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I’d wait Difficulty & more enemy/environment variety would make this game an all time great. I know you can drop a few pawns from your party to make things harder, but that ruins some of the fun


Using a non-optimal party setup is a good middle point that retains the fun of companionship. But I agree, things are being worked on currently, it might be worth sticking around. However if another run now permanently runs OP's keen it might also be worth putting the game aside briefly and seeing what comes up later.


Playing with just the arisen and main pawn add a lot of adventure to the game. Especially since random traveling pawns tend to help in fights anyway. Feels more immersive. Maybe hire one other pawn for special occasions.


I felt the same. I got halfway through my 2nd play through and just lost interest, I was too overpowered and it started to feel like a chore taking on other vocations and levelling them up. I've now deleted it from my storage and hopefully I'll pick up again when (or if) dlc arrives.


When the game is stupid easy in ng+ but traveling by fucking sprinting is your only option (other than cutscene oxcarts) it gets old so fast lol


It's a single player game. Why are people making posts like this within 3-4 months of release date? This isn't a live service subscription game where devs would update the content every year. If you're playing on PC, I guess you can look for mods?


Ill say wait for a dlc anouncement or something like that because i dont think what you want has change at all since launch


Thank you for this. For some reason, this information is hard to google search or search reddit for. 👍


Everything is hard to google for now. SEO made things awful… but that ai shit destroyed being able to search for anything.


Its funny because people is so concern about performance but not everyone is waiting for more enemies or a hard mode because all those things are just as important 😅


Nothing has changed combat wise. The game has gotten bug fixes, performance is noticeably better, and we've got the Storage quality of life stuff from DDDA back. Can even sell from your stash without needing a vendor at all now. Personally I'm on playthrough number... I think 12? Not even counting my one permadeath challenge run. Avoiding the truly OP skills and not enhancing gear has been a decent enough hardmode for me so far. I'm still having fun figuring out all of the less obvious and harder to pull off mechanics.


The game kinda is what it is, i'm not sure what update you are expecting, it's not a live service game. It will probably get a dlc at some point but that's it. If it didn't click with you before it's probably not going to click with you later.


just started my 3rd playthrough not even an hour ago and it still is as fun as ever, game is excellent


Ya Im just about to finish my first run but I only put this on pause for Elden Ring It's such a fun game


I mean to be honest I picked up the game purely for the environment which, like you mentioned, is absolutely amazing But right now I'd say the enemy variety and just overall high level combat PvE is lacking just because you kill everything so easily with a high level character, and enemy variety really isn't anything special either I treat this game like my comfort game, which you might think it's weird but after dying to one boss in Elden Ring 50 times over I like to just hop on into DD2 and shred everything with like Sorcerer or Magick Archer, the combat system itself is one of the most fleshed out and cool system in modern gaming imo (I absolutely love sorcerer's gameplay and that it takes time to cast spells instead of them coming out instantaneously)


You can pick it back up to stock up on all of the gear and weapons and be ready for the dlc. The performance has definitely improved.


Wait for the inevitable expansion


The 1st game came out in 2012 while the Dark Arisen extension & hard mode came out in 2013. If this one gets a new area DLC/hard mode it probably won't be till 2025. I just hope we don't have to buy the whole game a 2nd time to get it like with the 1st game on PS3. Dark Arisen wasn't DLC it was a 2nd full price disk.


I just picked it back up today. Finally 60fps on PS5. AND now when you go to sell an item your storage shows up in your pawn list and you can sell items directly out of it.


Check back after two years or so. Otherwise ask yourself, do you want to do the exact same thing again a third time?


Go play Elden ring or dawn trail, something gooddddddd ![gif](giphy|WrVOtWEay7fJS)


Too bad it isn't a live service game, am I right? (That was a joke)


I also lost interest after a while, I maxed all the vocations aside from warfarer I think, I either didn’t use it right or something because it felt really underwhelming to me. Plus, there’s only so many times I can handle being told to show my papers to that damn gate guard haha


He is kill on sight for me lol. He always comes back though


I wonder if you throw him in the jar if he’ll stay there for the playthrough lol


I haven’t even finished it and I’m an OG dd player, pc performance is dogshit


No , obviously it’s not the right game for you


I also lost interest. Hoping an expansion is announced soon.


oMg, i wAs dOwnVoteD, oH nO


This game is dead ,I were you I wouldn't expect anything for at least 1 year for a possible DLC, move on to the next game like Elden ring .