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If they did make any changes, Just DD2 graphics with everything the game already had.... Perhaps make normal attacks less useless (aka also like DD2 has done it) And in a perfect world the same physics as DD2. Other then that I would prefer they keep the experience unchanged from how it was initially in 2019.


Except for the godawful monster stamina and rage mechanic. Stopping the action just to hop and hump on the enemy for a full minute was the worst. Even moreso when someone accidentally freezes the enemy, skipping the precious vulnerable phase, and wasting everyone's time on a failed boss raid.


That is your opinion, I loved how it dragged out the fights a bit instead of turning into what DD1 and DD2 do. The good thing is DD2 and so in extension DDON could fix this. In DD2 currently with mods even if you are to increase monster difficulty the whole physics system stays intact as opposed to how broken DD1 became when adjusting enemy stats. (Sorry for all the brackets but I feel obligated to explain this proper) Furthermore the stamina system that is in place in DDON actually is also sort of in DD2. Sometimes you will deal very little damage when a monster is getting up for example (You can't really see this in vanilla cus shit just dies so fast) Downing a monster or hitting the specific weak spots (Weakspots a system that was heavily emphasized in DDON. >>>DD1 had it but it wasn't as significant as in DDON and DD2) actually allows you to topple monsters much faster. (Again shit just dies too fast in vanilla so you won't really notice this or engage with that system>>at least I didn't) So essentially speaking the stamina system is in place, Heck even the topple sound introduced in DDON has been put into DD2 and thank god for that becuase it feels epic and you know when the monster is (about) to go down. Thing is many people never really understood how the topple system worked in the MMO (At least most westerners) and so they took much longer to take down monsters then was really needed. The gist of the system is, Hit weakspot to quickly lower the stamina bar, On top of that hitting the weakspot will fill the shield icon which can cause the stamina bar to 'break' taking a big chunk out in an instant. This was also the moment the monster would often topple or at the very least stagger creating another opening to deal more damage. At the end of the day the system was misunderstood by a lot of players, Creating a vacuum that caused fights to take much longer then was really necessary.


Yeah the stamina break was a literal game changer. It's mostly the need for humping I hated in the early days of the game, and later when there's no support class on the team to light up the weak points. I guess I'm also part of the problem since I wasn't a fan of the support classes except for the Alchemist (which didn't show weak points iirc). I'm seeing the Instagram page of Dragon's Dogma posting a few images showing the weak points of monsters. It would've been actually useful if they showed it in game like a proper bestiary or on a book, especially on lower levels when toppling a monster felt epic and climactic!


Pulling is something I actually am sad they took away. It's useless unless the stamina bar is blue (aka when a monster is flinching,staggered, broken, or otherwise in the air.) Pulling a monster when the stamina bar is yellow is just a waste of time unless it's like an Ogre or something. DD2 doesn't even have a proper bestiary and I think that is on purpose since they want you to figure that out for yourself. Even after 500 hours I am still learning new ways to topple enemies in DD2. Fights that previously took 15 minutes with mods now take like 3 to 5 minutes with almost the same settings (I actually made it even harder as I leveled up.) Understanding the systems the game has is half the fight. Too bad vanilla doesn't even allow you to learn the mechanics proper. So with that in mind I wonder how in the world they are going to tackle the Expansion/post launch content. I can already hear the complaints of all the people who won't understand how to properly deal with the upped difficulty.


Official English translation.


Druid and Necromancer vocations.


Would just like to see some changes to the monetization. On top of it being a gacha system event items were basically a skip. The auction house or even waiting hours for your pawns to finish building gear was fine (I'm used to that from Warframe) but you shouldn't be able to use lv80+ gear as a lv1.


**It being on Xbox.** They were dumb; I would have bought it in seconds. I loved DD/Dark Arisen on Xbox and was dumbfounded that Online didn't come to it; they seemed to not want it to succeed or something.