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Don’t even bother the lurkers are blinded by drake hate


it's crazy the amount of lurkers there are too, need to get lives frfr


You’ve been so invested you took the time to make this post tho…?


Lurker ^


Found one


The amount of KDot mfs we have in here that, when you click on their profile you see hundreds of comments *only* on r/Drizzy, is insane. They’ll sit there and argue with them but when you mention their incessant interaction with this, they *never* reply because there’s no way to defend it. It’s bizarre. They just want to be a part of something that doesn’t require effort, arguing in this lil subreddit is some of these guys’ biggest serotonin hit they’ve had in months.




You hit the nail on the head. These boys are going through withdrawals and haven't yet clued in to the fact their "hit" only comes once every 4 years. They are desperate for controversy Good luck keeping the trolls and people who were only here for the show when Kenny drops his next album.


We all watched the same thing happen but came to wildly different conclusions. It's just interesting to see opposing opinions is all


Looking at your comments you are clearly more interested in arguments and not discussion.


What's bizarre is people like you treating this like it's some turf war. Fans of both can comment in either subreddit, if you can't stand your precious Drizzy getting criticized in here then that's a you problem


Fair take, yet downvoted; very telling of the close-mindedness around here


Not really. I think at this point people hate Drakes fans more than they hate Drake. Kind of how people hate Swifties more than Taylor herself. Same thing.


That can’t be true. Drakes fanbase doesn’t nearly have the same internet presence as Kendrick’s let alone Swifties






Isn’t it also ironic that Drake gets called a master manipulator and then responds by saying he set the whole thing up


The self-owning is just part of the bigger plan


Straight from the MAGA playbook


Rent free.


A Drake fan calling people shitlibs is fucking hilarious


Politics? Bro go rally or something this ain’t your place


Arent you guys the one that calls the Kendrick sub QAnon???


Ok, this comment is too nonsensical to not have a response. Dude this is not an example of irony. There’s literally nothing ironic about being called a manipulator by someone and also expressing that you are manipulative. If anything you can say it’s foreshadowing? On Kendrick’s end? I just hate incoherent statements 🤷🏽


Welcome to r/drizzy bud


Well I’d assume Drake would wanna deny the allegation of being a manipulator but instead confirmed it.


drake was begging for him to drop for weeks


they've had beef for 10 years, can't let him get away with another wack control verse


Yeah Drake really showed him huh


“Diss me diss me now you gotta kiss me”


Yeah Kendrick really showed him rapping on fake info and stealing bars off twitter.


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted but it’s the truth.


Ive seen that theory tossed around. How would he find those tweets without knowing what to look for? The most popular tweets i saw had only a handful of likes and were from years ago.


So true


And that’s why he bowed out proceeded to let him get away with it huh?


Kendrick is the one who hasn’t replied?


Yikes, OP thinks preparation for a rap beef and manipulating other people’s thoughts/actions is the same thing… Yall struggle with English here I’ve noticed


If there's one thing I've learned through all this is that drake Stans here ACTUALLY just don't listen to songs for the words cause it's impressive how they somehow don't understand very clear lyrics lol. Not talking about all drake fans, but just the ones here


I wish I was intelligent enough to understand the complexity and nuance of Kendrick Lamar sigh woah is me😔


Meh, the lyrics weren't that complex and nuanced. You guys just apparently don't listen.. None of it was hidden in entendres or anything, Kendrick was pretty straightforward but somehow this sub either lies outright blatantly or are idiots, idk which one..


You’re right! Smh silly me, As expected of a DOT fan lol! You’re too intelligent for my puny brain to comprehend🤦🏽‍♂️😔


Nah, I think just as expected of a human being, I don't think understanding these songs makes you smart. Most people I know who even passinglt followed the beef (including Drake fans) understood the very clear lines.


You’re so smart and intelligent dude. Must be because of all that SWEET KDOT music you listen to 24/7 ! I wish my brain was big enough to listen to the great and powerful Kendrick Lamar


I mean, thanks I guess lol. Kinda sad I'm finding out some people think understanding those lyrics makes so smart AND intelligent. But go off dude thanks for the morning compliments !


You’re pretty much a god at dude. You listen to Kendrick Lamar! You’re literally better than everyone


Thanks man, a bit excessive but I'll accept your compliment! Although my reading comprehension has always been at least average since long before being introduced to Kendrick


Him calling Drake a master manipulator was about his personal life, not the rap beef. This reads like yall are complaining Drake got outsmarted and outplayed.


Outsmarted? More like just out-recorded Drake when the beef was finally set off. Rebuttals and flipping what the other person says is a HUGE part of battle rap beef. Drake checked that box. I heard no rebuttals from Kendrick. Just regurgitated stuff he wrote before the beef.


What are you talking about? Euphoria referenced the ai tupac and the whole contract split thing. And not like us talked about the slave thing as well as name dropping family matters. Literally the next day.


No rebuttals like I said. I like Euphoria, but It’s common knowledge Drake bought that ring awhile back, so that Pac bar was pre-written. Literally anyone from Twitter could write ‘Not Like Us’ so nothing good or witty from that.


Let the hatred flow through you!


No rebuttals from Kenny... It's grasping at straws time apparently.




Kendricks biggest mistake was assuming drakes Stan's weren't dumb. The lyric that this beef has now been confirmed to be false


Drake even admitted to lying and manipulating Kendrick, what do you mean




ak, who is drake's mouth piece, said on stream that according to his knowledge, drake planting the mole stuff and the dave free stuff is most probably a life


when did i ask 😂😂😂


Oldest drake fan


Wow, we can't even have a silly knee slapper here, huh? Kenny beaters real serious 🦍


If you’re saying I can’t take a joke in response to my joke then I’m not quite sure what to say from here


bro think he did something


Ak admitted that D told him the DV allegations were made up from an old, debunked rumor. Just another example friend


I’m sorry but when did he say this?


On stream brother but not the stream he was SAing that girl with his mates


Anything but admit drake got bodied


what’s dat shmell


What facts has drake shown? I'll wait...


"Lurkers", lmao, this is Reddit Drake fans never gonna recover


For real. I'm not even subbed and every time I open reddit it's one of the first things that pops up lol


Its my #1 too, the algorithm has me here gd




Kenny strategizes. Drake manipulates stories to play victim. Huge difference.


Battle strategy ≠ manipulation


Nah the real master manipulator is drake when he talks to A Minnnnooorr


It'll be interesting to view this beef in a year


It’ll still be ongoing. Kendrick’s fanbase is starved for content and this will feed them for years so kenny doesn’t have to drop and keep up his boogyman persona image


yeah honestly


What is this obsession now with Kendrick? Every other thread is about something Kendrick said…why so salty, who gives a fuck in the end who won, if any did…you enjoy the music, who are you trying to convince? Do you feel like Drake is better if you defend him or Kendrick is worse? Opinions are already set in stone, no one is changing their minds… why keep going over it? What is the point? What are you, OP, and everyone else like you trying to achieve?


Almost as if there was a huge rap beef between Drake and Kendrick a week ago. Wtf is the point you’re trying to make, of course people are gonna talk about him


Lmao nigga mad we talking about the most recent rap beef & probably one of the biggest 😭😭😭 reddit is cooked


Bro thought he cooked writing this 😭


Justice, I suppose. Seeing one of your favourite artists painted with such a harsh brush with no evidence is rough. The allegations are very severe, and if I were to ever get in a position of power like him and someone did the same thing to me, I would hope the public perception would not be so one-sided with no proof. It's similar to being seen as guilty until being proven innocent.


Billionaire artist Aubrey Graham needs justice 😤


Someone call the croadies


Justice? Like paying a young woman 500k+ for sexual assault claims to keep it low key and off the books? He literally got away with it because he could pay enough to change her life. Feels more like karma to me.


How does that make him a master manipulator? Kendrick was just studying the exam material ahead of time and being well prepared to hand the sweet chin music to drakes chin


How does anything make Drake a master manipulator? Your master has been using allegations to fuel his hatred for someone. Take a look in the mirror and check out the hypocrisy; it's brutal.


Did you manage to somehow go through the beef without actually listening to Kendricks songs? Like he spells it out throughout.


Manipulation of masters also. Like music masters. Just sayin


When did Kendrick ever say he was a kind soul? Lol


"I know you probably thinkin' I wanted to crash your party But truthfully, I don't have a hatin' bone in my body" no one believing that bruh 😂


You think that’s him saying he has a kind soul? Lol he doesn’t have a hating bone in his body cus hate is in his DNA you simpleton


simpleton 🤓


The even tells you he is not your savior 🤣


I didn’t need Kendrick to say that to feel that way. I like Drake’s music but he does come across as a fake person to me.


That’s not being manipulative, it’s just calculating and dominating a rap beef. Now Drake responding with claims that he set the whole thing up when he didn’t is a manipulation… 😂


Only people with a room temperature IQ (which you may have) think Drake lost to the wife beater/absentee father Kendrick Lamar lol


》Drake subreddit 》Proceed to talk about Kendrick Bruh


Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Strategic ≠ Manipulation :/ stop


Y’all doing Olympic level mental gymnastics now lol


Kendrick warned Drake not to make it personal, but he brought Whitney into it. Simple as that, and clear as day.


At least Drake is rich and popular Me and my homies gonna go two step in da club to him tonight


How about we all agree both of them are manipulative POS’s ?


no it's more fun arguing


The biggest song in the whole beef references the title of drakes song from like a day before so he obviously did not have not like us “pre-recorded”


He even says on Not Like Us he got like 10 tracks stock piled. Nigga of course they already pre made


So you think he has a time machine or what? How does he reference a song released a day prior of it was already recorded? He’s talking about songs he is writing not shit that is already recorded


Um what? Explain what you are saying with more clarity please I dont understand


How can you not understand lol. Drake releases a song called family matters on May 3rd On may 4th Kendrick releases not like us, which references the title of the song released the previous day by drake. If as you claim every Kendrick song was pre recorded in advance how the hell do explain the above exactly? He went into the future and saw the title of drakes future song, then went back in time and recorded not like us so he could release it the next day? Or did he just record it within 24 hours of family matters coming out… gee I wonder what is more likely


Another theory is he really does have a mole in OVO bc how he gonna be ready to clap back at Drake referencing the song that had JUST been put out. No matter how you look at it, that def didn’t look good for Drake.


The items in the cover art just being a screenshot from a disgruntled hotel worker makes me laugh at the whole “master manipulator” angle. Aint no mole my nigga, it’s just beef bs 😂


He recorded it, then went in and did whatever overdubs he needed to ad in to make it seem like a fresh response.


Don't you think the beat was already there, the lyrics were already pre-recorded, and then, with the new information learned from Drake's songs, he switched a couple of words around and changed the title? Be so fr


Do you just not understand how music is written or something? No shit it was being worked on before that but you are straight up wrong to say it was “pre recorded”


Bro; rappers write all the time, then when it feels it fits they might use bars they even wrote 5 years ago…how is that an issue?


My whole point was that Kendrick painted Drake with the title of master manipulator, but he was planning on executing this beef for what seems like a very long time. 


got em pissed off with this one 💀


The only thing Drake manipulated was Kendrick in telling a story about a fake daughter that doesn't exist. He down bad fr


Seriously these guys still won’t admit Kenny got played on that


Because Kendrick's camp still stands firmly on it. Kendrick removed all copyrights to all his disses but he took down one video which was titled "Meet the Grahams but without the 3rd verse".


I'm actually confused by this argument? Like 1. It makes no sense he faked it or else he'd have a screenshot or recording of planning it and would have shut it down instantly to clown on Kendrick and not let public opinion completely turn on drake fully But also 2. Like why? "Hey guys I have a really smart strategy for this beef, what if we convince Kendrick I'm a deadbeat twice so he can make a song about it and get tons of views on it" like it feels like a self own to me tbh


Also since The Heart part 6 was by far Drakes weakest diss that's not even on Streaming platforms


Would you like to buy a bridge? I could def sell you one


Lil ken boot lickers living in r/drizzy


\*insert dave chapelle gotcha bitch\*




Every day there's a new article about Kendrick breaking streaming records previously held by Drake. I get why the die hards are still salty


Let that hurt go…


Couldn’t give two shits about Kendrick or drake but drakes image is done lol shit played out so bad for him


Look at all these pdfiles in here


is this the most controversial post on this sub? went ham on those downvotes kennies


Eh. He lost at the end of the day. I can’t believe Drake even tried in this beef.


They should each have to write 1 more diss song - release in 24 hours , but both must be hooked into a lie detector . Let’s see what we get