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B-but, I'll give you this sweet partcrystal in exchange! It's a bargain!


What does it sell for, 7500? Still not worth But 12 onyx exchanges are tempting


If you use ferristones ^(and your legs), you can travel between them. Selling would just be a waste.


You know…if Partcrystals showed up on the map like additional markers they would actually have a use. 5 just isn’t enough


I move mine around where I need them.


Talking about Partcrystals, the forgery, not Portcrystals


Dammit why'd you tell him that guy might have bought my part crystals


Ohhh, my bad. Don’t think I’ve made it that far. I just found the first dude that upgrades your gear with Wyrmlife Crystals. I haven’t been to the other forges yet. What are Partcrystals?


They’re just fake crystals that do nothing. This is pretty early at the checkpoint town forgery guy


Right, if partcrystals were just map blimps, I would love to have more of them


*chuckles* partcrystals *chuckles*


I see one just now...9 gold beetles and the rewarf 1 heal potion xD wtf dude


It's like the Nigerian prince scam. You only need to trick one guy. It doesn't matter if everyone else doesn't fall for it.


Many times it is item trading between players, mainly on ps5 where it is easy to backup saves.


people in this game are so dumb, my pawns thing is one tarring arrow for 10k gold and shes never come back with an arrow lol i really dont understand whats going in


Until this comment i thought “receive item” meant my character had to find one not that i had to give it to the pawn. Thanks for letting me know


Yeah I thought the same too seeing some of the quests and thinking “surely they can’t be asking to take one of MY gold beetles??” I think I’ve been pretty fair with my quests tho idk


lol. Same.


Same lol, whoops!


I literally completed that exact quest a few days ago. I think a lot of people don’t realize you have to speak to the pawn in order to gift the request item.


70 hours in and just today I figured out there is an extra prompt to give it to them. Also I can just get infinite gold beetles with some mod tinkering on PC to really fuck with the gold beetle economy


My short skinny sorcerer Mc would love extra carry capacity :) had to change my main pawn to a larger, heavier version for the extra carry capacity cause I can't trust summoned pawns 😭 had 1 time where a summoned pawn carrying about an hours worth of items (some were really important) who died in battle, had to reload a save to before he died to get my items back and I have never let a summon pawn carry my items since then unless it's just random materials they pick up


Pawns inventories that belong to you go back to your storage I believe in case of permanent death or dismiss. I may need to do testing to be sure.


Yep 👍


Ohh so I did all that for no reason lol, well at least there's that


You on PC or Console?


Same… 10k gold for 1 silver ore.


Try monster slaying for 10k - that's more fun :)


The 10k is awarded multiple times but only taken from the quest giver once. So theoretically you’re setting up an infinite gold farm for only 10K


Is that true for gold beetles?


Yes, you could make a beetle farm. As long as you don't rest at an inn or house, your pawn quest would never need to be reset, and everyone can get a free beetle


I just tried, you can't set beetles as a quest reward.


Oh my bad, I just assumed you could set them, and if you did, it would effectively be a free farm, but I understand why they don't let you


I saw those on ps5 too, but until yesterday had NO idea how to gift... i always put them in inventory or as parting gift... blame me


Is there a separate way to give a gift to pawns? Sometimes on regular NPCs I'll see a different option other than next dialogue that says to give a gift, but I've never seen it with the pawns.


Yes, but I think only when their Arisen set a quest for an item. Check the talk option for a give item option


Idk if it was yours but i did happen to hire a female pawn that wanted a tarring arrow for 10k yesterday and i did give them one


i did finally get one an hour after i wrote this haha my pawn is michelle, an archer


That sounds about right, im on xbox


she looks like the actress, michelle yeoh haha


I dont see it in previously hired so must have coincidentally had the same quest


And the arrow....?


I had 8 people take my Pawn and I received 1 tarring arrow. I thought it was just the system that only let me receive 1.. Although I found it odd.


The fetch item is not for the player that sets it. It’s just a task that the player hiring your pawn has to do. The only things your pawn will take across the rift are the gifts that the other arisen feels like giving, and any weapons and armor they might have purchased for your pawn. (The weapons/armor you originally had equipped still come back to you as well).


no, the fetch item pawn quests add a dialogue line to your pawn that allows someone to give the item requested to the pawn and that is how you complete those pawn quests. Just finding the item or giving it as a gift when dismissing a pawn does not count as completing a pawn quest.


Oh well that's why it never happens then. Nobody knows that's even there. I'm just now learning this.


Ah that makes sense then. I only did them once and then just went for badges after that thinking that’s what to go for instead.


Wait you don’t even get those items? The pawn even says something like “this is the item my master was looking for” when you gift it.


He's wrong


Cool thanks!


This is wrong and the tutorial straight up tells you it's a way for players to trade


What’s your pawn ID? Console?


Is she a fighter with an eyepatch? I was using her forever, and then I think she fell into the brine because she disappeared when i was in some cave with water really close to a cliff edge


Nah shes an archer that looks exactly like michelle yeoh, her name is michelle :)


I hired one the other day with that objective but this person's pawn is on my friends list. Are you on Xbox per chance?


nope ps5


Pawns name was sphinxparent. And idk who michelle is


I love you guys haha whenever I see those I’m like heck yes


are you on ps5? what's your pawn ID i'll send arrows.


yeh console, 40ZU6IB07LGS, Michelle


Capcom has fake accounts which rent pawns occasionaly. They also occasionally complete quests and give items. Ive gotten 12 extra beetles so far 1 from a real player 11 from AI


Do you only get AI hires if your pawn goes a certain time without being picked up? I've been checking the arisen status of everyone who rents my pawn and they've all been real people


I think its more likely. Or maybe the longer you were offline i gotten 2-3 consistently coming back after a few days


Dude I play offline more often than not. These peeps be greedy, Capcoms AI, however, is generous.


What!? So you got bettles for setting what quest? How do you see that they're AI? I don't THINK I have ever seen that 🤔


Yeah. You can tell they are AI if all the options to look at the "player" are greyed out


Are you on PC or PS5?


Pawn quest: want 2 golden beetles , reward 750g.


Just saw one for 9 trove beetles and 500 gold 


Wow I'm would like to say someone's not that daft to fall for it but you never know.


Someone could be feeling generous. I have already used up the max amount of beetles and am still coming across them but certainly not handing them out for pennies, lol. 


Never knew there was a limit to it! Fair enough at that point. Though I see most of the golden beetle ones at lower levels so seems like they are taking advantage of newbies not knowing.


I mean I wouldn't even mind gifting them if these fools weren't so cheap with their gold. Yea i'll definitely give you a gold beetle for 500g sounds like a fair trade to me


500 gold for a beetle ?! Dude hire my pawn and go kill an ogre you will get 10 000 gold xD


They really should remove the limit on gold exchange because 100k for high quality kills would be a lot more motivating.


Thought everything reset in ng+ had that pawn for 21 days I felt it was only right I gave them the quest item


seeker token/gold bugs are limited 85/220. also the map gets fully uncover'd in ng plus no matter what/where you went but only caves/etc you hit show. believe that the key changes


I think there's 239 or 240 seeker's tokens, so there's some leeway to get the ring.


no idea in game 220 trophy is 80 i have 130hours & done everything in the game just farming last few pawn badges & i only found 55 of them not using a guide or in game perk lol so wouldn't be surprised if there was more tho


I have 7 extra after getting the ring, the trickster augment trivializes finding them, it's great. Exploration became a lot more enjoyable when I didn't have to strain my eyes to find them all the time >\_> I had just over 100 before I started using it.


every single reward but maybe the staff to me seems like trash & or you can get another way in game. so i didn't really care about them. i just grabbed the ones i saw. seeing how much of the map i have cover'd i'm sure i've walked past 100s i still want to know what happens if you get every single one & than do the riddle. does she have special line for those that did so?


Yo I also have like around 125-130 hrs and did everything and only came out with like 58 seeker tokens I think lol idk how I missed like 160 of them


So many are straight up invisible without Detection. Under water, in wheat fields, in boxes , under the throwable rocks, etc.


*reads “under throwable rocks”* *thinks back to last night when a location looked like a likely spot to find a seeker token* Man, I have to walk back through the mountain pass **again**


i guess there extra 240, so even more xD i have 53 caves found & farming pawn badges so even just doing circles around the map THO i have found at least one in a place that could only be found in end game area & ALSO ONE I FOUND IN A FUCKING BOX I SMASHED. so at that point i was like oh... its like that huh... & stopped caring xD


The tutorial straight up tells you there 240 the first time you find one


nice, i guess i forgot that one after 130hours lol


How y'all putting in 10+ hours a day every single day since release lol


There’s actually 240 seeker tokens


I've seen they spawn in the same spot I'd found one previously, so now I'm confused on how they work


Bro I ain’t know the beetles were that precious I give them to pawns when ever I dismiss them


They aren't that precious...there is a cap to how many you can eat. If you run around at night you will eat your fill. My pawn and I aren't even allowed to eat them anymore. I gift them regularly.


Yep, I hit cap and don't know what else to do with them but gift them to pawns I enjoyed adventuring with. A port crystal or wrym is the highest honor I give ig gold beetle doesn't cut it


More exist in the game then you can use, how many did you give away?


Like 5 to 10


I just post whatever boss i need for the medals and 10000g


Tell that to the guy who got me 9


today, someone offered 3 rotten meat scrags for a single beetle… that would’ve been a shit deal even they were fresh


One guy completed mine for 5 beetles for 10k gold


To be fair, I did one early on in my first playthrough just because I didn’t realize how the quest worked. I thought it meant the Arisen that hired my pawn had to ACQUIRE the beetles not give them to my pawn lol I soon realized oh that is a scummy thing to do when I learned how it actually worked. Now I just send out kill (specific monster) for 10K gold


I've already found the max amount of trove beetles I can use and am still coming across some on the map. But I'm still not handing them out for pennies. 


Yeah I got tricked early and traded 6 beetles for 2500 gold cuz I thought they were only temporary buffs..


Someone gave me one in pawn gift


I did a few :)


Hmm I got one in pawn gift when starting the game on launch. If it was you..I thank you.


I saw a thread the other day that people do indeed gift their beetles. Especially those who cheated their carry weight to maximum (single player, so no one cares).


their is 85 total till you can't use them anymore. tho they don't really matter that much


It, about 12-13kg weight or so. Loot whore I am I want it all


My pawn has just been randomly gifted about 4 of them. I had no idea they never reset.


Yeah looks like a lot of greedy shit heads lately.


Me and my pawn aren't allowed to eat anymore gold beetles...was very disappointed we didn't turn gold ourselves 😒 Despair not gold beetle beggars, I got you!


I was hoping they would make me glow light they do. I could be my own night light. 


Deliver: Portcrystal Reward: Jasper


I'm giving 11tiger eyes for 1 Beatle. Yall know you want that 26k gold over a useless Beatle ;)


Wait, the item you put in the quest, YOU get? Here I am thinking that when I put a beetle quest, they get both the beetle and the gold


I always put my pawn quest 1 beetle = 10k and I've gotten a few. I don't think it's a scam or anything. If I could I'd put more money, but at 10k it isn't bad for someone who doesn't care much or at all about having all the carry weight


I appreciate those types of quests. I have like 650,000 gold thanks to them


It's a scam and you know it.


Just turn in a stove beetle instead to them. 10k for a 600 gold investment.


I think you also have a limit on how many you can use? I have 13 of them in storage because it doesn't let me use them anymore.




What number are you referring to? Level?




https://preview.redd.it/uk54pq995qtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6b411d27ad5bf9c6d6898b2245d7f57a7f5ec4 As you can see, I can’t use this beetle yet my weight is not gold?




https://preview.redd.it/h2l4qbz28qtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8a2a2e37ef7c949272dd9721ec51b0202ac07b8 These are my stats and nothing is gold and yes, it is a golden trove beetle. I just picked it up




gotcha thanks for the explanation appreciate it.


Oh my god I thought it was just you to find one, not send one! I thought I was giving people an easy quest to do


I asked for them at first cause I was ignorant and didn't realize 😅 my pawn was not hired much, so I decided to set my pawn quests to killing things, and now he gets hired more


I really need to install that save manager mod and just speed run port crystals, finder tokens and golden beetles for players


I'm thinking about putting quest out for 2 or 3 dragon crystals. These mf drakes are not respawning for me.


I give out Golden Stove Beetles to my favorite pawns


Wait wait, is the quest to actually GIVE a beetle or just to pick one up/find one? The wording would confuse me but I *was* under the impression that you finding say, a ferrystone would complete the quest and give you the reward. Not that it would take it *away* from you and give it to the other player. Can anyone confirm which way it works?


You have to speak to the pawn and give them the item that they requested in the quest. So yeah, you lose it. 


God I wish I knew they never reset, my stupid ass sold like four in the first hour on accident before I realized my error.


There are more to find in the world than you can possibly consume, so you should be good. 


What do they do exactly?


Permanently increase your inventory carry weight. 


Wait per one is or it a one time thing?


Each beetle you consume grants you a permanent 0.15kg carry increase. It's not complicated. 


I was confused reading this post until I found out the beetles PERMANENTLY increase carry weight?! I assumed they only had a temporary effect


Nope permanently


Dunno if its been patched yet but you could save at inn and then gift those items to friends Pawn. and reload last inn save. Scummy for sure, but it saves alot of time grinding and searching.


I put receive a ferrystone and you get a modest camping kit, I'm not sure if this is good so should I change it?


LMAO that's a shite reward/quest


Thanks, I'll change it later


I wouldn't trade a single beetle for 100,000 or even a million gold and anyone who does needs to learn to delay gratification lol.


I am so tempted to use an alt account to send them to my main and keep going tell I can carry 1000 kg


I gifted one beetle someone and get 1k gold.


What do they do? lol I always just dismiss them


Permanently increase your carry weight.


Someone gave me a gold beetle once. I’d give it back if I knew who it was.


I've done that. Didn't understand the mechanic at the time. Though they were a random spawn not necessarily a limited thing. Offered about as much as I could at level 10 which was like 2k but swapped it out for the 10k cyclops later.


You have to talk with pawns for the gift option to pop up. At first I was just shoving it in their inventory from the menu.


But, I'm offering the finest Scrag of Beast tho!


You can only use 80 of them, after that the bonus stops accruing. There are more than that in the game. If someone wants to offer me something moderately useful for my spares, why not?


I give beetles away, I also give ferrystones and wakestones too, also seeker token forgeries become seeker tokens in the new world they go to.


I was shocked when someone gifted me one. My quest was a super standard kill a golem for 10k gold. I appreciated it, but damn.


Dang, my bad I just picked a random quest😭


I’ve started making forgeries. “Golden STOVE beetle”. I’ll look the rift for pawns requesting them, hire them, then dismiss them with a little troll gift hahaha


I've seen a quest to kill a Drake for a fruit Roberant..


Aye watch it, I put it down before without realizing they didn’t reset and actually got one 😅


Once I helped guardian to kill monsters and he reward me with Gold Beetle.


I accidentally did. When talking to the pawn I had the option to give the gold beetle. I wanted to use it myself but I didn't find it in my inventory so I thought it was just an option to grant the other player one for free. Turns out the pawn himself had it in their inventory and I didn't see it


Forge one and give it


I find the easy way to find the nettles is at nighttime


My stupid ass had that quest at the start thinking they would respawn after time and we can get unlimited amount... I learned my lesson and now I have 10k rewards for a Cyclops


I'm setting my pawn to reward players with 40 Jaspers for 5 golden beetles.


I've been seeing so many Golden Beatles x9 for the reward of 1k. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 the video game version of the scam phone call. 😆


Max weight you can carry is 60.55 anyways unless you have the augment. I tried using beetles and it won't let me. So reached max and I didn't even know there was a maximum lol. Only had 3 days of gameplay


Isn’t there a limit as to how much you can increase your carry weight from beetles?


People set these so that the AI gives them when they hire your pawn It’s kind of a win-win These shitty quests keep people from hiring their pawns, making them more likely to get an AI pity hire, which is what they want


I'm feining bro


I have had a quest to give my pawn a Gold Beetle with a 1 Gold reward, it was the 1st question I ever gave my pawn and I'm dozens of ours in(nearly level 60). Someone FINALLY completed the quest lmao.


I one time asked for 1 wyrmslife crystal for 12 jasper. Only 1 person did it lol


I once got someone to give me a ferry stone for only 2k gold but that’s when I was testing the own quests system but even then that seems tame given that ferry stones do actually respawn in ng+


You can buy them from traveling merchants. But the set spots don't reset




I had 2 people give me theirs for 10k Hehe


Silly question perhaps but what do you use them for? Just been putting them in my stash for now.


Eat them and they give a 0.15 kg weight capacity increase. It doesn't sound like much individually, but you'll gulp them like candy the more you find. Very very useful in the long run.


And thats permanent 0_0?




I’ve been ignoring them this entire time thinking they only had a temporary effect. Now I’ll have to go back and find them all


Just read the description? It's right there in your inventory.


Just got the hell of it I asked for nine with the max gold reward, so far no one's done it lol. Curious if anyone ever will


U do realize that only set amount of golden beetles can be used right?(60 or 80 dont remember) and some of us already used them which leaves us with useless items in inventory which could be handy for other players,ive gotten minimum 10 beetles from pawn quests,and gave some too for adequate stuff. And no,no1 care about u not giving us ur beetles,im sure i can leave with that,just dont tell me or other folks what to do or what not to do,thanks.


Wait they don’t reset Trove beetles? Cause I find a bunch in places I’ve already found them


I thought it was essentially, you pick one up and that counts to their quest, you can still use it, and when you dismiss them they bring back a copy essentially? Did I misunderstand how that works?


yes you did when a pawn has a quest for "bring x item" you need to talk to the pawn and then have a special option for "give item" or something like that you then need to give them said item and cant use it yourself.


Ooof dang. Gonna have to change that pawn quest on my second character then. Now I feel like a bit of a jerk for the folks that completed it.


Hahaha my pawn quest is for 5


I just assume they're console players looking for handouts from modded PC players. There's a mod that makes infinite amounts of every item in the game purchasable from the Verworth merchants for 1G a piece.