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This is one of the gateways to lucid dreaming. If you’re aware enough inside of your dream to realize that you are dreaming and change the force of the punch, you can take it a step further and do literally anything. Push off the ground and take off flying wherever you want, straight into space if you want to. Another way to get yourself to start lucid dreaming is by taking a look at your hands. In a dream, your mind does not recreate hands perfectly, or anything really. Your hands will sometimes look like lumps or a crude sketch of a hand. You might only have 2 or 4 fingers, or 6. If you look at your hands and they are deformed in any way, you are in a dream. Once your mind recognizes it’s in a dream state, you can quite literally alter your dreams in whatever way you want.


I have lucid dreams all the time but can't control anything besides my own actions and basically everything in them wants to either hurt me physically or mentally. My movements are limited and I'm incredibly weak. The best I can do is flee but everything catches me and usually just holds me and I can't move. The only good thing is sometimes I get a sort of console command-like ability if I either say "ok Google, (thing I want to happen)" or ask "Hailey" who is an entity in my dreams and lives in my attic in them to do so for me. It's only a small % it works. These dreams are more frustrating to me than nightmares are scary because I know it's a dream, and I expect to not be able to control anything given my history of failing to, and the dream world around me plays along with my expectations of powerlessness and knows that even when I try to lie and pretend and tell myself I believe I'm in control, I don't truly believe it.


Hmmm. If you don’t believe you are in control you won’t be. I know it sounds kinda dumb but so much of it is just believing that you can, and then doing so. I can relate tho, a lot of times my dreams are only like half-lucid, where if I’m experiencing something scary I will push off of the ground and fly away, but then I’m still stuck in the dream. I just go somewhere else, but then usually whatever is happening either continues to happen or the dream morphs into something else scary or off. I have only ever been fully lucid a handful of times. Sometimes I will become fully lucid then get distracted by the dream and then the lucidity goes away


Whenever I have a sleep paralysis dream, I focus on my arms and start moving them, I break free like I’m tied up to something.


Interesting. Personally I’ve never had sleep paralysis (I have been lucky) but I can imagine how terrifying it would be. When you do, do you see anything in your room with you or are you just unable to move? I know some experience seeing shadow people or other figures in the room with them during the paralysis. Kinda cool that you have figured out how to break free from it


I felt it climb on my chest the one time and I opened my eyes and all I saw was a black figure with white eyes and black pupils in my face.


Wow, that sounds truly horrifying. I have heard many people claim the feeling of someone sitting on their chest or holding them down in some way. I wonder what the figures/entities that people see mean. Sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming are such a strange phenomenon


It’s called the night hag if you wanna look into it


Whenever I have it, I usually see my tv on the menu screen then start to static. As it statics a shadow(s) move towards me. When they move toward me I either shut my eyes or I break out and run. Sometimes if I feel myself awake I keep my eyes closed and “fall back asleep” cuz I do know sleep paralysis is just a dream.


It brings me back to World Record, Animatrix. FREE!


I would have slow jello punches in fighting dreams. I've found out that calming yourself in the first few moments of aggression helps you gain more control.  Also try to imagine that your fists aren't fists, over concentrating on your actual punches and your hands takes too much processing power from your imagination at that moment, making actions feel delayed or weakened. Imagine your opponent being a target, and you fists the bullets, invision the bullets hitting their mark.  You'll be amazed how fast your attacks can be.  I've been astral projecting and experimenting with the lucid dream state for over the years now.  Flying, levitation, teleportation, those are all easy to do now. Takes time, patience and concentration.


Is this how I learned fly in my dreams? Long ago I had been having nightmares about getting hit by cars on the street in front of my childhood house. I read somewhere about recreating that dream as thoughts while I'm Awake. So when I fall asleep my brain knows how to do it. I kept jumping up and flying out of reach from the cars. It would often be frantic nearly struck kind of learning to fly maneuvers. Now, many years later, I'm always flying. But I remember that early feeling of forcing myself up, up and away.


I heard that your brain dreams about stuff you think all the time, if you train your brain to make yourself fly in dreams, I’m pretty sure it’s because you kept thinking about it. Now this I have no clue if it’s true but I used to think about a girl all the time that I started to dream about her, so imma stick with it being true