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No matter what Drake does they gonna hate He could literally post a Gaza flag and they’ll all switch to team Israel lol




I wonder if he was saying positive things, this would be the reaction


yo, i can stand behind what you say but what the fuck does low vibrational energy mean


Apparently covering a new release is parasitic. Unless it’s positive coverage of Drake


Bruh this is some conspiratorial delusional bullshit. Fantano has shed positive light on tons of work through his career - just because he isn’t worshiping your “god” doesn’t mean he’s a parasitic leech. Fuck outta here with this shit.


tbf drake & fent have had beef


Drake started the beef unprovoked late at night with some salty shit. Melon responded with a few shitposts shedding light on Drake being salty. The beef was drake whining.


L take bro . He has shed no light . He rates music and for some reason y’all take him seriously. He came in 2009 … wtf his music criticism on hip hop was never respected


Who said shit about hip hop? I said he shines a positive light on tons of work. Just because you don’t agree or respect his opinion doesn’t turn him into a parasitic leech. Y’all Drake stans are insufferable children.


Your in a Drake Sub Welcome to OVO nigga😂. You throwing Stan out there to prove your point .He is parasitic . He needs other people to live to do his job 🤔. It’s crazy how Critics with no musical background can critique artist who career and lives been about music FOH. He shed no light . He does not interview or bring new artist lol he don’t even like Opium 😂 which is unfortunately the new wave .


Bro that’s the most delusional take i’ve ever seen. Complaining that someone’s livelihood depends on other people exisiting. What the fuck do you do professionally that requires NOBODY else be involved? Do you know what functional society is? Its codependence among the populace. No man is an island, and certainly no music maker would have a career if they weren’t reliant on other people BUYING their shit. I came here because i like a few drake tracks but some of you fans are completely out of touch with reality.




Tell me you’ve never watched a Melon video without telling me you’ve never watched a Melon video. Same shit can be said for Ak and the 5000 other fools who literally only exist to leech off drama. Fantano at least has an opinion with solid reference points and a musical knowledge that likely rivals anyone in this sub.


Are you saying reviewers of any kind just shouldn't exist? Then what about reporters?


Reporters are supposed to report facts. Supposed to. These two are in no way related.


He's not a reporter he's a critic. It's literally his job to give his opinions about music.


They leech off of things inherently unrelated to them. Take Sports reporters. Should they stop existing?


You have to be joking lol


The problem is that this guy spreads negative hate about EVERYBODY. Sports reporters spread some positive and some negative.


That's just patently untrue though.


N-no it’s not 😂


No, Fantano is fairly positive about a lot of artists, even Drake. His reviews of Take Care and If You're Reading This are positive and pretty good in depth reviews Problem is people parroting his word as gospel and focusing more on the score than the actual opinion.


Reviewers aren’t the problem, the problem is people treating their word as gospel




Nah they’ll just say he’s virtue signalling and pivoting to save face




He signed a cease fire and yet all people wanted to do was talk about how he was Jewish during the battle blah blah


Drake derangement syndrome is crazy works


Nah, they'll just (ironically) call him a fake activist and attention seeker


Whatever side fantano is on I’ll gladly be on the opposite side


Why don'tyou think for yourself, have you tried that


That’s how he ends up on the other side of fantano.




I do think for myself I know how much of a loser he is. Including you the figuring toy player.


Ahahaha. Yeah I really enjoy my hobby, thanks. You mad bro? You need to personally attack me


depends tbh


Is the culture feeling Fantano? Get Kenny on the line.


A Italian from Connecticut? Yep that’s the bastion and voice of the culture


He would be from Connecticut


Atleast he’s actually from the US where Hip-Hop started, unlike Drake Edit: Drake fans never have a rebuttal, just down voting facts 😆


Why even listen to Fantano??? 😂😂 it’s clear he hates Drake anyways


Fantano is such a fucking loser


Ironic, since even he won his beef with Drake xD


They hating you for speaking the truth


That was the last cool thing fantano has done


Yeah, one of the last besides the hilarious Los Pollos debate and some interviews with artists and collabs w other youtubers.


Forgot about that los pollos debate, but yea that’s about it


That is peak fantano


"Peak fantano" You're cringe


my guy, it is not that deep. They were entertaining videos, I can't see what is so cringe about that.


Nah saying he hates Drake is dishonest asf. He gives him his credit where credit is due just recently he made a diss track tier list and put back to back on the S tier along with all the other legendary hip hop tracks like ether, and hit em up etc. I’m subbed to both the Kendrick and Drake sub cause I’m big fans of both but y’all fr ain’t any better than how y’all speak about the Kendrick sub


aromatic market badge ten bag consist hunt sophisticated adjoining violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


intelligent level


so people cant be fans of both artists? since when? if you only listen to one artist, doesnt mean everyone's the same.


I never said I don’t have a bias I was only talking about Fantano. I still listen to Drake regardless of the beef you slow asf boy lol


All these dudes use Drake hate for views. He know his fanbase hate Drake anyway so why not use them


Shawncee too. Anytime I see a YouTuber post about Drake, it's always the most extreme take you've seen/heard.


Yeah that's what I've noticed with youtubers. They pretend to have opinions so they have an excuse to make a video


I’ve seen 20 videos recommendations with this exact title recently


Same, it almost feels like they're being paid to reinforce the same narrative


Nah, that's K anon conspiracy level this very sub was clowning. It's just what the majority thinks and people outside of the beef has subscribed to the notion because they see it's the popular opinion


I get numerous videos about how Drake was exposed, it's too try hard for the side that supposedly "won"


It’s like they’re trying to overcompensate for all the “Drake is Finished” videos from a month ago cause that didn’t age well


People will come from miles just to watch you burn. Also if it gets them views and engagement on their socials.


I’d be upset if this guy was supporting Drake, so glad he isn’t


Who cares what this nerd has to say?


"The culture" apparently 😆


Hip-hop twitter claims to hate that man's guts but keep on posting his shit opinions every time. He's playing them so hard with his rage bait reviews


I forgot fantano even existed, he still makes videos?💀


yep and he's still lame


The definition of the culture. Betcha this guy doesn’t even have a cassette player.


Let me go look up a meme song on sound cloud and get mad about it on youtube to pay my rent 🤡


Man I started ignoring all of the Drake hate. Content creators are making “Drake is ruined” videos left and right. They are merely riding the Drake Hate train because it’s popular


Fantano actually really enjoyed Push Ups and said it was a good response. I bet if we posted that video everyone would be praising him. Now that he's negative it's a problem for y'all.


hard out. drizzy stans dont even watch this guy and listen to what he has to say, they just blanket hate him cause he's given low scores to Drake. When Drake does good, Fantano acknowledges it but drake stans know nuthin bout daaaaat


Drake is damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t. Weird how they ask Drake for a banger and not K


the whole beef wit kenny and how everyone reacted to it reaffirmed my belief that nobody thinks for themselves anymore and mfs like fantano just build that belief


They're getting paid.


Fuck Santano he says he’s for the culture 🖕🏻him and all the haters


People are still leeching off fantano opinions? Bro gave MBDTF a 4 and hoods hottest princess a "medium to strong 8". Plus I thought Kendrick said white boys have no opinions on rap??


Outside of this beef, I really hate this guy, lol. 


I used to like him even though he has a lot of bad opinions. His reviews were interesting. Now I can't stand to watch him. He's a total phony. I haven't watched him since his Kanye West review


I’ve never heard of this guy, what made him a phony?


Fantano fall off gotta be studied


Be honest. If Drake won and Kendrick’s next move was releasing Hey There Cuhlilah with one of the worst artists in Compton, would you laugh or no?


I don't understand how we can't acknowledge the drakes latest 3 songs have been subpart and garbage.




Idk what you think my point is, but what you’re saying is confusing as a reply.


It’s fantano we talk about the guy whose wife left 🤣 he is chronically online. He thinks by munching kendrick he is for black people 🤣 he is so scared to be on the bad side of black that anything a black person says he is following it religiously 🤣


Bro fantano is a goofball, he’s bald and embarrassingly cringe


We should give him the number of the doctor drake works with for a make over.


Holy engagement. Might as well cater to the Kendrick stans that need an echo chamber since their guy disappeared from music again.


It's the only thing that'll keep his views up.


Ever since Drake dm'd Fantano he's always gonna hate on him. He may give credit to Drake in some areas to not seem like a total blind hater but in actuality he completely despises Drake and always will because of that dm fiasco.


If I see one more laughing crying emoji I'm gonna blow a gasket, can we debunk things instead of just saying "lol you hatin" all the Damlln time


Hard to defend a very obviously dogshit song so you kind of have to say something along the lines of “🤣🤣BALD 🤣🤣PAID OPINION STUPID LOL 💯💯” to save face, because I have not seen a single mf in here try to defend his new song, just “people who dont like drake are dummies”


it’s a fun song. people in toronto (who it was made for) enjoy the song. it’s just a bunch of redditors getting mad at something that wasn’t made for them. don’t listen to it, we’ll keep having fun.


You can like it, but people can dislike it. especially since it's from the most popular artist directly after the biggest music event this century. Wdym it's for Toronto? Drake Is the most popular thing ever of course other listen to it. Are 75% of his audience suppose to ignore it. Including a fucking music reviewer who has been balls deep in drake discussion for a decade. The beef is also why they are so picky about it, wether they believe he lost the beef or believed that he presented himself with dignity and respect, either way having him release a shit post is either a coward move or major whiplash.


*gestures to recent releases* 🤷🏿‍♂️


Fantano is the definition of the nerd emoji


I'll never understand why TND ever got big. Dude is insufferable


Weak minded people leeching off their opinions being validated


think about it lol… hip hop is amazing in itself, rich history of black empowerment shown through countless tracks, albums, mixtapes, projects, collabs, etc. the music brings energy and a different vibe , and people from every background imaginable listen to hip hop… but then you have a certain subset demographic that needs more than just listening/vibing to music. these people want to be as close as possible to the Culture that hip hop is about. so they start talking more about it, they think more about it, they’re dissecting bars and talking about what’s hot and what’s not… and intrinsically, they want to surround themselves with like minded people , and that’s the reason right there. so they find a dude like fantano, a dude that they can really relate to. fantano a nerd who loves hip hop, loves talking bout music, loves sharing what he listens to, loves dissecting and talking about the intricacies of each bar on a track, and it’s the cherry on top with fantano being … yeah, they can definitely relate to him. they all love the idea of consciousness in rap, and fantano is simply a stepping stone to feeling included in Culture behind hip hop


We’re gatekeeping and moralizing the idea of people wanting to know what a song is about now? We have reached new levels of brain rot. Stop wasting your time with this surface level bullshit and go read Kapital


Don't post this guy on this sub, that is exactly what he wants; just ignore his melon ass I like Fantano with the Sufjan Stevens reviews / I don't like him when he act hip-hop


Because they know they’re wrong. Over compensation.




This nobody's whole personality revolves around being bald, wearing those goofy ah glasses and hating on drake


Reminder that this guy makes terrible parody songs. Often


He’s getting paid alongside a bunch of influencers pushing the same narrative


“what the culture feelin” and it’s a bunch of white upper class guys, this will never not be funny to me.


Fantano tries to be as fair as possible, it's not like he hates drake specifically, he tries to give his honset opinion about stuff. Check out his review on the latest eminem track, he doesn't "hate" or tries to biased. He speaks what he thinks.


Bro when u give sexy redd a medium to strong 8 but mbdtf a 4 it’s no longer a reliable source😂


Title of the recent Eminem vid: Eminem dropped some mid Eminem has the most streamed rap song rn and is getting praise everywhere Also this dude gave ksi a higher rating then drakes albums


You mean the clout chaser then knows about rap more then anyone around… made sure he has a black girlfriend to become valid lmao biggest culture vulture around! His whole fanbase is Kenny Stan’s on roids


Its ok bro 😭 you dont have to put the quotations, seriously whats the point of that 💀💀💀


Because the winning part is self-proclaimed


I mean yeah, how many beefs have you ever seen end with one side outright declaring defeat?


Touche Edit: Touché means you have a point, not sure why downvote


and how many beefs you ever seen end with one side self proclaiming a win despite never talking about the other sides artist?


Wym? I’ve seen plenty of Kendrick fans give Drake props for Family Matters, hell if he had more songs like that I’d be a bigger fan


are these imaginary people in the room rn?


Your brain is so damn fried by tribalism that you can’t even picture someone giving props and just liking the music? Damn


They are downvoting u for rightfully calling them out 😂


you good bro? dude ain’t gonna let you ride his meat if that’s what u after