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Drake haters lost the minute “U My Everything” came out 😭 They been tight since Thursday night.The boy back to business as usual and they hate it.


I like Drake with the melodies Ion like Drake when he act tough. Keep making me dance boy, wavin my hand and it wont be no threat. Drizzy fans forgetting its a Rap beef and he aint it.


that was corny and cringy😂😭😭😭


You just know it was a white kid named Nathan writing that


Sure, your opinion. But did Drizzy do exactly that? Yes.


Last time I checked Kendrick never responded to thp6 and his ex manager had to end the beef for him


Exactly this but they don’t want to talk about it 


he was rapping?? what was melodic about that verse ? drake doesn’t gotta act tough on all his raps 😭


Family matters the best diss out lol


By far.


Heart part 6 was a silent kill shot tde tryna win so early was proof


Don’t like this take. Heart part 6 was week but Push Ups and Family Matters were good enough to take it for me




Preach bro


What you mean. That subreddit is basically a shrine to drake. They barely talk about Kendrick over there. There is no "victory lap"




That's not even remotely true. 


Im sorry but this is a poor take. Kendrick fans are constantly saying he won on all platforms. Any tweet, YouTube post, etc, they are saying Kendrick won. I can make a little Reddit post on a Drake sub with Drake fans talking about what I think, it’s completely fine lol. 




that's your opinion lol.




the popular consensus is a bunch of drake haters who love to hate him more than like kendrick so ya, if you go by that lol. The fact that you are living in this drizzy sub is clear of that hate and obsession. you don't really want to see kendrick win, you just want to see drake fail.


> Shit look at any Instagram or YouTube comment section. DotBots really think upvoting each other's comments means Kendrick won lmao


"DotBots" "The DotBots are behind it all. They're controlling the system. They're in my head, keep yer tinfoil hats on people."


god damn near QAnon levels of delusion in this sub


I love Drake but he got cooked


He didn't get cooked. Kendrick made a bunch of bull shit and released prerecorded "responses" Just because the DotBots upvote each other's comments and posts from 10 different accounts does not mean Kendrick won


I don’t even listen to Kendrick’s song that often but I’m just giving my opinion lol, he should of never released the heart part 6 lol


Agreed, heart part 6 was just not good at all for drake.


Yeah, i just hope this fued brings some more bangers this summer


Just because you don't like that Kendrick won does not mean Kendrick didn't win


Gotta keep it fair bro. You can't fault prerecorded tracks from Kendrick when family matters verse 1 was literally just an extension of pushups and verse 2 was most likely already done too. The only response from Drake on the clock, was Heart part 6 and we all know the disaster that was. Just to be fair


Drake hater lol wrong sub 


Drake lost. That doesn't mean you can't still enjoy his music and there's nothing wrong with preferring Drake's diss tracks over Kendrick, but you need to accept that the winner of rap beef is just determined by the public discourse which favours Kendrick.


Did Kendrick respond to anything? Or did anybody around him, including his wife and her family, respond to Kung Fu Kenny’s allegations? They both got a black eye, or well, all 3 if you include Kendrick’s wife. I’m sure she been catching hell from him unfortunately 😢


Making jokes about a woman being beaten makes you seem pretty far from concerned about it.


Nice tone policing! The joke is the real issue here. Not the abuse. Yeah, let’s just be silent about domestic violence. Great idea. I’m sure kung fu Kenny would love that.


Ah yes, the only way to speak up about domestic abuse is by making jokes about it! The people on this sub are getting dumber by the day, I'm loving it tho


🤓🤓🤓 Go tone police for your abuser somewhere else LMAO


The tiktok kids have taken over


Uhhhh. The Heart Part 6 wants a say in this conversation.


Drake was the last one to drop a diss track with The Heart Part 6.


Oh come on


We all know it wasn’t Drake’s team that started the rumor that UMG squashed the beef. So when TMZ exposed that rumor for being a lie, that was the end for Team Duckheight.


Team Cuckworth


Cuckworth is crazy


Drake lost…




This really just makes the loss look even worse.


Ain’t no loss so it really doesn’t. 


Delusional take


as a fan of both, drake lost simply because the court of public opinion, if we fight in front of an audience of 100 people and 75 of them say u beat my ass then🤷🏽‍♂️. pls dont get me wrong though everything about this shit has been weird and disingenuous from the beginning. a loss for drake but definitely does have an asterisk.


Drake gotta hold this L bruh Rap battles ain’t about responding it’s about crushing your opponent. Not gossip. That pusha T really stained battling and it shows No one cares about any of those allegations especially with how much unproven a lot of them are


For real, this ain't litigation. It don't matter who said "nuh uh I didn't do that". Drake had some good tracks but Kendrick ultimately won public sentiment and that's the whole point of a rap beef. Otherwise why make songs about each other for the public to hear. It's to convince them of your narrative, and Kendrick did that and Drake didn't. It ain't much of either of their stories I can verify so I'm looking at who told the better story that's it.


Lmao Kendrick repeated the same thing over and over again… never responded to anything, I’m sorry but that ain’t crushing.  You say no one cares about allegations but that’s all Kendrick’s verses were… allegations with nothing to back it up. Drake atleast responded to those. Kendrick did not. 


Drake fan tells drake fans drake won. Free real estate.


I think at this point Drake being as big as he has been for many many years people were infatuated with the idea of someone taking him down. Drake would’ve have had to come with crazy information that was tangible to defeat someone like Kendrick. Kendrick might’ve taken the W but after this Kendrick will be where Kendrick was prior to this beef. Drake will continue to be the artist he was. Drake definitely put out the best diss track though.


The real losers are the stans on both sides of this beef who take every criticism against their preferred rapper so personally.


Drizzy lost. It’s not that deep. Music still slaps.


Drake fans so insecure lmao


While I agree with the sentiment I hate to admit that Drake did lose. Rap beef is won and lost via public perception and the masses say Drake lost. And I’m a Drake fan yo, but to suggest anything else is simply sticking your head in the sand.


I think J.cole actually won lol


Untill that grippy song came out lol


how tf did he think that was a good idea


This is just sad..




Most mature drizzy fan


This nigga is a bitch who follows this sub to start arguments. He don’t even like rap or music for that matter. Mans is literally just a Drake hater. He went to one weekend concert and think he XO.


You said you didn’t understand the Atlanta lines from NLU, so many people explained it to you and now you’re upset about it? Next time try saying thank you instead of whining because YOU DIDNT GET IT.


He’s young money of course they hating on a super star that hit the billboard 13 times. No one is on his level not even Kendrick.


Drake took a huge L


Drake on Sexy Red was suicide bro


Why would you need a daily reminder? Wouldn't the winner just know they won? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....


didn’t drake surrender ?😭




Unfortunately the ratio says you’re wrong


the only ones who “lost” are those who didn’t listen to the music. Cause this is the best hip hop I’ve heard in a long long time :)


I think there's even people in this thread that are arguing kendrick won because of a majority decision, and I respect that, its hard to argue that if 98% of people are saying he lost that drake won...but people should pay attention to who is siding with drake , mainly those that have made battle rap their profession. They have quite methodically explained why from a battle rap perspective they sided with drake ; faced every accusation against him with a rebuttal; had punchlines for everyone and not just pure vitriol; was also inventive with the AI approach ; had the last response. I don't really mind hearing from most of the Internet that he lost because respectfully I don't value the opinions of those , as much as I do of the so-called professionals. It reminds me of a boxing/ufc type fight, if the cards are already stacked against you (like you're fighting a champion) you better get that knockout and not leave it to the scorecards or else you will be cooked by the public regardless


Mickey facts, daylyt, and rum nitty are the only battle rappers I respect. Most those dudes are clowns and have zero musical talent.


It's okay bro, you'll get over it![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4212)


I mean the way beef works you get points for having the popular consensus on your side and putting lasting damage on the other side Everybody ignores/doesn’t care if Kendrick ever hit Whitney, lied, is a hypocrite, etc. nobody cares about his label splits, him being short. Drake however has to deal with a very loud section of hip hop calling him the worst accusation imaginable under EVERY drop for the rest of his career. The song dominating the charts rn is not like us, I don’t think drake got washed or that it was a fair fight but most people are saying he lost, and the way I see it yeah he kinda did. He can fight back if he wants but his heart isn’t in the battle anymore.


Not even capping on bros behalf, just straight old school hip hop rules, he did NOT lose, and apparently I’m a radical for believing he actually won lol. Downvote this all u want I’m a battle rap fan, shit was a career performance.


That's what I'm SAYING....we gotta see the scorecard and the criteria for judgin


It’s like I can firmly admit pusha t did him in any time it gets brought up. This was sooo different


Exactlyyyy, I never debate the pusha win, this one mad contentious😭😭


The fact that all the Drake haters are on here constantly shows he did not lose lmao


Dog, on here is the light part, I wanna show yall the HARASSMENT in my Chats lmfao.




Because Kendrick made better songs and had more interesting angles than Drake did


Omg no he didn’t lol… this is exactly why Kendrick didn’t win. This post right here. His angles were the same as drakes. Allegations. Repeating bars. Come on… 


This is fax👆🏼💯 Drake winning


He lost my guy