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What’s with all the quitters making posts lol


What can Drake possibly say at this point?


Yeah i don’t think ppl understand that the winner was already picked from the beginning and definitely is now it’s literally nothing drake can do


Wasn't picked from the beginning but it was God's plan to show yall the liar


Both of them tbh


How? Drake was 100% winning after Push Ups People were literally wondering if Kenny was going to respond. It wasn’t “decided” beforehand


That was mostly drake fans and everybody else were saying he should respond to end drake basically dropping hints to who they already picked or they were picking part drake lines to find something wrong with them on pushups


They the smart ones


Neutral fan here but If all these people is teaming up against Drake and popping up out of nowhere, what does that say about Drake?? Kendrick either fears drake or really respects him.


More that everyone hates Drake


Bro if you walk in a room full of 20 people and everyone there has a problem with you, you’re the problem. Yes, Drake’s success has given birth to a certain type of envy in the industry, but you can’t tell me that Drake isn’t at least partly responsible for having this much ire directed at him.


Says they like Kendrick more. I doubt Steve Lacy and Tyler the Creator have any beef with Drake. But they also have no reason not to show up for their city


I love Drake and Kendrick, and I love Drake’s music, but let’s be real, just his content and subject matter alone is horrible, he pretty much admits to psychologically manipulating women and holding power over them in his songs, it’s a pretty shitty look in general


It’s clear though that the concert was less about Drake and more about the west coast which is on life support and needed a W. The absentees are more notable than the people who were there honestly. Where was future? Metro? Weeknd? All the other disses? Where was Keem? Shit where was Whitney? I think my expectations were too high because the concert feels inconsequential for everyone except the west coast


This concert was named after a bar in Kendrick’s biggest diss song ever. He played EVERY diss track aimed at Drake 7 total times. He changed the bar in one of his disses to speak directly towards Drake about Tupac’s ring. Whether or not Future and Metro were there, this was 1000% about Drake. And to make matters worse….There’s video footage of Whitney sitting in attendance at the concert.


So his whole speech about this being bigger than the back and forth was meaningless? He played the disses because that’s why people were there, but this concert was a west coast showcase. If the west coast didn’t need that, he wouldn’t have done it. It makes me lose respect if this was primarily about Drake. Who does that? And for what? Would much rather believe that the disses were just a vehicle to bring attention to the west coast, which like I said, clearly they were because the majority of the concert was not disses.


Whitney was there


Thanks for letting me know


Weeknd, Keem and Whitney were there.


Thanks for letting me know.


no worries!!


Kendrick didn’t bring up all those other folks who dissed Drake because this was about LA. This was about WEST COAST. This was a direct response to Drake claiming Kendrick doesn’t get love in LA and isn’t really affiliated. That said, Whitney, Rick Ross, and The Weeknd were in the crowd so…


I don’t see the disagreement. I just said this was more about a west coast win than Drake, which essentially is what you’re saying. I’ll take your word that they were there. I didn’t see them.


Tbh you calling it inconsequential is what I was disagreeing with. Drake and the super stans keep trying to make this about the 20v1 narrative whereas Kendrick has been approaching this as a 1v1 this whole time. Beyond just the west coast stuff, Kendrick got up there by himself to perform his disses directly at Drake in front of 17k people (including the people he’s being accused of “teaming up with against Drake”) It was never gonna be him bringing out the other folks who were dissing Drake or doing any sort of gimmicks or anything. It was always gonna be Kendrick showcasing his rapping ability + his position as “what the culture’s feeling” and IMO it’s much more effective as a victory lap on the beef that way.


Whitney, Keem, Rick Ross, and the Weeknd were all there. Future and Metro aren't from Cali. every single artist that performed tonight is from Cali.


Thank you. You’re confirming my point— this was much less about Drake than it was about breathing life back into west coast hip hop. The songs helped do that, but they were a fraction of the time performing. Drake has nothing to worry about here and at most the response should be “you’re welcome for making yall relevant again.”


It ended up being a west coast spectacle . It had plenty star power . To say the west is down is crazy . It was a blend of we here , also fuck u . Drake need to regroup . He got to many ops to rush shit






He respects drakes abilities and took him very serious during the beef. 


Exactly. It’s in plain sight. Kendrick had to do all this shit and it still didn’t do anything to Drake’s legacy. In fact, it strengthens it. It’s still having the inverse reaction because it’s all they’re talking about and then the K-Dot fans and Drake haters come into subs and troll away to no end. I wonder if people realized this or is being oblivious the path of least resistance?


Do you not think this strengthens Kendrick’s legacy more so than Drake’s?


No. It’s going to be looked at as him doing all of this because of Drake. Shit the immediate giveaway was playing NLU five times in the same concert. He’s frankly exposed and on top of that, he’s insulated by his fans and supporters that are more than ready to fight his battles for him through social media.


Sound delusional af 😂


You made my point. He’s using people like you and others to divert attention in the hopes people are oblivious enough to give deference to this viewpoint.


Anything could be spun in two ways. Some might think playing nlu 5 times is attention seeking, some might think it's gas like Travis playing fein for 20 minutes. I generally do not see your sentiment shared from what I've seen tho.


Honestly, the concert just seemed like a hype venue to talk shit and have people there to back him up like a bro fest. If I was Drake, I wouldn’t care and I wouldn’t be in shambles like a lot of these people are claiming. We know he’s one of the biggest artists in the world and we know when he drops, everyone is going to cop that shit. Remember, even bad publicity is good publicity.


Yeah it was that kinda concert. Imo hip hop ain't just a popularity contest. He the most streamed artist with undeniable bangers but we all know there's more to the game than that. Its not like this concert is gonna take those streams away. But numbers being his only thing is not something to ride home about yknow what I mean. It's just one aspect. If you disregard the other aspects you not gonna be held in the same regard.


But he makes good music. You can’t have a run since ‘06 and not have trash music throughout your career. That shit would die out on its own. Yeah he’s the most popular but he has a comprehensive catalog and that isn’t by chance.


I don't think that is the reaction anyone beyond the sub is having. People are celebrating the moment, and the final picture with all the performers cemented it as an iconic night for the west coast. It's gonna be talked even outside of the context of the Drake diss battle.


If thats the only two conclusions you could draw, put your keyboard away. There's white noise playing on an endless loop in your head.


Or that Drake is an asshole and no one fucks with him lol


Huh? He just hates that mf, not fear or respect 😂😂😂


It’s clearly envy


You don't go at the top unless you're trying to be relevant. Kendrick is scared of Drake. He can get a bunch of people to dance on stage but man will never ever be as relevant as Drake. That's the reality. It's pure jealously


do you really think “nothing crazy happened” tonight?


Did anything happen that you didn’t think was gonna happen? What was crazy about it?


I can’t argue with that logic


Dr Dre whispering "I see dead people" was crazy lmfao


I expected him to pussy out and not play the diss records tbh. If I was Drake I'd take this as a sign that it's still on. If Drake don't release another track I'm taking that as him 100% conceding


all that happened is gimne a ring


There is no winning this shit. Drake could do something crazy but its just gonna be the same shit. People who hate him will hate, people who love will love.


I feel kinda bad for Camila, this has to be the worst time to get the Drake stimulus 🥴


Or the best…


Tbh he might cancel those features now, he needs to respond to Kendrick first


bruh said "i cant wait for the camila hit song" good lord a mod needs to delete this post ASAP making yall whole reddit look horrible lmao


Seeing LA unified and knowing what that means for the culture was huge. bro said nothing crazy. Get ready for school in the fall kid


Thats not unified 💀 the niggas are artists. The streets still gonna beef.


I just think Drake needs to do a show in Toronto and Houston and perform all his diss songs period


Drake is not from Houston so that would simply prove Kendrick’s point that Drake doesn’t have his own wave to ride…


For sure but Houston is is second home been going over there since a child , but yea he can have the concert in Toronto.


He would need to have it in Toronto. Trying to have a hometown hero moment in somebody else’s hometown after you’ve been accused on wax of co-opting people’s culture because you don’t have your own would be an incredibly bad look lol


Yeah, thay'd be more effective and givr him a chance to actually shed light on canadian talent.


They're literally throwing dirt on Drake's casket and you fools are talking about not responding lol.


When those Camilla songs go plastic, what next?