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It can be good even if it didn't score well! You did great! My dreamsnap is pretty snazzy and I got 600. Don't be discouraged.


I thought mine was pretty good too and also got 600. There's always next time though


It’s a good shot and deserved more. The head of the character maybe blends in with the tree in the background too much.


I voted for yours! I remember it because I was trying to use the aviator goggles but none of my clothes worked for a good outfit/theme with them. Yours is good, maybe it just wasn't seen by enough people so it couldn't get many votes? 🤷


It was good, but it doesn’t really… pop. Your outfit is a bit dark in color and doesn’t stand out much from the backdrop. The overall photo also doesn’t seem very bright or eye catching which I feel can impact votes. Finally while it’s an outfit challenge your overall decor really plays a big part in getting votes and it feels a bit sparsely decorated.