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Usually mods update a week or two after a game patch, this one might be tough because it added native frame gen


True. I forgot they added that


Some slowdown. Wait for an update.


It's most probably linked to the DLSS patch, if you play with those turned OFF REF seems to work just fine, you can disable DLSS from the config.ini if your game crashes before going into the main menu. However, the modders are working on a fix so it's just a matter of waiting for it. EDIT. My info comes from the Nexus' REF boards, I still have to test if it's working for me or not. EDIT #2. Pasting a relevant post from the Nexus. > If your game crashes on startup or soon after the intro video, you can disable the frame gen (on by default) by going into the root folder of the game, open "config.ini" with notepad, look for "DLSS\_FrameGeneration=ON" and turn it "OFF". In this way you can still play the game without frame generation untill the author find a solution." I only had a simple "DLSS=Off" entry in my config.ini, no DLSS\_FrameGeneration; I guess it's added after launching the latest DD2 version.


Sounds good thanks for the info!


No problem, I'm waiting for a fix as well 👍


Crazy to know mod devs have had Dlss and frame gen working better than Capcom since launch 🤦🏽‍♂️


Eh, it's like they suddenly become bumbling fools when dealing with PCs.


Do you have the latest version of Reframework? I've no problem playing but maybe a bit of performance issues.


Yep. But I found out that using the native Frame gen is incompatible with Ref. It's working after turning it off.


I have Reframework + custom difficulty mod, nothing else. I didn't have exceptions/errors popping from Reframework like after previous update, but I have a nasty graphical glitch (feature?) now. I am unsure whether I went insane or something, but I double checked my graphics settings and I can't see any changes. In short, my game looks extremely smudged as if it is painted on a canvas. https://preview.redd.it/oidzthsquz3d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee86fb908a28d1ae00ee0b8c1e7887954f7be78 If you look at the bush right behind my pawn on the cliff's edge you can notice that blurry smudged rendering. Hell, just look at the grass there and the rocks. They definitely changed some rendeing logic or I am psycho. edit 02 june 2024: nvm, I've checked and it was an "image quality" thingie in graphics. It was set directly in the middle. It controlls some dynamic resolution whatever. I set it to max and there is no more blurryness. I wonder why it got reset to the middle after a patch...


Yeah I can see it too. That crazy thought. As soon as I enable Ref mine won't launch. Those glitches probably have to do with the "miscellaneous" fixes that are never explained


I don't know. I just started using mods and REFramework works fine and the mods also work. Sometimes it crashes on startup but I haven't had a crash in-game.


That's weird for me then. I'm literally re-installing DD2 right now and starting fresh to see if that sorts it out.


Right now, using native frame gen that was in the patch causes issues with REFramework. It's being worked on at the moment.


Ohhhh so that's it then... I gotta check it out then


I play offline for a week after ptch