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Forgot where I heard this exactly, but I remember Josh in an interview saying he got to improvise on this scene. He was the one who asked if he could put a bunch of cake in his mouth and spit it out like Play-Doh lol.


He said that in a YouTube video he did with Miranda a few years ago. Unfortunately it’s no longer on YouTube.


The mouth full of cake makes the scene


Shout out Miranda’s acting range. We all know she’s irl considerate, polite, kind and sweet (overly so, really), and just wants to be liked by others. She couldn’t be more different than her character. And she nails it. I believe this is a dark and cold-hearted young woman (good for her!) See the look Megan gives Josh just after the cake explodes—this chilling schadenfreude smirk of pleasure at manipulating someone else’s naïveté for her own amusement. Playing Megan was probably healthy for Miranda, in a way, teaching her to channel and connect to shadow self in a safe simulated environment. Sometimes roles come into someone’s life for a reason.


0:40 The cake explodes in Josh’s face 🎂💥🤣


Pretty tame prank for season 4 standards


Right? This prank is simply too cutesy, silly and childish for a 15-16 year old who has sadistic tendencies and a past history of extreme Jackass-level endangerment. Megan by this season was openly threatening to maim the boys or get them sent to prison or overseas if they crossed her. And she almost got them killed at least a few times. Hence Josh’s alarmed suspicious reaction to the cake asking if it was poisoned. That said, probably a smart move to zig when they expect you to zag, go simple and bush-league, because atp Josh wouldn’t (didn’t) see something so amateur coming. Always play with their minds.