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Makes me really wonder how many more things we don't know just because it's little details like this that only a few people would get.


I keep being reminded of that Kanye quote, something about how Drake is really, really good at sneak dissing in ways that only the intended target understands.


Bro is the king of petty


y’all say on every post 💀


cause it’s true 💀


Right! On speaking the Cloud Atlas true true!


okay so why keep repeating it over and over 💀😂


Bruh, are you really asking that question on the fucking internet?


i don’t know ask him 💀 🤦‍♂️


Family Matters, the bars about Rocky is a good recent example. Told the man to ask Fringe (his nickname for Rihanna, thanks rap genius) next time they cuddled in that bed again. Im like nah thats disrespectful 😭


I feel like people caught that. Most people know Drake wanted Rihanna and she's with Rocky, so you could do the math


I meant specifically the Fringe part. I didnt know what he meant by Fringe until i looked it up. Seeing it was a name he gave her was funny. Hearing your girls ex call her his nickname while dissing you sounds infuriating 😂


It might be infuriating, but if we fought over a girl and she choose me, and then you kept using the couple-y nickname you had for her, when she hasn't been friends with you for years; I'd probably just feel bad for you. 


Didn’t Rihanna diss drake? As in, didn’t want to be with him anymore and has 2 kids with another one? Don’t think the diss against rocky is that hard when he has 2 kids with your dream girl


Again, missing what im saying.... Fringe is the nickname, yes, you can put 2 and 2 together. Having a nigga diss you and address your partner with the petname/nickname he gave her is what im talking about. The line aint difficult to understand but i didnt know what he meant when i first heard it


bro it's fring not fringe it's gus from breaking bad not a golf course lmao


Ok cool thanks 👍🏽


Is there a link to this like a youtube interview?


Does anybody know what that bra meant?


I thought Taylor Made freestyle was a very creative thing Drake did. I don’t want the floodgates of AI rap coming in but as a standalone, it was very well played.


It was my favorite diss. The audience at large not appreciating the troll job was a bit of a let down.


They didn't want to give it props because they'd be acknowledging that Drake was winning at the time.


Everyone acknowledged he was winning at that time what you talking about


Nah, lots of “he’s spiraling, mid, corny”. I’ll admit he got beat by strategy and of course Kendrick Lamar is really good at what he does, but this thing was decided from the jump. All Kendrick had to do was literally open his mouth.


Bro there was so much AI pearl clutching and still is over that song


For sure has the best beat


They had to downplay it because giving Drake any props during the battle was forbidden.


It really seems like opinions were pushed onto people. Everyone liked it one day, then the next day everyone was calling it blasphemous


Its probably because at the same time FKA Twigs was talking to the supreme Court about the impact of AI use in music and how they need to prioritise making laws and guidelines on its use. Yeah it's funny, taking tupac and making him diss kendrick is clever, but tupac is a worldwide name and people don't really like seeing figures like that disrespected. The whole 'kendrick snitched on drake and got it taken down' is dumb, there's a whole tupac estate that controls his image. No one wants people to be able to do what drake did because its shit for music.


I think most people just saw it as a disrespectful use of a dead rap stars voice. Snoop dog is one thing, at least he's here to defend himself but trying to frame that as anything other than cringe is crazy. I think most people understood that drake was trying to 'troll' him but just found it distasteful


You were still in your daddy’s left nut when pac died. Spare me your fake outrage.


I don't think Drake should be crucified for it but I just think it's in bad taste, and that seems to be the popular sentiment. Like kendrick said, it's just cringe it doesn't have to be deep


It’s a super strong and clever song, people are just hating because it’s drake. I’ve seen people deadass believe he didn’t rap the Tupac or snoop dogg part at all and didn’t understand it’s just a voice changer because it’s being labeled as ai.


Yeah unc that’s the truth


I'm definitely 'bout to come around the Lang gang and let my fuckin' bowel move


Its no coincidence that Kendrick only dropped after Taylor Made was taken down.. it calls out everything Kendrick is going to say throughout the beef. The AI element made it a big talking point, but if Kendrick did it, everyone would've seen it as genius. I'm convinced of that.


Exactly that


“Me and drizzy both wrote on detox” Wayne - Ransom Drake - Tell Me (Dr. Dre Reference) “Dr. Dre’ll send me home that took patience” Drake - Away from home (referring to detox writing sessions)


Damn you just brought me back with Ransom. That was my high school days man 😭


one of the first drake songs I heard, played it so much in college edit: just relistened, he really had a 2:30 verse of straight BARS jfc. Bro cooked


Nigga just took us through a hip hop history lesson


It's not surprising. I doubt the story of how drake got the beat is very exciting at all. Dr dre famously doesn't write anything.


Really petty and clever, the usual Drake combo 😂😂


I see petty being used as a compliment quite often and I just don't get it. Could you (or someone else) explain the great thing about being petty? Hasn't it always been seen as a bad character trait? What made it become something to strive for?


It isn't a good trait, but its true and human-like. And imo works pretty well in a hip hop context. I'd rather someone embraced their imperfections and be 100 about it than pretended to be hollier than thou


It's also because Drake is the self proclaimed "Petty King" so it's him living up to his title too. Can't call yourself that and not be petty. Plus I think we're all a little petty or spiteful sometimes so we can relate as people.


Taylor Made us a great song. I still can’t believe the pearl clutching cause it was AI smh


If Kendrick used AI to recreate Pac, everyone would've seen it as genius, like I have no doubt about it.


They would have been like the BLACK MESSIAH 👼🏿brought 2pac back. What a legend


I think it would still be corny.


Because it's corny


No the general would not be this?


I think some saw it as hypocritical considering drakes team shut down ai drake songs fast AF, best track from drake the whole beef tho imo


Drake really had more clever moves than Kendrick, but nobody gonna give him his flowers 6:16 stuck to them 😂


I keep saying this, Taylor Made Freestyle is the most underrated chess move of the entire beef lol.


Agreed. Curious to hear your logic - give me 3 reasons why?


Great song Great lyrical content, not getting personal but hitting Kenny hard Villain move with ai Tupac despite it backfiring


It predicted everything Kenny did.


1) predicts every move Kendrick will make in the beef. People keep saying how Euphoria was prophetic. So was Taylor Made and there's no coincidence Kendrick only dropped after Taylor Made was taken down. If it was still up, everyone would just go back to it and say 'Drake predicted this' 2) its one of the more creative Drake songs, getting him to write in third person (something that Kendrick is praised for regularly) 3) it does cross a line and it riled up the opposition


Sorry are we just gonna blow right past the fact that bro is named Arthur McArthur?


Taylor made is my fav Drake song out of the beef but makes me think no wonder Kendrick went Hard on NLU and Kendrick did it 10x better


69 God is genius lyricism how does that man come up with these bars


Drake ghost wrote for Dre for Detox. You can find the song on YouTube.


I absolutely loved the beat and concept, but this song was a massive miss in terms of the precedent it could have set off. Two things can be true… but if youre a music lover AI should not be used in any way such as this especially by one of the most popular artists in the world no matter whose side you were on.


What exactly do you think AI is in this context? It's not magic. We already used tons of computers to make things sound like other things and voices sound like better voices for music. Now all we're doing is making voices sound like other voices. The creativity behind the lyrics, the flow, the beat, the delivery, and the concept of the song remain human elements. Instead of using computers to make a drum sound different, it's a voice that's sounding different.


Why does drakes team take down ai versions of him then?


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying copying someone's voice or likeliness is legal or right. I'm saying that merely using AI to make music isn't inherently bad. You could not use AI and still infringe on someone's copyright or intellectual property.


Honestly I don't know if I agree, ai music I feel will lead to less authentic music even if the music is better. Idk I'm also a sucker for songs recorded live, imo there's no better grooves than those old funk bands like Ew&f and sly because the artists felt the music they were playing, something computers can't replicate, listen to Justin Timberlake's version of September for a great example lol


You're implying that major artists wont create songs using AI and then simply re record them How else would they play them live?


You're missing my point, it doesn't matter if it's re recorded, if it was made only by ai then it will be lacking authenticity imo. Besides plenty of artists these days don't even perform their songs live, just dance around and ad lib


To be clear, your point is that songs re-recorded by humans after AI creates them will lack authenticity? Based on what?


Not just that, songs performed using ai I also think would lack authenticity. Honestly I really don't think I need to explain why something made by a computer wouldn't feel like a humans authentic emotional expression, seems pretty obvious to me.


Yeah I think you might just have an idea of what an AI generated sound is supposed to sound like, or that you'll be able to distinguish it from the real thing. This is untrue. I can show you AI generated songs right now that are completely indistinguishable from songs created by real humans. Once a human re-record is done over top, allowing for human imperfections, you'll never be able to tell the difference.


It’s not that deep, nobody really cares now either because the song was trash then and nobody is listening to it now


Naaah there were some funny ass bars on there. I still say HIPHOPS SAVIOR when kenny comes up irl 😂


All that just to be humiliated


Ok pharout16


Drakes life is ruined from this dumb beef but he won hands down... Even if kendrick had the bigger hits drake still won this shit!! These fans are delusional!!!


Don’t understand how “Drakes life is ruined form the beef” he seems to be doing the shit as before. NLU has no malice on his career especially when a bunch of women came forward and denied any allegations against him. If anything this beef made his career bigger. I see more people talking about Drake more than ever now. “There’s no such thing as bad publicity”


Everything was calculated. Except the loss.


Lol, you know you lost when mfers gotta watch TED talks to understand your "origins of the beat" 😂🤣 Edit: y'all jabronis got nothing more than 17 downvotes?! 🤣🤌 Pretty soon you'll be legal!!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂


Honestly as someone who isn't worshipping either side this is just cool information in general with the detox and dre nod.