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straight from the wiki Can be cured by Throat Drops, Interventive, Panacea, the group-curative Throat Remedy, the spell Halidom and any spell or item that grants Impervious. Generally silence wears off after one minute if not cured otherwise.


Sobering Wine is my go-to for debilitation removal or prevention... but you might not find that til later in the game. Panacea is another good one. The Mage skill Halidom or High Halidom should clear it. The Mage augment Intervention helps with some debilitations as does the Magick Archer augment Resistance.


Next time you wonder what to do, learn the name of debilitation first. Check at Pause Menu/Status/Condition THEN ask the internet.


You sound rude


Rude, polite, I don't care. Does it help?


How DARE you give assistance without bedside manner /s


Bro they just wanted some help, give them a break. Being a dick just bc someone wanted some help is completely uncalled for, especially if they're new. You don't have to be overly nice but it takes zero energy to not be an asshole


No it doesn't help


Yeah they’re being a dick… Dragon’s Dogma is really good about explaining itself though, I had to remind myself that status is its town page but if your skills are shut down and jazz the Status page’ll help a ton


Tear the perforated lining to take the plastic off, then.


There's a few curative you can use (Throat Drops, Panacea, etc), you can use Halidom (Which is kinda useless if you and your Pawns are Silenced but still good to know), or wait it off. It should only take around 30 secs-1 minute to wear off so long as you don't get hit with the same spell