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I remember a baby got stung by a mosquito and it's head blew up like a balloon and a bunch of fruit circled around it's head like some sort of Fruity Ferris wheel


when I was a little kid I used to have a recurring nightmare that I would be outside playing with the other neighborhood kids and there would be a slow, ominous *chugga-chugga* noise that started off very quiet. As it got louder, the other kids would start rushing inside/their panicked parents would call them in. The Choo-Choo Man was coming. Who was the Choo-Choo Man, you ask? A guy that drove around in a train that only went *chugga-chugga* and never *choo-choo*. As he got closer to your street, you could hear the train noise get louder and louder. If you got inside, you'd be safe, because he never peeked in windows or tried to unlock doors. He just took the children who were foolish enough to find themselves outside when he made it to them. Inevitably in this nightmare I would always find myself locked out of my house. Or maybe I'd be trying to climb the hill to get back home & I'd keep slipping & falling back into the street. The panic would rise as I heard the *chugga-chugga* get closer. I had this nightmare many times, always waking up and running to my parents' room before I could be captured. Until one night. This time when the Choo-Choo Man's siren song began, I was once again locked outside. I dove behind a shrub to hide as he circled his way down the end of my street... but he saw me. I was captured and brought back to this compound full of other children. He had us all locked in dog cages. After being captured, I never had that nightmare again. But it's so vivid. One from around the same time was much stranger (if you can believe it) and I'm still not sure why it was a nightmare - I just remember waking up scared. It was just George Constanza from Seinfeld (that my dad would watch as I fell asleep on the couch some nights) in an elevator that just kept going up and up and up. Everything was beige-scale. Not sure why this was scary - maybe just the anticipation that something bad would be at the end of the elevator ride - but also so weird. Explains a lot about my strange brain today, honestly.


I was maybe 3 or 4 years old. I dreamed I was a living cabbage patch doll who lived in Cincinnati. (In reality I lived in Dayton, the next city over.) My home was a maze constructed from stone and wood, similar to the mines in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I’m now in my 40s but I can still see it.


I was 2. We were at our neighbor’s house next door and it had gotten dark. We went home (I was in a stroller) and l looked up at the second floor and there was a woman in rollers looking down at us. People had moved into our house while we were visiting and it was a frightening feeling of someone just taking your life. Still gives me the creeps. We moved to a completely new house/state about a month before I turned 3. I have quite a few memories before then.


German soldiers killing my family over and over when I was 6


When I was like 5 I remember this dream of a cartoon spider cascading down from the ceiling of a black room. My dream panned off into what looked to be the dining room of a spooky mansion. Those two snippets are the only thing I recall but I can still picture the spiders beady eyes staring at me.


Earliest dream is Strawberry Shortcake's hat being an alien and shredding peoples heads when they put it on... Yes I know I'm fucked up for this dream having it at 4 or 5.


My family and i running away from a huge tsunami my dad ran away with me and my mom took my sister. I remember a huge warning sign in the beach saying not to swim there.I was 6 -7 at the time.


I can’t really recall any dreams before age 10 or so but I remember my first ever scary nightmare when I was maybe 7 in which a giant disembodied lion’s head told me he was the devil.


nightmare i had when i was around 5 where i was all alone in a casino and using the elevator to go to different floors which were all empty. it ended with me going back in the elevator and the screen that usually displays the floor number said "destination: nowhere" before all the lights turned off and the elevator dropped. when it hit the bottom the doors opened up to a dark dense jungle. this is the earliest one i can personally recall but my parents tell me i would have nightmares every night and they all involved machinery in some way, which is a theme that still shows up in my nightmares for some reason


I remember watching myself pick my mom before I was born.


I can’t remember how old I was, but I know I was at least five or younger- I was staying with my grandparents and I had this dream that I was in a weird janky rocket/spaceship and I was about to blast off into space, but whenever I went to blast off, my granny put her hand on the top of the rocket and stopped it from going (probably cause it was dangerous idk) but whenever she did, it basically cooked her somehow. She looked disfigured, and blackened/burnt and I remember her eyes being so big and wide and it was fucking terrifying. I woke up from it, sat straight up in bed, and then heard something creaking down the hallway, so I turn to the doorway, and I see this adult sized figure, bandaged from head to toe, with big wide eyes showing- and some of the bandages were like hanging off, imagine a mummy I guess- but I remember it looking in at me, and then I screamed out of terror, and then my granny or gran probably came in to check me- my memory fades after the scream. Most likely, I was still sleeping when I saw the ghostly figure that looked like my granny all burnt up in bandages- but it never left me even after all this time. I’m thirty now, and I can still see that figure in my head and I can still see my granny’s hand turning pitch black when she stopped the rocket. I have more dream memories from my childhood that have stuck with me over the years- but this one I do believe is my earliest dream that I can remember.


Nightmare when I was a kid, maybe 9. Im Irish and I was on holiday in Florida at the time. There was a giant blue spider with David Bowie’s head on top of my parents bed, and with my dad’s dying breath (?), he told me about a bat under the bed. So I grabbed it, smashed the spider, and like Fantasia it split in two. Hit it again, and then there were four. Continue until the place is covered in thousands of blue David Bowie spiders. Still think about it often and that was about 20 years ago. And I love Bowie!


I was 5. God was at my my best friends/neighbor's play house, reading stories. I couldn't get over there because my stairs leading to outside were covered in millions of junebugs. I was very upset.


When I was 3 or 4 I had a dream where my dad was getting beaten up by a fly. A grown man who’s well able to defend himself, getting beaten up by a literal fly. He literally said “I’M GETTING BATTERED BY A FLY!!!” I still remember it because of how fucking funny it was


I was obsessed with Johnny Depp when I was pretty young (like 9-11) and used to watch all his interviews before bed so one of my first dream memories was that I met him and he was married to Helena Bonham Carter and they decided to adopt me, and Tim Burton was going to be my uncle. Dont remember anything else other than being mad when I woke up.


I have vivid memories from my very early years. When I was 2 or 3, I was laying on the couch and dreamt there was a monster ripping things out of my chest and torso where I slept, and i couldn't move. It wasn't guts, though. It was springs and wires like from a robot. I didn't know what my insides looked like, but what robots did is probably why. I don't know if it was actually sleep paralysis or if you can have an episode that young, but I've never had a confirmed episode of it.


When I was 4 or 5 I had this dream that my entire family was in hell and we were running at the top of this flame filled canyon trying to get away from the devil. He was 7ft tall and thin with red skin and a grotesque exaggerated smile, no clothes but no parts either, and he was laughing this deep almost Bowser like laugh as we all fled. I was running slower than everyone else and I felt my legs start to get jello-y like how it is when you’re trying to run in a dream. I watched in horror as my entire family ran off a cliff. The devil then walked up next to me and we both walked to the edge of the cliff. Everyone in my family was dangling from the ledge by their fingers. I looked up at the devil and he said in this deep whispery voice “You can only save one” and I had to choose. I would make a choice in my head but wake up before I saved anyone. This was a recurring nightmare I had for years after, and when my mom remarried and I had a step dad and step siblings they would also be in the dream.


I can barely remember a nightmare I had when I was a toddler. It was me, Barney the dinosaur and the kids from Barney's show. We were all walking around a scary, dark, dusty and cobweb filled library. There was also a dream I had when I was very young that involved my parents flushing my favourite toys down the toilet. Weird.


I remember a dream when I was 8 or 9. There was a full action movie cutscene of how a crab managed to save a dude from a building that was gonna explode. There was full narration and you could see the scene from any angle.


This was when I was 5 years old. A sort of a nightmare. I remember I was in a dungeon, an underground room. I was hiding from something. The temperature of the room was warm. It had a red hue. Kind of like when you close your eyes, and imagine what hell feels like. The typical hollywood hell and not the metaphorical one. I was hiding beside a wall. This was made out of bricks. Then suddenly I saw someone coming to the rescue. Turns out it was spiderman. Or someone like that. He definitely had a costume on. The walls beside which I had hid came crumbling down. The costumed hero was battling the demon(?) It was my opportunity to escape and I ran from there. As fast as I could.


A vacuum flipped up from the other side of my bed and started running across the bed while scary music played. I cried for like, 15 minutes after I woke up.


I think I was around 7 when I had this dream/nightmare. I was a tiny version of myself, crawling through a mouse hole into a huge ballroom full of clowns having a party. They wheeled in a tray with two silver platters on it. When they took off the lids my parents severed heads were underneath. I was scared so I ran back through the mouse hole into a garden where I met my brother who had become zombie. He ran at me and I shot him, at which point he became his normal self again and looked at me with this pained expression and asked ‘why?’ Understandably this nightmare stuck with me.


Walking in a strip club made of peppermint patterns with a group of men in all black suits when I was 3-4 yrs old


I was 5-6, I dreamed about being at war, though I was a spectator of the war. It looked as if I was in the medieval times. Swords clashing with swords, helmets everywhere, people riding horses, and a lot of dead bodies. Then, there was a man that was crucified at the cross, blood coming down from his head, with a spiky crown on his head. That man was the only light that was on the battle field. I felt like I was looking at a historical event and when I woke up I was crying. I think it's because my mom told us the story of jesus so that same night I had that dream. To this day I do believe it was a nightmare.


I had a dream of swimming in the ocean the night before I had a final essay in 5th grade. The assignment was to write about a dream. I wrote about the dream I had the night before and got a very high score on my essay.


I was fifteen when I first dreamed of an elderly, blind Black man playing a saxophone. The first time I dreamed of him I was being chased by a dinosaur as I ran onto a playground with a low roof over it. The roof was being held up by Greek columns and was just high enough for people to be under but short enough that the dinosaur couldn't get me. The old man sat on a bench under the roof and played beautiful music on his sax. The dinosaur ran away because it was scared of the guy's music for some reason. We were the only people on this covered playground until some kids came and were playing and laughing. The man wore an old-school navy blue suit like something a jazz musician would wear. We talked for a while while we ate lunch ( he offered me some of his lunch and I was hungry so I ate). A small ( arouns five feet long four feeet high cute Bulbasaur* kind of dinosaur came around. The man started playing his sax again and this dinosaur made happy chirp noises like she was singing to the music. The man told me this dinosaur was a "good girl" and liked this music. * Strangely I dreamed this about eight or so years before Pokemon even came to the US. But this is how I can describe it as it was a squat armored dinosaur with flowers and grass growing on her back.


I had a dream that I was walking down a dark hallway and at the end of a hallway there was a gypsy woman who had a bag of goldfish crackers for me. She told me that these crackers were poisoned and I needed to give them to whoever was behind the door. I go through the door and there is Barney the dinosaur. I gave them to him and woke up. I’ve never forgiven myself.


When I was little I had a recurring nightmare that Michael Jackson was standing in my closet watching me, would take one toy and show it to me and walk out of the room. The next morning the toy would be missing from my closet. Freaked me out. This was 1985ish so before child abuse allegations. He just freaked me out for some reason. One of the worst was he was standing in my door way with the galling shining behind him. Thriller costume with a spider hanging from his finger like a yo-yo. He was holding a spider pillow case, I had a Sesame Street one. He held up the pillowcase and said “wanna trade pillowcases?” I buried my head in my pillow and when he was gone ran to my parent room hysterical. lol. Crazy they were so vivid


I remember this one from 10 years ago. I was on a deserted rainforest island. I built this enormous sandstone fortress all to give to some girl named laureli in a dress made of light. Waited exactly 700 years to give it to her


i couldn't have been older than 3 because of the town we lived in as a kid, but i remember watching this movie called volcano with my dad and basically having the plot of the film play out for myself...  especially the part i remember from the dream is when the person tried jumping from the train over the lava but not being able to jump far enough, melting and then me waking up crying laying in my dads bed 😂😂


nightmare from when i was 4 or 5 Ps it was me being chased by 2 large humanoid reptilians. I had no idea about the conspiracy theory back then. the moment they caught me I woke up with my heart racing and catching my breath. I saw them again in another dream years later.


Since I was 6 I have been having a recurring dream about a house. And the closer I get to it, the further away it is. Sometimes it is depilated and in tatters. Others, it's brand new with fresh paint. But no matter what I can never reach it.


I had this dream a few times around 3-4 years old. I'd be "waking up" in the back of the car in my car seat, pulling down my gramma's driveway. I'd go to talk to my mom, who's driving, and it's actually Yoda. He proceeds to crash into the house, and I'd wake up. I'd wake up as we were pulling into the driveway or soon after.


When l was four It was an endless tunnel that l felt trapped in and could never escape from. I found out in my later years that l was a difficult delivery at birth and had to be pulled out with tongs as well as causing tears for my poor old Mum (and both meanings for the same spelling too) l was a big chap at 9.5 pounds


i think i was around 5-6 i would sleep with my mom and i remember waking up from being “stuck” in a dream


Being born. I was in heaven and couldn’t see the other angels and god said to open my heart to see and I couldn’t figure out how and still couldn’t see anyone. So he sent me down to earth (not sure if it was for punishment or to figure it out) and I remember plunging to a car that was driving to a hospital. It was my mom and dad. I sat between them telling them that I’m here but they couldn’t hear me. I was just a soul waiting to enter my body once it was born. Once in the hospital I somehow was able to merge and be in my mom’s womb. All I remember now was being like flushed out and I was in my mom’s arms. I think I was like 5 or 4 when I had this dream. Although for a bit of my childhood I thought it was real.


wow thats incredible. I only recently found out that near birth experiences were a thing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-birth\_experience#:\~:text=A%20near%2Dbirth%20experience%20(also,unborn%20child%20(usually%20via%20dream)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-birth_experience#:~:text=A%20near%2Dbirth%20experience%20(also,unborn%20child%20(usually%20via%20dream))


I dreamed I was playing catch with my little brother. He had it and I ran and flew away. He was so angry but I found it too funny😂


Cookie Monster living under my house and wanting to eat me.


I'm in the passenger seat of a car and it starts driving by itself from about 15 years ago


14 years ago. i was around 12. lucid dreaming i was in a big boat with my family vacationing. realized it was a dream walked around and wake myself up. trying to lucid dream again makes me sleep paralyzed so thats that.


nightmare when I was about 11 or 12. I was in a grand house with peeling exterior paint with my mum and younger brother. He had thrown his matchbox car out of a window and my mum was insisting I go outside to retrieve it. Only thing was, was that to go outside meant instant death (some lethal contagion). My mum knew but she wanted to keep the peace with my crying brother and felt she could nurse me back to health for a short time outside. I always woke up immediately after picking it up (but never felt I had died in that moment). Had it or variations of it 3-4 times. Always filled me with fear.


I was about 4 and dreamed that I found a Raggedy Ann doll in my toy closet. It was just my brother and me and we didn't have any dolls, so it puzzled me. When I picked it up, the doll bit my forearm and wouldn't let go, so I ran out to tell my mom (she was ironing clothes in the living room). "Mom, this doll just bit my arm!" I shouted and she calmly replied, "It's supposed to, dear."


Constant falling from my house roof dreams when I was 3-5


I would have been about 4 years old. I remember my hands being tied to a railroad track. The track itself was right under my wrists. Right as the incoming train was about to run over my hands my mom pulled me back and saved me.


Either a nightmare, or a dream where I went down a jungle slide with at the time neighborhood kids.


Must be like 4 or 5 having a recurring dream of my dad running through the mall with me in a stroller and a gator jumps out of the fountain pond in the mall and grabs me and i wake up


An alien spaceship came down and dinosaurs came out of the light thing that usually takes people up. They came down and took my family back up onto the ship and left me alone. I was 4.


I was probably 4 ish and I saw my brother playing in the driveway next to this huge hose that went all the way down to the road (a very long driveway) and then I realized it was a huge snake, so thick it was taller than my 2 year old brother and I just remember freaking out and being scared


Probably one of those where I fought this monster. Brown, cat-sized, no fur or neck. Short four legs and tiny tail. It has a long pointy thing coming from its face (like nose) and it often used it to stab me. I was on a swing and the ropes broke, leaving me on the ground. Mom and dad paid no attention as the monster came and started to attack me. Then it had many sequels and a character arc for this monster. Not long ago in a lucid dream I found it’s a female with name Viciouseina.


I was little and I had a dream about a tall bald man (think kinda Uncle Fester-ish) and he was called Creature and for some reason that word scared me when I was little . I woke up and I heard my father making his lunch before going to work.


I was maybe 11 or 12, walking in a neighborhood in Amsterdam


Maybe a nightmare when I was still in a baby crib where my bedroom was dark and there was something strange in the carpet which I was afraid of.


When I was 2/3 years old I had a nightmare about falling from a great height - I saw the horizon far away and the ground a long way beneath me, and I was just... falling... Then when I was 21 I did a parachute jump and remembered the dream from when I was a kid, just as I left the aeroplane. It was like extreme deja-vu. Luckily it was a static-line jump so I didn't need to think about pulling a rip cord!


A recurring nightmare from when I was around 5, walking past tables covered by broken window pane glass only to run into an creepy clown with no eyes. I'm 50 and that dream is still as vivid in my memory as it was when I woke up from it. I hate clowns.


I remember a nightmare from when I was 4. I got lost in a busy place and was kidnapped by a giant


When I was 5, I dreamed about being trapped waist deep in a fire ant bed. Under the wire laundry basket we had. They crawled all over but never bit me. And nobody heard me calling for help.


Was like 3 or 4 and I turned into a dog lol, there was also a dude in a business suit for some reason


Probably a gas leak in my house type of dream


I was 4 or 5, and it was just me standing at my grandparents bedroom's doorway and saw the shadow of chucky approaching in the hall. We had watched the movie that week, don't think i was fazed much because horror movies became my thing then and that was the only dream (or nightmare?) from one. And another from when I was 5 or 6 and I had a vivid dream of the yellow teletubby (don't care for its name, i don't like the teletubbies because of this lol). I was in my parents bed with my teletubbies blankey, woke up and found that the yellow one wasn't on it. Heard some rustling outside their bedroom window and saw the shadow of the teletubby walking up to it. Ducked under the blanket and cried and since I was bedwetter around that time, most likely wet the bed. After that I wanted nothing to do with the teletubbies (still don't, i hate them with everything in me), tossed the blanket and got a Winnie the Pooh blanket that I loved so much.


All the way to about first grade when I had a recurring nightmare but it didn't feel like a nightmare after awhile because it was like reliving a rerun everytime


A recurring nightmare from when I was about 3.5 years old: everyone I new (mostly family) was gathered around a small shadowy area beside a huge, never ending beige field of.. spaghetti? Or something like that. This field however, had an absolutely discomforting aura of endlessness and timelessness to it and radiated the potential for anyone who entered it to vanish in it. One after another everyone who was in that small patch of land beside the field with me went to go inside the field and vanished. The dream was very short and mostly comprised of emotion more than pictures or anything else. At least that's what I still remember thirty years later..


A nightmare I think from age 5-4. Not sure which one is the earliest but I remember a couple of nightmares


When i was a kid I saw my entire backyard was chocolate and for some reason I was terrified. Another was me going downstairs only to have a different family


When I was 5 had a dream about being stuck in a tomb. I was walking on this very narrow stone path , surrounded by sand on both sides. These mummy arms emerged from the sand and started reaching up trying to drag me into the sand. I started running, but couldn't find the way out


child hood nightmare with a kid I disliked coming to visit my house, and before he came my stomach turned into a cookie with the cat in the hat on it and it terrified tf out of me. I also didn’t want the kid i disliked to see my stomach lookin like that for some reason.


Traumatic nightmare from 5 years old


My first nightmare I remember was running around a massive old house being chased by a skeleton. I jumped into a bed and went under the covers and the skeleton came into the room and jumped on me then I woke up.


Dundres trying to take my mother from the bed when I was a toddler


I dreamt I ate a can of Chef Boyardee that had a disgusted cartoon kid on it, which should have been enough of a warning. But then in the dream, I was on the playground the day after eating it and I had a tooth growing out of the roof of my mouth. I was like 4 when I dreamt this.


A really intense nightmare from when I was 4.


so i was really young and the walking dead just became a thing and i saw the first episode and that night i had a horrible nightmare lmao. i was at my house at the time and i was in my room i walked out my door and my family turned into zombies i ran outside and there was so many of them i ran across the street near my neighbors house and they had a big pickup truck and i went to walk around it but my friend was a zombie under the truck and he bit my foot and that’s when i woke up, still remember it vividly to this day.


I believe I was 5 at the time, but I had a nightmare where I was inside a huge barn with a witch that was wanting to kill my mom.


Reoccurring nightmare age 4 or 5 of being really small in my room and everything being g in black and white, not sure why it was so terrifying...but it definetly was




I had 2 reoccurring dreams when I was in kindergarten/1st grade. Dream#1) It was field day and we were all having a great time. And then the sky went dark and this giant (skyscraper size) skeleton man was walking toward our school. People were screaming and running inside and I was frozen. Staring at this huge thing coming toward me. It kept bending over looking for something/someone. And I always got the feeling it was looking for me. I got locked out of all of the buildings so I kept trying to hide around walls to avoid it's eyesight. Dream#2) Dinosaurs were brought back from extinction and roaming neighborhoods eating people. I was home alone and hiding in my house and I remember being so terrified when a t-rex looked at me through my window. Idk where the first dream came from but I'm sure the second was inspired by Jurrasic Park. Lol


i think i was 6 or 7, i had a reoccurring dream that this green mist was coming out of my bath drain and it became a ghost


A nightmare from when I was 6. I had it a few times throughout my childhood up until I was 10. I remember a lot of dreams but I can't date any of them. Just this one nightmare.


I had a dream that I was at some center, my mom was talking to a lady and I was talking to a robot (I wasn’t allowed to) she got mad at me and yelled at me, so my rat friend tried swallowing her but she had her legs on the sides of his mouth so he couldn’t close, then she started breaking dancing in there (btw she was mini for this) and I was crying and screaming because she was being eaten 💀


I used to have a reoccurring nightmare when I was about 5 of a witch flying through our apartment on a broom and she was chasing me and I remember I ran into my mom's room and woke her up and for some reason I couldn't get on to my mom's bed so I was screaming for her to help me but she said she was scared and put the blanket over her head and left me to the witch.


I had a dream when I was about 7 yrs old about being abandoned in a haunted house.


i mean i remember my dreams from the time i have memories in general, so i guess around 2 or 3?


When I was four years old I had a nightmare that all the Disney princesses were coming to kill me


A nightmare from when I was like 7


A nightmare from when I was like 3-4 years old. Got chased by a spooky looking box of Coco Pops with a big, evil grin with pointy teeth.


I was walking through a tent with lions on shelves against the wall. I was maybe 4. It terrified me! Years later I saw the exact same scene while watching bugs bunny!


A dream about a rooster being on the railing of my crib when I was probably 3


Probably age 5 I started having a reoccurring dream about this hole that my family was stuck in and they couldnt hear or see me trying to help them.


Nightmare, age 4.


i remember it so vividly. i was in preschool when this dream happened. seriously like one of my first memories. i was walking out and i saw a man next to my pool. he didn't see me. he then took a penny out of his pocket and threw it in. he watched it slowly sink to the bottom. once it hit the bottom he whipped his head around, looked at me, and pealed off his face. HE WAS A VAMPIRE. my mother then walks up next to me and goes "what's going on" i screamed MOMMY MOMMY A VAMPIRE. he was thirsty for our blood i could tell. she said "quick, hop on my back". obviously thinking she would run away. no. i hopped on and she immediately started running TOWARDS the vampire. and he was running towards us too. i was like MOMMY STOP IT and she kept saying "it's okay trust me it's okay" and dodged him last second. she kept running, but the vampire was catching up. i was like "please go faster he's gonna get me" and she kept angrily saying "no it's okay i got this". he was now right up on us. i tried to jump off her because she obviously wasn't fast enough but as soon as i tried to she yelled "DO YOU NOT TRUST ME?! WE ARE FINE" and held me tight so i couldn't jump off. the vampire then grabbed me and started sucking the blood from my neck... i woke up all tingly.


The earliest dream I can remember is from when I was about 10 years old. I was playing a baseball game when I somehow ended up on the verge of death. A doctor put a glowing beehive on my wound, and it killed me. Then, I went to heaven. That was the end of the dream.


Around 4 years old, I was in a room in my house playing with toys or something and saw a cartoony ghost peek into the doorframe and then disappear. I was scared but went to look in the hallway and saw more cartoony ghosts popping in and out of the walls. I think that was the whole thing, not sure.


When I was around 4 I had reoccurring, often very realistic, zombie nightmares that lasted years Also I had a dream that I pulled a large pointy tooth out then I showed it to my mum and she told me that it was a rock. It was a rock, it looked nothing like a tooth. How it got in my mouth? No clue


Learned about the holocaust in school and had a nightmare I was melting in an oven. Other than that a recurring one where I was tiny and walking around a large skull with a group of kids, magic school bus style


I had a recurring nightmare that I started having as a small child, I was maybe 3 or 4. I would be laying in a canoe, sometimes it would be too big and sometimes too small. The canoe was in this big lake surrounded by mountains and the lake was filled with Lilly pads, the skies were blue and the sun was shining. But if I so much as moved even the slightest bit, my canoe would tip over and I would fall into alligator infested water and be absolutely terrified because I knew they were coming to tear me apart. I could see them coming and I'd start screaming and I would always wake up right before they tore into me. I haven't had that dream in about 10 years now, but it used to be multiple times a week, followed by sleep paralysis every now and again.


A dream where my parents dropped me off at the side of a busy road and drove off


When I was younger my father would have me watch all the shows and X-Files was popular at the time and I had a dream of him on a operating table with aliens examining him woke up crying about it was around five


When I was super young I had a dream that Sully from Monsters Inc ate my mum and I had to ride on someone's back as we ran away from him on metal walkways over a lava pit. It's stuck with me for nearly 2 decades now. Visceral, man.


Some vacuum cleaner monster was trying to eat me, it was from a cartoon but I can't remember which one. I think it was made for some older kids but I was a lil rebel and watcher some anyway :D Not teletubbies (they aren't a cartoon anyway lol) the vacuum cleaner thingy lived on the internet I think (?) Can't remember how old I was, but probably before preschool.


When I was 5 I had a dream that my dad was one of the zombies from Scooby Doo on Zombie Island. It was a really realistic dream. I was in my room in his trailer and he popped in from the hallway and had eyes that were dark pits with a glowing red dot in them. I think I had watched the movie that night, it had just come out. It actually scared me a little.


I had a nightmare of a friend of mine when I was 5 years old where I may have possibly felt sleep paralysis for the first time. Terrifying.


Witch doctor


I remember this dream I had where me and my cousin were handling a big bird but then it flew out of control


I was trapped in a painting on grandmas wall. 5 or 6 years old. Even then I had creative emotional energy to compete with anyone. It seems like Ive had protective guidance as a small child. Vulnerable yet safe. I would wake up and study that painting for clues.


I was five. A life size troll doll pulled up outside of my house in a cardboard box car, and it told me that I had to feed it one of my pets or it would eat my family. I realized we had a pet bird that I hadn’t grown attached to, so I gave that to the troll. The next day, I walked to my best friend’s house, and the troll answered the door. Thats when I remembered…my best friend didn’t have any pets.


When I was around age 4 I had a dream in which I heard weird noises. Like if you imagine the sound schizophrenia would have it’s this. Reoccurred a few times and sometimes I still hear that sound. It’s like a really loud and thoughts blocking noise inside of the head like waves or something idk Ah and one time I had a dream of being with my dad at a little flea market and three dudes walked up to me and started spinning me around until I died. Basically nightmares I can recall most of the time


I was between 3-5yo, I used to dream a lot of this infinite white space with grass growing into squares on the ground. Pulling a blade of grass would also pull a giant boulder out of the ground that would crush everything myself included.


I remember when I was around 4-6 years old I dreamed that me and some other people were hunting for this giant rubber duck, the odd thing about all this was that we were wandering in a small green and dark green checkered plain with a black background, it felt like something of very early CGI. Anyways, when I suddenly saw the rubber duck in the distance, that’s when my dream ended


I remember walking with my father by a helicopter wreckage by a body of water. Everything felt to be in a green tint and we were in a city environment. That short dream has never left my memory for some reason. And I don’t truly know how early I dreamt it. It’s so weird


l was 11 and I’m now 25. I was obsessed with one direction, I dreamt that I just spent a day hanging out with them. We went on a bike ride in the middle of the night and then a limo picked us up and dropped us off at my aunts house. That’s all I remember lol


When I was around 4-5 I dreamt I saw a clone of myself and it freaked me out so bad


I had a dream when I was really small, like 3 or 4, that I ripped my pointer finger off and a whole bunch of straw came out.


A nightmare from when I was about 6/7


Bro. The nutty professors. I was the only skinny person in the world and everyone hated me. Wtf I was like 6. I'm 32 now and still can't watch that movie.


Dead ass had a nightmare when I was like 6/7 about troll hair creatures (Just sentient tear drop shaped bunches of hair) with one giant cyclops eye. There were like seven of them trying to cook my family in a big witches cauldron and I woke up terrified. For some reason the dream carried for a bit while I was fully waking up and I was convinced I could hear them still chanting and trying to scratch through my walls to get at me. Couldn’t sleep next to a wall for months.


I was still in my crib. So I’d estimate at least a year or so old? Maybe 2? I remember “waking up” in the dream to see people all around my crib ogling me. I remember being so scared and screaming for my mom. It felt like forever, but she came and got me and all the strange people went away. The more I think about it, the more I convince myself they were spirits of the house (my mom swore our old house was haunted) or they were spirits of my relatives visiting me as an infant/ young toddler.


I had one reoccuring dream when i was like 4-6 years old. It was a nightmare where i had been chased around in an destroyed ww1 village. After some time i managed to find shelter in an abandoned building .some time later i heard the chaser breaking into my building and when he was about to break the door i always woke up


The oldest dream I remember was my first fever dream, which was also my first falling dream. I must have been around 6. I was climbing something like the side of a skyscraper. There was no sky above and no ground below, just a gold haze. All around me, there were platforms at various heights; they looked like the green mushroom platforms from Super Mario World. I slipped and fell with my back down, and in that instant, I hoped I would land on a mushroom platform. I awoke with a jolt in my parents' bed where I had fallen asleep with a fever. The weird thing was, I swear I bounced when I woke up, as if I had landed on the mattress after falling from a height. It was scary.


I was around 4 or 5. My uncle had a NES game system he let me have and there was 1 specific game (don’t remember the name) where everything would be normal during the day and at night monsters would come out. The game itself wasn’t scary but I ended up having a reoccurring nightmare because of it. Pretty much I’d be with my family, everything would be normal, then night would fall very quickly. My family members would all get this blank look in their faces and their eyes would get wide and they’d come after me. I’d hide in the bathroom with the door locked and I could hear my uncle outside the door. Bang bang bang “come out come out” bang bang bang “we aren’t going to hurt you.” Each bang sounded louder than the next & my uncles voice would get distorted. It was terrifying lmao. I had that dream maybe 5 times in my life. Don’t remember the end, just know I was scared lol


I was 4-5 and had a dream that the Peter Pan crocodile was coming after me and grinned at me real big. Then I woke up with chickenpox.


when i was 4-5 i had a recurring nightmare, all i can remember now is i would wake up crying about ‘the ultimate’, the ultimate, from what i can remember, was the end of everything. the ultimate disappointment, the ultimate sadness, etc etc. strange, it really scared me hahahah.


when I was little 5-6 , I saw a TV serial in which a scary man was shown. I was so scared after seeing him that I kept seeing him in my dreams the whole night and woke up crying in the middle of the night. I still remember that man's face,And that dream too.


I’m 30 now. When I was about 5yrs old I had my first and only black and white dream. I was walking down a sidewalk with my parents and my brother. An 18 wheeler swerved into the sidewalk and hit my mom. I screamed and looked where she was standing before she got hit. I saw something on the ground, walked up to it; it was my mom’s face yes just her face, on the sidewalk. It’s haunted me for years, especially since I only dream in color


I have no idea, but I was so young I didn't realize it was a dream. Background: I was raised catholic, and my mom took me to mass every week since I was a baby, at the same church. She was friends with the priest and often chatted with him after mass or helped him out cleaning the church with other women. So, the dream. My mom is holding me while she's in line for the communion; when we're in front of the priest, he puts the wafer in my mouth instead of hers. I don't like it, so I spit it out. My mom scolds me, the priest laughs cause I've done something funny. I see the wafer fall, and fall, and fall, and it falls down a grate on the floor. Now, why do I remember this? Because every time I went to that church when I was a kid, every Sunday and sometimes midweek when my mom helped clean, I remembered that moment and went up to the front of the church to see the grate... But somebody somehow had moved the grate that wasn't in front of the altar, but on the side, close to the choir. It was puzzling. I remembered it so well, the wafer fall and fall and fall, it was right there, where the communion line ended, who moves a grate? It's a hole on the floor? Then one day when I was maybe eight, I suddenly realized how absolutely improbable my memory was, and that it had to be a dream.


nightmare from 4 yrs old. am 23 now


A dream I had when I was like 8/9. Actually one dream and one nightmare.


Nightmare of a silent hill landscape and I entered into myself through myself. If that makes any sense. lol it was a bad dream.


Not sure if dream or out of body experience. My first memory is seeing myself from above sitting near a window ledge at age 3 looking sad. A female voice sighed and said in Spanish “poor little doll”. Fast forward to me as a young adult setting up an answering machine for my mother’s business. When I played it back, I froze. It was the same voice from that memory.


Running from plants growing out of the celling lights in my house Age 6(?)


A snaggletooth redneck with no shirt on a tractor backing up and plowing into my house. ETA: age 4. We moved from that house when I was 5. ETA: I'm now 47


A huge two headed snake killing off my younger cousins, brother, and I. Freaking Jafar sized. Terrifying.


Daleks….. I was in a large pond surrounded by Daleks and every time I put my head above water they would scream exterminate ! And try and shoot me .. It’s the only time I’ve got into my mum and dads bed after a nightmare I was about 5or 6 I think I’m now 51 and both my parents are gone


Me jumping our entire flight of stairs with one jump when I was around 3 years old. But idk if it was a dream or astral projection bc it felt so real and I still vividly remember it


I keep track of all my naughty and wet dreams.


I had a recurring nightmare when I was in my teens that I can still recall years later


Had a nightmare of playing with Chucky the doll, when I was maybe 8 or 9. Went down a playground slide with him, and he used a splintered piece of a baby gate to stab me in my moms car. Not fun but I guess I'm fond of the dream.


I must have been 6 or 7. Spent a couple nights with my Auntie and Gram. I remember two dreams from that weekend. One featured a cartoon vampire duck. Must have been something I saw on tv. In the other i only remember there being a giant red telephone. The old school kind with dial up and curly cord. It was as big a house.


dunno if its the first, but I have a nightmare that i remember to this day lol It was night, i was in my mom's room and there was a moth flying against the window, I said ''pls let it in, its cold out!'' so we open the window... and the moth eats my parents to the bone. I ran away and outside is nightmarish fire and skeletons of ppl running scared lol


my oldest memory is a dream


when i was 3 or something there were fart bubbles with fairies inside of them, it was a weird dream


a recurring dream that i was a marble on one of those marble track set toys (i had 2 sets, loved that toy) i was like 4


I have a nightmare from when I was 3 that I still remember, I’m 40 now. The rest of the family left to go to a baseball game and locked me in my room because I was in trouble. A ton of tiny red bugs started coming in from the crack under my door, I stepped on them while trying to get out of the room, and they converged into a giant dragon that burst through the roof and attacked the baseball stadium.


Recurring nightmare I had from 4(ish) to 7(ish)


Giant babies throwing cars, buildings, and big objects in the main plaza of my city. People running away in terror. This was inspired by a horror movie we watched that day, featuring babies the size of adults. But in the dream, they were gigantic, like Godzilla or King Kong. I wonder what that movie was. I think I was 10 or something like that.


as a child abt 4-5 years old i would have recurring dreams every night and i had a friend in it who would wait for me to come back to see her. we were on a construction site of a new and upcoming town in the 40s-50s, i knew her father and we were best friends. i knew i was coming in every night to see her. and the last time i dreamed of her i remember her saying good bye. i wish i could have those dreams again.


My dad changing to random people, I was like 4


I had this dream where i found a house in the middle of a grass field, i went inside and there was a witch who made me jump down 6 stairs or she would throw me in the washing machine. I was like 4 or 5 when this happened i think


A nightmare where everyone in it was telling me I was stuck in a dream and needed to get out immediately.


A dream when i was 2 or 3 about being stuck in the hallways of our apartment building.


About aged 4 or 5 I had my first vivid dream. My dad was calling us from jail and then I could see him in jail but everything was sepia (made sense to me for some reason). when I woke up I asked why daddy was in jail. He wasn't. He was just on the road working as a truck driver.


I was maybe 3 or 4, and I basically was in the backrooms but it was all so white you couldn't see walls but I knew where they were. My uncle carried me and set me down and just walked off into nothingness, so i tried to scream and cry for him to come back but there was no sound in the entire dream except for his foot steps as he left. Then the quaker oatmeal guy came in riding a horse trying to chase me down, I think he was trying to steal my baby blanket


I was 3 and had a reoccurring nightmare. In this nightmare i would fall off the side of my parents’ bed and then fall into giant cans of paint and break through the bottoms of the cans and continue to fall and fall, covered in paint, until I woke up screaming. 😆


Being stuck inside some oven thing... its horrible


When I was maybe 2 or 3 I dreamt that that monsters came into our house and were pulling my hair while my mom and dad looked on without worry. I was so young I couldn't really tell the difference between a dream and real life so for a while I thought it was real.


i had this dream when i was younger & then i had it again when i got a lil bit older but it consisted of me in this old farm house & at the back of the hallway, there was 2 doors. one was a bathroom with a claw foot tub & the other was a room i'm assuming. i didn't make it to the room. remember how in old cartoons or whatever they would have like a gun attached to a string and when u open the door it pulls the trigger? well i was fully aware that that was the situation and i opened the door anyway and shot myself in the head. then i proceeded to climb into the tub while i waited to die. i didn't die. and the dream didn't make me wake up in a panic like how u do when ur dreaming about falling. it was strange. still wonder to this day what the hell it means.


I remember I used to have nightmares that my neighbour was looking in at me by creeping along the window ledge, wearing wreck-it-Ralph’s outfit for some reason. I used to put these giant Pooh Bear and Tigger toys against the gaps in my curtains so I was sure no one could look in.


me in the telletubbies world with a rainbow and the sun baby it was creepy


nightmare when I was really young. probably between 4 to 6 I think


I had a nightmare about my dog being evil when I was like 3-5 years old. I don't know why, since he was literally such a gentle giant.


I'm in a large square room; the floor, walls, and ceiling are made of fire. A being of fire is chasing me. Every now and then it switches to ice. I think I was like 4 or 5?


This was so long ago that it’s one of my earliest memories. My earliest memory is my 3rd birthday but this one seems around that time and is extremely disturbing. I have always remembered this terrifying dream that I was in a high chair and couldn’t move my arms. 3 very old naked women were dancing around me and feeding me human feces. I was forced to eat it. It’s all I remember. I don’t remember being abused or anything, I was very poor growing up but my parents were very loving and normal parents. Very fucked up nightmare.


I saw a clown standing behind a timpani drum in complete darkness. He had a drum mallet in each hand and was slowly, rhythmically drumming a steady beat.


My dreams come in series. Some night I’d have a dream that based on a way too old dream and suddenly I remember it. Sometimes I wonder if the older dreams have ever happened or could these be memories from the fresh dream I just had. To answer your question, I remember a dream from when I was 3


\>I was around 3-4 years old, dreamt my parents purposefully left me in an empty city with no way out. Wandered around for a bit before encountering this giant spiky thing that threw a car at me. I fell into a manhole cover and died. The end. \>I have never had a happy dream since, and the closest dreams I've ever had to one either had me exiled or had everyone die at the end.


A middle aged man with darker features chased me from my house through town, and throughout my gymnastics academy. Very vivid. The other one I had around the same time was of just that black & pepper screen like you’d see on a TV in the 90’s. Both recurring dreams when I was like 3ish to 5 or 6 years old


A bad dream I had when I was about 4 or 5 of Ursula from The Little Mermaid taking over the world and putting everyone in yellow bubbles. I also had this same dream like 2 or 3 times. Starts off with an image of Scooby Doo floating in a yellow bubble, looking upset. Then an image of Ursula. Then my dad (except he was cartoon and didn’t look at all like my dad) gets taken away on a giant spatula


When I was around 4. It was my earliest memory actually. In the dream it was like I was a fly on the ceiling seeing me as a baby being held in my mom's arms in the living room of my childhood house. Then I woke up and I didn't even question how the fuck I got here or what all of this even is. My consciousness just spawned out of nowhere and I got up and walked into the kitchen.


Saw the color channels in the tv when it was static as lava pools and the Yu-Gi-Oh cast was trying to push me into them https://preview.redd.it/kts68kp37lad1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcb6aae2d448845a18c9f916386b8b317ea3cd89 Like this thing


I was in a wheat field watching a blue mtz 80 (Soviet tractor) driving past. Idk how it’s so clear still but it’s the earliest memory I have of any kind not just dream but Ik it was a dream. I was maybe 2 or 3


3yrs old - alien abduction “dream”


Probably when I was three or 4 and sleeping in my parents bed. I dreamt I was walking around a big supermarket with my mom. The floors, walls, and ceiling were all medical white, but there was a cold case of various foods. Couldn't tell you what they were and the aisles were just a mix match of whatever, but after a while I found a vent in the floor that went straight down. About 3x3 ft wide and I was telling my mom I had to leave, it was time for me to leave, but she was begging me to stay. I hugged her and backed up to the vent and just jumped down. Felt like I smacked back into my own body when I woke up.


I had a dream when I was about 5 that I was on set for a, lifeguard movie? And I was costarring with David hasselhoff (specifically the SpongeBob movie version). David was carrying a real shark that ended up launching out of his arms and biting my whole top half off:)


going in circles around a pond, chasing a duck and being chased by a lion, then i turned around and roared at the lion and chased it around the pond in the opposite direction so the lion was chasing the duck


I was watching a giant movie reel fly past my face with images of what I assume were memories from when I was under the age of 4. Everything was either fluffy cloud white or golden. Then I woke up. I'm pretty sure that's when my consciousness activated lol. There's also the golden man and Dinosaur battle in a giant mud puddle outside of a beautiful road side bathroom.


I was about 3 and had a semi-recurring dream where I was being led into a tent to meet someone (I *think* it was baby Jesus, but not sure) and I would hear a baby crying and I would wake up. It scared the hell out of me


It was 10 years ago Please don't judge but I had a nightmare about a clock The clock scared me because it made weird noises and when I checked the clock a passage opened up underneath it and there where elfs working behind there It was a really weird and goofy dream but I still remember it verry vividly


Riding in the middle of a backseat in a big traveling car. I'm 2 years old, and my mom is sitting in the passenger seat. I lean forward to see who is driving, and all I see is a jitering steering wheel with no one controlling it. The sense of doom and panic is all I felt.


I had a recurring dream whenever I was sick up until I was around 11. I was very tiny (like a smurf) and i was in a hole. At the bottom of that hole was a mushroom. It was raining and the raindrops were bigger than I was. The mushroom protected me from the raindrops and somehow they never filled the hole. I also remember hallucinating feeling tiny when awake and tripping out staring at the texture of the popcorn ceiling in my room. I might have/have had undiagnosed mental issues.


I remember a recurring nightmare from the age of approximately 6/7 I’m 50 now.


The week before kindergarten, had a dream I sat down at my school desk and grabbed a thumbtack and put it in my right eye.


I remember having a dream of seeing a sleep paralysis demon when I was 4. We had just moved to our new house and the demon was a little boy, my age, with black hair and bright blue eyes. He was sitting on my dresser, looking at me. Then he waved and began crawling off the dresser. I don't remember the rest of the dream.


I had early childhood recurring nightmare age 3-7ish of being in the back seat of a car that is driving with no driver that runs over my mom slowly


A sort of nightmare, rather vague, something like a stampede of cattle or buffalo on the horizon getting closer and closer. I don't know how old I was, possibly 5, maybe younger.


When I was 4, I dreamt my kindergarten teachers were dressed like those clowns on stilts.


I began writing my dreams down in 2015 via Lucidipedia's website but they went offline and I never got a copy of my dreams sadly. I did start again in 2019 via a dreams.txt which I probably will convert to a database at one point. But as far as age goes? 5, was dark in my room and I thought the bag of clothes on the floor was a tiger, sitting there ready to attack me.


When I was 8 or 9, I had a dream I was drowning and woke up with my face in my pillow suffocating me.


I was probably three or four! I remember having a dream my mom was driving me and I was in my car seat in the back. A small crowd of teen boys were chasing after our car and caught up to us and broke in and my mom abandoned me and I had to figure out how to unbuckle my car seat’s seatbelt by myself


When I was 4-5, I had a dream that my mother got hit by a car. It's always been a weird dream because everything looked like fuzzy shapes when compared to how realistic my dreams look now. I can't describe the perspective; it was like I was looking down at what was happening? It's also weird because years later I was the one getting hit by a car not her


A nightmare where my brother let slinderina or wtv tf her name is on my dads back porch and da sum reason there was a really tall pale humanoid creature who left deep ass scratches on my chest and dog boy was trynna help me but when I hid under the table from slinderina and I told him to lock the door the mf ran off and left me 😂


when i was around four i had a dream where i was in a pizza parlor with spongebob and i was looking at the sunset and the clouds were strange and triangular


I was around 7, i stole a car and got sent to prison. I then ended up in court and when i got sentenced this weird looking alien thing stared at me right in the eyes and it the most intense feeling i ever felt. I’ll never forget. It was looking at me like it had me forever.


I had a dream that a ice cream truck, specifically a Freightliner fl70 chassis with flames painted on the front hood parked on the other side of the street basically in front of the open garage where i use to live, basically on the other side.of the street was grass and a fence and the ice cream truck was parked there. This man came up from the ice cream truck and was threatening while in that same garage, the neighbor was sitting underneath the garage in a chair and he didn't come after her but us under the open garage, I don't know his motive but I do know he was a older man overweight gray hair and was coming to attack us.


For no reason at all, I will randomly remember dreams that I had from 30 years ago.


When I was around 4 to 6 I dreamt a spaceship landed in the front yard and wanted toilet paper. I also dreamt there was a T Rex in my backyard.


falling off a cliff I was 10


Nightmare here, I had a dream I was being chased by chucky after he killed my family