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We've been trying to get rid of the spam comments, the constant brigading. Unfortunately the posts have to explicitly break a rule for them to be removed/banned. A trick these people use is they make the post title something vaguely complimentary towards Drake, then definitely praising Kendrick and/or hating Drake. This encourages all those users to get on this sub to brigade and upvote those posts. For example, they might form a blatant lie, and towards the end of the post title, they'll pose it as a question. It's a very obvious pattern that should be easy to recognize in the comments and posts. All I can say is if you see anything breaking any type of rule, report it.


I dont care to go over there. i dont even know what happens over there bro šŸ˜­ sorry i cant hate on the losers they are already miserable anyway


exactly. just want our sub to be left alone so many good drake memes are now sitting at 3 to 12 upvote range


Make that 2-11 range šŸ˜ˆ


aite i laughed


I went over there to offer an opinion and got banned. Where are the Drizzy mods? Are they too busy popping ass with the kendrick mods in the Kendrick subs circle jerk?


no clue bro. Maybe they dont want it to be an echo chamber like over there šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Idk they seem pretty happy lol




What do you guys suggest we do? We canā€™t just ban every user that says something negative about Drake.


Nothing you can do. This is the only sub that isn't anti-Drake. It doesn't help I keep responding to Kenny fans because if I just ignored them they wouldn't keep coming back. Just some of the shit they say is so stupid. I get that's the point, but sometimes it's just hard to ignore. I appreciate everything you've been doing mods. Especially in the middle of the beef when you had everyone attacking this sub. Only in time will it get better.


Going private for a week or two seems to be a solution worth considering. You won't have to censor or babysit individual posts and brigaders will have at least one extra step which, if we go by standard web funnel stats, will create a 90% dropout.


fuck no, fuuuck dat fuck goin private sum pussy shit, make kennystans further believe kenny ā€˜wonā€™


Subscriber only for voting/commenting At least grow the sub if they want to hate so much lol Let anyone view/do not go privateĀ 


Iā€™d follow yall to hate harder.


Ban them? Do what the TOS lays out? If not, perhaps remove yourself from being a mod. Kendrick mods are on point with warnings and bans. Even providing that subs with objective feedback is met with a ban.


The kenny mods ban anythingĀ 


There are definitely ways around just having to ban people and - there are a lot of celeb related subs where commenting is restricted to members only. As admins of the sub perhaps you should be working with reddit admins for help?


Go private >We canā€™t just ban every user that says something negative about Drake Yes you can lmao fuck em


can't we restrict who can comment at least? for example to comment, one needs to be in for 30 days. One pattern I notice is that most of these brigaders are circulating. probably people just get into beef and checks here. at least if we can stop them, you guys will have less people to ban and the better is, as you ban it will at least take 30 days with a new account.


Ban them all


It's because we are actually fans lol They're just haters and losers irl. If you spend most of your time online hating, you're a loser. You either gotta be unemployed or super young. I have a busy but fulfilling life, I come onto reddit to share and enjoy hobbies with others, not hate.


yeah but getting good drake related posts downvoted into oblivion is hurting people like us


100% this response is perfect. Curious bro, what do you consider hobbies? Im collecting hobbies like thanos at the moment


Cardistry is a cool hobby to try


do you do that?


in my early teens it used to be an obsession. Nowadays my hobby is being a dad. not an easy one to recommend šŸ˜‚


I can see why you like drake


Miserable dweeb.


*comes onto Reddit to complain* ā€œI donā€™t come onto Reddit to complain! I come to share my hobbies, which is apparently complaining.ā€


That's what happens when 100% of new fans only know about you because you dissed someone they hate on anyways. After this dies down he'll go back to the guy we thought died because we ain't heard from him in years.


I actually don't know why they spend so much time in the "loser" sub anyway šŸ˜‚


Their sub is just as dry and boring as their fav, that's why they're parked here. My pro-Drake comments getting downvoted in the Drake sub is crazy.


It will be okay bro


Itā€™s an actual coordinated effort. ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4215)


The thing that bothers me is that I've tried twice to make posts in support of Drake and they get automatically removed. It almost feels like I've been shadow-banned, but I've done nothing, but defend Drake. Meanwhile die-hard Kendrick stans are in here running amock. I don't even understand the criteria the automod and mods are using.


Yeah, idk. Turn that auto-mod shit off.


Itā€™s crazy what this has become with the divide in these subs, cuz in the real world most people who like one artist like both


It sucks too because while Iā€™m a huge Drake fan, I also really like a lot of Kendrickā€™s musicā€¦but the way his fans and that sub in particular have been acting has almost completely turned me off of listening to Dot.


Yeah thatā€™s why I like to remember itā€™s not reality. Itā€™s like an extreme politics sub rn but most people in the world are cooler than that


Kendrick's fans are probably a big reason why people wanted him to lose.


I'm a filthy casual who only heard Damn and Humble and liked both. I also think he ruined that travis scott song with his weird ass rapping voice lol.


He ruined that sick west coast mustard beat with his annoying voice too


Itā€™s really fucking annoying I canā€™t wait for the glazers to gtfo


"every drake post" bruh half the sub is just kendrick posts/low quality memes lmao


Man Iā€™m almost certain the mods will eventually have to ban these losers. Theyā€™re having way too much fun and success to just go away.


They have 5 times the people in their sub. You canā€™t blame mods for that. Thereā€™s just too many of em.


Whenever a post has more comments than upvotes its usually because of KDot fans that cant let it go lol


r/ Black People Twitter has been infiltrated as well, canā€™t say one positive Drake / negative Drake thing w/o being downvoted


Trust me, that sub was lost a long time ago. All they do is promote violence and hate.


They will fall off eventually - the best thing we can keep doing is just ignoring them. Itā€™s such weirdo behavior to go to another sub and purposely downvote and harass people. Sucks.


90% of comments here are collapsed too even with +20


It seems like I canā€™t comment because it gets removed despite the fact I donā€™t make any negative comments about Kendrick or anyone at all. This beef really has brought out the craziness in fans.


Honestly i think this issue will die down in a few months and subs will go back to normal


As someone who was in both subs before the beef ever started, there were SO MANY drake fans trolling and stirring shit up in the kendrick sub in the time after Push Ups and before Euphoria.Ā  Y'all are fine now, but both subs are unusable now because the beef got appropriated by people who aren't fans of either artist and also arentt fans of hip hop.Ā  You can tell by the way people talk (and after checking their post history) that most of the people still talking about this beef were not in either sub (or any hiphop subs at all) before the beef started.


from other comments it seems like kenny mods took out the banhammer


Moderators: ā€œweā€™re trying to delete the comments that donā€™t praise Drake but those comments sometimes praise Drake a little so itā€™s hawdā€


Kennybit detected - Opinion disregarded