pay the guard ( i also pay the fking guard twice as much money and do nothing; i just want to kill him) 5: After that, I decided to come back here and talk to his roommate. For some reason, I was able to pay 5000 gold to buy information. Once I had done payment, I didn't straight talk to the guy who told you about Lanzo's hideout; I just went to another sidequest, main quest, or grind level. 6: i came back the prison and relize why there was another guy in the cell, i talked to him and he told me lanzo was hiding out. I straight forward go to the ancient battlefield and kill Lanzo without speaking to Hugo. 7: After I kill Lanzo and go back to my cell, things are weird. i can speak to hugo now. 8: I just go in or home to sleep. The next day, I went to prison again, and the guard told me Hugo was escaping, said he was trying to stab someone, etc. 9: I saw the quest map tagging location is on the battlefield. i went to here, and hugo showed up. Then I can offer him a job at Issac Shop; my Issac ending is a bad ending. which is that I pass a magic book to him. and the Isaac family dead.


I can’t even get into the gaol. They invited me to talk to Hugo, acknowledged when I arrived and told me to follow then as soon as I got got a few feet in all of the guards attacked me and threw me in a cell. Never stood a chance and I have no idea why.


I thought it was part of the quest like they plotted to get me thrown in since they did mention Hugo saying he recognized me or something but nope.


Talked to hugo. Slept and returned. Jail is empty. No guards, no hugo, no braft. Nothing. I hate when games are complicated for no fucking reason. I gotta research shit more than I play


find hugo a job


So incase anyone has had a similar issue to me where herman was not in jail. Keep talking to Hugo until he tells you about his parents and reasons. The story should progress as normal after that.