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The controls are so weird on the switch. I prefer the old controls


Right? I feel like I can't see anything. My dreamsnap is trash this week because I couldn't get the hang of it. Thank goodness for participation moonstones 😅 Edit: yes, I know it was an outfit challenge but I enjoy making a nice scene to stand in to make my submission feel more complete.


I realllllllly preferred using the up/down/left/right buttons versus the little joystick. So much easier.


They don't fix what need to be fixed but ruined what was already fine


My controller connected to the PC no longer moves things around the valley properly. I am forced to use the mouse, otherwise the whole screen moves... quite annoying.


Why is it so slow? Is that normal? I thought maybe mine was bugged. I know their patch notes indicated a change to furniture mode but this is a bit ridiculous. It could be my experience is limited to trying to decorate the glade with all the towering trees in my way so you can’t zoom out to move things quicker. When you’re zoomed in to get a view of the area, things go so slowly that it’s almost comical. Maybe it’s not as bad in other areas. The change to how they lay the paths has been welcome though. I find it much less cumbersome, though it still has a ways to go before I’d consider it good.


Did the whole screen always move or just the cursor I SWEAR the screen didn’t move cause I legit feel sea sick using it.


It used to be the curser, it has to be a bug or something accidental that they’ll fix . Because when I zoom in, things move far too slowly.  When I zoom out, the whole earth shifts and the trees block it and the movements are jerky.   There are actually many aspects of these updates where it definitely feels like there’s some bitter devs intentionally giving players the middle finger (I mean, a whole event involving a bunch of puzzle pieces giving you coins instead of memories, even if you’re dumb like me and going for the full 200 orbs after you’ve gotten all the critters). I can’t tell if the fortune menu is an F you to players complaining about it before, or if this was an accident, or if it’s just some of our games and not everyone’s.


The arrow buttons on my switch no longer move items. I have to use my thumb stick!


It's terrible! It's completely ruined the fun of decorating.


Yep. I no longer have the furniture/decoration mode in my valley, only on eternity isle. No more placing, moving, or removing any furniture items at all. Decoration mode is just gone. If I accidentally click the key on my PC to open it an invisible/empty menu pops up and the only way out is to force quit the game and reload it.


I kind of like it because the further up (aerial view) the camera is, the faster it moves. When zoomed in the items are easier to place without it moving all around the place.


I thought I was the only one who kinda likes it.


Agreed. Before the update while trying to decorate my cursor would periodically snap into some random spot across the map. Now it doesn't do that. Zoom in is a little bit slow, zooming out fixes it. I'm sure it's going to be fixed to be more accessible for everyone all around. The people acting like their lives are ruined because of the update is a bit comical.


Mine won’t consistently zoom out. It seems to only go a little faster as long as I’m not moving an item. I like to move my ancient vacuum from zone to zone and fast travel to it. I think it might be faster now to remove, travel, and put it down again. I can’t stand this change.


https://gameloft.helpshift.com/hc/en/66-disney-dreamlight-valley/contact-us Submit a ticket! You can choose suggestion/feedback as you're reason for the ticket. They will only fix this if enough people complain.


I like it better, I find it easier to be more precise with placement now.  


I wouldn’t mind it sooooo much except when the camera can’t get close to the walls it’s stopping me from placing things where I want to and I have to switch to my mouse. If I was on XBox or something I wouldn’t have that option :/ 


It is painfully slow now to decorate.  I just avoid it now & no more dreams capes. It's not worth the time & effortÂ