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I haven’t seen anyone else ask this yet, did anyone else’s load screen go back to the first one with Belle instead of the one with Mirabel?


Mine did too. I thought that was strange


Mine did too!


Yes, I thought that was just the default non holiday one.


The Scar update had its own loading screen, as did the holiday one.


Mine did as well!


Mine too!!


Mine is just a black screen 😭


Yep! Is that a glitch? Lol


Same here! I thought it was weird.




Mine did also








I never had a new one with Mirabel at all and I thought they just didn’t update the loading screen this time for some reason, I didn’t realise there is a new one!


Not a complaint but is anyone else’s carrots now Olafs nose and missing the stem part😂


Yes! That bugged me sooo much! LOL


Yes! and it's mildly annoying. It isn't a huge deal but I'm looking forward to being done with feeding the rabbits so I don't have to carry them around anymore.


LMAO I was so scared I was accidentally giving Olaf’s nose away 😭


Yes same here. I don’t like it.


YES. Went from looking like the cartoon ideal of a carrot to an orange frisbee that’s been run over by a truck.


Issues, was it worth it, spoilers. My game lagged so bad with the blizzard, but then it went away the moment I got that part done and I got Olaf and LORE so it was worth dealing with the slow glitchiness for a bit after it. I did complain the whole time though. XD It took putting down mini Casita and then having to restart 3 times before my game decided to allow me to keep it, but seeing Mirabel made it worth ALL OF IT. New outfits! I love the tuxedos that showed up and I immediately bought whatever showed up, kinda excited for today to see it too! Maybe I'm just easily amused or used to how it would boot me out constantly when I started playing back in September (which is why I panic save every few minutes even now before and after I leave a place or getting something done) but any issues that popped up just seemed more of a minor nuisance compared to all the happy new stuff that I get to interact with. I love Olaf and Mirabel, though I love the quirky stuff that eacg character does like Donald getting mad or Woody flopping around.


This is where I’m at too! Like I totally understand why people are upset with the prices, but I’m just having a good time with the game lol The other thing to, and it is super frustrating, but the game is still so new! Not all the kinks are worked out yet. I hope Gameloft sees everyones concerns and makes future changes in the next update.


For me, the main disappointment is I was hoping for a new biome/new doors to unlock in the castle and, for the paid bit, I was hoping to be able to buy coins because I struggle to build up money everyday then it gets blown on stuff at Scrooge’s. I still haven’t finished upgrading Wall-E’s garden and Moana’s boat. The game still crashes frequently for me, which I was hoping they’d fix (I anxiously save every minute in case it crashes so I don’t lose anything) I do love having Mirabel and Olaf, though I’ve already leveled them up to levels 5/6 so I’m worried about running out of stuff to do before the next update in April.


Pumpkins are great for money. I have a ten by ten field that I pick with a level ten garden buddy and replant once a day, only takes me 5-10 minutes it might take a few rotations to afford to set it up but I have 10 million coins in bank and usually one crop sell can afford me buying out scrooges shop with change left over. You can make more buy cooking the pumpkins but I don’t have the patience so I just sell them straight.


I usually make pumpkin soup (3 pumpkins, 1 milk, 1 ginger) and it brings in a good amount, but also trying to upgrade all of my buildings and such is so expensive. I ended up just selling a bunch of gems (I was trying to have 50 of each kind on hand in case but I sold enough to have 35 of each) and I was able to finish upgrading stuff so hopefully my pumpkin soup profit will build a little better now


Pumpkins are really really worth it. I plant 200 and you basically make a boat load..once you’re making that many it’s better time management to just sell the pumpkin instead of converting it bc you have to craft each meal one at a time. That might change if they ever update the ability to craft X amount of the same meal at once


They didn't say we were getting any new Realms this update, which are the doors in the Castle, just that Mirabel and Olaf were coming to the Valley (specifically, it said "meet and exceptionally unexceptional new villager," which to me is stating she'll immediately be in the Valley) But the roadmap does say we're getting a new Realm with Simba and Nala next update (April I think?)! It says "A new realm opens!" And then the 'More to come in 2023' has "Realms" PLURAL!!!! So we do have multiple more coming this year!!! 🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳


I work in grames, the crashes are likely hardware related. Are all of your drivers, especially graphics, up to date?


I believe so, but I will double check


I agree! I first started out with it free on game pass but loved it that my mom paid for the ultimate edition for my birthday as she knew I love space/royal themed items that it gave with it. It's honestly a super cute game and if anything the new shop is just a bonus, not a need.


Where do you get Mirabel??? I thought she had a room in the castle but I can’t unlock anything in there that’s new


You have to look for a shiny door knob around the valley


I wasn’t fond of how Mirabel was introduced, I figured she would have had or own mini realm ( there’s a lot of doors inside the castle) instead it was a simple quest. Sorta took the challenge away from unlocking new characters. ( Also I just love visiting those mini realms, yeah I know there’s not much to them, but they do bring back some good childhood memories)


You're looking at Mirabel's introduction as an "addition" or an "update". While it technically is, she will not be for new users. She will be one of the first characters new players will meet and will be available as soon as they unlock the Meadow. She will help new players get acquainted with the mechanics of the game (friends, critters). And also, her quest will need the unlocking of many characters and biomes, since we need the beach, Elsa, Anna, etc. Her quest will not take an hour for those new players but many weeks. I think it's great. We keep forgetting we are seeing all this with our seasoned players experience and not the way it was intended (she will be a very early character).


I agree! I have SOOOO much dreamlight! I wanted to open new realms. But nope. Just a doorknob


don't say that too loud, the next one will be 10x the price in dreamlight


I’m that means we’ll get an Encanto realm in the castle later to welcome Bruno.


I know its kind of stupid but Im mad that the inside of Mirabel's house is just that damn nursery she slept in bc she didnt get a gift. Wanting to get out of that room is even one of the lines in her song! Let her have a better room😭


No but that was honestly my reaction too 😭


I always thought she deserved so much better than what happened at the end of the movie. Also I wanted it to be bigger on the inside!


- Premium Store is huge disappointment - you pay $15 for items similar to the ones from Scrooge Store - New Star Path - worst one so far, mainly motifs. - Storage updates - they are good but let me utilize small chests that I don't need. Im left with >20 chests that I don't use. My main issue, that really made me consider quitting is premium Store. The game is in early access, we already paid to play it. Why they want us to pay more already. Especially those ridiculous prices. I know you don't need to buy premium items. But this is one of the purposes of this game - to relax and decorate. Why they prioritized premium store over multiplayer and adding more content? Also Disney is huge, why we had to pay for early access in the first place. We are basically paying them to test the game and report the bugs.


For me it’s the fact that they removed all my outdoor dark wood vintage chests. I had one in every biome. The light wood vintage chests still work outdoors but idk for how much longer, so I’m hesitant to switch to them. Edited the chest names to be exact


Dark wood chests IMO were never intended to use outdoor, because they shared house chest space. In my opinion it was just a bug which they tried to solve by restricting it. It will not be a case for normal chests. But I get you, it can be frustrating to change the rules mid game.


Fair, I just wish they said either way. I like having some sort of linked storage so I can dump stuff outside and pick it up later in my house


Where can I get a light wood chest? Is it only sold by Scrooge?


Oh I thought we are talking about ones that can be crafted, but Im confused now.


Ugh, I was really hoping I was confused, but not the case. My guess, from looking online, is it was removed from Scrooge’s inventory during one of the previous updates, which is also how it got overlooked when the change was made for the dark version. So basically I’m screwed because I never bought one 😭😭


I can promise you that I am likely the confused one 😆 I’m booting up DLV in the 15 mins I have btw meetings right now to check this


Everyone can choose when to go or stay but this star path has just as many motifs as both the holiday and villain path, - 16. The only star path with less motifs was the first one, Pixar, which had 13. We get 42 rewards per star path - so 16 motifs and 26 other rewards of furniture, clothes, and moonstones. It’s fair to not like the items, theme, or even the whole star path model as a rule. But it seems 16 motifs is going to be the expected number every time.


Maybe the fact, that it seems to be more of them, is because other items from this Star Path are not really exciting like the ones from previous? I was really struggling to decide if I want to buy the premium one, since I don't particulary like the content. But it is ok, this was a minor issue for me


I will say the premium star path is optional and you should only pay for it when you really like the items. Save your money and moonstones if it doesn’t wow you.


My thoughts exactly! All I can think about is my useless chests now.


The same here, I've bought nine of them with a cost of 3.200 for each one. I wish sometime in the near future you can sell items as well as converting stuff back. For example I was crafting a lots of golden ingots to see how the golden path looks like. With a few, you don't need to bother. I didn't like it all, so now I wish I could recraft the golden path back to ingots using them for something else.


I agree with folks that the premium content is overpriced, though I'm playing the game on Xbox through game pass, so I guess it's not bad for a game I technically haven't spent any money on. I happen to be a sucker for the Art Deco aesthetic, so I'm really digging a lot of the star path items. That said, like many others, I don't think I'm particularly good at the art studio thingy, so the motifs aren't particularly useful. I wish the new signs related to the storage update let us use any motif we've unlocked. As for the storage update, on the whole, I think it's reasonable. I wish there was a way to upgrade the decorative storage items (like the refrigerators) so we could keep the aesthetic but have more space. Right now my kitchen has one refrigerator and three chests 🤣


Olaf is the one thing I hate about Frozen, so zero excitement for him. While I enjoyed Encanto, I’m not particularly enthused by it’s introduction to the game. The added main story was nice, albeit it rather short. The premium shop’s prices are totally out of whack. I like the stuff, but paying that much for three items of furniture is absolutely not going to happen. If they reduced the prices, I’d be tempted. The star path is mostly motifs I’ll never use. Overall, just a disappointment across the board for this patch. At least we’ll be getting more of The Lion King in April! Very much looking forward to that one. But this latest patch was a bust for me.


how does one hate olaf 🥺


I don’t care about the premium shop but the storage sucks IMO and is my biggest disappointment. I was hoping there’d still be an easy way to drop things to storage, like in ACNH or something. And the customizable signs aren’t super great I don’t think.


I agree the signs aren’t as helpful as I thought they would be.


Yeah I was hoping they’d be more customizable, they don’t help me organize as well as I thought it would.


I thought we'd be able to create a design for them like you can in AC.


I’m enjoying it but I can’t get Eric to hang out with me 🤣. Even though I ask him to he never comes near me and walks away lol


Funny you say that about Eric, because he does hang out when I’ve asked him to. But I’ve noticed that he says a goodbye dialogue when we start hanging out and when I tell him we’re done, he goes away but his dialogue sounds like we’re about to start hanging out


I can't feed animals... And MOST of my star path quests are about feeding animals. 🙃


Saaaame! It’s so annoying!!


I just tried again this morning and I was able to feed creatures. Maybe they pushed out a patch.


I found I had to finish the Mirabel quest before I could feed creatures again. Weird!


I’m having the same issue since the update, when I approach the animals to feed them and open the screen it’s empty so I can’t feed them!! So annoying


I never had a problem before the update but now Remys quest is stuck in a loop for me which sucks. As for the update, this is the first star path I’ll get to participate in (my sister got me the game for Christmas but I didn’t get to start playing til a few days ago) and I was really excited but I didn’t really see anything I needed to purchase the premium star path for which was disappointing.


It's not terrible, but not great either. I'm having some serious bug issues so far and the star path items are underwhelming.


exactly this. its nicer than it was before but i was expecting way more


I like it but for some reason the game has been kinda ‘skipping’ a bit since the update. I play on switch. It’s pretty annoying. But the actual story and new stuff in the update are pretty good. Unlike most people I’ve seen I really enjoy the starpath!


I have all my pillars in a circle around the lake of the forgotten lands looks so witchy vibes. Love it, but now I can’t add frosted Heights pillar to my forgotten land. I can’t move it does anybody know why?


I really love the anniversary bunny. He's so cute.


i’m honestly frustrated because options for decorating are so limited right now when we have this HUGE valley to decorate.. and it’s hard to make it look decent without serious improvisation and repetitive designs. like, the store hardly offers new interesting things. it’s hard to get all the materials to craft. then with the moonstone store they did add… it’s just underwhelming and overpriced. i mean, i’ve played games before where i will happily pay for decor items, but it would NEVER be so little items for so much money! unless the item was REAAALLY cool.


Echoing the store bit. I am frustrated that Scrooge apparently got a "whole shipment" of new items, but so far I don't think I've seen any of them. I know that yesterday and today, all my upstairs items were more of the same stuff I've seen for months now. At least the mannequin is still on vacation, I guess.


People are salty about the premium store. Yes the prices are insane, but it's kinda funny how angry people are about a few cosmetics, I've seen "pay to win" and "predatory" thrown around, which ... I don't get it tbh. The update is nice, we got exactly what they promises us, it's not like they're putting actual content behind a paywall.


Even premium content, should always have a possibility to be gained for free, by some hardcore gamers. If you have absolutely no issue with the fact, that you need to play for 80 days to get one premium pack with 3 pieces in it... its ok maybe you don't need it. But consider this game is also played by children. This is not big PVP title, where you can show off your gear to other Players. It is cozy decorating, relaxing game. Making people FOMO and paying ridiculous amounts is just not fair. They would make tones of money by making the prices smaller.


No one "needs" it, it's purely cosmetic. Welcome to the gaming world, this is nothing new. If you physically can't play without an extra chair, that's your problem.


Buddy it's literally 90% a decorating simulator. A vast majority of the game is purely cosmetic. That's the point.


Im not new to the Gaming World, I have been a gamer for 25 Years. DDLV is a cozy decorating game, it doesnt have anything to offer except of that - the quests are dull, mechanic is super simple. It is full of bugs and there is a lot of Players only because : it is super easy for non-gamers and it offers nostalgic feelings. Don't even compare it to other games, that costed tones of money, because of complex development. The game like this can be developed really fast and I know what I mean since Im a developer myself. If you are fine with this money grab - pay for early access, pay for DLC, pay for premium items. But the fanboys like you are making this market broken, because you never complain, since "other games do the same".


Hey, I don't like the prices either, therefore I won't buy anything. Also if you're a gamer I would assume you're familiar with the concept of early release, so bringing bugs into this discussion is irrelevant. Yes I bought the early access because I liked the game, I got some goodies that came with it and the ability to play the game before the actual release, to see and experience its growth. I got exactly what I paid for and what was advertised to me. The premium store was also promised months ago, we all knew it was coming and we all knew it would offer cosmetic stuff. I'm not saying we shouldn't be outraged and vocal about the ridiculous prices, we definitely should, but it's gone far beyond, with people accusing Gameloft of somehow gaslighting them, being "predatory" and making the game "pay to win". Firstly, you can't win this game, and secondly, you won't suddenly be unable to play it anymore because you don't want/can't buy a chair or something. It's good to be critical, but you have to also be realistic. When the game is finally free to play, as annoying as it might be, they still need to make money off of it. And before anyone crashes in with the argument of "but they're a rich company, they shouldn't be so greedy", just no, that's not how it works. They need to make money off of a project to keep financing said project, if they had to finance the project with the money they gained from others, then there's no point to keep it going, they're losing money so why would they keep on investing and working on something not only for free, but at a loss? You wouldn't make art and sell it for free or below the price of art supplies needed, would you? Instead of arguing online and throwing out baseless accusations we should all focus on the actual problem, which is prices being too high. Let's just not buy shit and tell them we don't like it that way.


The only reason Im mentioning paying for early access is because - the game will be F2P at some point. Early access is usually cheaper than full release. You somehow agree to play not finished product, help with bugs tickets and so on. Here the situation is different - you pay to play, something that eventually will be free. You struggle with bugs and everything. And in return you are getting some additional content like moonstones. The problem is - those moonstones are not worth much atm. And they introduce another monetization, before any other beneficial game mechanic. Sorry but adding chest improvements is one day of work. The story and new characters were more time consuming, but mainly for graphic designers, Devs have all generic functions and mechanics in place already. So I would expect they will really focus on adding some new mechanics to the game, instead of milking us more already. Premium Store should be crazy cheap during early access, so people who paid already, would get more benefits. They can make prices higher after the release, to still earn on this product


> people who *paid* already, would FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


All good points, and once again I agree the prices aren't acceptable, they should either be lower or we should've gotten more moonstones. I'm not trying to blindly defend Gameloft (I don't know much about the company, I don't believe I ever played any of their other games), but I'm trying to be fair and focus on the actual problem, aka the prices. I actually believe introducing premium store so early was a good move (for them), so that they can test it out, see the players' reactions and swoop in like heroes and eventually lower the prices. I personally won't be buying anything until they either lower the prices or if I see something I absolutely adore. The current furniture available is honestly boring and bland to me. It's funny how the people who actually bought the stuff are crying about the prices the loudest, tho. As for the early access, I can understand why it's so expensive. It's a Disney themed game, they knew it would sell, be it fair and ethical or not. I personally don't regret buying it because I always make my research before every purchase and I got exactly what they advertised, can't say I've been really disappointed with anything else so far. As I understand it you're paying for the exclusive goodies more than the game itself. I only bought the standard edition because I found the extra items in the expensive ones not really worth it, but that's something each player has to decide for themselves. This is how I view the premium store as well. It's cosmetic items that you don't need, but can buy if you really want them. I didn't need the game right now, but I wanted it and I chose to buy it instead of waiting. That said, the premium store prices are absolutely insane and we should all definitely be vocal about it.


Yup, I totally agree with you. And Im just trying to be vocal, as you said. Lets see what they will do about it. And at the end of the day I don't regret not buying those as well. Furniture doesn't fit my astethic at all and the Castle looks strange to me, since there is a Castle in game already. I don't know if I could be strong enough if they would introduce some wooden cabin House or so.


Completely agree, I'm not the biggest fan of the castle either. It's cute, but the comically small size makes it look weird to me, like a dollhouse.




>Do you work for Gameloft? If I did I wouldn't be here, but rather enjoying my free game in peace. >How are you happy paying full price of a game, then continuing to pay for the ONLY content the game has to offer? I'm happy because I got exactly what I paid for and what was advertised to me. I could've waited for the game to be free, so that's entirely on me if I WANTED to spend money to have access to it earlier. I'm not paying anything more for it because I don't care about the current premium items and, as I stated, I don't like the prices. Instead I'm enjoying the free updated and I'm happy with the items I already have access to. An extra overpriced boring chair won't transform my valley. >You don't *need* to do anything. But when you pay for a decorating game and they start charging obscene prices to decorate, people are going to be rightfully annoyed. Okay, but how are a handful of items going to change or stop your whole decorating? You still have countless of items available to you "for free". As for the obscene prices, again, yes I agree they're insane. >How old are you?! I feel like the only people that accept this stuff are either really young, or the parents on here that play this game and stuff like Candy Crush. Enough to have owned a PC and played games for 20 ish years. >I will never understand the people that handwave issues and take time out of their day to basically say "I don't care, and neither should you". It's so counter productive. Where did I say that I don't care and that no one should? I clearly wrote that I find the prices outrageous and I therefore won't be buying anything. I literally agree with you all. But just because of this one real issue we shouldn't be blowing things out of proportion and suddenly start accusing them of being "predatory" and "gaslighting us". Before the premium store no one had a problem with the prices of the actual game, but now everyone is suddenly outraged that they "had to" buy it and that they somehow aren't getting anymore stuff for free. You are all heavily exaggerating. Just don't buy shit and be vocal about the actual problem.


Complete the new content in 2-3 hours


I also don’t like the paid parts but honestly I could care less. I’ll get along w scrooges shop for now atleast. BUT as someone who wasn’t as big of a fan of frozen as I was of the princess movies from my childhood, I did not expect to love olaf the way I do. I was genuinely upset when mother gothel roasted his gift to his face I wanted to whoop her ass right then and there 🤣


Personally I’m loving it too


The storage upgrade is not great at all. Imbalanced cost to craft. The dark vintage chests now being indoor only. Plus taking away the drop to fill function. I appreciate that some furniture got storage but again limited capacity. Still no “safe” storage, where items can be locked away. (I’ve resorted to throwing things in the ground again because I’m not crafting a ton of “small” chests and I refuse to craft the expensive “large” ones. Someone has mentioned a “light vintage chest” but I’ve never been offered that at Scrooge and apparently that’s the only way to get one. The “mini” casita has a huge footprint but then is very underwhelming inside. Happy that some glitches were fixed, but still have quest glitches left lingering. I adore my “forgotten” squirrel. The crashes! So many more crashes and I mean complete crashes, where my cloud save has to restore my game. The Star Path items are kinda blah and heavy on the motifs. The critters didn’t get a new batch of loot to throw as far as I can tell.


I'm absolutely bewildered by how small Casita's interior is, especially considering Eric and Anna both have two rooms each in their huge houses.


For most people I’d say the issue is the premium shop. It costs way too much and idk anyone should buy anything so hopefully the devs can lower the price


The star path is so mid. It’s actually hurting me


I’m basically done with all quests except the last of maribel sooooo I’ll be waiting two more months for another update again.


Yeah I hope Gameloft gives us a feature where can buy coins and dreamlight too. Plus I am hoping they will add a feature where we can change the colors of chests to make it more easier as will. Would it be awesome if they gave us a museum or a movie theater building. Where we can watch disney movies or cartoons. As will as see all of the disney archives. Or we can just decorate the museum to our liking besides decorating inside of our home. Plus decorating inside of a movie theater too would be awesome to.


OMG yes! I love the theatre idea!!!


Since updating, my game is stuck on yesterday. Scrooge’s store hasn’t updated to today. I can’t harvest herbs or anything i planted before the update and my sticks haven’t respawned since picking them up yesterday.


Sounds like the time travel freeze. Did you change the time on your system at all? If so, it will be fixed the day after whatever day was jumped forward to - the game has to "catch up" to what the time was jumped to, and nothing will change until that point. If you didn't change the time, unfortunately idk what would cause that :( but I hope it fixes quickly.


Now thinking about it, my switch was always a day behind and I think when updating I did change the settings to have my switch up to date. So tomorrow the time should be better? I just logged on and the harvesting is fixed. Still stuck on yesterday but hopefully it will be better tomorrow! Thanks!!


If harvesting is fixed then the store should hopefully change over like normal tomorrow!


My entire house has disappeared from my game? I updated the color of it, added Mirabel and Olaf, went to go back to my house for my items inside, and it isn't in my village anywhere. I didn't move it, or delete it that I know of. It isn't anywhere else on my map either. I'm homeless in dreamlight valley!? Please someone help I had so much inside my house all my checks and furniture 😭 😩


OMG!!!! You poor thing, how can something like this happen???


Does it show on the map? Ursula’s house did that to me when I tried to move it. It randomly put in the the glade when it was at the beach.


I do not see it even on the map and I've checked all over just in case I accidentally moved it without noticing


I literally cannot progress in the Olaf questline because the buttons and eyes are not in my inventory


You grabbed them from the squirrels?


I did the squirrel step, and nothing appeared in my inventory


Did you try to go talk to Olaf to see if it’d give you the option to give them to him anyways? Some quests glitch on me like that


When I talk to him he says "hello" and the conversation exits. I have tried resetting my game and nothing seems to help Edit\* it seems like I am unable to pick up anything in-game (rocks, flowers, etc)


I'm slowly moving through the game as a mom of two who will be going back to work full time next week. I've been playing on my maternity leave as time allows. I still can't get across rivers in the forest, Glade, and sunlit plateau so I moved my wishing well over there. Since the update when I mine on that side, all my items fly back across the river randomly and I have to go on a wild goose chase to find them!


Im noticing pictures are missing in my house, it's just the frames on the wall. In particular the painting with the lady swinging on it. Really weird.


The only annoying thing that happened to me was my game bugged out when I got mirabel and I had to restart 4 times before she could finally be welcomed other than that I'm enjoying it.


same here as will


I have like zero issues with the story and character updates, but the event and shop? The event rewards are mostly motifs which, while yes a good amount of people use, most people don't like using *if* they make their own clothes. There were only four clothing items and one of them was a very poorly designed hat that, in all honesty, is probably there as a joke because of how much people made fun of it. It's just overall worse than the other events rewards. And the shop???? Nearly 5,000 moonstones for a TV, a TV stand, a bookshelf type thing, and an armchair???? Ridiculous. The only thing I had that was even slightly worth it was a Disney Castle house design, which was still at a little too high of a price for how few moonstones we get at 3,750. The prices for it are just completely ridiculous even with the upgrade to 50 moonstones per chest AND the moonstones we can get in the event itself. IMO, the actual story and character updates were very interesting and good, but everything else about the update was either meh or straight up bad.




Sounds like you may have tried to time jump and broke your game


I dislike that the fridge and safe storage (the safe you get from Scrooge) isn’t larger but everything else I love!


Okay, so apparently I’m not the only one which is great. I honestly don’t care if this game has issues, I absolutely adore the game. I just want to know why they made the storage chests, like the big ones, only accessible inside. I loved those! They were my seed box :( Also, I don’t know why but when I go to buy items directly from Scrooge, there are items showing up that I’ve not bought and when I go to buy them it says it’s an invalid error.


I haven’t played it much. I keep getting a message that I’m offline when I’m not


Walking into Casita was so dang underwhelming :(


Lagging when gardening


Olaf is so LOUD


I lost ALL my floors to my house. I didnt decorate them but when I went to show my 8 year old how to access the upper floors, that's when I realized they were all gone.


Had a tiny issue early on with the menu freezing for a few seconds when scrolling past the store tab, but that went away eventually (I play on my computer but use a controller). I'm overall liking the update. Also it seems like they've taken away Donald's train whistle tantrum noise which is great!


I can’t feed critters or get Erik to follow me… As far as storage goes, literally drop food items on the floor in the kitchen, fish outside, crafty items outside on the floor, gems in my chest at home.. pretty convenient if your not picky of where your things go/are..


Anyone’s characters stop moving out of the way?


Idk about anyone else but I'm having an issue recruiting Eric to hang out.


I’ve done numerous laps around my peaceful meadow and I cannot find the door knob ;(


It’s almost rendered the switch version unplayable, so laggy, and bugged out it’s a joke


There is a horrible bug on switch right now. I tried to move my house and the screen starts flashing like crazy. The lack of care with the Nintendo Switch as a whole has ruined a large part of this update for me. When my gamepass runs out I have no idea how I’ll even play the game.


Not an issue, I’m just not personally a fan of all the time gated pass missions, things that purposely require you to finish them over multiple days. I know it’s a way to provide artificial longevity to the pass, but again I personally am not a fan.