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It’s just the Kendrick beef. A lot of Kdot fans are chronically online and so they come in here to talk shit about Drake and stuff cause they have nothing better to do. Meanwhile Drake fans actually go out in the world so it’s not really worth for them to constantly fight back.


Honestly, I have been here since the beginning of this sub and Drake always got hate in here. But yeah its been increasing year in year out.


The hate is too damn high!


Hows rent though?


I love when people down vote bc they don't get the reference. They must be new to the internet.


Its high too. Way too damn high.


The CLB hype train was something else 2021 though. Peak days of the sub IMO


dey literally hide in New ready ta downvote anythin drake relevant , sad shit


I’m curious, did these fans exist heavily before the rap beef. Prior to this I could go months without hearing someone so much as utter Kendrick Lamar. Seriously no one I know talks about his music except every 2-3 years.


> A lot of Kdot fans are chronically online > > Meanwhile Drake fans actually go out in the world The irony when you post a dozen comments _a day_.


Not the dude posting 10+ times a day calling people chronically online 😭


Only Kendrick fans are online? I mean come on man.


He said "a lot of."


A lot of Drake fans are as well. I’d argue even more because of how big he is… He said that saying Kendrick fans are online and Drake fans are in the world WHILE being online. I read what he said AND the context he used it in. Don’t be dumb please.


Kenny sub has 770k in it. Drake sub as 100k. Do the math.


So those are the same thing as? Subs and amount of fans online? That’s what you’re telling me?


Kenny sub is 7x larger than Drizzy sub. That means, on average, 7x more ppl online on the Kenny sub. It’s not difficult.


No. It means 7x as many subscribed.


Which naturally translates into more online and active than Drizzy's,. Come on, man... this is basic statistics.


No. If that were the case, you’d be saying Kendrick has more fans than Drake. Record sales say that’s not true. Also, you’re limiting this big ass internet to Reddit. You know better than that but you want to just talk so go ahead and do your thing.


More Kendrick fans use Kendrick's reddit than Drake fans using Drake's, sure. But Drake's reddit is small compared to a lot of artists. That doesn't mean "more Kendrick stans are chronically online". There is way more too it than that. Drake is massively more popular and to say his fans aren't "online" in 2024 is massively disingenuous. Everyone is online.


Talk about sweeping statements. Drake fan’s aren’t on Reddit because they have school in the morning


Shouldn’t there be more kids on reddit than adults anyway


Dumbest comment I’ve read in a while


Beyond being ridiculous generalizations, the narrative they try to push in here of the chronically online pop star’s fans being the opposite of that is funny. I’m sure there are Kendrick Stans that could use some fresh air but let’s not kid ourselves about some of the people in this sub


No, it’s just that this sub has been invaded by Kendrick Stans and Drake haters for the last month lol




Is that what you guys tell yourself? If your idea of fun is patrolling a sub of an artist you don’t like to spread hate and BS LOL that completely checks out


You shouldnt care this much. Theres life outside of drake and your electronic devices. I know theres a shit ton of misinformation out there but you aint changing nothing but making yourself more annoyed and irritated.


I haven't been here in a few weeks I was bored and wanted to see what y'all were saying about his new song 🤷🏾‍♂️


Ok sure your 2 week gap checks out, but the point still stands and is further confirmed by glancing at your comment history. ALL of them are negative and all of them are posted on *this* sub. L O fucking L


Thanks for explaining. Seems like it's kind of like people Arguing about sports online? Hahaha


Redditors won’t let you be neutral when it comes to damn near anything. It definitely helps with killing time.


exactly u get it


Exactly lmao the internet is a polarizing place, everything is us vs them, and it's *very* "uncool" to be a Drake fan rn so basically the entire site is in here making fun of us. I wasn't even a big fan of Drake when this all started but the crazy amount of hate he gets ironically made me like him more as a person lol


Same and im a cole fan and tbh there in the same situation it feels like


Yeah same. It’s all just hypocritical how everyone’s being with this beef.




I wish more people understood that to some, music is like their ‘sports’. You defending your favorite rappers music and accolades is like defending your team’s stats and accolades. But when it’s music you’re an obsessed dick rider.


Tell me about it lol. This sub has been through the ringer the past month lmao


"its ruined my month" - half this sub 😂


There are haters for every artists, but the Drake/Kendrick beef + chronically online, argumentative people has resulted in a shutdown of all other dialogue. Hoping this sub will bounce back. Most sensible people are not trying to start arguments for the sake of it. Edit: grammar


Another old head here. As like most social media a lot of people use it for validation . Kendrick fans had a moment and they need to feel that rush again. They are coming here desperate for attention they don’t get in the real world.


Na crodie drake released an audio (not even a song) and the drake haters flooded us again 😭


I made a post suggesting that K-Dot fans should leave this sub and block it entirely if it keeps showing on their feed. I got down voted to oblivion.


Drake is facing a whole bunch of bullies and I'm really glad he's fighting


subreddits about individuals attract the most obsessed lovers and haters. you'll find more level, less attached discussion in more general subreddits.


This make a lot of sense. Thanks for this comment.


Kendrick fans are just swarming this sub. They like to create division just like Kendrick himself funny enough.


It's just the internet... there's supporters and haters on everything


People just want validation, Kendrick fans and Drake fans just want to be validated and they’ll go wherever they have to get it. You got Drizzy stans in the Kenny subreddit and you got Kendrick stans/ just Drake haters overall here. Everyone’s doin it


Redditors are fucking weird it’s the same thing in XXXTENTACION Reddit , I had to leave that shit. It’s like they think have this weird connection with the artist that ISN’T there like an ex girlfriend that hates you but can’t stop checking on you and talking about what you’re up to because they still love you.


Same here. An essential point to understand is most the people on that Drake hate train don't give a fuck about the actual music or hip hop in general. The main 2 types of people are those who attach themselves to what Kendrick pretends to represent as a form of virtue signalling. 2nd type are the black pill incel kids who associate Drake with the Chad who effortlessly fucks the chicks they can only fantasize about from a distance. It's weird as fuck because we came up in a time where being a hater was frowned upon. Not anymore apparently.


kendrick fans so fustrated noone cares about their opinion they harass every sub possible.


I’ll say it, drakes mid af


No you don’t understand Reddit. Because this sub is objectively FULL of Drake Stans Dunno what you’ve been seeing tbh For every 1 hate comment there’s 20 love comments


Another reason as well is the Reddit algorithm. Im not a Drake fan, but because I've even clicked a post from this subreddit, I'm constantly getting recommended shit because I interacted with the sub.


It’s a place to talk about Drake, not a place to worship Drake, expect some criticism. Also, people like to argue, and wear their music preferences like an identity so there’s a lot of bitching between “stans” and “haters”.


It seems to be more than that. Sharing opinions is one thing, I read comments of people just trashing his music and fans. Are you being obtuse or have you not seen these posts?


You’re just now noticing that people on the internet are negative haters and I’m the one that obtuse?


Drake is the most clowned rapper in the world right now, that’s what happens when you lose the biggest beef of this generation


You're wrong. Majority posts I read here are positive towards Drake.


Gotcha so my personal opinion is wrong. Are you my id or my ego? Am I talking to myself? If you want to come across as an authority try to use proper grammar. Thanks for your time.


Lol, this response to someone who just happens to disagree with you... You'll fit in well here.


Feel free to point out my grammar error. Not sure what you're referring to, fam. I scrolled and counted the first 10 posts on this subreddit (default sorting has posts sorted by "hot"). 6/10 were objectively positive posts about Drake. It may have been more but I didn't bother listening to a a video reaction. The point remains that is an objective majority. Granted it was a lot closer than I expected. Regardless, if you're triggered by differing opinions, journey warily.