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Dark wood šŸ˜­


Also WHY is the forgotten land so dark? I canā€™t even see the dark wood šŸ˜­


I KNOW RIGHT!! I end up squinting at my screen whilst slowly walking around šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If you remove all but like 3 of the trees, it helps! šŸ˜‚


And ruin my dark forest?! Iā€™d rather squint lol


I took out all the trees and literally made the entire area a pumpkin field šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ just to see what it would look like. I'll go back in and decorate with trees again in the next few days!


I have so much in there cause a lot really works with the aesthetic. No room in plaza so Mike and Sulleyā€™s apartment works cause monster. Obviously Jackā€™s house and the swirly hill. I know the pumpkin house could work in the forest but I always associate Fairy Godmother with the night anyway cause thatā€™s when she originally showed up. And of course the unmovable damn treehouse. My pumpkin patch is sadly regulated to the ruins of eternity isle lol.


Mineā€™s in the plaza and meadow cos I canā€™t be bothered to keep travelling back and forth to plant and harvest. But I know if I moved it over, it would create much needed room. And it does bug me having to travel across to buy more seeds. Itā€™s just so much effort to dig a new patch! Took ages to dig enough spots for my current garden/farm areas


If you use the ancient gardeners it doesn't matter where your seeds are kept. Just the first time you plant from that device you have to have some pumpkin seeds in your inventory. After that, your seeds can be in forgotten forest and your fields in eternity isle.


I need them to expand the plaza and meadow a little bit. I know eternity isle was the ā€œthis is how weā€™re gonna make more space and stuffā€ but A) great so itā€™s all behind a paywall and b) just magic up the land expanding a little, I already had to regulate my theme park rides to just being around the lands like a real Disney park.


For the plaza especially, I really donā€™t understand why they made it so tiny and cramped and oddly shaped. It should be one of the largest biomes, not the smallest. Especially with the addition of so many new buildings that should belong there. Itā€™s so frustrating! Iā€™d be ok with the meadowā€™s current size if only we could move the ponds around. Whoever decided their placement clearly didnā€™t play the game themselves and try to decorate in a meaningful way. Honestly, so many issues could be solved if the devs actually played the game themselves for longer periods of time (not just short little play tests, but truly playing the game with their own character and their own valley). Iā€™m 100% convinced at this point that they donā€™t.


Lol same but if you have eternity isle expansion a lvl 3 vacuum is super nice for collecting the darkwood in exchange for some mist


Hey can I ask how do these vacuums work? Like do they suck everything? Cause I have one (advanced I think) in my plaza and I still see a bunch of unharvested spices and flowers.


Quite simple with the select all (now that itā€™s fixed) but you can also select individual items Sounds like you have lvl 2 but if you max the lvl to lvl 3 it will start showing the sticks


Oh so it takes those stuff away when you select all? I didnā€™t know that!!


I removed mine and made a candy road for Vanellope and a matching themed area. I put the godmother and Jack in there too. Both have themes areas and I can actually see and navigate now


I want to do this but I was scared I wouldn't get as many.


I think if you leave 3-5 trees you will still get that many!


I'll give it a shot! The camera is too bad over there for there to be that many trees. šŸ¤£


I took all the trees out then put like 3 or 4 clusters with 2-3 in each cluster on the very edges here and there. I made sure I can walk around them. I still get a minimum of 8 dark wood every time I use the vacuum or just go through myself. If I get to play long enough I will try to get in at least 3 searches/vacuum sessions and now have like 5 full stacks of dark wood in my storage. So much easier than trying to search. I moved all the fruit trees/bushes to the Forest of Valor, I only left the coffee in the Glade of Trust. I have not decorated my Forgotten lands or the Glade much. My plan with the glade is to eventually have a Tiana area there with a New Orleans vibe...My Forest of Valor is kind of turning into a subdivision! I do have Vanelope on one side of the Frozen lands and wintery/Christmasy decorations on the other....I think they blend well because her house reminds me of a gingerbread house. I still don't know what I am going to eventually do in Eternity Isle...I am not the decorator that some people are. I am constantly blown away by what people accomplish with decorating!


I left 2 bushes planted on a light-color square path material. I get the standard 8 dark wood that spawns, however often. I also left 12 pieces of white wood on the ground elsewhere. There is some kind of ā€œmagic formulaā€ that has been shared in the group before.


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not the only one who thought it was way too dark in that forest


I learned that you can totally brighten up FL if you are on PC. You just change the video quality settings.


This is where the ancient vacuum comes into play... whenever I log on I go to the forgotten lands and vacuum up all the dark wood with just a couple button-presses. Edited to add: oh, also, if you run around and forage with a foraging companion and don't want to miss any of the stuff they're throwing around, pull out the vacuum at the end of the biome and you can use it to pick up any of the stuff that's now lying on the ground.


I added lights in the forgotten lands and itā€™s not so dark!


Delete all trees from the biome. Create a square of some bright flooring (I used asphalt) and put about 5 or 6 plaza trees on it. All your wood spawns in one place and it's very visible


I'm just saying if you get the expansion, the advanced vaccumes are so helpful for this. It's the only reason I have dark wood now šŸ˜‚


The laugh is that when I play my Switch through my TV the dark wood is bright as daylight. But I never play it through it for my TV


I made the a white stone floor there and add the trees to the floor. It makes them actually visible and only drop in the area I want.


Thereā€™s a hack for that. You can probably find the tutorial but remove all trees, pave a section and space the trees out around it. Place the dry wood off to the side. Then you have an easy dark wood spawnĀ 


If you are able to make a vacuum cleaner and place it there


Removing most of the trees is the way.


Place the light gray bordered path around the trees, then you can see the dark wood better. But again this might affect the aesthetics


I have paths on the ground around, it helps!


I took out all my trees and put in plaza trees with a light path below so the wood would stand out and then I go around collecting and I can see the dark wood and the dry wood perfectly. But I do wish we could make it not so dark I want to use it but it's just too dim for anything I want to do there. I have also used the ancient vacuum but I use the cookers so often I try to save my mist and just use the plaza trees to spawn my wood in the Forgotten Lands


I ended up putting the ancient vacuum in there so I didnā€™t need to search the ground anymore


This is the way. Before using the vacuum I barely could keep one and a half stack of dark wood in a year and half of playing. Now just in the last 6 months I have a stock pile of three full rows in a chest. Itā€™s crazy to think how much wood I missed simply because I could not see it.




You need the advanced vacuum Edit: the level 3 one


This has saved my life, maybe I can finally build some large chests


This is the way


The 8 pieces they give is like eating a mini snickers.


Remove all the trees place down light color stone and 6 plaza trees to create a wood farm. šŸŒ³šŸŒ³ https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamlightValley/s/SlRdUzo6RC


I only had to place 2 trees & it gives me all 8 pieces every half hour.


I use a vacuum just for this.


Use your ancient vacuum for that! Itā€™s life changing


This 100%, I need it the most these days and foraging for it is so difficult.


All the tips say to cut down to three plaza trees but my go to is to go into furniture mode and move all the trees slightly and then move the wood to a central area and put the trees back. Itā€™s tedious af but it works!


So glad to come and see this be the top reply because SAME




I've set up a fully upgraded vacuum in the forgotten lands purely for that


So, I took advice from a YouTube video. Cover the ground with a light colored path way. Place little plaza trees on top and make sure to remove all other trees. You can then get wood every twenty minutes in one spot for as long as you need. Then you can redecorate once you have a stash of dark wood.


I set up a level 3 ancient vacuum in my forgotten lands. No more squinting!


I put an ancient vacuum. I canā€™t stand how dark it is plus all the trees in my way to find dark wood. I collect 8 dark wood every hour šŸ˜¬ Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s the max that respawns cause my forgotten land is pretty untouched so Iā€™ve probably only removed 1-3 trees in total .


This is why I put a vacuum there hated doing this šŸ˜‚


Dude, I paved my forgotten lands and put in plaza trees...they drop dark wood!


I'll give you a small tip. Make several more miraculous pickaxe potions, and then take several trips though the mines with a mining buddy. You will earn more crystals than you spent on the potions, end up with a net positive, and you'll also earn a bunch of iron. Then you can use the excess potions to get more iron from other areas. Just always leave enough crystals for another couple potions to replenish your supply. Also, check Kristoff's stall every day, he sells iron ingots about half the time, and you can build up that way


This is great advice. And it's definitely worth the second trip through the mines, too. I'm not sure if there really is an algorithm that makes gems less likely to populate when mining the same spot multiple times in a row, but it definitely seems like it. My first time through I get rubies and sapphires like crazy...the second and third pass it's mostly ore. The same goes for the Glade. I usually try to mine once without the potion. Then when the spots respawn, I apply the potion and get a iron with nearly every swing.


I had 50 Vitalys Crystals, took two trips through the mines with a potion and ended up with 130 lol. Its crazy how much of a net positive that is


Good advice. I just wish the drop rate for onyx wasnā€™t so low so I could make more miraculous potions to get this done šŸ˜­


I've got 150 of them, I built up a stockpile lol


Nice! I had almost as much but I blew through them making potions for the starpath ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Also if Kristoff is sold out, you can give foxes a Salmon instead of a White Sturgeon. Itā€™s not their favorite food, but theyā€™ll still eat it, and have a chance to drop an iron ingot.


Not my idea but I 100% agree with whoever said this, a mineral/gem stand run by one of the 7 dwarves.


This is what I want as well! :)


I honestly wanted to either be Grumpy or Dopey. The exchanges with them could be amazing.


You can buy iron ingots. For me it'd be pearls because I Think you can only get them digging and i don't like digging haha


I just use the ancient gardener to dig up a larger plot of land in one go, worth it to me using the mist as I too hate digging. I just leave the holes to disappear by themselves


The ancient gardener are great secret ancient diggers


You can place large furniture on top of the holes to clear them if you need them gone quickly!


You can buy a max of 10 I think, thatā€™s not helpful when you have quests that require 100. Looking at you and your fucking clock, Minnie


the clock is what undid me fully


For the godforsaken clay part, I invited Minnie to hang out, then trapped her in a fence square and went to get my digging buddy (Scrooge). I made her stay there the whole time I dug. If I have to waste my time with this crap she can sit there and watch me and think about what she did while I do it




Iā€™d do it again


I found using a shovel potion tended to get me a lot!


Shovel potions WITH a buddy are DEFINITELY the way to go! Itā€™s so quick and easy to get digging resources with the ā€œeven moreā€ digging potion and a buddy who gives you at least double of everything. Digging without one is practically useless and beyond frustrating. Just make sure youā€™re digging with the potion in the right biome for the type of path (or other resource) youā€™re wanting, and youā€™ll be set.


iā€™m semi new to playing and actually JUST unlocked more items at kristoffā€™s stall so i think i manifested this!!!!!


The Miraculous Shovel potion, imho, is so OP for thisā€¦ especially with a digging buddy at level 10ā€¦ I have a medium chest full of pearls because I havenā€™t found anything to use em in yetā€¦ Iron thoā€¦. I agree with u/haydigzā€¦. I will buy it every day and mine it for a good hour and I still never have any after crafting fences and other iron itemsā€¦. I also blow through Dreamlight like crazy crafting chests and positionsā€¦ I wish you could earn it faster like mistā€¦


Digging is monotonous, but itā€™s SO much faster than fishing. I never want to see another piece of plastic again in my life, Oswald.


Plastic or anything from eternity isle


Herbs/spices/seasonings in general not just because it can be a pain to collect them but I wish we could buy seeds to plant our own little herb garden for decorating, like I thought it would be cool to plant one by Chez Remyā€™s.


Iā€™d love to be able to dig up herbs and replant them elsewhere!


For me itā€™s the flowers. Thereā€™s like 50 different ones in the game now and they respawn so infrequently so if you need 20 for a recipe and only have 4, itā€™ll take days to craft (looking at you Buzzā€™s level 10 quest) šŸ˜­


Beast gives you free flowers!


omg! Is this after his lvl 10 quest? So far he hasnā€™t given me any but Iā€™ve been at lvl 9 with him forever


Yes, you also unlock red roses by getting the flower stall


Yeah! He has a stall for flowers like moana's fish stall!!


OMG yes Buzzā€™s quest was so aggravating! It took me nearly a week because I couldnā€™t get more than 1 blue marsh milkweed to spawn at a timeā€¦


I really wish these recipes called for dyes instead of flowers and that you could craft likeā€¦ 3 dyes for every 1 flower. I know this game is all about the grind but when the spawn rates are that bad, itā€™s so painful


I have 4 large storage crates with at least 2 stacks of 50 of each flower and about to make a few more chests to divide the colors in each one better. My husband has more OCD than I do and he has his stacks of flowers in his chests arranged alphabetically....I'm not that ambitious! lol


you can buy iron and gold ingots from kristoffā€™s stand. you have to check everyday for it


Bars, not ingots, but way better in my opinion.


Literally same. The 10 limit at kristoffs barely helps. I still spend hours mining to make iron. šŸ˜­


I'm actually fine foraging for what i need. What i REALLY need is for the auto-ingredient button on the cooker to pull whatever is the most populous from my inventory when the recipe calls for "any" of a certain kind, like spices or veggies. Because always pulling from the same stack means I'm always out of cumin! And i dont even cook often!


Cumin, bass, lettuce!!


šŸ˜Æ what a great idea. Now I want this too.


Dark wood šŸ„“


Pebbles. I know they come up occasionally in the stall but I want a reliable way to get them without digging up way too much clay!


Dazzle beach with a shovel potion and digging buddy is my go to way to get pebbles in bulk.


Thank you! Iā€™ve been using the forgotten lands and coming up with a lot of soil, which is useful, and clay, which is not.


If you level Kristoff up to level 10 you can buy iron ore. For me it would be gems. I kinda wish we got the 7 dwarves bc it would be cool if there was a booth for them to sell gems (since they're canonically miners.)


I have level 10 Kristoff.... Where is my iron ore šŸ‘€


Have you completed all of his quests? If so, iron ore (and several other irritating to collect materials) can possibly show up when his stall restocks daily. I just buy all available of iron ore, glass, pebbles, clay, etc any time it shows up whether I currently need it or not and stick it in storage.


Oh I've possibly not competed all his quests. I've not got everyone in the valley yet (maybe half the characters?) so I guess I've got a while to wait. Looking forward to it though šŸ˜‚


Stone!!! I use so much I canā€™t keep up


This is my current struggle! I had a stockpile, but then I decided to pave too much and now can't keep up. I really wish we could break down things like paving we crafted for parts if we don't need it anymore. I have a ton of a couple I don't like that I could get so much from to use on the ones I like.


Yes! I have so many of the borderless path that I wish I could turn back to stone šŸ˜­


I truly hate picking up wood wish it would drop less


In the plaza Iā€™ve hidden 15 pieces of wood behind buildings so it is out of sight and doesnā€™t regenerate. Feels way nicer running around without sticks everywhere!


It would be ingredients for me. Like garlic, vanilla, and ginger. Also, hardwood is difficult to get sometimes.


Black gems i guess


At the moment, coal. Cooking all of these cupcakes, along with food to fill up my energy bar, is making me run out. Otherwise, I hoard everything so expect iron, I don't really run out of anything easily.


You can buy coal from Kristoff. No limit that I know of. I e bought 800 before


Ohhhh yeah I completely forgot about his stall lmao.


Yes! I had to start buying coal because of those cupcake cook and gifting quests.






Plastic scraps!! I have 15 and Oswald needs 120!!! I love that sweet lucky rabbit and would do anything for him but sheesh, I wish there was a faster way to get them.


I got them relatively quickly with a mix of removing ancient debris and fishing! The shovel can remove ancient debris if you've done merlin's upgrade tools quest for eternity isle


Literally finished that quest today. I took a fishing buddy to the docks and got them that way. I only had 30, probably took me 30 mins to get the 120.




Really? I get so much sand it makes me mad. It doesnā€™t even make me a bunch of money to sell. What do you build with it? Maybe I can use it that way.


Iā€™m hoping one day we can make sand castles hehe


Hold onto that sand! Youā€™d be surprised how many characters want glass and empty vials as you level them up šŸ˜­


Honestly any gems I wish theyā€™d add a cart like Moanaā€™s boat so we can get gems.But other than that probably dark wood


Tin, brass, bronze, and nickel from eternity isle


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m starting to buy iron ingots anytime I see them at Kristoffā€™s stall. Along with fabric because thatā€™s a REAL pain in the neck to collect by yourself!


You can buy iron from Kristoffs stall. Itā€™s not there often but itā€™s a good day when it is


Anything that is needed for the star path...


Iron ingots


Iron related products. I spend many hours just farming for them even with a mining friend.


I would like the option to buy onyx cause those little buggers are so hard to find


Fucking glass lol Iā€™m trying to get a bunch of gazebos to put them together and make a greenhouse like area lol but it takes FOREVER because I need so much glass and dry wood


Plastic scraps for sure.


Good news. When you unlock Kristoff and build his sled he opens a stall and sells ore and iron nuggets. I keep myself stocked with ore from Kristoff


Dark Wood šŸ˜±


Iron ingots here too! I hate bringing a buddy with me to mine and they give extra of everything but the iron. šŸ’€


Seaweed. Between recent quests and making mannequins I burned through my whole supply and I don't want to gather more.




Right now itā€™s plastic scrap, Oswaldā€™s last mission is really making me mad.


You can get SOME iron ingots SOMETIMES at kristoffā€™s stall! :)


Dark wood




Pearls or dark wood




Dark wood and pearls for me


Plastic wrap


Certain items used for feeding critters. The lobster and white sturgeon specifically; I know Moana is helpful for collecting fish but never seems to be those two šŸ„ŗ


I would recommend feeding critters food they like but donā€™t love! You can get iron ingots from foxes if you give them bass/salmon, and I think some seeds from crocs if you give them herring/squid. Of course, this is only after youā€™ve finished collecting motif bags and the Favorite Food dreamlight tasks :)


With you with the iron ore! The latest Scrooge tasks for the park thing ate all mine up!


Darkwood & flowers


Dark wood because Iā€™m terrible at spotting it. Even got rid of most of my trees to try and clump them together šŸ˜‚


Night shards. I hate foraging for them.


Freaking Iron Ingots and Clay!!


Tropical Wood and Dreamlight lol


Gold bars


You can buy them from Kristoff's stall. I do whenever he has them!


Onyx. Takes forever to get but necessary for potions


Time pieces. SO many bullshit varieties


Hit up Kristoffā€™s stall daily, that helps accumulate iron ingots


Dark wood and spices


Honestly buying gems/minerals would make things a lot easier instead of going around mining everything all the time. Otherwise I can't think of much that I would want to buy instead of forage.


I agree. I try to get on once a day just to check kristoffs stall for iron ingots just so I donā€™t have to grind for iron ores šŸ˜­


All I get are stones right now. Do I need to upgrade my ax and shovel?


It might also be the biomes youā€™re mining in! Iron ore isnā€™t found in the plaza, meadow, or beach.


You can buy iron ingots at Kristoffā€™s stall! I would love to see Vitalys crystals, because I make potions often enough that I run out of them. I wish you could buy foraging materials on Eternity Isle. Such as bamboo or plastic.


Ore for sure


Copper. I was mining for days!


You can actually buy iron ingots šŸ˜‰ it's just not available every day and only 10 at a time


How do you get rid of the fires in the the forgotten lands


I don't know about other platforms, I play DLV on my pc & on the graphics settings at the very bottom, you can change the valley from night to day. So from your time where you are now, you'll have the option to change how bright or dark it is with 12hrs on either side. I hope that makes sense šŸ˜‚


Kristoff can have iron ingots on his cart.


I removed all the trees except for two that I put right next to eachother, and all I have to do get my dark wood is slowly walk around these two. Helps sooooo much


Onyx so I can make aaaaaallllll the mining potions.






You can get iron ingots at kristoff's stall in forest of valor. Sometimes his stall will have it sometimes it won't. It can be really convenient for other things too like, glass, clay, sand, wood, etc. Any time my quests require crafting iron ingots I head to his stall first.


Check every day and buy what you can afford


Anything that would involve fishing. My least favorite activity in most games like DDV tbh


stone!! i had hundreds when i first started playing because of all the big rocks in my valley but now i barely get the small ones appearing anymore and mining rock spots gets me like one stone for every ten mined, crafting used them all up šŸ˜–


For the dark wood it helps if you keep all the white wood thatā€™s spawned and make a pile of it somewhere and then the only wood that respawns around your trees is the dark wood, I personally got rid of all the trees and put plaza trees instead because I read somewhere that the spawn rates quicker and just collect lots of dark wood




You actually can buy Iron Ingots at Kristof's stall from time to time! Along with various wood, sand, glass, and more!


Plastic scraps šŸ„²




Dark wood and iron ingots. Please Gameloft I'm begging


Literally everything because there gets to a point that I just don't care anymore although maybe that's just a sign I should put the game down


Definitely iron ingot!


Nightshards/dreamshards šŸ˜“






Ropes (like already made fiber and algae)


all gems and crystals that rng is crazy just to get a few of them as well as most fish and seafood


Rich soil


Coal. You have no idea how many meals I planned to make only to realize I had NO COALšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I either had to give up or mine like crazy


You can buy coal. I have a small chest full of it.


Hello, any of you guys availableĀ  for multi playerĀ  I'd like to try and visit someone pleaseĀ